6.89% Avengers earths mightiest heroes: Prime / Chapter 2: Meeting the Avengers

章 2: Meeting the Avengers

" Who is he? Where did he come from? Why is he here? Is he a friend a foe I don't know, but that's what I want you to find out got it?"

Nick fury explained to his most trusted agent the Black Widow.

" Understood sir!"

Widow responded.

" Okay, now where to start? I need to let him move around a bit more before I can get a good grasp on what I'm dealing with."

Widow said as she stared at the images of the new superhuman helping people.

Jay had been helping people for a week, popping up anywhere trouble seemed to be brewing. The people of New York had stuck to calling him Superman instead of Superboy-prime much to his slight annoyance.

" Oh well, it's all the same at the end of the day. As long as the people are safe if they want to call me superman then superman it is. Though I gotta say I really got lucky being an American citizen already makes things just a little easier."

Jay said to himself as he examined his Id.

" Ugh! All right, let's go see if we can't get a job today."

Jay said as he got up from his bed. He threw on some clothes and headed out the door, just in time to see a man getting kidnapped.

' Really? In broad daylight?'

Jay thought. He took a look around to make sure no one was looking and quickly took the kidnapper out. He quickly freed the man and returned to where he was standing.

" Feels good to get some exercise every now and then."

Jay said as he stretched his body out. His joints cracking as a feeling of relaxation washed over him. Jay began to make his way towards the street only to hear the sounds of policies cars rushing past his building.

' Guess Superman is the one going to work today.'

Jay said to himself as he turned around and went back into his apartment. He put his suit on and took off out his window leaving in a blur. Jay flew in the air following the cops until he arrived at the scene of a bank robbery. Jay lowered himself down in front of the officers and waved for them to come towards him.

" what's the situation?"

Jay asked the officer. Though hesitant at first the officer soon answered

" Well, we got fifteen armed robbers and an unknown number of hostages."

The officer replied.

Jay nodded his head and began observing the inside of the building with his X-ray vision.

" Thirty hostages and twenty-gun men. Do you have any people inside?"

Jay asked

" No sir."

The officer responded.

" One of the men seems to have some sort of explosive device in their hands. Okay, officer make sure your men stay back."

Jay said before turning away from the officer.

' It's Prime time!'

Jay thought with a smile as he hyped himself up. He took a deep breath and rushed into the Bank.

" Hey fellas making a little withdraw?"

Jay asked as he appeared in the building.

" It's superman!"

One of the robbers yelled out alerting his comrades. The men all turned and aimed their guns at superman. The next thing they knew Superman disappeared in a blur. Using his speed Superman began grabbing the guns from the men.

" What the hell?!"

One of the men yelled out when he realized his gun was gone. Suddenly all of the robbers began to notice.

" Hey Superman! You better leave or else this entire bank goes up in smoke!"

One of the thugs yelled as his finger hovered over the detonator for the bomb. Superman looked at the one and smiled.

" You'll do what again?"

Superman asked

" I'll blow this! Wait where'd it go?!"

The thug yelled as he realized the detonator wasn't in his hands anymore. Superman took the opportunity and began knocking all of the thugs out before they could escape, as he stood in front of the last guy, he raised the detonator to his face showing him he had stolen it from.

" You should know the bully never wins in the end. But if you're looking for a place with free food and a nice bed, you'll be enjoying the next few years in a nice prison cell."

Superman said before knocking the man out. The Hostages all erupted into cheers of happiness and joy as the man had saved them from their plight.

' Alright! Now, what to do with this?'

Superman thought as he held the bomb in his hands. He decided he would deal with it once the civilians were all safe and sound, so he began escorting them out of the building.

" Officer. That's everyone out of the building. I've got one more thing to take care of."

Superman said to the officer.

" What do you mean?"

The officer asked.

" There's a bomb inside. I can take care of it, but I wanted to get the people out of their first."

Superman replied before returning to the building. He walked up to the bomb and grabbed it. He held the bomb in his hands as he began zapping the wires. Disconnecting all of them to make sure the bomb was properly disarmed. Superman took the disarmed bomb outside towards the officer handing it over to him.

" Thanks again for the help Superman. We appreciate it. It's nice to see a hero who cares about the little things once in a while."

The officer stated as he handed the bomb to the bomb squad members.

" No problem officers. Always glad to help."

Superman said before taking his chance to leave.

" Hold on!!!"

A voice called out to superman he turned to see the source of the voice was Captain America and the Avengers.

' Well at least I won't need to track him down now.'

Widow thought as she and the other Avengers approached the man.

" The Avengers, how can I help you?"

Superman asked with a smile.

" We'd like you to come with us and answer a few questions."

Captain America spoke.

" Nows not really a good time, sorry."

Superman responded as he scratched the back of his head.

" Okay we weren't asking. You're coming with us."

Iron man stepped forward and said as he aimed his Repulsor at the man in front of him.

" Whoa, that's not really necessary, is it? I mean I haven't done anything to hurt anyone. And besides it wouldn't really hurt me."

Superman responded making the other avengers raise their eyebrows in curiosity.

" Look Superman you seem like an outstanding Citizen, but orders are orders and we've been told to bring you in for questioning."

Ms. Marvel stepped forward and said to the man.

" Listen Ms. Marvel, right? I'll come with you peacefully. But I'm not going to just tell you guys everything about me. I am entitled to my own privacy."

Superman responded turning his head to the long-haired blonde.

" That is fair. Now She-hulk cuff him."

Captain America said ordering the jade giant to cuff the man.

She walked forward towards the man and held out a pair of cuffs.

" Sorry about this cutie, but this is just a necessary precaution."

She-hulk said as she placed the power dampening cuff on the man.

" No, problem besides."

Superman responded as he tore the cuffs off easily, leaving everyone slightly stunned.

" They don't really work on me."

Superman said as he scratched the back of his head laughing a little.

" What happened to coming peacefully?"

Iron man asked

" I am coming peacefully. I just wanted you to see how pointless hand cuffs were."

Superman responded.

" Okay okay! Let's go."

Captain America said with a slight chuckle himself. Clearly, he was amused by Superman's actions. Iron man however was not. The Avengers led Superman away towards the quinjet.

" So, big boy! You seeing anyone?"

She-hulk asked as she leaned into the man's face.

" Not currently no."

Jay replied blushing a little at the woman's actions.

She-hulk let out a small giggle over the man's face turning red.

" Like anything you, see?"

She-hulk asked as she pushed her breasts upwards.

' Be brave Jay, don't let her clown you like this.'

Jay thought to himself.

" Yes, two things actually. You're beautiful green eyes and those luscious lips."

Jay replied as he stared softly into the woman's eyes making her blush in return. Jen sat back down in her chair and hid her embarrassment. Her antics making Jay laugh just a little bit.

" Hi, my name is Janet. Thank you for being so cooperative with us. I know this seems a little unfair considering you've been doing nothing but helping."

The was stated. Jay turned his head towards the woman and smiled at her.

" Oh, It's all right. besides none of you seem like bad guys. Well, Iron Man seems to dislike me, but it's all right. It's nice to meet you, Janet."

Jay responded.

" Wanna tell us about yourself? Maybe make this whole process a little easier."

Janet asked

" Well, what do you want to know?"

Jay asked back.

" Well, how about your name."

Janet asked

" My name is Kal-El or Superman or Superman prime or prime. Any of those work really."

Jay responded to the girl.

" Kal-El? I've never heard a name like that before."

Ms. Marvel interjected

" Well, you wouldn't have. The name isn't of this planet."

Jay responded

" What do you mean? Like you're an alien?"

Captain America asked now intrigued on the conversation.

" Yes exactly. I was born on the planet Krypton, light years away from earth."

Jay answered

" But you look just like a Human, aside from the powers there really isn't anything that different from you."

She-hulk stated

" Would you have preferred if I looked like an alien from the movies?"

Jay asked.

" What are your powers?"

Iron Man asked

" Well, let's see first there's the obvious super strength. Then there's super speed, followed by flight. I also have Heat Vision, Cold breath, and X-ray vision."

Jay answered listing off the basic abilities he had.

" Wait X-ray vision? As in you can see through things?"

Ms. Marvel asked in shock.

" Yes, I can see through buildings, tunnels, humans, anything really. Down to the subatomic level. And before any of you bring it up."

Jay was starting to say to the group.

" Have you been looking through our clothes?!"

Ms. Marvel asked

" No, I haven't. My mother raised me to be better than that. I respect women everywhere too much to intrude on their privacy like that. It might not be around much these days, but chivalry isn't dead yet."

Jay answered making the women on board smile.

" Glad to hear it Superman."

Captain America said to the man with a smile on his face.

" Oh, dear god, there's another man in this world that's just as big a boy scout as cap."

Iron Man spoke in terror.

" I'm proud of the boy scout title. I may have been born on a different planet, but I was raised here on earth. My parents taught me to use my powers responsibly. I'm no god and I'm no killer. I believe all men and women are created as equals and I believe that one day we will all see each other as friends. It might not happen today, and it might not happen tomorrow, but until the day where Liberty, Truth, and Justice is everyone's reality I'll never stop fighting."

Jay explained to the group. Their soft gazes locked on the man.

" But let me give you a warning. Don't let the boy scout title fool you. Because this boy scout if you will, if push comes to shove, can and will tie your arms and legs into a bowline knot and burn a merit badge into your chest."

Jay's soft and caring voice suddenly turned heavy, his warning shaking the members of the Avengers.

" Well, then it's a good thing you're one of the good guy's Superman."

Janet said smiling at the man.

" Yeah. Anyways we've been flying for a while. How much longer until we reach our destination."

Jay asked

" We're landing in a few minutes."

Widow replied

" Oh, is it that giant flying ship?"

Jay asked

" What?! How can you see it? it shouldn't be visible yet."

Widow asked

" I can see really far."

Jay answered with a smile.

" Dude is there anything you can't do?"

Hawkeye asked

" Well, I can't seem to get a date."

Jay answered. Rubbing the back of his head while laughing.

" Oh, that's it? Wow!"

Hawkeye replied.

After a little bit of conversation, the Avengers landed the Quin jet on the helicarrier. The group was met at the entrance by a squad of armed guards, Dr. Strange, Maria Hill, and the original Nick Fury.

" Fury is all this really necessary?"

Captain America asked as the guards pointed their guns at Superman.

" He is an unknown Captain, and I don't gamble with unknowns. Now, then Superman I'm glad you were kind enough to join us. Now, I've got some questions for that you will answer."

Nick Fury explained to the man.

" I will answer what I can to ease your troubles sir, but I won't be giving you my private information. Now, then if you're ready let's begin, shall we?"

Jay asked. Nick Fury Agreed and had the man escorted down into an interrogation room where he began drilling the man on his life. Superman repeated everything he had already told the Avengers.

" So, you're telling me there's a whole planet of people who can do the things you can out there."

Nick asked as he listened to the man's story. Clark shook his head no.

" What do you mean no?"

Fury asked in confusion.

" Yeah, I thought it was a thing his people could do. Maybe he's special?"

Ms. Marvel asked

" There was a planet, but unfortunately that is no longer the case. I have another name, one I'm not so happy of, I am the last son of Krypton."

Jay replied to the man.

The Avengers looked on in sadness as Jay explained he was the last of his race.

" Help me! SUPERMAN!"

Jay heard the voice of a woman calling out to him.

' I recognize this voice. Sarah!'

Jay thought to himself as he got up from his seat.

" Sorry Fury, but this interrogation is over."

Jay said to the man.

" Not until I say it is Damn It!"

Fury said as he pulled his gun on the man. Jay grabbed the man's gun and bent the muzzle backwards towards Fury.

" Sorry, but someone is in trouble."

Superman said as he flew straight through the roof of the helicarrier. he took off in the direction of the woman's voice and arrived in seconds to see her being attacked by a man in her house. he entered the house and grabbed the man by his throat. He dragged the man out of the house and slammed him onto the ground hard, knocking him out. He then turned around and ran back into the house to see Sarah crying in a corner.

" Sarah, it's me. It's okay. I'm right here. I'm right here."

Jay said as he cradled the crying woman.

" James thank you! Thank you so much!"

Sarah cried.

" he's not going to hurt you anymore."

jay said softly into the woman's ear.

Back at the Helicarrier the Avengers were going over their thoughts on the new hero.

" Well, what do you guys think?"

Steve asked the rest of the team.

" He seems like a real nice guy. I like him."

Janet replied.

" Yeah, and he's cute too. And that body. He's definitely a keeper."

Jen stated,

" He seems no different than you Steve, I think he'd be a good addition to the avengers."

Carol stated.

" Maybe, but I think we should watch him a little longer. What about you guys, what do you think?"

Steve asked the male members of the avengers.

" I don't trust him he seems too nice."

Tony stated.

" Just because he's not a sleaze like you tony doesn't mean he's a bad guy."

Carol replied.

" Yeah tony, the guy seems legit. I mean dude sat with a woman an entire night and prevented her from committing suicide. He's good in my book."

Clint replied.

" Fine look if you guys don't want to be suspicious of this guy then fine, but I'm keeping my eye on him."

Tony stated bluntly.

" What do you think fury?"

Natasha asked as Fury lit a cigar in his mouth.

" I don't know, but I want him watched. I want a weakness found. I want him on the Avengers."

Fury said to the woman as he smoked his cigar.

" I think a certain jade giant may be able to help with that fury."

Widow replied with a grin as her eyes locked on the jade giant.

" I see. He fancies She-hulk does he. Do it Natasha."

Fury ordered before leaving the room and a smiling Widow behind.

" As you command sir!"

Natasha replied as she watched the sensational she-hulk!

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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