85.81% Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun / Chapter 125: Chapter 122: Zonama Sekot

章 125: Chapter 122: Zonama Sekot

[Outer Rim Territories, Tingel Arm, Gardaji Sector, Gardaji Rift]

(Van: POV)

The swirling blue of hyperspace disappearing, I stared out the cockpit windows of the Milano at the world before me.

Zonama Sekot.

[Insert Image of Zonama Sekot Here]

Arguably one of the most unique and important worlds in the Star Wars universe.

The latter because it has a living consciousness, and the former because it will be key to stopping the Yuuzhan Vong in the future.

The Vong being the reason I am here at Zonama right now.

Zonama being the true name of the planet, while Sekot refers to its living consciousness.

Because despite the numerous butterfly effects my actions and very existence have caused the Fosh Jedi Vergere was still dispatched on a mission to Zonama Sekot and still disappeared while on it a year ago.

Now the question I have come here to answer today is, is Vergere dead or not.

For if it's the latter, then that means just like in the original timeline that psychopathic bird-like Jedi decided to do one more decent thing with her life before falling all the way, and willing left this galaxy with the Yuuzhan Vong to protect it from invasion by them.

But if it's the former and Vergere is truly dead then the galaxy is most likely fucked beyond all hope.

Since if the Fosh Jedi is dead then that means the Yuuzhan Vong might still be on Zonama Sekot right now. Hoping to conquer it, and then use it as a staging ground to take over the rest of the galaxy I call home.

Which I really hope is not the case.

Because right now there is no way the galaxy can truly stand up to those extra-galactic invaders if they came at us in full force. I know that for certain.

If the Yuuzhan Vong are preparing their forces for an assault on this galaxy then trillions would die, and hundreds of worlds would be lost before any true offensive could be mounted against them. If a defense could be mounted at all with the galaxy's current level of technology.

We force-sensitives would be sent off to the Vong like lambs to the slaughter. Those of us who didn't die fighting them that is.

I also have the distinct feeling the megacorporation's such as the Corporate Alliance and Trade Federation would get on their knees and blow the Yuuzhan Vong without any hesitation to save their own necks.

To say a Vong invasion in the galaxy at this particular time would bring true and utter chaos would be an understatement.

It would be akin to an apocalypse.

That's why I have come to investigate this matter, and determine if certain steps will need to be taken to ensure our galaxy is not conquered by the Vong.

As I contemplated such thoughts I received a communication from HK-47 on the Scimitar.

For I brought him along on this mission.

Because if there are Vong still currently on Zonama Sekot then having HK-47 take them on alongside me would go a long way in truly defeating the extra-galactic invaders.

For there is no one better I know at devising ways to kill things than HK.

"Yes HK?" I asked him. Answering his communication.

"Statement: Master, my ships long-range sensors detect no unique ships around or near the planet. Nor are they detecting any ships of unknown origin on the surface of the planet." HK-47 explained to me. "Observation: Perhaps those visions you received from the Force about this planet were wrong." He spoke.

Because I told HK-47 I received some visions through the Force about a possible unknown highly dangerous threat on the world of Zonama Sekot to justify our trip here.

Since I can't very well tell him the truth about this matter.

"I see. Thanks for letting me know. But don't let your guard down." I said. "I thought you would've learned by now after being around Jedi and Sith for all this time, Force visions can be interpreted in many different ways. Just because we can't detect a threat doesn't mean there isn't one."

"Statement: Yes master." HK-47 replied.

"Alright. Now, let's go and take a closer look." I said.

Once I did so HK-47 and I started flying our ships towards the surface of Zonama Sekot.

Me having no idea what we would find on it.

But I hoped it was the situation I wanted.


[Gardaji Sector, Zonama Sekot]

Our two ships having landed on Zonama Sekot safely HK-47 and I disembarked from them and met up.

After we did so the two of us started looking around, our guards up the entire time we did.

Me especially, given the Vong can't be sensed through the Force.

Though with HK-47 by my side I feel reassured if we do encounter any Vong.

Considering the recent upgrades he's acquired.

Like his chassis.

Taking note that it was starting to slow down, and once again realizing just how old it was, I had a new one forged for him and just transferred all the important information over to his new body.

HK-47 new chassis being composed out of Beskar.

A little gift from Jango and the Mandalorians.

I also added a few other bells and whistles.

Making HK-47 even more deadlier than he already was.

Was that a dangerous move? Absolutely.

Do I care? No.

For now I have the greatest killing machine in the universe under my command.

And damn does it feel good.

Moving on.

As HK-47 and I continued investigating Zonama Sekot we didn't see any signs of the Yuuzhan Vong.

But that didn't set my mind at ease.

Which is why I decided to stop my search with HK-47 and try a different route.

Using the Force to get the answers I seek.

Returning to where we landed our ships I sat down on the ground Indian-style, and closed my eyes. I then began to slowly open myself up to the Force to attempt to make direct contact with the living intelligence of the planet, Sekot.

Opening myself up to the Force more and more I relied on all my training thus far to work to establish a connection with the living planet.

Channeling the Force through my body more than I ever had before I don't know how much time passed, before finally something happened.

I felt a vastly larger consciousness touch my own.

Knowing two things immediately when it did.

That it was ancient, and that it was powerful.

I knew if I made one wrong move this consciousness could crush and destroy my own like it was nothing.

So I reminded myself to be on my best behavior.

'You, who are and why have you reached out to me?' A masculine voice spoke in my mind.

'Greetings, to you. My name is Van Sunrider. A member of the Jedaii order and a Jedaii knight.' I explained. 'As to why I reached out to why I was hoping to you might be able to answer some questions for me Sekot.'

'You know my name.' Sekot mused. 'Truly, who are you?'

'As I have just told you my name is Van Sunrider. And I'm afraid I can't tell you anymore than that.' I said. 'Please understand. I know you have no reason to trust me but I am asking you too."

Sekot was silent for several long seconds before responding.

'Very well. I shall trust you Van Sunrider. For I sense no deception from you. But should that change...' Sekot spoke.

Letting the threat hang in the air.

Which I totally got.

'I understand." I replied. 'And I thank you for placing your trust in me. Now then, if you could please tell me what happened to the female Fosh Jedi known as Vergere who came to you before me?"

'I'm afraid she is no longer here. Nor in this galaxy. For she was whisked away from here by beings known as the 'Far Outsiders'.' Sekot explained.

Making me breathe a sigh of relief.

For since Vergere went with the Vong it means that according to the timeline they won't return to our galaxy for at least another 50 or 60 years.

Plenty of time to prepare for the battle against them.

Even if I will likely be in my 70's by then.

Though in the Star Wars universe as a training force user that isn't much of a problem. I mean just like as my former master Dooku. He's in his seventies and he's still incredibly spry.

'I see. So the Yuuzhan Vong took her.' I spoke.

'To know the name of the 'Far Outsiders'. You are truly a mysterious one Van Sunrider.' Sekot spoke.

'I get that a lot.' I replied. 'So another question, do any of the Vong remain in this galaxy?'

'No. They do not. Thanks to the assistance of the Jedi known as Vergere and those that call me home I was able to drive them off, and force them to leave this galaxy. But they will return one day.'

'I know.' I replied.

'You do?' Sekot questioned.

'Yes. I do.' I replied. 'As for how I know this I cannot tell you. But since I do know the Vong will return here one day there is something I must ask of you Zonama Sekot.'

'What is that?'

'Leave this galaxy.' I spoke.

'Why do you make such a request of me?' Sekot asked.

'Because right now our galaxy is not safe for you. At the moment there is a powerful being hiding in the shadows, manipulating the galaxy at large to fulfill his own whims. Which I am working to stop. But to do so may require this galaxy to become engulfed in a war. A war I do not wish to see you get caught in. For you are far too important. That is why I ask you to leave this galaxy, and head west into the Unknown Regions of space.' I spoke.

Hoping Zonama Sekot would agree to my request.

For even if the Vong are gone they will return, and if something were to happen to Zonama Sekot then the chances of defeating the Vong would drastically decrease.

Which I cannot allow.

Thus another reason I came to the living planet is to make sure it leaves our galaxy.

Just as before Zonama Sekot was silent for several very long seconds, before responding to my words.

'Very well Van Sunrider. I shall honor your request and leave this galaxy.' Sekot spoke.

Thank you.' I replied.

'It is no trouble.' Sekot replied. 'And I hope our paths might cross again one day.'

'Me too.' I spoke.

Once I did Zonama Sekot's consciousness stopped touching mine and I slowly closed my connection to the Force. 

Opening my eyes after I did.

Finding HK-47 staring at me.

"Query: Master, why are you smiling?" HK asked.

"Because everything worked out." I replied. "Come, we must go now." I spoke.

Not saying another word in response HK-47 simply nodded.

Once we did the two of us returned to our respective ships, powered them up, and then left the surface of Zonama Sekot.

We then found a good position in space at a safe distance from the planet, and HK-47 and I watched as Zonama Sekot activated its planetary hyperdrive system and started sailing through space.

Me amazed by the entire thing.

"Query: What a most interesting planet." HK-47 spoke.

"Yes, it sure is." I replied.

And it is a planet I hope to meet again someday in the future.

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  • 世界の背景

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