33.33% X-men: Soundwave / Chapter 11: ISSUE #11

章 11: ISSUE #11

" Urrrgh!"

Nate growled as he collapsed on the floor.

" See, you're in no condition to continue fighting. It's time for you to call it quits."

Laura said as she bent down to the young man.

" Laura is right comrade. You need rest."

Colossus stated.

" Yeah, kid leave the rest to us. You can count of us to get the job done."

Iceman stated.

" Sorry, but a few broken bones aren't going to stop me from seeing this through."

Nate stated as he got to his feet.

" You don't need to act tough to impress Laura kid."

Guido joked.

" We've long since passed that. This is a fight for survival now. And we need everyone who can stand to fight."

Nathan stated.

" Kid you can barely stand at all. You're only going to be a hinderance in the battle."

Warpath stated.

" I'll be fine once the fighting starts again."

Natha replied.

" Nathan you're not going and that's final."

Laura growled.

" You can't stop me."

Nathan growled back.

" All right troops let's go. Move."

Logan ordered as he and bishop walked out of the room.

" Not them Hepzibah and Nathan stay here."

warpath stated.

" No, I do not to that. James, I go with you."

Hepzibah argued.

" I can't put you in harm's way... Not after Caliban. This isn't even your fight."

Warpath said to the woman.

" Don't be idiot an James. I pick my fights. You best off not being one of them."

Hepzibah hissed.

" Listen to me..."

War path said before being cut off.

" What are you saying? What happened to Caliban?"

Bishop asked.

" He's dead, Lucas."

logan replied.

" My god."

Bisho stated.

" Yeah... So, let's move. An' it ain't your say who's on my squad. Hepzibah and Sparky got skills An' like slim said... We need everyone who can fight right now."

Logan explained.

" Logan. Nate is hurt bad. If he keeps pushing his body like this, he'll die."

Laura argued.

" Sparky are you dying?"

Logan asked.

" No way in hell."

Nathan replied.

" Then let's move."

logan said as he walked out of the room with X-Force in tow. All members present and accounted for. Hepzibah, Warpath, Monet, Colossus, Bishop, Wolverine, Soundwave, X-23, Wolfsbane, and Guido.

" Muir island, Lucas, you've got your heading. Get going we'll be right behind you."

Cyclops radioed.

" Copy that cyclops. We're on our way."

Bishop repleid.

" Scotland, lucky you Rahne. You get a free trip home."

Wolverine joked.

" Aye. I could have wished for better circumstances for a homecoming though."

Rahne said back.

" What're you kidding? Heading for a major scrap to rescue a baby and save mutant kind? Kid circumstances don't get any better. Right Sparky?"

Logan asked the barely conscious boy.

" Yeah. Let's go save our people."

Nathan said back to the man.

" Nathan, you're killing yourself."

Laura said to the boy.

" Dying so that our people have a future to look forward to doesn't sound so bad. A good thing I don't plan on dying today or else it would suck not getting the chance to see it all."

Nathan replied back.

" Where did this attitude come from? Where is the guy who laughed and joked every day like he didn't have a care in the world?"

Laura asked.

" That boy died thirteen years ago Laura. The guy you see right now, is the one who's had to fight every day of his life, for scraps. Now I have the power to fight back and ensure what I went through doesn't happen to another child. Laura, my story is one of many thousands and the world will not suffer if it is to end soon."

Nathan explained.

" Nori would, Josh and Megan would. Cessily would. I would. You are our friend."

Laura replied.

" Laura..."

Nathan called out.

" Get ready. We're here."

Logan yelled to the group.

Nathan turned his attention back to Laura as she placed her hand over his.

" I'll be okay. I got you watching my back right. Besides you and everyone else will kick my ass, right?"

Nathan said to the girl with a smile on his face.

" Hmph, you know it."

Laura replied.

Logan and Bishop landed the ship and exited along with the rest of the team.

" You sure they couldn't have tracked us landing here on Muir Island?"

Logan asked.

" Positive. My ship's stealth capacity can't be pierced by any technology of this time."

Bishop explained.

" Yes, would have sufficed."

Warpath said

" Okay people. Stay tight and frosty. Two by two formation."

Logan declared.

" I'm not picking up any life readings in the area."

Bishop stated.

" Well, you're wrong. I can hear multiple bogies heading our way."

Nathan spoke up.

" That can't be true."

Bishop replied.

" Well, problem with that bishop... Is that the marauders have people who get into your mind... Like lady mastermind for example. Make the area seem deserted... Make you think your gizmo detects nobody... Almost like we would walk into a trap. But Sparky here works with sound itself.

Logan explained as he stabbed one of the marauders in her chest.

" They're here."

Nathan yelled.

And a moment later the rest of the Marauders attacked the group.

" X-Force you know what to do!"

Logan yelled to the group to attack.

Nathan took a step towards the group and shouted.


As Nathan shouted a large wave of energy blasted most of the marauders away from the group.

' Ugh! Couldn't use my full scream. My body is reaching its limits. I only got a few more attacks like that left.'

Nathan thought to himself.

" Good work separating them kid. X-Force go!"

Logan yelled as he and the rest of X-force began to battle the marauders.

" You annoying ant. I will kill you all!"

Exodus, one of the strongest mutants to ever exist said in anger.

" Careful with Exodus kid, he's an omega level mutant."

Wolverine stated.

" Omega or not he will bleed!"

Soundwave yelled as he and Exodus charged each other.

Soundwave brought his palm down over exodus's head slamming him with a shockwave, as Exodus punched him in the face.

' One, punch and it feel like he nearly tore my head off.'

Nathan thought as he spit up blood.

" Soundwave!"

Laura yelled as Exodus and Nathan battled each other.

" X Pay attention."

Logan yelled as he pushed the girl out of the way of sniper fire.

" You are strong boy, but a boy you still are. You aren't ready for this battle. Not yet."

Exodus declared as he punched Nathan away.

Nathan recomposed himself and charged exodus again.

' I've only got one shot. Got to make it count.'

Nathan thought to himself.

' You aren't strong enough yet, to beat him in a slugfest. Wait until he attacks. Feel the flow.'

Nathan thought.

Nathan ran as fast as he could towards Exodus.

" Foolish boy. You are only rushing towards your death."

Exodus declared.

" Hey, Kiddie! You should pay attention to your surrounding"

Sunfire said as he dog tackled Nathan.

" Soundwave!"

Laura yelled again.

" You God damn cheap son a bitch!"

Nathan yelled as he was pushed away from the battlefield by Sunfire.

The two wrestled with each other in the air before slamming down into the ocean.

" I really don't want to do this to you kid. But I got no choice."

Sunfire said to the badly burned boy.

" Neither... do... I"

Nathan barely muttered.

" What was that?"

Sunfire asked as he leaned down to the boy.


Nathan shouted in the man's face. Unleashing as much force as he could.

The blast that came from Nathan's mouth was nothing like it was when he first got his powers, but it was still strong enough to send sunfire flying into a nearby building. The force from the collision and Sunfire's powers caused an explosion to erupt from the building.

" Ugh!"

Nathan yelled in pain as he collapsed face first into the ocean water. Blood pooling out of his mouth.

Nathan stumbled to his feet and barely managed to limp his way back to the battlefield.

" YOU DARE? None may touch exodus!"

Exodus yelled as he battled the X-men.

" This is insanity! Can no one find the child?"

Colossus asked as he swatted away a marauder.

" Exodus is putting out too much interference... I can feel something happening... There is another telepath here. And it's not sinister."

Emma explained.

Nathan, seeing that Exodus was distracted with the X-men, dropped down on top of the man and slammed his fist into the man's back, Drilling him into the ground with the full force of an earthquake.

" What the hell was that?"

One of the marauders asked.

When the smoke cleared the Marauders looked on in shock see Exodus face down on the ground.

" Soundwave!"

Laura yelled as the rest of the X-men looked on in terror at the boy's badly burned body.

The burns spread from half of his face and covered his neck, half of his torso and both of his arms and legs were severely burned.

" Soundwave! Fall back to safety!"

Scott yelled.

Suddenly a bright pink light emerged onto the battlefield and The New X-men and predator X arrived.

" Holy crap!"

Rockslide said as he looked around at the carnage.


Noriko yelled as she looked upon the boy's body.

" Nori move!"

Nathan yelled as predator X moved to kill her.

Nathan tackled the beast and pushed it away from the group.

" Warpath! X! Help Soundwave kill that thing and then get him to the jet. Immediately!"

Logan yelled as he battled the marauders

" I'll say this about fighting monster! At least they don't do the witty banter! Are you all right kid?"

Warpath asked as he jammed his vibranium knives into predator X.

" Focus!"

Nathan yelled back as he saw the creature healing.

" Umm... Okay, wounding this thing isn't going to get us anywhere. Anyone got a better Ugh!"

Warpath grunted as the beast threw him off of its back.

Nathan got back to his feet only for the creature to swat him away again.

" HHRRRAAAAH! You won't touch him anymore!"

Laura yelled as she drove her claws into the monsters back.

' We're not getting anywhere with this. Its skin keeps it from being permanently damaged. I can hurt it, but I only have one more attack left. If I miss, I'm dead. What do I do?'

Nathan asked himself as he watched the rest of the X-men fight against the creature.

' I have to get close. So, close that the attack couldn't possibly miss. I have no choice. Everyone if this fails, forgive me.'

Nathan thought as he got to his feet.

" Hey, you stupid ugly beast! Come on!"

Nathan yelled at the creature as he ran towards it.

Seeing that the boy was injured and dying, predator X turned its attention to the boy and ran towards him.

" Nathan? What are you doing?"

Laura asked.

" What I have to. To make sure this thing stays dead. I love you all. And Laura HAhaha! I think I love you love you."

Nathan exclaimed with a smile on his face.

He jumped at the creature just as it opened its mouth. And with a snap of its jaws Nathan was devoured whole.


Laura and Noriko yelled together. The rest of the X-men all looked on in terror as the boy was eaten.

Predator X turned its attention back to the others and charged at the two crying girls, only for it to stop a moment later. The beast started to shake.

" What's happening?"

Scott asked.

" Sparky is one crazy son a bitch!"

Logan exclaimed with a smirk on his face.

" You mean?"

Laura asked

" Yep!"

Logan said to the girl.

" I'll kill him."

Laura stated.

" What are you guys talking about?"

Noriko asked.


Predator X Growled in pain.

When it opened its mouth, a voice could be heard from the inside. When Predator X had swallowed Nathan, it unknowingly gave Nathan just what he needed.

Nathan took a deep breath and as hard and as loud as he could. He shouted.

" DIE!!!!!!!"

Nathan yelled from inside the beast. Pushing his body to its limits, a blast erupted form his mouth. Predator X exploded into nothing as Nathan yelled.

" Huh! HUh! HUh!"

Nathan panted heavily as he burst free from the beast, killing it for good.

" That's for eating me you dick."

Nathan exclaimed.

" Not bad kid! Now let's get you back home so Elixir can fix you up."

Logan said.

" Laura."

Nathan called out before passing out from the pain of his wounds. His adrenaline finally wearing off. All of the injuries and exhaustion from Three days of fighting finally hit him all at once.

" Nathan!"

" KID!"

" Quickly Colossus grab Nathan and carry him to the jet."

Was the last thing Nathan heard Cyclops say before losing consciousness fully.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C11
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


