11.76% CROOKSHANKS-A Harry Potter Fanfiction / Chapter 2: I Just Want to TRAIN, is That to Much to Ask? [Edited]

章 2: I Just Want to TRAIN, is That to Much to Ask? [Edited]

'Uuuuugggggghhhhh.' Crookshanks groaned as he contemplated whether or not living as a cat was worth it or not. On one hand... paw, he got pampered and could basically do whatever he wanted with no consequences, but on the other,

"OH! And there's ghosts there to! There's one for each house, one that teaches history, one that cry's in the bathroom, I met that one last year. Her name is Myrtle, but most people just call her Moaning Myrtle since she cries all the time. She lives in the toilet in one of the girls bathrooms, right across from the Chamber of Secrets! OH! I didn't tell you about that yet! Last year there was this giant snake called a basilisk running around petrifying people! It even got me just after I figured out what it was. It was so lonely when I was petrified, I couldn't move at all but I could still hear and feel everything. I'm not quite sure why that is though since all the other people that got petrified couldn't hear anything."

He probably can't die to fall damage now since these fuckers can survive their terminal velocity, but maybe if he bashed his head against a rock hard enough he could end it all. End the suffering.

"Fortunately for me though that loneliness only lasted during the days. Harry would sneak in every night with his invisibility cloak and hold my hand and talk to me for hours. Every night! He told me everything about his home life and how awful those Dursleys were to him. I don't know why Dumbledore keeps sending him back there, but there better be a damn good reason for it, because from what he's said living there is basically torture. Anyway, back to the chamber of secrets. One day he and Ron found the paper I had in my hand saying that it was a basilisk while they were visiting during the day. Apparently Harry went down the the Chamber and killed the thing with a sword! A sword! Can you believe it! He kept going on about how it was mostly Fawkes, he's a phoenix and Dumbledore's familiar, and that he didn't do that much, but I didn't believe him of course. He makes me so frustrated sometimes! Even after what happened last year Harry is still being so reckless. OH! I have to tell you about first year too, I was almost killed by a troll!"

She hadn't stopped since they got back to her room. She just kept going, on, and on, and on, and on with no end in sight. And she still hadn't let him go! She just kept pacing the room-occasionally twirling around- while rambling and squeezing him hard enough that he discovered his second ability as a cat, the power to be liquid.

What's the first thing you do when you get transmigrated into a different body? Easy, you figure out what the body is capable of. He had been wanting to do that for the last hour, but his beloved "Master" just wouldn't stop.

Though he supposed that she did help with confirming that he did indeed have enhanced hearing, he just wished that she didn't confirm it every few second with one of her loud OH's right next to his ear.

"Hermione honey, if you don't leave him alone your going to make him run away." Her mother called from the other room, having heard her daughters non stop talking for the past hour and finally taking pity on the poor cat.

"Oh, no no no please don't run away!" Hermione said in a panic as she practically dropped him on her bed. She took her mothers statement way to seriously.

'FREEDOM!' Crookshanks immediately sprinted off of and under the bed, attempting to hide. Well, he tried to, despite entering his new body a little over three hours ago now he still hadn't gotten the chance to actually move around in it, and as such tripped and fell off the bed onto his face the second he tried to take a step.

"Crookshanks are you okay!" The witch asked hurriedly as she knelt down next to him and cupped his face, apparently looking for injuries.

'Life is pain.' Crookshanks let out a long, pained yowl as he stood back up and wobbly started testing out his new legs, doing his best to ignore the insistence from his "Master" to be more careful.

Walking was now completely foreign to him since feline legs were structured differently than a humans. Though, somehow his mind-muscle connection was just as strong as it was when he was human, and it was pretty strong then due to his martial arts training, so it didn't take more than five minute of stumbling around to learn to walk again.

And when he says walk he means move without falling, not move with grace.

Hermione meanwhile just watched on with sparkling eyes, repeating how adorable it was to have a clumsy cat. Crookshanks wondered what was wrong with her.

'This is humiliating.' Crookshanks grumbled as he started to practice running, deciding that the ability to escape threats was more important than hiding from Hermione's coddling.

"What are you two doing up there?" Hermione's mother once again called from downstairs, having heard the constant thumping.

"Nothing mum! Crookshanks is just looking around my room, but he's a little clumsy and keep running into things!" She replied in an almost bragging tone, as if she was proud of it.

If he still had a human face Crookshanks would be blushing up a storm, but thankfully Hermione was none the wiser since even if cats do blush, their fur hides it.

"OH! Crookshanks I didn't show you the rest of the house yet did I? Come on!" Hermione suddenly picked him up again and ran out of the room.

'You know, your an absolutely terrible pet owner. When you get a new cat or dog your supposed to leave them alone for a few days so they can get used to their new environment, not talk their ears off, squeeze them half to death and parade them around the house while carrying them like a stuffed animal!' Crookshanks reprimanded her as she showed him the kitchen, but since he couldn't talk it just came out as a whiny meow.

Misinterpreting the sound, Hermione started panicking again. "Are you hungry? Mum where did you put the cat food?" Hermione called out as she started frantically searching through the cabinets.

Crookshanks just starred at her confused as he sat on the counter. 'Even if I was hungry right now, I'm not going to starve to death so you don't need to run around the kitchen like a headless chicken. And why did you put a cat on your kitchen counter? Is this your first time having a pet?'

"Honey don't leave him on the counter! He'll get into our food." A pair of hands picked him up gently and sat him back down on the floor.

"Oh, I'm sorry mum! But he's hungry and I didn't want him to starve to death! which bowl do you think we should use? If i give him the big one he might get not eat it all and it would go bad, but if I give him the small one he might not get enough. I don't want him to starve to death like Strawberry did! OH! And where do I put him for bed? Should I take him for a walk? Do I need a leash? How much does a leash cost? Do you think I could get one with my remaining allowance?"

"Hermione breath! He'll be fine. You father just went to get him a food and water bowl. And don't worry about where he'll sleep, he's a cat, they will sleep wherever they want to sleep. And no, I doubt a cat that big would enjoy a walk as much as a dog does so you don't need to worry about that either."

With an exasperated sigh Hermione's mother patted her daughters head before turning to look at the cat that was still sitting in the same spot on the floor, starring back at her with confused eyes. Hermione's mother looked just like her, but older. That's all the description you'll get since she will only be in a few chapters.

Then, Hermione's mother seemed to remember something and got a weird look in her eye, "Maybe you should leave him alone for a little bit. The owner said that Crookshanks hadn't left the store since he got him, and now he's somewhere completely different. I'm sure he's exhausted and overwhelmed, so why don't you go do something else and let him explore a little?" Crookshanks face lit up after hearing such a masterfully crafted excuse and he immediately played along.

Hermione wanted to argue that she hadn't finished telling her stories yet, but upon looking at her cat-who had just went limp and stuck his tongue out dramatically to make himself seem exhausted-she changed her mind and nodded reluctantly, mumbling an okay before giving him one last hug then walking back up to her room.

'Oh thank god. Finally I can get some actual training in. Once I figure out what I'm capable of I'll have to find something on the anatomy of cats to know what muscles I should train and how. Only after that can I start trying to figure out what happened to me and what Demon Thing wanted me to do.' Crookshanks planned in his head, turning to leave, but was scooped up once again.

"Can you really read? The shop owner joked that the other customers said you could, but I didn't believe him. But you just started acting exhausted after I suggested that you might be tired, so does that mean you can understand me? That's incredible! You magic types are always so unpredictable. You know the professor that told Hermione that she was magic could turn into a cat? She showed us!" Hermione's mother started rambling as she turned him around and around in her arms, seemingly looking for something.

Crookshanks just starred at her with a look of baffled horror on his face. Well, as close as you could get to that with the facial muscles and fur of a cat.

"Hmm, I guess you look just like any other cat. I was half expecting you to have some wort of magic wings or scales. Maybe not. I did read in one of Hermione's books though that Kneazles had the ability to judge someone's character magically, how does that work? Oh, right, you can't talk can you? Can you? No, you would have done that by now. But if you can understand what I'm saying and you can read, that means you should be able to write to right? Well, maybe not with you claws and lack of opposable thumbs, but if I gave you some of those magnet letters Hermione played with when she was little you should be able to spell out some answers with them. Come on, I'll show you, just be quiet, I don't want Hermione to know that I lied to her." She started toward another room while holding him, though, admittedly more gently than Hermione did.

'Endless pain.' Crookshanks grumbled as he was once again dragged away from his training.

"And don't worry if you don't get it the first time. It takes humans years to learn to write properly, though they usually don't know how to read properly beforehand. But I've got an entire month and a half with you, so that should be plenty of time!" She said cheerily as they entered the garage.

Crookshanks froze. An entire month of this? A month of being passed between mother and daughter like some sort of doll? Like a plaything? His only remaining hope was that the father would return soon to save him.

"I am quite happy that you thought my daughter was a good enough person to go home with. Though she does talk a lot and is a little bossy, she really does mean well. All that talking she does is my husbands fault. He talks more than a hundred of her combined!"


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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