57.43% Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun / Chapter 83: Chapter 80: Menage A Trois

章 83: Chapter 80: Menage A Trois

[Van Personal Apartment, Coruscant, Galactic City]

(Van: POV)

Sitting on the couch in my apartment I watched as a torrential rainstorm poured down outside.

 Which is pretty apt, considering what a shit storm the last few days have been.

First, Yennali resigned from the order.

Second, Sifo-Dyas revealed the existence of the god damn Clone Army he commissioned on Kamino to the Jedi High Council, and in turn got his ass exiled from the Jedi Order.

Then there's Marcellus and Dooku who both resigned from the Jedi order the same day Sifo-Dyas's whole situation went down.

It was a lot to process.

I mean I knew the Yennali and Dooku resignation's were coming, but still. My mind was overwhelmed with all taking place basically all at the same time.

Especially the Sifo-Dyas thing.

That came as the biggest fucking shock.

I thought I had changed the future enough so that Sifo-Dyas wouldn't commission the Clone Army, but it looks like the butterfly effects I created weren't strong enough to prevent him from taking that particular course of action.

Well at least that situation turned out better than in the original story.

Sifo-Dyas isn't dead, and now both the Jedi High Council and the Republic, who I got confirmation from from the members on the high council who are apart of our coalition, are aware of the existence of the Clone Army a decade before the Clone Wars are supposed to take place.

Though I have yet to see if that change is a good thing or a bad thing.

Only time will tell.

Oh and then there's Marcellus resigning from the order.

I mean I was going to ask him to do so and join us, but I didn't expect him to take action this early.

Still, I'm glad.

Now the two of us can kriff stuff up all over the galaxy without hardly any restrictions on either of us.

I can't wait until we start.

As I was contemplating my future galaxy spanning adventures with my best friend I was knocked out of my thoughts as the door to my apartment opened.

Turning in the direction of the door I saw it was Serra who entered.

Since tonight is the night Yennali and I have decided to discuss with Serra her feelings about me.

A conversation which I am once again hoping doesn't end in a total clsuterkriff.

As Serra closed and locked my apartment door I noticed she was soaking wet. Her clothes sticking to her body so tightly I could it out without any trouble.

So noticing this I did the gentlemanly thing.

I went to go get Serra a towel for her dry herself off with, after taking several snapshots of her with my eyes and saving the images in my mind for later.

Which I don't regret.

Coming back I went up to Serra and gave her the towel. "Here you are." I said.

"Thanks Van." Serra said. Taking the towel and beginning to dry off.

"Oh Serra, you're here." Yennali said. Coming out of my bedroom. "Good." She said.

Yennali then moved to sit down on the couch.

I then joined her.

Then after Serra finished drying off she sat down in the chair situated next to the couch. "So, why did you guys call me out here?" She asked. "You know the temple wasn't easy to sneak out of, given the effect your guys actions have caused on the order as a whole." She explained.

Telling us how two prominent factions have formed in the Jedi Order due to our resignations, and the resignations of the others.

The first camp belonged the the traditionalist which were made up of many older knight's and master's. Who were basically disgusted by the reasons Yennali, the others, and I left the order.

While the second belonged to those with more open minds. Which were made up of Padawans, several knight's, and even several master's who somewhat understood and even agreed with the reasons the others and I left the order.

Serra explained to all to us.

'So, the schism has begun.' I thought.

Telling me now more than ever I must press forward. Not just for me, but for those within the order that support my action in resigning from it.

I want to pave the way for them to do the same if they so choose.

Meaning yet another thing has been added to my to-do list. But one that I have no problem completing.

Unlike some others.

Moving on.

"Thank you for letting us know the situation in the order Serra." I told her.

"Yes, thank you." Yennali added. "Now as to the reason Van and I called you to his apartment tonight it's because this might be the last time the both of us will on Coruscant for a long time and before we left we wanted to discuss your romantic feelings for him." She spoke.

Just ripping the proverbial band-aid.

Hearing Yennali's words Serra got a scared expression on her face. She then stood out of the chair and backed up. "No, it's not what you think okay!" She hastily spoke. "I don't want to come between you so you have nothing to worry about, nothing at all. I swear it!" Serra told us. Her panic growing as she did.

I also sensed immense amounts of shame starting to well up inside of her.

"Serra, please calm down?" I asked her. "We're not angry with you." I told her.

"You-You're not?" She asked.

"No, we're not." I replied. "Like I've been saying for years feelings are often things you can't truly control. You like me, but I know you didn't start doing it on purpose. These feelings just sprung up in you one day. So there is nothing to be scared or ashamed of." I explained to her.

Once again remembering the oh so joyous task I will have in the future of teaching any members from the current order who join my new one how to properly express their emotions, instead of suppressing them.

Boy, what fun that will be.


"Van is exactly right Serra." Yennali added. "Feelings are nothing to be ashamed of."

"O-okay." Serra shakily said.

She then slowly but surely returned to the chair and sat back down.

"Thank you." I said to her.

"Yes, thank you Serra. "Yennali added.

"Right." Serra spoke. "So um, what's next?" She asked hesitantly.

"Well you like Van as a man right?" Yennali asked.

"I...I do." Serra admitted softly. "And I've been trying to get the feelings to go away but no matter what I do they won't." She confessed. "Sorry."

"Once again, there is nothing for you to be sorry about." Yennali spoke. "Especially since I don't mind you exploring your feelings for Van." She revealed.

"Am Yennali, exactly what are you saying?" I asked her. Just for clarification.

Because if what I'm thinking is right then it shows me there are still a few things about Yennali I have absolutely no idea about.

Instead of answering me Yennali gave me a smirk.

A moment after she did I suddenly saw images in my mind she sent me through our force-bond. Showcasing me, her, and Serra in risque and rather hot situations.

Seeing this confirmed my suspicions.

Yennali is giving me permission to be with Serra, and has no issues being in a polyamorous relationship.

To say I didn't see this coming would be an understatement.

But it is not an unwelcome development.

I mean I'm not saying I'm looking to create a harem or be with more than one woman, but if Yennali is giving me permission and if Serra is willing to try then I see no reason why I should not also try.

So yeah.

Multiple partners it is.

Accepting this I suddenly re-called that dark-side future version of myself I saw on Illum all those years ago during 'The Gathering'.

Wondering how much of that particular future would still come to pass.

Namely me and Aayla getting together.

But I can ponder that later. Right now I need to focus on the two women in front of me.

Moving over to Serra I pulled her into a tender hug.

"Van, what are you doing?!" She asked. Getting a massive blush.

"Oh me and Yennali just had a mental conversation and she just said she doesn't mind if you join our relationship. If you're willing that is." I spoke.

"What?!" Serra exclaimed in complete surprise. She then looked at her best friend. "Yennali, are you truly alright with it? I mean, don't you love Van?"

"I do." Yennali immediately replied. "But I also love you, and who says love only needs to be between two people?"

"Alright." Serra replied.

"So, what do you say Serra?" I asked her.

Not saying a word she leaned forward and gave me a quick kiss.

Telling me all I needed to know.

She's in.

Meaning now I am dating both her and Yennali.

Boy, what a night this has been.


The following day I found myself mulling over some food.

Yennali, Serra, and I having spent the night together.

But we weren't having sex.

We were just simply talking about how our new relationship would work. Especially since Serra was still a member of the order.

After a long discussion we three agreed Serra would too leave the order and come along with us. Which she is doing right now.

Meanwhile Yennali is out shopping for supplies and whatnot.

While I am in my apartment, still processing the fact I am now dating two women at the same time. Two beautiful, sexy, hot, women.

"Damn, I'm lucky." I said.

Just as I did so the door I heard the beeping of my mini holoprojector.

Using my telekinesis I brought it over to myself and answered it.

Seeing a mini hologram of HK-47 after I did.

"Statement: Greetings master." He said.

"Hey HK." I replied.

"Query: So, how did it go with the female Jedi meatbag Serra last night? Did you crush her feelings of love and lust towards you?" HK-47 asked. Since I told him about Serra's feelings for me. For he was the only one I could talk to about it who would be brutally honest with me concerning them.

"No, I didn't. In fact Serra has entered a relationship with Yennali and I." I explained.

"Statement: I see. So just like my creator you are now exchanging bodily fluids with two female meatbags." HK-47 said.

"Ye-Hey, wait." I spoke. "Revan had another lover besides Bastila, who?" I asked.

"Answer: The female Jedi meatbag Meetra Surik." HK-47.

Blowing my mind.

"You're kidding." I said.

"Statement: I am not." HK-47 replied. "Explanation: Before my master lost his memories and ended up bonding with the female Jedi meatbag known as Bastila he would regularly exchange bodily fluids with the female Jedi meatbag Meetra Surik. In fact even after choosing Bastila as his mate he still exchanged bodily fluids with the female meatbag Meetra Surik. My creator sometimes exchanged bodily fluids with both female Jedi meatbags at the same time." HK-47 spoke.

Revealing a side to Revan, Meetra Surik, and Bastila Shan I never knew existed.

I mean I knew Meetra and Revan were close, but not that close.

All I can say is, damn.

Revan's rizz energy must've been extremely high.



A/N: Another chapter done.

Like I said, this will be a harem story but not a super easy relationship mash-up.

What I mean is I want to write a harem with substance. Not just a guy getting all the girls for no reason. The relationships will be built.

Anyway, until next time.

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