42.72% Woman with the Tiger Eyes in the Beast World / Chapter 135: Sienna got sick

章 135: Sienna got sick

When Sienna started to come back to herself, she felt weird swaying. She opened her eyes and saw a bright sunny sky and a big scorpion tail with a spike. She felt she is moving fast. She wanted to sit down but found out she is tied up in a huge nest on the back of an enormous scorpion.

"Sarcos must be taking me back with him," she thought and closed her eyes again. She still felt broken and so tired." It is better I will sleep thru this." her mind started to slip away. Her body felt like on fire and was aching, so Sienna rather went back to her dreams.

Sarcos did not even try to wake her up in the cold early morning when they were setting off, because his healing potion had a numbing and sleeping side effect as well. He decided just to prop her up in the soft nest and let her rest.

As the sun started to go down, the scorpions made a camp halfway, for females to rest. They did not need to rush anymore, so they were travelling more slowly. When Sienna woke up again it was already night. Sienna looked around. She was in the tall tent laying on the red cushions. Her head was spinning, "How could I sleep so long." she moaned tiredly. Her body felt hurt, and she could hardly move.

She manage to stand up and wanted to go outside to wee. Outside of the door were two guards who just let her pass freely. Everyone looked quite busy, so she slipped away from everyone and went toilet. On her way, she managed to find a bigger wildly flowing stream of clear water to wash her face. The water was cold and looked welcoming, so she took off her dress and slipped in. The cooling sensation on her skin was so relaxing. Sienna breathed deeply in the cold water. She was deep in her thoughts.

Suddenly she felt a strong hand clench on her waist and another one covered her mouth. Sienna tried to jerk her body, but it was stuck. Her mind panicked."Not again!"

The strong arm was pulling her behind in the water like a doll. Then it stopped and turned her around pressing her head on the hard man's chest, she could not even see his face. She saw light hair in the shine of the moon. She breathed in the familiar scent. Her body shivered involuntarily." Ramse." her lips said his name.

He lifted her head and looked into her blue eyes."You do remember me well, you little minx." he smiled victoriously.

"What are you doing here?"She asked tiredly.

" I promised I will come for you again," he said."I nearly finished my city and I need a queen for it," he said proudly.

"You are very fast," Sienna nodded approvingly.

"Tyrell helped me," Ramse noted.

"Ahh, yes, he is too kind."Sienna bit her lips.

Ramse felt Sienna's body stiffen. She swallowed hard and furrowed her brows tiredly." Ramse, let me go for today, please, I'm not well." she pleaded with a weak voice.

"What's wrong with you?" he looked at her a bit worriedly. he sensed something is off today. She did not fight much as he expected.

"I felt as on the fire and my body is covered in bruises, Sarcos is applying lots of medicines on me," she said. Ramse sniffed her body. It still smelled of herbs even though she was in the water for quite a bit with him.

"If you keep me now, I get sicker and might die. Only Sarcos have medicine to cure me," she said seriously.

Ramse thought hard."It was true, she slept too long."He was watching from afar."Would she really die?" he thought.

"Why were you in the water then?" he interrogated her curiously.

"To cool off a bit."...she pleaded."I was burning all night and day." she moaned pitifully.

Ramse remembered how he felt when he lost her 1st time, and when she was poisoned, he did not want to risk it again. He held her naked soft body next to his and it was intoxicating. He sighed and touched her forehead with his palm, it was burning, but her body was already cold and started to shake. Sienna gazed at him with glassy eyes. "She does not look herself." Ramse thought," No fight in her today, she must be really sick!"

He picked her up in his embrace."Ok, I let you go off this time. I'm taking you back to Sarcos, just because I love you so much." he murmured unsatisfied. Sienna felt so nice to him in his arms, he really wanted to keep her for longer with him.

"Thank you," Sienna whispered with clattering teeth, "When your city will be finished, send me an invitation and I will come to visit. We can be friends."She smiled faintly. His body was hot and she felt so freezing, she let him to held her tight.

"I will take your word for it, but don't you dare to cross me, or my revenge will be cruel."He looked at her sternly.

"You will do a cruel revenge on me?" Sienna opened her eyes wide. He just told her he loved her!

Ramse blew gently into her face to move a few golden strands of her hair from her eyes. "It depends on which side you will look at it, but I will never harm you!" he smirked at her."I want you still for myself you know..."

He took her out of the water and covered her in a warm red woven blanket. He wanted to use it after he took her, so he got it ready. Sienna started to shake uncontrollably and her teeth started to clatter even more, "I'm so cold", she whispered a bit desperately."Ramse looked at her with worry. Females were delicate and got sick easily in this world. Ramse held her tight in his embrace and started to feel a bit helpless. He carried Sienna up in his arms carefully.

Ramse strode towards the scorpion camp in long strides. He went straight to Sarcos's tent.

Sarcos was already looking for Sienna and was watching him from the time he stood still with her in the water and talk. As Ramse approached his tent, the Scorpion King went straight after him, the soldiers just let them pass, it was a matter of the kings. Ramse stood straight and went into the tent. Sarcos followed him. Ramse put Sienna back into Sarcos's cushion's nest and kissed her burning forehead gently.

Then he stood up and faced Sarcos. Scorpion King stood with his hands folded on his chest watching him quietly.

"I just found her in the water, you better check on her, she is really sick," Ramse said with urgency and bit his lips. Sarcos bend to Sienna and held her forehead. She was shuttering her teeth and shaking uncontrollably.

"Good you brought her back or she will be dead by tomorrow," said Sarcos just to scare Ramse a bit and fed Sienna medicine from a little silver bottle. Her pale cheeks blushed again, the shaking stopped and she fall asleep peacefully within a minute.

Ramse looked at her with satisfaction." I did well to bring her back, I can always take her when is better." he thought.

Sarcos looked at him."I was watching you the whole time. Thank you for bringing her back. You are king with the new city now. I heard you made new laws and work on levelling up. If she will agree on you, I will be not standing against you anymore. We can be friends again."Sarcos said seriously.

Ramse sighted."I think she still can't stand me."

"I know!" said Sarcos."Only you can change that. Just practise being kind."Sarcos smiled under his nose. Ramse was his friend from the time they were teenagers. He knew him well. He can do business with Ramse again, but he was sure Sienna would not like him as a mate.

"Come to visit me, in a week or so, when she will be better," Sarcos said to Ramse. Ramse nodded. He always liked Sarcos. They were really good friends before Sienna came along. "If I will be well with Sarcos again, nobody will dare to against me."He thought and smiled happily."Not even Sharchan."

"Thank you, my friend," Ramse said.

Sarcos nodded and let Ramse out of his tent. He prefered to have him right under his nose and watch him, than if he keeps taking Sienna sneakily. It was safer for her. Sarcos knew Ramse just wanted Sienna to be comfortable around him. The decision was always with her.

Ramse walked back to his own camp in light steps. He felt right in his heart.

The next day late afternoon the scorpions arrived in the Sand City. Sarcos left Sienna to rest in her bedroom and he went to check on eagles, which arrived with the barrels of crude oil, natural gas and poison. The strong eagles helped the scorpions to tidy the barrels into the storage according to their number and code. Sarcos had to have everything in check. He could not risk any lost barrels.

Sienna was sleeping in her bedroom. She was pale and sick. She got a very strong cold. Her nose was stuffed and she did not have any energy left. Sarcos said to her it was from all the cold caves she was in the past week and the cold water baths she has taken.

The stressful week and exhaustion took a toll on her body. Her immunity went down, so she needed to relax. Well, Sienna was quite happy to rest," I'm never going out of this bed again!" she thought tiredly and hugged the soft silky turqoise cushions.

Mili6na Mili6na

Thank you so much for your support and for reading my book.xxx

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C135
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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