35.29% CROOKSHANKS-A Harry Potter Fanfiction / Chapter 6: "Sasuga Crookshanks-Sensei!" [Edited]

章 6: "Sasuga Crookshanks-Sensei!" [Edited]

"Sensei! I believe Hermione may be under the effects of potions!" A black haired boy practically shouted as he prostrated himself on the ground in front of a cat.

'What are you doing?' Came the confused mewl of said cat.

"A few days ago I started studying various Asian cultures in an attempt to understand why we train in a dojo and why you asked me to call you Sensei, and I read that this is the proper way to address your sensei! When I read that, I realized that you had neglected to tell me that information on purpose, expecting me to one day take the initiative to find it on my own and present it to you." Harry stated with pride in his voice, raising his head and sitting on his knees.

'Uhh... Yeah. Anyway, what's this about master being potioned?' Crookshanks asked.

"After I had begun my search for the manipulator, I started learning detection charms on my own time, suspecting that they may be using potions and/or mind influencing spells to control me. I only every used them on myself and my food up until a few weeks ago." The disciple dutifully explained.

"When I was bedridden after the dementor attack on the Quidditch game, I was visited by Hermione. She had only talked about how worried she was the entire time, and scolded me for being reckless, pointing out every single thing that I could have done better to stay safe. And I got to thinking; if she had been able to notice such minute movements from the stands, why wouldn't she notice and ask about my scars when I was laying shirtless in front of her?"

"I could only come to one conclusion from that. So, I cast every detection spell that I knew and tried to find the cause. But I couldn't find anything. That's when I realized that I wasn't learning fast enough, and begun to ready through every book in the library that I could to find detection spells."

"But even after combing through every book I could find on the subject, none of the spells worked. I can't find anything!" He finished while bowing his head again.

'Okay then, first off, if you suspected this for weeks, you should have come for help earlier. Second, why are you relying on spells from those books?' Crookshanks asked, about to tell him to order some of the more obscure books from outside of Hogwarts.

"Why am I relying on them?" He looked confused at first, before realization dawned on his face. "OF COURSE! How could I have been so stupid? If hundreds of people before me can create spells, then I can too! I understand now; I need to learn to rely on my own creativity just as much as my self study! Thank you Sensei, your wisdom truly is without limit! I will begin my study's on spell craft and theory immediately." Harry concluded, enlightened by his sensei's lesson.

'Um, yeah, sure kid - knock yourself out. But don't forget, once you find whatever is effecting her, you'll also have to learn how to stop it, and prevent it from happening in the future.' Crookshanks told his student.

"Of course Sensei, I will also further my studies in the mind arts and potions. Thank you for your instruction!" Harry said with a bright smile and left the room.

He didn't know how it happened, but Crookshanks felt like he had let the situation out of his control, and now he was basically worshipped by his student as the best thing since sliced bread.

'Oh well,' He thought, 'Being seen as a god can't be that bad can it?'


"I've done it Sensei!" His student shouted with joy, making Crookshanks cringe and cover his ears.

'Done what? And do you have to be so loud?' The cat complained.

"I've managed to create a new technique to sense potions and magical influence's on the mind!" Harry continued to shout, showing him his note book that had a shit ton of strange symbols and equations that were probably supposed to mean something.

'Right; and why don't you explain it to me so I can make sure you actually understand what your doing.' The Sensei told his student, pretending that he knew what was written on the paper.

"Oh! Yes, of course Sensei! Well, I say technique instead of spell since this doesn't use any spell craft to work, kind of like my magic circulation. These equations were just help me figure out how to hide it from other people who could sense magic." Harry explained, gesturing to the paper.

"What the technique does is expand an extremely thin and undetectable field of my magic around me, allowing me to not only sense everything within ten meters of myself down to the smallest detail, but also identify any and all foreign magic within range! This means I can sense multiple different magics within the same body. So - unlike before where, while I could sense magic within Hermione - I had no way to tell if it was her's or something else, now I can sense the differences between magic, even down to its intent and effect!" He was practically vibrating by the time he was done, excited to have done something as monumental as creating his own spell (technique).

'Holy shi-*cough* I mean, good job Harry, you've come so far in such a short time. You should be proud of yourself. Just remember, be proud, but don't be arrogant! Now, have you tested this technique of yours out yet?' Crookshanks asked, somehow managing to hide his astonishment.

"Of course Sensei! I wouldn't dare show you an incomplete technique! I actually finished the calculations a few days ago and have been testing it since then. It doesn't take all that much magic to use, in fact, it only takes a fraction of the amount needed for a first year spell. The problem is that my brain can't seem to process everything all at once. On top of that controlling the magic to cover a ten meter radius around myself while maintaining a thin and undetectable sheet of it takes immense concentration. So I can only keep the technique up for a minute at most and I will get a massive head ache from it." He rubbed his head, remembering the pain.

'I see, so we'll need to double up your mental training. I have been wanting for you to try out a few new Occlumency techniques anyway, and you still haven't started on your Legilimancy training yet, so we will begin those tomorrow. But until then, I want you to use the technique as often as you can to get your mind used to the strain. Don't go past you limits on this though, if you feel you need to stop, stop. The mind is a fragile mechanism and will break if you push it too hard.' Crookshanks warned with a low growl.

"Yes Sensei!"


'Harry, have you tried using your new technique on yourself yet?' Crookshanks suddenly asked his student in the middle of training, getting an idea.

"Um... No?" Harry said with confusion, before he froze.

"Of course! If the manipulator would use mental influencers on those close to me, then obviously they would use it on me as well! But - none of my other detection spells ever picked anything up in my food, so I had just assumed that they weren't using them for some reason!"

'*Cough* Yeah, yeah, exactly that.' Crookshanks said quietly. He had only intended to make his student aware of the horcrux in his head.

Wasting no time, Harry sat in a meditative position and focused inward - like he had done many times before to practice Occlumency - but this time he covered his entire body in a thin field of magic. Immediately his attention was drawn to two things.

First, his own magic, well... what he assumed was his own magic. In his magic core, there was a foreign magic that seemed to be holding a large amount of his magic back. And when he says a large amount, he means so much that if he had access to it, his strength would triple instantly.

Second, was a black tentacle creature thing in his forehead. The tentacles seemed to spread out through his entire body, seeping into his muscles and eating all of his strength.

"W-Wha-What the hell is that thing?!" Harry yelled out abruptly, terror and disgust evident on his face.

'That is you next assignment, my disciple.' His Sensei's voice pulled him out of his fear.

"Assignment?" He asked, still distracted a little by the creature.

'Yes, after you finish your current training and free Master of what's influencing her, I want you to work on that. I won't tell you what it is yet, if you knew you might do something reckless and reveal your true power. No, for now I want you to focus on destroying that thing. But be careful, its tied to your life force at the moment, so it may kill you if you don't move carefully.'

Harry didn't need any convincing to try and get rid of the thing, and nodded vigorously, doubling the effort he puts into his studies and training from then on.


(Yes, Harry is going to be OP as fuck. But since this is a comedy, it won't really matter much. He did take his Sensei's words to heart after all, and will do his best to hide his strength. Also, if your worried that Harry is to different from canon; well, your not wrong. I've read dozens of fanfics where Harry becomes aware of his life and becomes proactive in changing it, but they almost all result in the same, cold hearted, weirdly arrogant Harry. I figured I'd do something different and base my Harry off of Demiurge and Genos. I don't know if its a good idea or a bad one, but I've already decided to go with it, so I'll stick with it.

Also, I know these training chapters aren't all the fun, but I wanted to get them out of the ways quickly. Don't worry there won't be that many training chapters from here on since Harry will be strong enough to handle all of his worlds threats by the end of third year. At least, the threats as they are in canon, which this is not.

If you have any suggestions on how you think the characters can progress from here, please do comment it. Any and all suggestions and advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading.)

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


