Reviews of Reborn as guardian of an omniverse(PJO X DXD crossover) by Viswa_Suhas_7 - Webnovel


  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



Generally, I don't find fanfics portraying hindu pantheon. This is a fresh breadth from all those devil centric fanfics. DXD fanfics are generally scarce and a fictional that isn't crack or with an op character are more in them. I do hope you would update regularly.

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I am shamelessly posting my review: Let's get to it. My writing quality of course not 5 star. I may make huge mistakes but if you would be kind enough to comment on that, I will edit it. My update schedule is minimum of one chapter alternate days. Even I am not sure of the story development. I only have a skeletal sketch. Your suggestions in details would be much appreciated. My only own character is OC. Though The characters act OCC obviously.(It's easy that way. ) And World background? It's a Fanfiction for god's sake.

7 の返信を表示する

Generally, I don't find fanfics portraying hindu pantheon. This is a fresh breadth from all those devil centric fanfics. DXD fanfics are generally scarce and a fictional that isn't crack or with an op character are more in them. I do hope you would update regularly.

1 の返信を表示する

I am shamelessly posting my review: Let's get to it. My writing quality of course not 5 star. I may make huge mistakes but if you would be kind enough to comment on that, I will edit it. My update schedule is minimum of one chapter alternate days. Even I am not sure of the story development. I only have a skeletal sketch. Your suggestions in details would be much appreciated. My only own character is OC. Though The characters act OCC obviously.(It's easy that way. ) And World background? It's a Fanfiction for god's sake.

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