75.67% Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun / Chapter 110: Chapter 107: Rise of The Mandalorians Episode X

章 110: Chapter 107: Rise of The Mandalorians Episode X

[Mandalore Sector, Mandalore System, Concordia]

(Van: POV)

Smirking under my helmet I watched as everyone moved and made room, both 'Death Watch' and 'True Mandalorian', for the honor duel that Pre and Jango were about to fight.

But just before they started everyone started receiving from reports from Mandalore.

It seems 'Death Watch' members were causing chaos within Sundari.

Which explains the signal that piece of shit Vizsla sent out earlier. He probably decided it was time for him to try and take over Mandalore and the Mandalorians since my group showed up and started poking our noses where they didn't belong.

Too bad for him, none of this plans today are going to work out.

Since Jango and I already made plans to counter this type of action.

Right now a force of 'True Mandalorian' commandoes is on its way to Sundari, being led by Kal Skirata. Komari and Sia-Lan accompanying them.

Between that group, Obi-Wan, HK-47, those still loyal to the New Mandalorians, and those who turned against 'Death Watch' due to Jango's speech a little while ago, I have no doubt Sundari is going to be just fine.

Still, that didn't stop my worrying, nor dull my anger towards Pre Vizsla for enacting such a plan.

Me not being the only one angry with the bastard.

I could sense Serra, and almost all the Mandalorians around me felt the same way. Jango in particular was a giant red ball of fury.

Fury that Pre Vizsla is about to feel.

"I see, so even facing the end you are a hut'uun!" Jango spat. "Despite this I will still give you an honorable death." He said.

Jango then drew his WESTAR-34 custom blaster pistols and started firing in Pre Vizsla's direction.

Jumping back, Pre dodged the blaster fire, and quickly took cover behind one of the larger boulders.

He then started firing at Jango with his own blaster pistols.

The Mand'alor showing his skills by expertly dodging every shot fired at him. While returning fire in the process.

As I watched the battle I found I couldn't take my eyes off of it. But that didn't mean I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. My senses spread out through the force a kilometer in each direction, I was primed and ready to react in case anyone decided to interfere in the honor duel between Jango and Pre.

For if they did they will truly wish they hadn't.

Seeing that neither was going to land a shot on the other Jango and Pre stopped firing at each other.

The second after they did Pre used his jetpack to take to the air, then he aimed his right arm in Jango's direction and a mini rocket was fired from it and started heading towards him.

Seeing the incoming mini rocket, Jango raised his right arm in its direction and then launched a mini rocket of his own. The two mini rockets colliding mid-air, creating quite the explosion.

Ignoring this Jango took to the skies using his own jetpack. The second after he did he drew his blaster pistols and fired several shots at Pre, which managed to hit him dead center in his chest and force the leader of 'Death Watch' down to the ground.

Following him Jango landed.

He then raised his left arm in Pre's direction, and brought the heat when he a plume of flames headed towards Pre, courtesy of Jango's miniature wrist flamethrower.

Using small burst from his jetpack Pre avoided the flames.

As he did Jango use small bursts from his own jetpack to close the distance.

Seeing he was being drawn into a close-quarters fight Pre decided to face it head on.

Drawing the darksaber from its place on his left side Pre activated it and then charged at Jango, unleashing a furious battle cry.

Not thrown off in the slightest took out his custom blaster pistols and started firing at Pre again. The Vizsla using the darksaber to deflect the shots quite well.

But not well enough.

Jango managed to land a critical shot to Pre's left gauntlet, which took it out of comission.

Despite this Pre continued his forward charge.

Reaching Jango he began unleashing a barrage of slashes.

Jango managing to dodge each and every one.

For unlike Pre Jango has faced Jedi and actual sword users in live combat before. Given his long career as a bounty hunter. Those experiences showing themselves right here and now.

Dodging slash after slash Jango jumped out of the way once in front of a large boulder, just as Pre tried to run him through.

Pre unable to stop himself the darksaber entered the boulder.

The second affter it did Jango delivered a punch straight to Pre's gut, sending him skidding back. As well as causing Pre to release his hold on the darksaber.

Grabbing the hilt of the darksaber Jango deactivated it, and then clipped it on his left hip.

Upon seeing this Pre unleashed a primal scream of fury.


Charging at Jango Pre began unleashing punches and kicks, which Jango countered using his own.

The battle having tuned into a fist fight, Pre was slowly being pushed back.

Ducking under a punch from the Viszla Jango delivered a right uppercut to his jaw, sending Pre flying slightly into the air, and causing his helmet to be knocked off in the process.

When he hit the ground his helmet followed a few seconds later.

Spitting blood out of his mouth Pre attempted to get back up, only for Jango to keep him in the ground by delivering a hard stomp to his chest using his left foot.

Which even with beskar-forged armor on for protection I'm sure must've hurt.

"It is over." Jango declared. He then took his left blaster pistol out of its holster and aimed it right at Pre's head. "Any last words?"

"You will never be the leader our people need!" Pre spat.

"No, that is you." Jango replied.

He then pulled the trigger without any hesitation, putting a shot right between Pre Vizsla's eyes.

Thus the leader of 'Death Watch' was dead.

Just as the morning sun rose too.

Talk about a movie moment.

Holstering his pistol Jango looked out over the crowd, drawing the darksaber and activating it as he did. Raising the unique lightsaber high into the sky Jango just stood there in utter silence.

Making him look even more badass than he already was.

A few seconds after Jango did this people just started chanting out of nowhere.

"Jango Fett!! Jango Fett!!! Jango Fett!!! Jango Fet!!! Mand'alor!!! Mand'alor!!!! Mand'alor!!!"

Calling out Jangos' name and his title the Mandalorians all around the area chanting only got louder and louder, save for a few.

But those guys didn't really matter.

What matters is 'Death Watch' is finished, and Jango is now the undisputed leader of the Mandalorians.

It's a whole new beginning for their people.


(3rd Person: POV)

Van was correct.

For on the day Jango Fett defeated the 'Death Watch' leader Pre Vizsla and claimed the darksaber as his own, it was the beginning of his legacy.

A legacy that would eventually culminate in Jango Fett becoming known as 'Mandalore the Progressive'.

For he would introduce changes to the Mandalorian people and culture that help them prosper like never before.

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C110
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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