/ Anime & Comics / Resident Evil: Eddie [EN]
For no apparent reason, Eddie Cai suddenly got teleported into the world of Resident Evil.
While trying to survive, Eddie needs to create his Serum. But, all these works make his life pressure continues to grow.
Especially after he meets Ada Wong.
All he can do is 'Fighting' with the female Wesker to calm the stress.
As for Alex, Jill, and Rebecca. Eddie *cough* does not know them... Maybe just friends that like to hang out and drink coffee together?
Wait... You tell me they all had children?
In the future?
Ah, I see... Still, who is the children's father?
Advanced chapters available on;
レビューを書く~.....Itadakimasu~............................. ........................................................... ................................
why are novels in the resident evil world so hard to find, are they less popular? even though I think it's good if it's a novel from the world of resident evil.[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]
que bien que traduzcan la novela me quede en la original cuando mc viaja a Kings of Fiter y agrega al harem a Mai Shiranui siguiendo este trabajo para releer esto en mejor :b
hey author we just want chapter in bulk, if you ps we will get it for you just don't drop this one it is one of favourite resident evil fanfiction on webnovel. it has perfect mc( no simp) and harem relationship are not forced.
Hello Small question the story and written by you or a translation of another author? It's to know if I subscribe to a formula of your boss and to know if it is credited to me.
Finally I found a good resident evil fanfiction to read. Thank you author for writing this. Although I would suggest you take care of the character development a little more as the personalities of most of the characters especially thec seems all over the place. The story also jumps abruptly from one point to another illogically which kills the immersion. for eg. One second, the mc is doing research on virus for the umbrella and the next sec, he became a member of team Bravo? His purpose in doing so doesn't make any sense.
A very good read with interesting plot. It's a well-made fanfiction using the world building and the characters in a great manner, making it a very satisfactory read. An interesting story well written with potential to be great, currently waiting for more chapters. Don't drop it please!
This is the first Resident Evil novel I have ever read...And I'm on Chapter 135. But believe me when I say I enjoyed it. It might seem turn off to some people in the beginning But don't judge it too soon. Just give it a try as I have. You will definitely enjoy the storyline, character development, Action and some snu~snu.
It is a Chinese novel with 700 chapters written, but it is well translated. Its name is: The Showdown Begins From Resident Evil. Its Chinese name is: 摊牌从生化危机开始
Honestly the writing is just so hard to read. Some sentences are missing words. I understand it’s a translation but a little more effort would be better
this is an entertaining story so far seeing the mc plan for the eventual outbreak in raccoon city im curious to know how well all these plans will go or will something go wrong. also curious to see if the mc will ever get his own batch of monsters to use.
The story is great although it starts from the middle where the mc is already established himself as a family member of Marcus from Umbrella. The MC is a normal human with a smart head so He walk in the path of research and science. This story accelerates quite a bit of the plot with reasonable reasoning. And of course, it's a harem story but it embraces the consequences of genetically modified people's coitus, meaning the baby is a real thing coming.
The only problem I found in this fanfic is that the chapters are short 200+ chapters can be 100 chapters if 3 or 4 chapters are made as 1 chapter
this is not a proper review will write one if this novel is for me, just got a question. Will there be any yuri in the harem not a fan
作者 Mizuki77
While I hate men who have a harem he is a good guy who doesn’t fall into the abyss of the world. Also he doesn’t force anyone to do anything but strives for the better. If I was in that world I’d be tempted to be with him too. I’d probably beat him up but never harm him. As far as the story is I’d probably say it’s more complicated then it needs to be with swapping view points but it adds flavor as it’s not over done. I think my favorite character is his body guard. Would be interesting to see if he uses information on black light virus to integrate it in even if it is another world.