74.32% Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun / Chapter 108: Chapter 105: Rise of The Mandalorians Episode VIII

章 108: Chapter 105: Rise of The Mandalorians Episode VIII

[Mandalore Sector, Mandalore System, Mandalore]

(3rd Person: POV)

While shit was hitting the fan on Concordia, the situation wasn't much different on Mandalore.

In a set of loose and comfortable clothing, due to the suddenness of being woken up, Satine sat in her private officer.

Watching the broadcast of Jango Fett, which she was told was being sent across the entire Mandalore Sector.

Obi-Wan standing by her side, dressed in his battle armor.

Sensing the swirl of emotions going in inside of Satine Obi-Wan placed a comforting hand on her left shoulder.

Though the moment he did so Satine turned to the Jedaii knight and looked at him a piercing gaze.

"Did you know? Did you know this was going to happen?" Satine asked.

"Yes, I did." Obi-Wan replied.

Which sent Satine flying out of her seat, a furious and even hurt expression on her face.

"Why?!" Satine shouted. "If you knew this was going to happen, then why did you allow it?!" The duchess asked.

But before Obi-Wan could answer the doors to the duchess private office burst open and a royal guardsmen entered, Obi-Wan and Satine turned their gazes in his direction after he did.

"Guardsmen, what is happening?" Satine demanded.

"Traitors duchess." The royal guardsmen revealed. "Those loyal to 'Death Watch' have started taking over the palace and the city streets."

"T-traitors." Satine spoke in utter shock.

"Yes. Police officers, members of the government, even some of my fellow royal guardsmen. They are all 'Death Watch' my lady." The royal guardsmen explained.

The 'Death Watch' agents Pre had embedded into the New Mandalorian taking action, for Pre sent them the signal to do so earlier.

If the secret of 'Death Watch' was out then Pre thought he might as well go for broke and seize power.

Too bad for him, things weren't going as he expected in the slightest.

Hearing the words of the royal guardsmen in front of her Satine fell to her knees.

But just as she did so a royal guardsmen carrying a blaster came into the room, and got ready to shoot the other royal guardsmen.

Though before they could Obi-Wan sprung into action.

Activating his lightsabe he threw it, his blade piercing the chest of the traitorous royal guardsmen. Ending their life in an instant.

The moment Obi-Wan was sure the enemy was dead he re-called his lightsaber to his hand using his telekinesis, then picked up Satine and slung her over his left shoulder.

"What? Put me down!" Satine shouted.

"I am sorry my duchess but I cannot do that. For my part in this is to act as your full time bodyguard until this is all over." Obi-Wan explained.

"No, the people. They will need me." Satine quickly replied. "I cannot let 'Death Watch' do as they please with innocents!"

"Do not worry, that is also being handled." Obi-Wan explained. He then looked toward the royal guardsmen. "Guardsmen, escort me to a safe room, we must get the duchess to safety as quickly as possible."

"Yes." The guardsmen replied.

The group of three then left Satines' private office, Obi-Wan ignoring her protests to be put down as they did.

'Ah, just like old times.' Obi-Wan thought.


Finding himself in the throne room of the royal palace Almec still could not believe what was happening.

The 'Death Watch' he and the other members of the New Mandalorian faction had thought had been destroyed, was in fact been alive and well, and has been operating right under their noses.

Not only that, but they had managed to embed their people inside of the government.

Hence Almec's current situation.

He was being held at gunpoint, along with several other New Mandalorian government officials, and still loyal soldiers, inside of the throne room by those from 'Death Watch' who had infiltrated the government.

If that wasn't enough Almec was still processing the speech he had just heard Jango Fett, a man he knew possessed the title of Mand'alor, make.

Almec had heard how well-respected Jango Fett was, and now that he had returned and made his intentions clear on leading the Mandalorian people, the prime minister of Mandalore had no idea what the future would look like.

But he did know the time of the New Mandalorian ruling over Mandalore and the Mandalorian people was likely over.

As Almec contemplated this several of the 'Death Watch' members holding him, and the other loyal New Mandalorian people, hostage turned towards a door in the throne room when it was open.

They were getting ready to pull their triggers, but stopped when they saw it was just a droid.

The droid being HK-47.

Those 'Death Watch' members having no idea they had just come face to face with a god of Death.

"Hey, isn't that the protocol droid that is part of the Jedi group?" A 'Death Watch' member asked.

"Yeah, it is." Another added. "What's it doing here?"

"Dumb droid probably got its wires crossed." A 'Death Watch' member spoke.

The same member then walked up to HK-47, and began lightly tapping a finger from his left hand atop HKs' head. "Hey droid, your masters' not here. He's on Concordia, most likely begging for his pathetic Jedi life from our glorious leader." He arrogantly spoke. "So if you want to see him you'll have to go to where he is, the after life. Would you like that huh?"

"Answer: No meatbag, I would not. "Statement: For my master is not in the after life, but still alive. Since my thought matrix cannot even create a scenario of where he would be killed by that pathetic meatbag playing at being Mandalorian, Pre Vizsla. Just all you, and many of whom who follow him are." HK-47 spoke.

Angering the 'Death Watch' member standing in front of him. "Huh, what was that you fucking droid?! Looks like you want to die after all!"

"Statement: Oh no, it is not me who will be dying, but you and all your meatbag associates." HK-47 spoke. His eyes glowing with intensity after he did.

Then once again showing his skills as as assassin droid HK-47's left hand shot up and grasped the neck of the 'Death Watch' member standing in front of him. The second after this happened HK-47 squeezed and applied pressure, an audible *pop* sound echoing through the throne room.

HK, just having broken the neck of the 'Death Watch' member in front of him.

The second after he did so HK-47 used his right hand to grab the handle of the CR-24 flame rifle he had secured to his back, bring it up to bare, aim it at the 'Death Watch' members, and then pull the trigger.

Right after HK-47 did a stream of flames exited the nozzle of his weapon and struck several of the 'Death Watch' members, turning them into human torches.


"It's burns!!!!"

"Help me!!"

The 'Death Watch' members who had been set on fire cried and shouted.

But completely ignoring them HK-47 threw the dead 'Death Watch' member he was holding with his left hand away, moved to pick up a rifle of another 'Death Watch' member he had set on fire, and then with pin point accuracy delivered head shots to all other remaining 'Death Watch' members alive in the throne room without any hesitation.

Thus ending all their lives in less than five minutes.

Stunning Almec and the others still loyal to the New Mandalorian faction.

Standing to his feet Hk-47 landed his photoreceptor's on Almec.

Who flinched as this happened.

A smart man.

"Statement: Do not worry you pathetic pacifistic Mandalorian meatbags my master gave me instructions not to end your lives. Instead he told me to protect them. So that is what I shall do. Now, follow me if you want to keep those pathetic pacifistic lives of yours." HK-47 spoke.

He then turned and began making his way out of the throne room.

Almec and the others following HK-47 after a few seconds.

For they would rather have him as their bodyguard than their enemy.

Which was certainly the best decision Almec and his comrades would ever make.

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C108
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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