96.25% Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel / Chapter 75: World Of Pirates: Part Finale (2/2)

章 75: World Of Pirates: Part Finale (2/2)

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This story has no interest in offending any party. Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~


"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson




The famous Pirate Island, a place without laws, is the paradise of the pirates in the New World. Strength rules here.

In canon, this island would eventually become the Blackbeard Pirates main port after they defeat the current ruler and former Rocks pirate, Ochoku.

Right now, Hector plans to act as some sort of corrective force...

"Let's destroy this place..." He says casually while he, Saeko, Cassandra, and Machia cross a portal to the island.

"How much?" Saeko asks with a predatory grin while removing a katana from her scabbard

"I want nothing less than a massacre." Hector says coldly

"That's what I was hoping to hear~" Saeko hums before shooting off to the distance "The strongest one is mine~"

She goes straight to the huge skull in the center of the island, ready to take down Ochoku and whatever officials he has.

"You can stay out of this..." Hector turns to Cassandra

"..." She shrugs her shoulder and starts walking in the direction of the center of the island. She doesn't plan to stay away from this fight.

"*Haah* Okay, but retreat if you feel bad... You need to get used to it anyway, but don't do anything you don't want." Hector sighs and relents

Cassandra blitzes at distance, it's unknown if she really is gonna kill anyone or not.

"Machia, destroy the ships." Hector orders and the giant man obeys. Going in the direction of the port.

At this point, the whole island is on high alert and knowing that there's an enemy attack.

Even in this lawless place a smidgen of order still remains.

Large scale battles are forbidden to not damage the island. So the people here divided themselves in two, the ones that are trying to run because is not their problem and the ones that will stay for whatever reason. Maybe they will fight for some distorted patriotism, or maybe only to be in the fun or only wanted to watch.

But regardless of what group these pirates belong to, they all freeze when they saw Hector floating a little above them.

"It's... It's..."

"The Devil!!!"



Hector's face is a mask while he looks down on them like ants. His mouth opens and even though he says it in a low voice, the whole plaza and beyond can hear his words like he whispered directly into their hearts.

"Death... or Death??" Everyone's hearts sank. Hector is using [Soul Pocus] from the Soul Fruit.

The same words, but spoken in completely different tones, show his intentions of not leaving anyone alive. The only difference is that one will be painless and the other not.

'So this is how Big Mom does it... She combines it with Conqueror's Haki' He thinks while he watches everyone freeze in fear.

Their soul LITERALLY "left their bodies" when his words and Haki crashed on them.

"Sorry... But I chose this world for many reasons. It has everything... Even scum material like you guys..." He comments casually and without pity.

With a grab motion, he starts to seize the Soul Force of everyone present. Their body withers and they die instantly.

Hector floats leisurely while collecting "material", and recycling the trash.

Most of them are paralyzed in fear. Some try to resist but are easily subdued, they couldn't muster even 10% of their power in such a state.

Some tried to beg, bargain, play dead, seduce by showing their boobs, lie about having a family, shout things about the vengeance of a stronger boss, or whatever.

Hector treats all of them equally.

Death or Death.

Only the ones that tried to fight feel the excruciating painful sensation of having your lifeforce/soulforce rip off their bodies. This unsurprisingly shut up most of them.

On that day, Hachinosu Island became a graveyard. And will stay like that for a long time.

People of the sea are a superstitious bunch, they will treat the place as one of bad luck and curse and will keep it empty.


The biggest storm ever registered is happening right now above the New World. It covers at least half of the planet and looks like the world is ending. Winds, rain, lightning, hail... Everything that one would expect from a treacherous sky is being displayed right now.

People and beasts alike look at the huge spiraling dark clouds in fear and trepidation.

There's nothing they can do, only cower in their safe places and wait for it to end. Pray for it to end.

The black clouds and flashes of lightning revolve around itself, converging in a single point in the sky.

In the center of everything stood Hector.

Unmovable in the sky, wet and with his hair whipping around wildly. His two hands are outstretched like he is holding something. His unblinking eyes don't move away from his hands...

Because he is holding the center of the storm.

"Converge..." His words could've been heard even above the loud wind.

And like a fast-forward movie, the storm starts disappearing. The huge vortex of dark clouds being sucked to the center. To a black ball on Hector's hand, that occasionally shines brightly.


The process lasts a minute maybe. After that, everything is back to normal, like nothing happened and only people's memories can confirm that a truly strange event happened.

"So... How should I call you?" Hector smiles at the ball that slowly unfolds in a small cerulean cute cloud.

"Maybe a simple Nimbus? Cloud 9?" Hector tries to think of a good name.

He just created a new Homie using the Soul Fruit.

His strongest Homie till now and also the strongest in history.

Different from his mantle, this time he didn't use a part of his soul. Only used thousands of lives of pirates. Not even Big Mom would be that wasteful.

But he needed a good foundation...

Beyond the clouds, he also used mist and gases that he produced from his powers to create. This is why it has a blueish color, because of the quirk of Shirakumo Oboro.

It will have many more abilities this way. Even creating portals...

And the final touch... He gives it a copy of Storm's Omega-level Atmokinesis.

It's another Yonko-level Character being created by this guy.

But obviously, he is going all out to create "Guardians" for his family to when he leaves.

"Hmm... The term 'Head on the clouds' means daydreaming..." He watches the cute cerulean cloud be distracted by some birds and float away a little before noticing that is getting far from Hector and returning.

"I will call you Kuso-ka. Means Daydreamer in Japanese. I will create a Daydreamer(in English) using my soul in my universe too. You're to protect my family, Kuso-ka." Hector talks to him

Kuso-ka nods obediently, like a kid.

Hector didn't train enough with the Soul Fruit, so he is not that good at creating personalities. So his only worry is making it obedient, loyal, and loving to his people... And calm. He really put the effort into making it calm. It's a Homie that can create storms after all. In a world filled with water.

"Let's go create your brothers..." Hector drops to the sea below "Normally it wouldn't be possible... But mine is not a Devil Fruit power anymore."

He puts his hand on the seawater and a vortex surges on the surface.

Time to create another broken character. And in this world... It can only imagine the potential of something that can control the sea.

"There's that Evil Water on One Punch Man and Morphling in Dota..." He visualizes what he wants to create "After that, I will go to that island with a huge volcano to create a Phoenix. One that can cure too..." He thinks out loud.

But then a thought crosses his mind.

"..." And he slowly raises his head to look at the... Sun.

A smile widens to ridiculous proportions on his face.


The flow of time is unstoppable(unless Hector uses [The World]), so more and more days flies out the window.

It could be said that Hector did most of what he wanted to do in this world.

The trip was to last 3 months and he planned on going at a leisurely pace, after all, everyone on this planet was trapped here with him.

But in the end, he ended up speedrunning a little to stop the suffering of others.

The last two weeks, after his marriage, are very calm.

He trained every day, meditated, worked with his powers, studied Germa's technology, continued to collect powers, experimented with a lot of new food, visited new places, and spent time with his wife and friends. That's what he did in his free time for himself.

One day a certain friend came to spend time with him and Hector took another decision to not hesitate again.


"Hector~ Let's fight!" Yamato runs toward Hector on a beach while waving her kanabo at him.

Her running throws sand everywhere.

Hector stops middle motion, he is playing with Rover and turns to her "Can't you ask anyone else? Like Saeko or Machia..." He asks and then throws the huge pillar of metal in his hand to the horizon at supersonic speeds.

Rover speeds up and runs in the air chasing the "stick".

"You're more fun. And Saeko and the others are out." She answers

"..." Hector remains silent while watching Rover running back at him carrying the huge pillar in his mouth

"C'moooon~" She whines while pulling his clothes.

"What about a bet then?" He suggests while throwing the metal pillar again, breaking the sound barrier

"A bet?"

"Yeah, the loser has to do anything the winner asks for... You can ask me to be your spar partner forever or any other thing... Even destroy the world or bring you to the One Piece." Hector's face still remains impassive while he tricks her

"Oh! Let's do it! It's a win-win situation. We're gonna spar anyway" She smiles

"...are you sure? I'm tricking you, you know? There's no way I would lose..." he says honestly. He is tricking her honestly...

"I don't care! You wouldn't ask for anything bad, right?"



And to the surprise of zero people, Hector won.

Yamato lays sprawled on the rooftop of Onigashima, panting from the exertion of the spar.

"..." Hector slowly approaches her

"Aaah~ That was fun! It is different from when my Father used to beat me." Yamato sits up "So what do you want?" She asks

"I will take what I want later, hear me out for a second..." Hector goes even closer to Yamato.

Even sitting on the ground she is not that much smaller than him.

"Yamato, accept that you're a woman AND be my woman." He doesn't beat around the bush

"Whaaaat?" A shocked expression takes over her face.

"Listen... I will not say anything like 'I'm gonna make you a woman', but is basically that." He sighs at his own actions "The thing is... Being very direct, because I think is the only way to go through this thick skull of yours..." He fondly pokes her forehead "I like you."

"..." Her mouth remains open

"*Haah* I know... It's a little weird for me too." Hector sighs and looks around a little before focusing on her again "Normally I don't do that. In truth, you're literally the first woman that I'm actively pursuing."

He continues "I'm adept at letting things happen naturally. It worked till now. I'm so handsome after all and apparently I'm everyone's fetish. Heh~" he jokes narcissistically "But I know this wouldn't go with you, right?" he looks at her eyes "The concept is too foreign for you."


"So I need, like almost every man, to take the initiative this time." He shrugs

"..." Yamato is silent for a moment before exclaiming "But I'm Oden!"

"That's... That's exactly the other thing I want to talk about." He tries to be the most empathetically possible "C'mon Yamato, you need to grow out of this... And don't take me wrong, I'm not acting like your Father." He interrupts her before she can protest


"Having a role model is great! But I think this mindset is limiting you now... And is a little inconsiderate to the people that know Oden." He makes a cringing face "No one said that to you?"

"..." She rolls her thumbs and pouts a little at his question "Some people gave me some looks..."

Hector sighs again and pats her head. Yamato didn't have much of a skinship beyond being beaten growing up, so she likes it.

"You don't need to be Oden, Yamato. You're an amazing person in your own right. An amazing woman... Strong, optimistic, beautiful, hard-working, gentle, considerate, appreciative, and many other qualities that made me like you and desire you to be mine and myself to give all the love you never received." His smile at her is incomparably gentle, his hand caressing her cheek lovingly.

Yamato is currently speechless from his words. The situation is completely unexpected, like Hector said she never thought about that.

"I like Yamato." Hector repeats "I don't need you to continue to pretend to be Oden. And there's also the limit to what Oden did... After you did what he did and wanted, like open the borders of Wano and travel, what you're gonna do? Kill yourself in a boiling pot?" He challenges


"And even Oden had a significant other, right?" he smiles roguishly "Ta-dah! No better option than me." He points at himself with his thumb

"..." Yamato doesn't react, so his jokes fall flat.

"Heh~ Anyway, I planned to use the bet to ask for a kiss... Give you a taste of romance, but I'm a pirate. I'm gonna steal that kiss." He approaches her and does just that without hesitation.

A hand firmly but gently holds her cheek and he lowers himself to give her a long kiss. A long chaste kiss, no tongue or anything. Only their lips connected, Hector trying to convey his feelings through it and awakening some feelings on her.

Her mouth finally closes instinctively to receive the kiss, proof that some things are ingrained in our beings. Affection is one of them...

Removing himself from her, Hector keeps a short distance to look into her eyes and says while still holding her face "About that bet... I want you to really think about what I just said. Really put a thought about it." He finally lets go of her after planting a peck on her forehead.

"Tonight I will be alone if you have an answer or want to explore more..." He winks at her "But you can take as long as you want, but remember that I will go away in a month." He turns around to go away

Yamato is still shell-shocked, but there's a small blush covering her cheeks and her chest is heaving slightly.

"Don't be afraid to reject me too... We can always be friends." Hector waves his hand in a goodbye, leaving her alone on the rooftop.


All of this was brought up after a lot of consideration from Hector and talks with his girls.

Previously, his mentality of leaving this world behind blocked his path of having anything slightly serious with any woman here. He didn't even want to sleep with anyone...

But now that he will eventually come back anyway... Why hesitate? Why wait?

He would pursue other girls... But he doesn't think he has the time to really do it seriously. So he bet on Yamato and her only.

He also doesn't want to stay in the way of the other's dreams, like Robin. Yamato wants to stay in Wano anyway. And she doesn't like anyone else. And like he said, he would need to take the first step.

All those shippers of YamatoxAce are fake too, he checked.

Ace in truth has a little strange relationship with a certain female marine that appeared in his novel called Isuka. A cliche situation of enemies but lovers...

So Hector tried, she is one of his top-tier waifus too. He would regret not trying.


Later that night

Hector was alone and smiled when he heard the knock on his door.

Yamato was standing there for some time, unsure. And Hector didn't press her for anything and patiently waited for her.

"Enter." Hector says and watches Yamato bashfully enter his room.

It's a stark contrast to how she always blasts on places without a care. This is good... This shows that she is seeing him differently now.

Exactly like when someone confesses to another and even though the other doesn't have feelings initially, they get conscious of the first person's presence and love.

"Hi." Hector greets her normally

"Hi..." She answers quietly



The silence is a little awkward, so Hector as the man takes charge again

"So, do you have an answer? If not, you can think more... And if you want to reject me just say so, you're not gonna hurt my feelings." He gives her an encouraging smile

This gives back her courage. She can be a fearless warrior but also can be a shy maiden.

Hector finds this extremely cute. Seeing her play with her fingers and avoiding eye contact.

"Eer, I just thought that I can't be coward enough to not try... This woman thing." She whispers



"Hahaha!" Hector laughs out loud and after that stands up "Well, that is not an answer..." He says making her get even more shy

He walks towards her and extends his hand

"Wants me to guide you and show it?" He asks

"Yes..." She finally looks at his eyes "I trust you..." She grabs his hand

"..." He kisses it, giving her a taste of being treated like a dame "Thank you, means a lot to me." It really means

Then he approaches even further and pulls her till they are very close.

"As much I would like to enjoy being the smaller one... I think the logistics would work better if I'm taller than you." He suddenly grows in height

Yamato is 8'8'' feet tall(263cm). And yes, Hector would enjoy a lot climbing all that, but he preferred to start at 3 meters. He was more than a full head taller than her now and keeping his body well-proportioned.

"Wow! You can do that?" She asks in awe

"This and a lot more..." He keeps her smile and pulls her closer, in a hug.


He really likes Yamato, he wants to treat her right. And Hector is a patient man... He will be slow and steady. Trying to be the most understanding of her circumstances.

"How it feels?" He asks while they keep hugging

"It's good..." She mutters with her head on his chest.

That is the first time she has been hugged like that. Against a male body that so perfectly fits like that. With someone who is a potential romantic partner.

"Yes, hugs are great. I love them." Hector says while caressing her back soothingly.

"I'm seeing it." She tightens her arm around him.

They continue like that for an unknown period of time. Eventually, Hector starts kissing her forehead and horns, asking if she can feel it.

It's simply a pure and innocent show of affection. Their hands move around their bodies, not in lewd areas, they sway gently from side to side a little. Talking and playing around with some tickles too.

Then the mood is just right... Just perfect...

After a special good laughter Yamato gives, courtesy of Hector's wandering tickling fingers, her head moves back a little. And when the laugh dies off and the silence reigns again she notices Hector's gentle gaze on her face.


They kiss again. She meets him midway through his movement.

Once again is a chaste kiss, only their lips connecting each other. But it feels much more. They said that the eyes and re window to the soul, and then the mouth is the door to it... A kiss is a very personal experience. Incredibly intimate.

They separated after a long time, Yamato takes a deep breath that she didn't notice she was holding.

"Let me teach a new thing..." Hector gives her a light smirk before kissing her again.

She answers in kind, even grabbing him by the back of his head and torso tightly. The kiss is more intense and finally, Hector introduces some tongue on it.

"!" Yamato's eyes widen feeling it, but a caress on her side tranquilizes her and she goes with the flow.

Nothing knowing what to do and simply letting Hector drive her onto this ride.

Some seconds later she discovers that she likes this too. She likes this even more. The kiss brought out a wilder side of her and she grew active. The hands start going places previously unexplored.

She moans deeply into his mouth when he finally gives a good squeeze on her thick backside, the soft but still firm flesh being mauled by him.

He enjoys her reaction very much too and separates himself with a rogue smile.

She is feeling hot under the collar now.

"Come with me..." he pulls her to the bed.

And she follows without hesitation.

But no... He is not going to initiate sex with her. Not yet. They still have a lot to go through and have some talks.

He sits first on the futon, his back on the wall, and he conducts her to straddle him.

Their position is much more intimate, she can feel it. Their bodies are pressed tightly together, her weight on him.

"Let's continue..." He says before reinitiating from where they stopped.

The make-out session this time is more intense.

They continue to swap saliva, Hector playing with her ass, Yamato's hand exploring his torso. Stopping sometimes to Hector to kiss her neck, and nibble on her ear. Things she imitates too.

"I... I'm feeling a tingling sensation down there..." She moans while he leaves kisses on her collarbone.

A thumb circling around a nipple over her clothes.

"That's normal...*Kiss* This is your body feeling good and getting ready to go even further. To make babies." He gives her a teasing smile.

Then he points at her covered nipple "This is also a signal..." Showing her nipple poking the cloth

She cutely nods seriously at his explanation, while enjoying his ministrations.

"I also am being affected." He says and holds her ample hips with his two hands.

He presses her down and with some movements, she can see about what he is talking about. She can feel it...

"Hn~" She lets escape a moan feeling his big, hot, and hard length under her. Pressed against her pussy lips, separated by their clothes.

She unconsciously and instinctively starts making movements to feel it better, dry-humping his cock. Seeking something... Satisfaction maybe...

"This feels good... Ahn~" She continues to rub herself on him

"Want to feel even better?" Hector asks, making Yamato give him a curious look.

And without further ado, but slow enough to be stopped, Hector removes Yamato's white top garment from her shoulders. Exposing her huge breasts

"..." She doesn't care, in this world, these things are nothing much, especially for her

'I need to address this later with her...' Hector thinks while enjoying the act of slowly unraveling her soft tits 'Don't want other men taking advantage of her.'

His hands go to the lower part of her breasts, they are big as expected with a perfected shape and pink aureole.

Once again Hector sighed at not being on his normal size, he would enjoy them better when they were the size of his head.

"Are you a baby? Ahn~ This..." She starts saying when he puts a nipple on his mouth, but is cut off when the sensations start to get good.

He does everything he can with her milk juggers, using his power to massage them, biting slightly, his fingers, and tongue,.. Everything to her pleasure.

Yamato goes back to rub herself on him while on the receiving end of his care. She really is seeking completion which is hard to get.

"There is something... Something..." She is almost there.

Her movements go frantic and more desperate with each passing second.

"... go up a little." Hector says while one of his hands sneaks down on her abs.

Yamato reluctantly separates their waists from each other, and his hand enters her red hakama.

"Aah!" She exclaims in surprise

Now is a full-blown assault, her breast and her pussy are being stimulated by him.

She is completely still while holding onto his shoulder for dear life, her eyes shut in concentration, she doesn't want to lose the pleasure she is receiving.

With a last use of his powers, Hector flickers her bean and Yamato cums.

She releases a high-pitched squeal uncharacteristically of her and tightens her grip, on his finger below with her pelvic muscles and on his head with her arms. She is smoldering him on her breasts and probably any other would die from asphyxiation or by having their bones broken.

Hector lets her ride the waves of her, probable, first orgasm and come back to her senses on her own.

When he feels her gripping loosening and her breathing going back to normal he asks

"It was good?"

"Yes... That's... That was great. I never thought that something like this could exist." She confesses

He smiles at her for an instant before kissing her again

The kiss is even more intimate than the previous ones. Yamato is even more active with her tongue, moving her body to feel all of him and moaning in his mouth without shame.

After they separate again they only keep staring at each other faces for a while.

Yamato's features are being brightened by the moonlight reflecting on her sweat and that only makes her more mesmerizing to him, coupled with her white hair she looks like she is glowing.

"You're beautiful..." Hector states fondly, moving a strand of her away from her sweaty forehead and giving a peck on her lips.

"..." Yamato doesn't say anything. She is a little confused, but Hector can say that the way that she is looking at him changed.

She is looking at him more deeply... Appreciating him. Her hand running around his muscular torso is another proof of it. Muscular bodies are not that uncommon in this world, but Hector is especially very well-proportioned. Like a work of art.

She looks down at his exposed pecs and abs, feeling strange that she likes it so much.

"Come... Let's sleep." Hector pulls her to lay down on the bed "Cuddling on the sleep is awesome too." He smiles at her

She lets him do it again. Once again, nothing lewd happened.

Even if she is not mentally that exhausted. A nap after a clímax is always a good experience for anyone.

"Well, sorry but I'm gonna enjoy myself now..." He smirks and goes back to his normal height.

This makes his head goes on level with her creamy, and still exposed, breasts.

"You can treat me as a teddy bear..." He hugs her tightly and she answers in kind, enjoying once again this much of skinship.

She slept peacefully that night. The best sleep of her life...

...But Hector doesn't.

'I have a boner...' He deadpans on his mind.

He never reached his own completion tonight.

Normally, after making Yamato feel good he would say something like "Now it's your turn' and guide and teach her how to do it.

But not tonight. He is a patient guy... He can sacrifice tonight for a good investment in the future. And is not all about sex, he is enjoying the cuddling too.

'But damn this boner...'


And time continues to pass while Hector continues to make his preparations.

At a certain moment, when Hector is going back to spend time with Hiyori he pauses.

"..." Some meters away from Hiyori he goes completely still.

He was feeling... Inside her...

"..." Realization hit him like an interplanetary laser.

Without saying anything, and quietly, he approaches her... He can see his child being formed... He can see the little motes of the soul converging to form a new life.

He takes a deep breath, his eyes wide... Another breath... He calms himself and goes to hug his wife

"Husba- Hng." She is stopped by a tight hug, her face buried in his chest

"It's confirmed 100% now... Our child is growing inside you." He says to her

Her happiness blossoms in an instant and she hugs him with more strength.


The couple is cuddling beside a tree, Hiyori on his lap while Hector protectively embraces her from behind. His hand rubbing circles on her belly.

"So what do you think the name should be?" Hiyori asks

"Gohan if is a boy and Tomie if is a girl." Hector answers instantly

"Gohan and Tomie..." Hiyori says the names to test it "They are cute names..." She says seriously

"Eh... Sorry, I was half-joking and didn't think much about it." Hector sweatdrops seeing she taking those suggestions seriously "You can choose the name... A Wano name." He says

"No! You name them." She turns to him pouting

"Why? Just name them... I will not even be here when he, or she, will be born..." He says sadly

"Hector..." She says his name... That's rare.


"You.Choose.The.Names." And here it is again. Her stubbornness.

"..." What can he say beyond 'Yes, ma'am'? At least he has the final say...


Outside Wano Hector is finally going to visit Egghead

"I have to say that I'm a little impressed with your achievements, Vegapunk."

 Hector comments to the tied scientist

He laughed a lot, really a lot when he saw him. He was expecting something to subvert his expectations... Maybe a muscle man, a woman, a loli...

Then he is exactly like the cliche of a scientist. It's a fucking Einstein Parody!

"Can you let me go now?" Vegapunk asks, irritated

"Wait some minutes, yes? I will release you unharmed depending on what I found." He comments "Cortana will finish in a minute..."

"You really created a very complex A.I., she acts exactly like a real person and is incredibly autonomous." Vegapunk comments impressed after he saw Cortana blitz through all of his cyber defenses and still make fun of him while doing it.

"She is alive." Hector says "And what are we if not super complex organic computers? She is simply not bound to our prison of flesh."

"Done, Master." Cortana voices says on his wrist device "His defenses are very... immature." Cortana says with a smug tone.

She is like that because Vegapunk said that his defenses are impenetrable.

This makes the old scientists bristle in professional pride.

"It's normal... he is good, but he has no competition. Why improve the defenses when no one else can Hack it?" Hector shrugs and goes through Vegapunk life work.

He is a little impressed... Cyborgs, robots, holograms, floating magnetic devices, and much more.

These things would not be out of place in a highly advanced lab on Marvel.

It's impressive he did everything by himself in this world.

There are places out there that don't have electricity! People still go around lighting up lamps on the streets.

"Hm... Seraphim?" Hector turns to Vegapunk with an accusatory look.

"What? Is to keep the peace on those seas..." Vegapunk defends himself

"...You can't be that naive..." Hector says in disbelief "Listen here, Oppenheimer. If you give anything to a government they will turn it into a weapon... If you give a weapon then..."


"I see... High I.Q., low wisdom? No... You're really an optimistic guy, huh?" Hector checks his other projects.

He can see a clear outline. It's confirmed... Vegapunk is a good guy.

A lot of his research is for the betterment of people.

His only mistake was to trust the World Government.

"Are you creating other bodies?" Ask interested 'Maybe intelligent people Always think the same... We are very limited to our one body.'

Vegapunk already transplanted his brain away, but is still creating his "satellite bodies" to divide his work.

"Yes, I will use my brain as a central to..."

"Yes, yes... I understand. Brain waves are like radio waves. Did you study the Den Den Mushis telepathic link?" Hector interrupts him "Are you gonna control all the bodies? I bet a huge brain would allow it..." Hector comments.

He already copied Vegapunk's power. It's not that appealing. It's a simple Unlimited Brain Storage. He is already close to it, and he doesn't want to have a balloon's head.

'Maybe a pocket brain dimension...' He thinks of ways for it to be useful.

"No, they will be autonomous... I can't divide my work if I will be the one doing all of it anyway." Vegapunk states

"..." Hector overcautious being rejects these words with all his power "You're really dumb..."

"I'm the smartest man alive!"

"In this world only... And tell me about the countermeasures of creating clones of you. Obediences chips? Brain conditioning during their formative period? Self-destruct device through a certain signal emitted by your brain? Undisputable authority and clear hierarchy?"

"Ugh... We are gonna be a team!"

"..." Hector stares at this man "I think I gonna punch you... This is a recipe for a disaster. Even I don't dare to create clones and let them live more than a day... I know my ego, I bet they would think of eventually taking the original spot. Like switching minds or whatever..."

"It's not gonna happen... I will separate them into clear functions that will be their entire focus and personality..." Vegapunk argues

"You're giving them uniques personality!??!"


"So this is Kuma's memories..." Hector right now is sitting in an isolated room in the lab.

His fingers pressing against his eyelids "Damn, what a cool guy..."

He only witnessed firsthand Kuma's backstory.

"And the World Government..." His mood shifts too ne of cold anger

After some seconds he controls himself and sighs

He stands up and gives one last look at the paw bubble containing Kuma's memories

"And to think would be a fatherhood backstory... What a time, huh? I will work hard to be half as cool as you..." He says before walking away.


Even if their first impression was bad, afterwards the two of them ended up sharing a meal while talking amicably.

"...Ancient Kingdom energy. If I can unravel its mysteries, the whole world will have energy! And one of the main causes of war will disappear!" Vegapunk talks about his dreams excitedly

"...naive." Hector comments while tasting some instant noodles that look like they are homemade.

"Don't talk with Grandpa Punk like that." Sentoumaru defends Vegapunk

He was beaten instantly by Hector when he arrived on the island. And after Cortana invaded the systems, the whole island was under Hector's control.

"I will call him on his bullshit anytime." Hector retorts "By the way, you're supposing that such convenient energy existed because of that huge robot?" Hector asked

"Yes. For such a thing to move and have that battle power, the way they stored energy inside it without leaking in any way. Simply marvelous." Vegapunk talks excitedly

"Hm~ This reminds me of that city of automatons on the moon... There's a huge device where they can go recharge there..." He says casually...

Or not. He is throwing the bait...

"City of automatons? Moon? Did you go there? What device to recharge?" As expected, Vegapunk is suddenly on Hector pressing for answers

"..." But Hector remains unaffected and continues to slurp on his noodles "Want me to tell you?"


"Nah... I don't feel like it..." Hector replies uninterestedly

Vegapunk practically dies inside

"Everything you would do would benefit the government anyway..." Hector says casually and then changes the subject "By the way, talking about such convenient energy remembers me of this thing..." Hector takes an Arc Reactor from his Inventory

"What is this?? What is this??? Is it an energy nucleus? But the lab can only barely feel the loss of energy to the environment! This is man-made!! How do you harness the energy? How do you jumpstart the Generation-" He tries to take the Arc Reactor from Hector's hands but Hector dodges

"..." A smile crept on Hector's face 'Hook, line and sinker'.


They talked a lot on this day. The contents of the conversation will remain a secret to everyone but the three.

They also talked about Devil Fruits, Vegapunk told Hector his theory that Devil Fruits was generated by people's wishes, Dreams, and imagination.

"...makes sense." Hector comments 'My world people's imagination...' "This is not strange... Thoughts have power. Brainwaves... It's minimal but they generated something. That whole thing about being positive and attracting positive things."

Hector knows because he is working on not letting his thoughts, feelings and other things leak.

"I know of some places where people harvest it. They Harvest negative emotions/thoughts by torturing people and collecting the residual energy." Hector explains something very common

"That's horrible...'

"Yes, it is. I'm only confirming your theory... I also think that Devil Fruits are man-made."

"Didn't I say that I think they are spawned spontaneously by the wishes of people?" Vegapunks turnss to him

"Vegapunk..." Hector shakes his head in a patronizing way "Okay, maybe new fruits can Spawn and old fruits can respawn alone... But who started it?"

"!!" Vegapunk eyes widen "Do you think... There's some sort of machine creating Devil fruits?"

"A machine... An animal... A tree..." Hector shrugs "A tree inside a Whale where she releases the devil fruits in the ocean by her blowhole." He drops a bomb on the man

"That's... That's...

"How many species of animals are in the world?" Hector suddenly asks an unrelated question

"At least 8 million, by my estimative..." Vegapunk instinctively answers immediately

"So there's at least 8 million Zoans... Only Zoans." He gives the scientist a look

"!! No, there's not... Devil fruits are still rare!"

"So where they are? These 8 million Zoans... Even more Mythical and Ancient ones... And the logias and the paramecias that can be an infinite number too?"


"Maybe in a vault... Maybe in the only place that is very hard to reach... The bottom of the ocean. Maybe inside a Whale... Island Whales are a real species after all." Hector comments. Laboon is an Island Whale "Maybe in the Last Island..."


"Maybe this 'Devil Fruit Tree' works as an antenna that captures people's wishes as you said and then generates the fruits. Giant Trees are also a recurrent theme here... My surname is Oak too... How fitting."

Trees... Whales... Are Always represented in places related to the Ancient Kingdom.

Heck, in Zou... The tree that holds the Road Poneglyph is in the shape of a Whale!!

Hector sighs "I think in the end I will go see it, Vegapunk."


"The One Piece..."


Hector lefts Egghead

He suddenly flew away after his conversation about Devil Fruits touch the known Devil Fruits and Vegapunk casually talked about Aramaki's, the future Admiral Greenbull of the marine, Devil Fruit.

"Did you just say... Wood Logia?" Hector turns his head slowly to Vegapunk like he is in a horror movie.


And he took off.

He always thought that Aramaki would have a Zoan, a minotaur, or something. He didn't cared too much because everyone was trapped here with him.

But a fruit that can generate any plant that the user knows...

It's the nature version of [Creation]. The possibilities...

And that's why Hector went all this way to attack a Marine Base where Aramaki travels. He was the successor of Kizaru in Vegapunk's Bodyguard duty before he was elected as an Admiral.

So he always transited between some marine bases and Egghead. Alternating with Sentoumaru.

"And to think that you're an Akainu groupie and a fanboy of the World Nobles..." Hecotr says in disgust while holding Aramaki's neck "So disappointing."

Debris and destruction surround the two.

He sighs... On another day he would have spared him.

Maybe before he built something significant in this world...

Maybe before he saw Kuma's memories...

Now? *Crack*

Hector's gazes were already in another place when Aramaki's lifeless body touched the ground.

He didn't even spare it a single glance.

His eyes Pierce through the distance to practically glare somewhere... Mary Geoise

"...Let's go home." He turns away and disappears.


Not only that, Hector finally found Fujitora.

Beyond copying his Zushi Zushi No Mi(Gravitational Power), Hector shared some food and talked about some things with the man.

Planting some seeds that if he is lucky, maybe will make Fujitora's path end up in Wano as an ally.

Returning to Wano, Hector used his new forest powers to restore the environment in an even more perfect way and even create Fields and Fields of food.


In an isolated garden, Hector is concentrating hard.

His hands are in a shell in front of his body, light escaping between the space of his fingers.

With a last flex of his powers the light flickers and then disappears.

Hector slowly opens his hands and smile

"Congratulations, Master." Cortana says happily

"*Haah* I'm finally using [Power Manipulation] at its full potential..." He says

In his hand, a Muddy pearl rests.

"How should I call it? Power Orb?"

That is a meta-power materialized. A person would need only to break the surface of the pearl over his skin and he would acquire the power.

Hector took inspiration from those Skill Orbs in games and Isekais manga.

The reason? He wants to leave a legacy to his kid.

Nrvrddity is the mother of invention after all.

He will tell this only to Hiyori and keep it safe inside on an adamantium chest with a password in a secret location under his castle on Kuri.

But even if someone by a miracle acquires it... It will not be enough to rule the world. Only Haki is Absolute, after all. This is only a shortcut.

"Can be a good contingency plan if someone declares war at Wano too... Hiyori can reward loyal subordinates."

This is also a good way to cheat on his limitations to create copies. Before he needed to go through a whole process of giving away copies to braindead bodies, now he only needed to materialize in an orb.

He goes to create more, nothing much broken... Only basic stuff.

"Power Orbs... Tsk, Tsk. I'm such a genius. How other people could live?" He shakes his head narcissistically.


Saeko slides a door open of a brothel in Onigashima

"Hm? I thought Hector would be here..." She comments not finding him "Where is he?" She turns to the giant Black Maria sitting in huge cushions, playing a calming tune on her instrument.

"Lord Hector is... napping." Black Maria says with a strange face and her eyes move south, to her cleavage.

"..." Saeko deadpans "Wake him up..."

"I'm afraid he will kill me if I interrupt him."

"He is not a monster..." Saeko rolls her eyes at her "And apparently he likes you a little now... He wouldn't do it otherwise."

"...right." Black Maria says and puts her instrument on the ground "Lord Hector... Lord Hector..." She puts her hands on her breasts and starts shaking them gently

A small kid's head pops off from between her cleavage, the rest of the body being squeezed by the enormous breasts

"Calm me 'Hector of the cleavage' and ask for my wisdom..." He jokes in a serious, sagely mode.

"...Oh~, Hector of the Cleavage~ Don't you need to create the sky islands above Wano today? And Build that bride to Onigashima?" Saeko rolls her eyes

"Oh yes... I really need to go..." The kid Hector says.

But makes no movements. He even tilts his head to rest his cheek on the creamy pillowy softness of Black Maria's left boob.


Saeko is not angry. She can understand when Hector really has lecherous thoughts or is simply curious.

Like that time he slept on Nekomamushi's belly.

He is really simply enjoying a small dream like he promised.

"...You're so bad, Lord Hector. Making your woman come here search for you in a brothel..." Black Maria comments in a sassy voice "Should I prepare myself for a heartbreak too?" She smiles flirtatiously at him

"Do you have a heart?" Hector raises his head to look at her.

Then he jumps off her breasts, recording in slow motion the jiggle physics that his sudden movement caused.

"You're too far from it, Black Maria." Hector drops to the ground and makes a hand motion to her.

She obeys his commands and lowers herself down. Her chin touches the ground and he puts his small hand on her cheek.

"Do you know why I like you a little, Black Maria?"

"..." She could guess... Her body maybe.

"You're smart enough to be on the winning team and smart enough to see that I always win, and treat well my people," He says. "Just don't betray me and maybe you can get there." He turned away and left.

In this world, it's common for to people change crews for various reasons. Some crews are absorbed by others and all that.

Black Maria and her little bands of courtesans are now under Hector's protection. She is useful because she is smart and has a very impressive network of spies across Kaido's territories and a little beyond.

And she knows how strong Hector is... She is not crazy to betray him.

Now... To slowly turn this fear into respect and loyalty... Someone charismatic like Hector can do that easily.

He did it with like, 80% of the surviving Beast Pirates now.

In her case, he only needs to act like he likes her and enjoy her presence. She will think that she is growing on him... Close to gaining the benefits and status. She wouldn't want to fumble the bag, so will be useful and obedient.

It's funny how a good way to make your subordinates like you is to like them first.

'If she is not as agreeable as I want till I go away, I will kill her.' Hector thinks coldly while walking away with Saeko.

"So... Why are you a child?" She asks him with a raised eyebrows

"Obviously is better to be a child when pampered by a big Onee-san. Duh." He states the obvious


"Heh~ With this power I can realize a men's romance... Time to some Shota plays." He clenches his small fist and smiles evilly. A smile that doesn't match a kid's face.


He then turns to her "By the way... You're the Onee-san type..."

"Do not ever think about it." Saeko cuts him mercilessly "You're cute like this, but no." She pinches his chubby cheeks and smiles fondly but still refuses.


"Because you're a child..." She also states the obvious "How do you feel if I was a child and... you know..." She challenges

"..." It's like a bolt of lightning hits him.

Slowly he touches her and makes her a child too... And he can confirm his suspicions.

Yes, she is cute but... No! Impossible! He can't do it!

She is a stick. There's a difference between Lolis and small women!!!

He understands now...

He literally falls to the ground defeated... His Dreams crashing. His will disappearing...

"Why? Why do the double standards only work against men?? Why??" He throws a tantrum on the ground

"..." Saeko who is admiring her kid's appearance looks at him. She is used to these antics now.

The two look like childhood friends now, one the serious type and one the chaotic type.

She only needs to wait for him to be a drama queen for some moments, then he will say something like "Anyway" or "whatever" and bounce back and continue with his life.

"Why?? Why??? I want to make some OneeXShota play!!" He trashes on the ground like an unruly kid "A gyaru onne-san! A tanned tomboy onee-san! A kuudere librarian with glasses onee-san! A ojou-sama onee-san! I want it!!"

"I want to be Ara Ara'ed!! That demon Onee-san of Ane Naru!! I want it... I want to be spoiled! Lucoa! Raikou! Unohana!!"

"I have the Dreams of my fellows webs to realize..."

"It can't be... It's all fake..." His energy left him and he lay there, defeated.

Till he bounces back.

"Whatever... The omniverse must be full of maniacs." He sits up and slowly goes back to his normal age. Turning Saeko back too.


"I will not lose hope. Everyone is different."

"By the way, Cassandra told me that you went searching for the last Road Poneglyph..."

"Oh yep, already found the One Piece." Hector says lightly and then starts laughing at a joke only he knows. "Hahahaha"

"? What is so funny?"

"You wouldn't get it..." He waves to dismiss her and snickers "I also went there and before the real One Piece, blocking the path... I put a big mirror with the words 'The real One Piece is the friends we made along the way'." And he starts laughing even harder.

"Pfft. You're such an evil man." Even Saeko laughs at this.


Hector is taking a rare day off to himself.

A strange thing to say something during a vacation.

But things went in a different direction from how he previously planned and he ended up having to do a lot of work.

His days off during these 90-day trips could be counted in a single hand.

Today he is taking this day only to himself. Yes, it's good to spend time with his loved ones, but a man needs a day to literally do nothing and only stare at the space, maybe hearing music, watching something... An unproductive day.

Hector is lying on the grass, a variety of animals nesting on him, Birds, butterflies, squirrels, and others... All sleeping with him like he is the Snow White.

He just lay there with his hands behind his hand, enjoying the wind and the good fragrances of nature.

"So it's like this..." Hector slowly opens his eyes to look at the vast blue sky "It's like the world is brighter and more beautiful. And I'm not even a father yet..." He comments to himself.

By reflex, his eyes turn to the direction of the Flower Capital, to Hiyori.

"So this how it is... I can't even stop myself from reaching at her with my senses every minute. My En, and Observation Haki unconsciously concentrates on her. Checking everything..." He sighs.

He is surprised by, not really unexpected, changes in himself.

"She is so beautiful..." He admires "Is this some sort of conditioning of our being to protect pregnant women? People instinctually shift their posture when a pregnant woman arrives close. Like is ready to protect her in any case of danger..."

"We would fail in Evolution if is not like that..." He says and sighs again "That's what I thought before. 'It's only a chemical response in our brain', 'Years of evolution coding our behavior'...

"But is more than that..." He gazes pierces the distance and he can see Hiyori sewing with Toko, smiling and playing with the little girl.

"She is literally glowing to me... It looks holy." His hand is raised, like he wants to caress her from a distance. "So pure..."

Then he sees it... The blood on his hands. Tainting her beautiful aura of motherhood.

"..." He slowly and almost sadly lowered his hand "I see, I see... It's like that."

"I understand why people change so much... I understand how it becomes a weakness." His gaze goes back to the sky. To contemplate.



Suddenly all animals around him receive a jump scare and flee. Not only them, but it's also possible to see birds and other beasts going away from Hector.

His face is a cold mask, his bangs obscuring his eyes, while he slowly stands up.

"Master?" Cortana calls him.

But he ignores her and slowly turns in a certain Direction.

"Or you hug your loved ones with your blood-tainted hands, or you watch them bleed..." He murmurs almost the same things that he said after killing the Kingpin.

It's like everyone went in a full circle and he is back to that torture room in the basement.


"Hate is born to protect love..." He slowly starts to walk in a certain direction before taking flight. He doesn't teleport... His gaze was still fixated on the Horizon. He is moving very slowly...

"Master?? Where are you going?" Cortana asks a little more frantically.

"Don't worry, my love... I'm only going in a... enthusiastic walk."

He answers with his gaze still fixated on the Holy Land of Mary Geoise.

"Here I go killing again... I really didn't plan to do it. I really don't... It's weird how such a pure thing like the birth of my child can make me do something like that..." He continues to murmur to himself "But you all are not letting him go, right? Right??" He speeds up, the skies darken "Life is so complicated... I want to be a good person, I really want. And here I am..."

"...going to commit a war crime."

"I'm figuring out what type of man I am!" he arrives on the Red Line

Hector is the man who does bad things for good reasons and does good things with a hint of second intentions... He kills people who can't hurt him because they can hurt others, and he saves people he likes even at the price of becoming a hypocrite.

A man who altruistically does Evil and selfishly does Good.


The next day, Newspapers around the world shocked everyone.

The World Government has fallen.

The Holy Land of Mary Geoise was destroyed.

In its place, an empty space like a giant beast took a bite of the Red Line.

A strange phenomenon of the Sea Kings around the world going to the surface and moving wildly happened around the world, some speculate that is related.

Some think that the Ancient Weapons are used.

A great number of Marines died, including Admiral Akainu and other Vice-Admirals.

The Marines hastily entered in contact with the Kingdoms around the world.

King Nefertari Cobra and King Riku, stepped forward to preside over a reunion to decide the future of world relations.

Many Kings around the world suddenly die. Most of them had scandals under their names.

In the end, The World Government was a medium between the Marines and the people that they wanted to protect.

Now they need to restore the order and organize a new system.

No one knows about the one pulling the strings behind the curtains. They can only guess...


"Welcome home, Husband~" Hiyori greets Hector when he returns, she is doing a traditional greeting in Seiza in his chambers.

"Hiyori..." He hurries to bring her to her feet "I told you that you don't need to do that. You're pregnant. The ground is cold. I do not care about it..." He hugs her side and puts one hand protectively over her belly.

"Fufu~ I'm pregnant, not sick... And I like doing this for you. Treating you well." She says with her bright smile

"..." 'I see... My heart skipped a beat.' "I love you." He blurts out

Her eyes widen upon hearing that. He doesn't say that lightly, he always says "Almost loving you", "Like you", "I will love you" and other redundant words.

The two hug and kiss lovingly.

'I see... I thought that was different, but like any other man... I fall in love if the girl treats me well. I will not laugh at the people that create scenarios on their heads with cashiers anymore' Hector thinks

In the end, all share the same brain cell. The physical type can vary but will never be the deciding factor in a relationship... All goes back if he is treated well and she stays by his side giving some peace of mind.

'Wait a minute...' Hector suddenly pauses and widens his eyes 'That time where I went to torture my uncle, with the kingpin too, working till late, a little disappointed with humanity...'

'Shego was close during all that! Making her presence noticeable to me...'

'She played me!! That's how I fell for her!'

He realizes he can almost see her face turning to him and saying "Took you long enough sucker." And giving him a peace sigh. He can only laugh now.

And he thinks he is complicated. In this aspect, he is dumb like any other man.


Hector is humming to himself while sitting in his office.

 An enormous table with the map of Wano is in front of him while he moves things around.

Everything is going well.

He took all Devil Fruits he could. He even received a nice surprise in Mary Geoise. Some nice souvenirs...

Recently, that Tengu guy revealed himself to be his grandfather-in-law. The reunion is touching to everyone... Hector doesn't care much but gives him his respects.

It took so long because he was ashamed of his failure... Samurai reasons.

His grandfather-in-law approached him to talk about Pluton which is below Wano.

Hector said that he already knew and already scanned the ship. If he wants he can make a fleet of Plutons.

Hector is much more interested in the submerged Old Wano. He has plans to bring it back.

It's a lot of land after all. But would destroy Wano's natural defenses... But he has magma powers... It's a project to when he comes back.

Hector also solved the small issue of Tama being a Kurozumi, the same clan of Orochi. A little flare of Haki and quieten down everyone.

Hector already placed the "Guardians of Wano" around the country.

Longy Yin will stay too, as the Elder Brother and leader. He went all out in the Mythical creatures from Japan and China.

A Cherry Blossom, a Golden Crow, a Phoenix, and many others...

He also revealed his [Power Manipulation] to a select number of individuals.

Giving some useful powers to them.

He still has the ownerless CP-0 in his custody, working to see if he can rewrite the brainwash to him. If not... Another bloody game of whach-a-mole will be played. He laughed seeing the Lucci from here.

He also upgraded Yamato and even gave her a copy of the Gura Gura no Mi and an Adamantium Kanabo.

Yamato is currently the strongest person alive in this world. It's debatable if she can take his creations though.

Reiju surprisingly fitted well in Wano. She has some medical knowledge because she works with poison.

Hector was training her in his spare time. He wants someone to guarantee that Hiyori's labor went smoothly. Other countermeasures are Law, the Phoenix, Vegapunk, a series of maid robots many, many things.

This is mostly unnecessary because he checked the future and saw everything would go well.

He hates seeing the future like that. But making exceptions is part of life. Like massacring a civilian territory...

He is also preparing a fun game for the people of this world...


"Hector!!" Yamato suddenly invades his office in her usual way

"Yes?" Hector turns to her calmly

"Oh! There you are!" She almost bashfully closes the door and stalks around him till she is behind him. She then sits behind him and hugs his torso.

"What are you doing?" She looks over his shoulder easily because of the height difference.

"Deciding about roads..."

"Roads?" She asks confused while pulling him into her embrace, his head between her breasts.

Yamato is a very affectionate person. And Hector presented to her the joys of cuddling and hugs.

"Yes, I was thinking if I should, and which, roads I must enlarge and make it better." He says while holding her hand affectionally.

"There's really a need to think about it?"

"Yes... Everything can become complicated when you think far enough. For example, what if I enlarge this road and one day it will be used by rebels." Hector explains


"Times of peace and times of war affect everything. In an ancient country, all the cities were walled and with their personal armies during warring states. The roads are kept somewhat hard, to defend against invaders, was prohibeted slums outside the walls. They don't cut some forests that are natural defenses and many other examples. But cut some that could be used to hide an invader army."

He continues "In times of peace, accessibility is great... But during war can be a problem... Peace weakens us. Never let your guard down."

"Ooooh. I understand now..." She nods at his words

"That said... This world has people that can jump hundreds of meters... In the end, power is the best deterrent. Let's expand some roads... Better now than in the future when people build homes close to it and then when it needed to expand, would need to destroy people's homes." Hector talks about common structural problems in his world. Some cities progressed too fast...

The tight roads and basic sanitation were complicated to reform because the city was ill-planned.

"..." Yamato stares at Hector while he works around changing the map.

She likes to watch him do that, she knows that is not her expertise to do these Jobs, so she admires this man very much. This man... Her man...

Yes, after the engine was started, their romance drove forward smoothly.

Hector didn't try to change Yamato, only her perspectives... She is the same person, and acts the same, but it feels different. She didn't completely grow out of being "Oden, the Return" but it's better. At least she presents herself as Yamato now.

They also explored each other intimately many times, like high school lover discovering about what each other likes.

Her feelings continue to grow... She watched him do things around Wano, help people, improve their lives, how people respect and look up to him, and much more.

A strange feeling of pride growing on her chest. A weird thing to feel, on her mind, because it's not her... It's not her accomplishments. And it's not admiration, it's pride.

She feels pride and happiness in another person's work and being.

Only later did she discover she was in love.

Like Saeko once said, "High exposure to Hector can cause that"

And after a talk with the girls and figuring out her thoughts and feelings. Yamato didn't hesitate... In her usual prideful and boastful way went to Hector and declared that she loved him.

Like how previously she would declare she is Oden.

"I'm glad that I reached your heart... You also have a special place in mine." Hector answered and kissed her.

And that's how things developed till now.

"Hmmm" Yamato keeps a pensive expression.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Hector asks while enjoying her hand going through his hair, his hand reaching for a cup of tea.

"I was thinking... Hector! Let's have a baby!!" Yamato shouts excitedly

*Blergh* 'I will stop drinking tea, seriously...'

"What?" Hector gets off his comfortable position to look at her.

"Hiyori is pregnant, right? It's super cool... I want to try too!" She says like it's enough

"...having a kid is a huge responsibility."

"I know, I'm not joking. But wouldn't we have it anyway in the future? Why not now?" She puts a finger on her mouth while asking in confusion

"...well... You still have a lot to grow..." Even to his ears, his excuse sounds weak.

"But wouldn't be a good thing to learn about being a woman?" She shots back

Hector winces "Okay... Who told you to use my words against me?"

"Saeko." She confesses easily

"I knew it."

"She told me that the best way to convince you of anything is using your own words, because you're never wrong."


"You guys really want to double my sins?" Hector can only sigh

He goes in his overthinker mode. He thinks a lot and eventually closes his eyes and sighs again.

"Like how my grandpa would say: 'What is a fart to whom already shat himself?'"


"Heh~ Yeah, and a half-sibling of the same age can be good too..." He convinces himself. The two half-siblings can keep each other company... A bigger family.

He would need to teach some things to Yamato though, but Garp raised Luffy... So maybe she can too. And she will have help from everyone around her.

Will connect Wano and the Beast Pirates more.

What irony of destiny... Kaido and Oden's grandchildren... will be siblings.

He suddenly stands up and takes Yamato in a princess carry, making her squeal.

"Okay, let's go do some 'Plap Plap Get Pregnant' love session." He teases making her blush.


The final day of this trip is approaching.

Hector is now ready to fulfill a promise...

His duel with Mihawk.

He, Saeko, and Mihawk are on a desert island in the New World.

"Ready for our swordsmanship duel?" Hector smiles

"You look a little different..." Mihawk comments while staring at him.

"Oh~ You're not Hawk Eyes for nothing. Indeed, I'm a little different today..." Hector smiles "Let's say that I equalized the chances."

"..." Saeko gives him a glance. Hector is probably on his weakest body.

It's simply a peak human body. Physically weaker than Captain America...

"Now, let's me prepare my weapon..." Hector makes a grab motion on the air and... grabs the air? His fingers are in a circle and he looks like he is holding a sword and pointing it at a Mihawk. But he is holding nothing.

"Are you mocking me?" Mihawk narrows his eyes

"A lion wouldn't hunt a rabbit with all his have..." Hector gives to him similar words Mihawk gave to Zoro. "And can't you see? My sword..."


Saeko and Mihawk look at him more attentively.

It looks like he is really holding something there... Almost an invisible sword of some sort.

"A lesson Saeko... Learned from Cultivation and Murim Worlds... A real swordsman doesn't need a sword... Because of himself, everything and nothing... Can be a sword." Hector says and makes a slash motion with his "Nothingness sword".

A mountain nearby is slashed clean by him.

"Excalibaaaa..." He jokes in a deadpan voice.

'It's not because this body is weak that I can't bring great inner strength... Don't use your body as a medium of your inner strength, Hector. Enhance your body with your inner strength... Don't skip steps. Don't exteriorize, let it flow...' He murmurs in his mind.

Valuable lessons learned during the battle with Kaido.

"Very Well..." Mihawk removes Yoru from his back "Let's start then."

Saeko jumps on Hector's Homi cloud and moves out of the way, watching the battle from the sky.


"isn't him an impressive guy?" Hector comments lightly while traveling back to Wano in his cloud. A satisfied smile on his face.

"..." Saeko looks at him. A bloody wound in his cheek. "You said that, but... Aren't you even more impressive?" She then looks down on the ocean.

The island where the two fought was split in two.

Not only that... The sea was split in two! There's a huge rift... An open wound on the sea that is not being filled by water.

"Meh... Was an easy battle from the beginning... My Haki was much better than his."

"How did you do that?" She asks about the cut on the sea

"My haki is still lingering on it... It's like how awakened powers can affect the environment permanently. Like how I created sky islands above Wano." He explains. "Try to be 'one with the world'... If you can understand what I'm saying."

"..." She nods. More or less understanding what he said "It will become a scar on him..." She comments

"Hahaha. Isn't funny that now he has the same scar he made on Zoro?" Hector laughs

He continues "And he improved on our fight... He is really talented. As expected..." Hector comments while touching his wound "Human potential is really impressive. Makes me proud...Haha."


Vegapunk walks together with Hector in a Hidden Location.

"I appreciate that you decided to be my ally..." Hector says with a good-naturedly smile

"And what other choice do I have? You destroyed the Government!" Vegapunks huffs

"Don't be like that... They're evil."

"You're evil too."

"A necessary evil." Hector retorts "Now, let's go... You're one of the feel that knows about this location. Remember your role..."

"Yeah, yeah... Give the map and clues only to someone who deserves it and has at least one Road Poneglyph. Don't Forget your part of the deal..." Vegapunk says

"Relax, when I go back we will start to change the world for the better." Hector nods and the two shake hands.

Hector opens a portal to go away and Vegapunk gives one last look at the place.

A ridiculous huge hall... A throne room. The aesthetic screams evil overlord. But more than that is an Arena. On the two sides, there running water and torches on fire.

It's the place to test the ones that want to go for the One Piece.

Unknowingly, Hector ended up taking care of most of the obstacles to Laugh Tale. And that is not fun at all...

...Then he the created obstacles.

"The world's most elaborated 'Treasure Hunting Game'." In Vegapunk words

He is now in one of the key locations where Hector put a Road Poneglyph. So to find the One Piece they still need to go through this place.

'The challenges, enemies, puzzles, and structure of the place are already bad enough but... that thing' Vegapunk looks to the end of the room.

It's possible to see a dais where the throne lays, and many types of weapons stabbed on the ground around it. In the wall behind it is possible to see semi-transparent curtains and the outline of a huge cube behind it.

The prize... The Road Poneglyph.

The problem is the thing seated on the throne... Even Vegapunk shudders in fear and awe at that thing and what it represents.

Standing at 5 meters tall, a figure sits on the throne leisurely with its eyes closed. Using royal-like black robes with the chest open. His legs are crossed and his cheek is supported by a hand. In his chest a tattoo...


In short, it's a Pacifista. A seraphim model... But is much more than that.

First, it's a clone of Hector himself.

And second... 'It's the Ultimate Lifeform...' Vegapunk thinks

It's a culmination of all races in this world. Perfected...

It has the brown skin, white and long hair, and dark wings of the Lunarians.

The four horns adorning his head like a crown, show the traces of the Oni tribe of Kaido and Yamato.

The lines on his neck and ribs expose his gills, his fishman heritage. And only Hector knows how many special abilities it has. Maybe if the mouth is open will be revealed a row of sharp teeth that can regenerate easily, maybe it has poison like an Octopus...

From the Buccaneers, Giant, and Tontattas you can only guess that their strength and stamina are running through those powerful muscles.

In his forehead, a vertical slit hides his third eye.

Other heritages are not that obvious, but they are there.

Overall, his appearance remembers Hector of a mix between Sephiroth and Rou(Re:Monster).

And obviously... It's not even his final form yet. He has a second phase.. Maybe even a third one if the enemy is a redhead... Maybe even more.

Vegapunk sighs looking at perfection given form.

"And to think that the original is even stronger... How many Devil Fruits powers did he give to that thing? I hope he was careful, that can destroy the world." He sighs before going away.

Leaving "Seraphim Model: Demon King Sephiroth" alone in his throne room waiting for his challengers.

Obviously, Hector is careful. A ridiculous amount of countermeasures were put in place. And all that is to be summarized in two guidelines...

Protect this room and protect his family.

Only Hiyori and Yamato have authority over Seraphim Sephiroth in this world. And even they can't command him to do certain things.

And is not like he is invincible either... If not would not be a game. Hector made it possible to beat him in some ways beyond being stronger than him.

Like there's no limit to the number of people that can participate in the "raid".

You don't need to destroy him to win. There's a Health Bar on his mind, after he takes that much damage he will concede.

He can't leave the room, so you can try as many times as you want, if you're not killed by him. You can learn his patterns and grow strong fighting him.

He is the perfect final boss... From a Souls game.


Final day in the One Piece world

The day to say goodbye finally arrived. His close friends are present to see Hector's group off.

The groups are not the same that arrived. They grew in strength, character, and even in number.

There are two additions to the team... Yes, two. Beyond the summon of Rover, Hector also took the opportunity to summon another character.

The Customizable Flora Colossus.

The idea came when he saw the giant tree in Elbaf. In this world, there's a special tree called Treasure Tree Adam. The prized wood that is as resistant as a metal and of great quality.

The "customizable" part of the card didn't allow Hector to go for esoteric types of trees... So he relented and summoned his Groot already.

He also needs an example to make a Guardian in Wano with Aramaki's Forest powers...

And he can always improve his Groot.

The other addition is already a card... Baby Five. But this is a story to another time.

"I will miss you all." Hector gives a hug to Yamato and Hiyori.

His two women, are pregnant with his child.

The expected reluctance assaults him.

'What if I force the development of the kids? I can be here... I only need to extend my stay a little...'

"Stop thinking. Just go. I will be waiting for you." Hiyori puts a hand on his cheek


"Just promise that you will come back to me." Hiyori says


"Don't worry, Hector. We gonna raise them good enough to make you proud!" Yamato says with a hand on her lower belly.

"That's not what I'm worried about..." He sighs "The time is getting scarce..." He kneels to give a kiss on each of his women's bellies. Trying to pass some positive energy to his future children.

'Children... My life is too crazy.' He shakes his head before standing up

"Remember... Don't go around teaching them weird things of obedience to the shogunate, but is okay to teach about the values of this country and his roots.' He points to the people on the back. Denjiro and the others "You guys are not allowed to lay a hand on my children, only the mothers. If they do something wrong explain why it's wrong, and don't do it in public to humiliate them... Unless the things they did were really bad. Make them apologize... Not much physical punishment, but don't go soft on them too. If they are boys you can be a little more harsh on them, if they are girls don't even think about it... Keep them away from bad examples, wait! All of you guys are bad examples! Don't let them leave my territory, I will come back before they grow too much. If they asked about me say that I'm far away doing important work, or that I went to buy milk. Tell them that I will reward them if they behave when I was not around. If that little shit Momonosuke do something lewd with Yamato I'm castrating him and continuing the bloodline by myself and..."

And he goes on and on and on and on and on.

"All right, husband. We understand." Hiyori stops them while giggling at his overprotectiveness. Yamato's head is fuming from the amount of information.

"...Okay. If you have any problem, go order the Guardians or go to my lab. There, an A.I. can answer a lot of your questions, don't tell Vegapunk though, and use the things on the vault whatever you want, no need to be cheap. Run away if you need it." He instructs

He hesitates, his voice tight "And... And... If they ask about me... Just say that I love them more than anything, even though we never met..."

"..." They hug him for comfort, but Hector doesn't cry. He has no right to it now. He will own his choices.


"Don't apologize on my behalf, I will do it personally..."

"I understand... Go do what you need to do. I know it's important." Hiyori consoles him


"Yeah... Tomorrow I have school." He smiles, joking to lighten the mood


[End of the Travel]


Marvel Universe

Hector sighs while walking around his room. That feeling when you see your home after a long trip settling on him.

He already returned his people to their respective homes.

"*Huff* Where did this mental tiredness come from?" He sighs on a chair taking on these feelings "Ugh... I remember that I was a little like that after coming back from Hero Academia too..."

He is feeling like shit. But he can't allow himself to be depressive now... He needs to live properly.

"... I will go see Shego." He makes his choice of who sees first and stands up immediately.

Teleporting away he finds her... He missed her.

She is in her residence doing some light training, and shadowboxing in her home gym wearing a green crop top and black biker shorts that do wonders for her green booty.

His mood improved by only seeing her.

He admires her for a little, her speakers blasting music loudly while she exercises. She appears to be humming under he breath too.

Hector sneaks behind her and catches her calf while she is doing a spinning kick.

"!!! Motherfucker!! Do you want to kill me??" She shouts in fright

"Hello to you too, Shego..." He smiles

"Did you give up on your tri- Oh! I forgot that is like instantaneous..." She realizes. Beyond giving her his farewell, reuniting his group, giving his little speech, and bringing everyone back not even half an hour passed to Shego.

"I missed you..." He says with his small smile

"Hmpf. Sounds like a your problem." She replies with a cocky smirk "To me, you didn't even leave."

"..." Her words can't break his good mood and goes for a tight hug. He hugs her around her waist, raising her in the air. His face was on her taut stomach. He adjust the position and she was raised in the air while he hugs her under her ass and she spins her around.

"Let me go! I'm sweaty!!" She protests

"To you, it was an instant... To me was 3 months. So I need to replenish my Shego Reserves." He ignores her protests and continues to hug her by the butt.

"Hmpf. Didn't you drown your sorrows in some woman's bosom?" She asks while looking down on him

"..." Hector turns his head up to look at her, his chin on her navel "We need to talk about it...I decided to not sleep around and only allow myself to get close to girls that I see a sort of future." He says seriously

"...that's good." She says. There aren't a lot of girls in this world that can accept this type of relationship. And in other worlds, she doesn't care.

Out of sight, out of mind... And this doesn't even steal her time with him.

"I've officialized things with Cortana and Saeko."

"Oh... Good for you."

"Said that... I got married." Hector reveals

"...WHAT?" She suddenly shouts, her voice showing her shock.

"And had a child..."

"..." This time she is so shocked that she is mute, her mouth can't even close

"Two of them..." Hector practically winces saying that



A.N.: Ahoy.

That's it. That's my One Piece arc. I hope you all like it.

Heck, counting the words now, I can see that is bigger than many fanfics out there.

It was a good journey of growth in many ways again, full of parallels with the MHA arc, but in a more mature way. 

In homage a Oda sensei the god of foreshadowing, I made my one.

Many chapters ago Shego once told Helena something like "If I'm not careful some soft-eyed nurturing woman will make him fall from her"

Well... Hiyori is her. Even her eye design is a little droopy to show her gentleness. There's no way #EvansGenius, semi-god of the foreshadow.

I have many things to say but I will not say them now because I'm tired... I will, maybe this week, post an extra chapter.

Maybe about powers.

Maybe a semi-canon story of Momonosuke or the Strawhats arriving in Wano and seeing the changes made by Hector? And his toddlers... Which one you like more?

Maybe the lemons with Hiyori and Yamato too? And some back of the stage scenes taht are cut off because of the limit... Yes, I cut things. One Piece is HUGE.

With the extra, I will post an important note...

Till next time, stay good.


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C75
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


