55.38% The Emperor of Darkness (DxD) / Chapter 36: Chapter 36 Testing the bigger guns...

章 36: Chapter 36 Testing the bigger guns...

Alright, get ready, fifteen seconds until the wave" Informed Issei.

"Here we go" Said Raphtalia as golden light enveloped them and teleported them away.

They got teleported to a small village where monsters were running around and the royal knights evacuated the people to safety.

"Yep, it started" Said Issei as he looked up at the red sky with circles in it.

"Issei, we should hurry" Said Raphtalia.

"Alright, hold on a sec" Said Issei.

He opened a small portal and Zin flew out of it.

"Listen here Zin, you'll have to protect Raphtalia and help her out on anything she needs" Said Issei as Zin nodded.

"But I can protect myself fine" Pouted Raphtalia.

"I know, I know, I rather be safe than face horrible consequences" Said Issei as he looked straight into her beautiful eyes not letting her argue.

"Fine, let's go" Said Raphtalia.

Issei and Raphtalia were effectively killing the monsters using a sword and boosted gear while Zin electrocuted the monsters and literally fried them to ash.

"All people were evaluated?" Asked Issei as he reached one of the knights.

"Yes sir Shield hero, we evacuated everyone to safety" Informed the knight.

"Alrighty then" Said Issei as he and Raphtalia continued on their way.

"Ummm...Issei I'm worried, why aren't you wearing the armor that Agil made you?" Asked concerned Raphtalia.

"I'm more comfortable like this, plus I have the best armor there is" Said Issei as he waved his boosted gear with a smirk on his face.

An hour has passed since the wave began and monsters stopped coming, but the wave didn't end yet.

"What are they doing? they should've been done with the boss by now" Said irritated Issei.

"We need to put a stop to the wave as fast as we can" Said Raphtalia as she followed Issei.

"Alright then, balance breaker!" Roared Issei.

[Welsh dragon protective balance breaker!] Roared Ddraig.

Soon enough Issei was equipped with his red armor.

He immediately grabbed Raphtalia, which made her yelp in surprise, and with a flap of his wing and his jet ability, he took off into the air at insane speeds.

They flew for ten minutes before spotting a large wooden and wrecked pirate ship floating in the air and someone was shooting at it from below.

Issei landed near the people who were shooting at the ship and of course it was Itsuki and his party tried to take down the ship by bows.

Issei removed his helmet but didn't release Raphtalia yet.

"Where are the others?" Asked Issei.

"They are in the ship, I told them that we should spawn the boss first but they didn't listen" Said Itsuki a bit irritated by issei's presence as he continued to shoot.

Issei didn't listen anymore as his helmet reappeared and he took off to the ship leaving Itsuki and his party in a cloud of dust.

As they got to the ship they observed from above in the air.

They saw Ren and Motoyasu struggling with the monsters as they kept reviving themselves somehow.

After a couple of seconds they were surrounded by the monsters in the middle of the ship.

And of course they started to argue, that first they need to take out the skeleton or the kraken to spawn the boss.

"Morons" Said Issei as he landed beside them.

"You really want to argue now?" Asked amused Issei.

"Mind your own business and go defend some kind of village" Said Motoyasu.

"Already did that" Said issei as he released Raphtalia from his grasp.

"Plus, we need to end the wave fast or more monsters will come and I can't do my job because of you morons, you can't even work together as a team" Said Issei.

"Either way, I know that I'll survive, Raphtalia will survive, and I won't let the villagers die, but I don't care about you, so either you take this seriously and survive or take this as some sort of a game and die" Said Issei.

Even after issei's speech they again started to argue on how to spawn the boss.

"Unbelievable" Said Issei as Raphtalia nodded.

"Aura bullet" Said Issei as his aura gathered in milliseconds in his hand.

He aimed it at the skeleton and annihilated it completely as the red, green and white beam, the size of a human shot from issei's palm, surprising everyone on board.

But the skeleton revived itself in a gust of wind.

"Hmm" Issei noticed that their shadows were moving weirdly.

"Raphtalia, I need you to cast some light magic" Said Issei.

"hm? Sure thing" Replied Raphtalia as she began the chant

"As source of thy power I order thee, deciphy the laws of nature and blind my targets: light!" Shouted Raphtalia.

As soon as she finished a ball of light shone above them brightly and Issei noticed creepy faces in the monster shadows.

"Zin! Raphtalia! attack the shadows!" Shouted Issei.

They did as ordered and Raphtalia stabbed the skeleton's shadow while Zin electrocuted Kraken's shadow killing them instantly but their souls left their bodies and surrounded the ship.

"And that's how you have to do it" Said Issei proudly.

"Good job Raph and Zin" Said Issei as he patted them both making Raphtalia blush from embarrassment because everyone were watching.

"Yeah, that was great and all, but what now!" Shouted Motoyasu. Out of nowhere Itsuki joined them with his party.

The souls started to form into a spiral in the sky, and in a bright flash a bright white beam shot down straight to the ground.

Luckily they were far from any villages and people, so it was fine if some destruction was to be made.

The beam disappeared and out of it came the boss a giant half skeleton half kraken about twenty meters tall with two giant swords and a bunch of tentacles and four glowing red eyes.

"The hell is that? how are we supposed to kill that bastard?" Asked Motoyasu pretty scared.

"Don't piss your panties yet, we might be able to defeat it easily" Said Issei angering Motoyasu and Myne.

"Divine arrow!" Shouted Itsuki as he shot a bright golden arrow at the boss monster but it didn't even scratch it.

The monster seemed to get angry as it swung one of its swords at the ship chopping it in half.

"Woah! everyone hold onto something!" Shouted Issei as the ship started to fall from the sky. He held onto some ropes while holding Raphtalia closely by him not letting her go anytime soon.

The ship crashed into the ground and got completely destroyed as only junk or scrap left out of it.

As everyone got out of the wrecked ship, the monster was slowly but surely coming straight towards them.

Motoyasu, Ren and Itsuki and their parties tried at least scratching the monster with their special abilities like lightning slash, lightning spear and so on, while Issei and Raphtalia watched a bit from behind.

"Brother, I think you should use it" Said Ddraig seriously.

"You sure it's wise?" Asked Issei.

"Yes, because without it you won't defeat it easily, as for balance breaker you can defeat with it, but it will take a long time and destruction may be a big problem" Informed Ddraig.

"Alright pal, then let's do this" Said Issei.

"What are you talking issei?" Asked Raphtalia.

"Umm ... I'm gonna use the juggernaut drive" Said Issei.

"What!? are you certain it's safe?" Asked extremely worried Raphtalia.

"Yeah, I think it should be fine, I mean Ddraig always told me the truth so I trust him with my very life" Said Issei.

"If you say so" Said Raphtalia.

Issei came up to her and cupped her cheeks making her blush.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine, just have faith in me" Said Issei as he kissed her forehead and smiled warmly as he walked off leaving frozen from shock Raphtalia.

"By the way Zin, do not forget to protect her!" Shouted Issei in the distance.

"Grhh why isn't anything working!" Shouted irritated Motoyasu. The monster was about to reach them.

"Because you are a weak bunch" Said Issei from behind.

"What did you say!?" Shouted Motoyasu again.

"You heard me, you are weaklings" Said Issei as he crossed his arms.

"You arrogant prick! you have just a shield and this armor of yours and you say we are weak?! then how about you go and deal with the monster yourself!" Shouted Myne.

"Gladly, but on one condition" Said Issei as his helmet reappeared.

"Sure, what is it?" Asked Myne.

"If I kill the boss all of the rewards will go to me" Said Issei as he walked in front of them.

"What!? that's not fair at all!" Shouted Itsuki.

"Why not? my party beat the monsters on the ship and I'm about to kill the boss alone why isn't it fair plus I did defend one village too" Said Issei.

"But.. I- alright whatever!" Said irritated Myne.

"Glad to do business with you and I suggest you back away..... like really far away and let magicians prepare a barrier so that the damage will be minimal" Said issei as he left them.

"Jut watch how he will fail that loser with only that shield and stupid armor wont defeat the boss alone, what a moron" Said Motoyasu.

"That's right, he will soon scream for our help ahaha" Laughed Myne as they walked away to set up a barrier for Issei and the monster.

...In the distance...

"Ready Ddraig?" Asked Issei.

"Always brother!" Roared Ddraig excited.

"Then we shall begin" Said Issei as his aura spread violently around Issei and became visible for everyone and they didn't fail to notice his eyes glowing emerald green.

"I who shall awaken!

I'm the heavenly dragon king who has achieved the principals of Domination and Protection!

I shall protect my allies and innocent!

And I shall dominate my enemies for the sake of the heavenly protection!

And if you oppose me and my protection you shall face my wrath!"

[Heavenly Juggernaut drive!] Roared both Ddraig and Issei.

And everyone watched, as issei slowly transformed into a red armored looking dragon who stood on both of his back feet, he had a giant black shield looking chest plate with black chains around it which were slightly burning black fire and a red gem in the middle and some on his limbs. He had golden and white spikes throughout his body and his fangs looked really sharp and deadly as well as his glare and claws. He spread his two majestic wings and two smaller energy wings like Valiana's but red and let out a powerful and dominant roar that scared everyone watching, but Raphtalia was scared for another reason as she just wanted Issei to be alright.

'Im still in control, and damy do I look good! these wings look complete too" Said Issei through mental link.

'True brother, now that you have obtained complete juggernaut drive because of this mysterious shield, you gained insane amounts of defence and durability and the fact that you surpassed the heavenly dragons you have immense power and strength, of course it's nowhere near your true form' Informed Ddraig.

'Now show the wrath of a dragon to that puny monster and show the world why they should never oppose you!' Roared Ddraig.

Issei roared once more to show who will be dominant in this battle and locked his gaze with the monster's, who looked terrified of the power that Issei was emitting but attacked him nonetheless with a loud screech with its tentacles.

But Issei didn't wait for the attack to reach him as he breathed out a powerful blazing inferno scorching flames at the monster's tentacles which burned away with ease.

The monster screeched in pain but started to attack with its swords as he had no tentacles left.

It hit Issei but he didn't even get a scratch.

Issei then continued ripping its arms with his jaws and with his claw.

Everyone watched as Issei completely dominated the monster.

"H-how can this be.." Said Itsuki.

"What is this terrifying power?" Asked Ren.

"H-h-he's a complete monster!" Shouted Myne while Motoyasu just watched in silence.

Raphtalia was far away from them watching from different angle, holding her hands together hoping for issei's safety.

Back inside the barrier issei stood calmly waiting for the monster to make a move.

Issei didn't expect anything from it at this point really, as the monster had lost its arms and tentacles which were it's main weapons.

Suddenly the ground began to shake and Issei didn't let his guard down but didn't attack either as he wanted to see what the monster would do.

The monster started to glow faint white and suddenly opened its jaw where a white sphere appeared and grew in size.

Issei waited for two minutes and the monster shot a large beam at Issei.

Issei felt that he didn't want to get hit by it ,decided to cancel the attack as he spread his energy wings which started to glow red and got a little bigger.

"DIVIDE DIVIDE DIVIDE DIVIDE DIVIDE DIVIDE DIVIDE!" Roared Ddraig band the beam didn't even get to reach its target as it disappeared into thin air.

The monster watched as Issei easily cancelled the attack.

The monster grew desperate as it wanted to escape issei's grasp it shot a beam at the barrier so it could escape, but there was a problem.

Issei noticed that the beam headed straight towards where Raphtalia stood.

She just watched as the beam almost reached her so she closed her eyes awaiting her end.

But Issei of course won't let that happen!

"Juggernaut shield!" Roared Issei and in front of Raphtalia an enormous black shield appeared with red dragon's head on it and emerald green eyes, which were glowing with rage.

Raphtalia watched wide eyed as well as the others from afar.

The beam hit the shield head on but as it disappeared the monster saw that the shield didn't even budge.

Issei was angry now that the monster dared to attack Raphtalia someone who is dear to him, even tho it wasn't the monster's intention as it wanted to just escape..

He looked at the monster who just gave up as it fell on its knees and waited for its doom.


Issei boosted countless times, actually he didn't even need to boost to kill the monster but the rage he felt made him boost.

As he finished his red gem on the chest glowed intensely and had been lit in dark red fire as if holding immense power ready to be released.

"INFERNO SMASHER!!" Roared both Ddraig and Issei as red dark beam shot out of his chest mixed with his blazing inferno scorching flames straight at the monster completely obliterating it, now even dust nor ash left just a huge crater in the ground.

Issei let out some smoke and steam out of his mouth as he relaxed.

The sky turned back to normal as the boss was killed and the wave ended with Issei dominating in the field.

Issei let out a powerful roar of his victory before slowly transforming back into his balance breaker and dispelling it too and let out a satisfied sigh.

He looked to his right and saw everyone still watching in shock while Raphtalia was the only one running towards him with Zin above her.

As she reached Issei she didn't slow down and jumped straight at Issei tackling him to the ground into a tight hug.

"Whoa! calm down there, everything is fine, no need to worry I'm fine" Said Issei as he hugged her back.

"I-I was so worried about you!" Shouted Raphtalia as some tears escaped her eyes.

She was terrified of Issei losing control and his sanity and life, she really didn't want him to use the juggernaut drive after hearing the aftermath of it even tho Ddraig and Issei himself reassured her that it was fine.

Its fine, no need-" Issei tried to talk but got interrupted by soft and sweet lips.

His eyes widened in shock.

"I love you issei, i don't want to lose you!" Shouted Raphtalia as she looked straight him in the eyes.

"I-I...I don't know what to say.....I love you too" Said Issei.

Raphtalia smiled warmly and kissed him more passionately and this time Issei reciprocated the gesture with the same amount of passion.

They parted and looked straight into each other's eyes with huge smiles.

"Fucking finally! I told you brother!" Roared Ddraig loudly.

"Shut up you lazy dragon" Countered Issei as Raphtalia giggled.

They both stood up and saw the others coming.

"Wanna leave?" Asked Issei.

"Yes please" Said Raphtalia.

"Balance breaker" Said Issei.

[Welsh dragon protective balance breaker!] Roared Ddraig.

Issei picked up Raphtalia and faith a flap of his wings and jets he flew into the sky leaving the others....

[To be continued]

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C36
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


