36.48% Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun / Chapter 52: Chapter 49: The Yinchorri Uprising Episode I

章 52: Chapter 49: The Yinchorri Uprising Episode I

Looking down I stared at Yennali's sleeping face.

Seriously questioning if she was the same girl who just a little while ago did that thing to me with her mouth.

'Yes. I'm that person.' Yennali telepathically spoke.

"Morning." I said to her.

Yennali opening her eyes, and putting a smile on her face after I did. "Morning." She said. "So, last night was great."

"Yeah, it was." I replied. "I can't wait to do it again." I told her.

Especially since I don't have to worry about getting Yennali pregnant.

For in the Star Wars Universe they have this thing called a contraceptive implant. Which keeps woman from getting pregnant, and keeps men from getting woman pregnant. It works 100% percent of the time, and has been around for centuries.

Yennali and I both have the implant.

So until we choose to get it deactivated we can have sex all we want without having to worry about making a baby.

Though that's not to say I don't want to have a child someday.

Since I did.

I'm just saying not right now.

Especially since there is going to be a war in the future, and given the actions I myself will take in the future. I will not bring a child into this world until I know it will be relatively safe.

No offense to Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker, but I don't want my child to be born into a galaxy of war, like their son Ben was.

Oh and as to why both Yennali and I have the contraceptive implant, it's standard for all members of the Jedi Order once they reach the age of thirteen.

Since although Jedi are forbidden from forming attachments they are not forbidden from having sexual relations.


Even though Jedi act like monks back in my old world in some ways, they are vastly different in others.

I won't even mention how Dooku gave me the sex talk once I reached puberty.

For that is something I try never to think about.

Because experiencing it once was enough for me.

Moving on.

Hearing my words Yennali put a sultry smile on her face.

I then felt her hand take hold of the lightsaber between my legs, and then we had a round of morning fun.

But unlike last night stopped after just one round. For we both had things to do, and we both knew if we stayed in bed any longer we would be in it for the rest of the day.

So engaging our willpower, which we turned off last night, we broke apart and began getting ready for the day.

Me taking a shower first, then Yennali.

While she was refreshing up I left the room to go and prepare us some breakfast.

Only to find Marcellus sitting on my living room couch, a holoprojector on the table in front of him, on a holo-call with Nova.

Ever since our mission to Corellia ended two weeks ago those two have been communicating regularly. Marcellus using my apartment to do so. For if he tried to do such a thing at the Jedi temple there would be a risk of his actions being discovered, which would cause a mess to start.

So as his best friend I'm been letting him come here to so he can talk to his...lover, girlfriend? I'm not really sure.

The two of them haven't defined their relationship yet, but from what I've observed of their interactions so far they seem to be heading down the path of a permanent relationship.

But again, I am not sure of anything.

All I know is that right now my best friend is happy, and so long as he is that's all that really matters to me.

Thus I'll have is back.

Nothing more and nothing less.

The holo-call between Marcellus and Nova came to a end a few seconds after I saw them.

Once it did Marcellus turned to face me. "Morning Van."

"Morning." I replied. "So, early morning call with Nova I see."

"Yeah." He replied. "She told me the other day the Green Jedi council was getting ready to send her on an undercover mission that would last at least two months, so this morning was the last time we could chat before she began it." Marcellus explained. "Sorry if I am intruding or anything."

"No, no, it's fine. I get it, really." I told him. Putting a teasing grin on my face. "If my girlfriend was about to be out of contact for about two months I would want to get as much time as possible with her as well before she left."

"What girlfriend, no!" Marcellus denied. Getting a small blush on his face. "Nova isn't my girlfriend. I mean I haven't asked her to be, and well I don't even know if she wants our relationship to go there. So.."

"My friend, this girl wanted to talk to you before she went on a two month undercover assignment. I don't think she would share that information with anyone she wasn't seriously interested in." I said. "But then again, what do I know. Look all I'm saying is if you want more from Nova then tell her the next time you speak."

Marcellus nodded his head at my words. "Right. Thanks Van."

"No problem. It's what best friends are for." I replied.

Then just as I did Yennali walked out of my bedroom. "Hey Van, did you make any food? I'm starving. You really wore me out last-"

Stopping her words, and in her tracks, Yennali stared at Marcellus, who stared right back at her.

An awkward air settling over the entire room.

Turning it into quite the morning.


Entering the Jedi temple, Marcellus, Yennali, and I did so together.

The awkward air from earlier having completely vanished.

We all just needed a few moments to come to terms with the situation.

Marcellus do the fact Yennali and I were now sleeping together, and Yennali coming to terms Marcellus knew about mine and hers new relationship status.

As for me I worked as a meditator, making sure the situation didn't become bigger than it needed to be.

A job I did successfully.

Sometimes I even outdo myself.

Walking through the halls of the temple, the three of us noticed a lot of commotion. I could also sense a tension in the air.

"I wonder what's going on?" Yennali asked.

"Yeah." Marcellus added.

Then right after he did so Bultar rounded a corner and approached the three of us. "Yennali, Van, I need you to come with me immediately. The high council requests your presence." She explained.

Right after she did Yennali and I parted ways with Marcellus, and began following Bultar. For if the high council called for the both of us, and with all the activity going on around the temple, the situation must be serious.

The three of us didn't have to walk for long before we reached our destination.

One of the Jedi temple situation room's.

Upon entering the room Bultar, Yennali, and I saw several masters crowded around a holo-table.

Which included Plo Koon, Giett, and Mace Windu.

I also saw Qui-Gon, Obi-wan, and Komari. 

The latter of whom was finally granted the rank of Jedi master a week ago.

So yay for her.

"Master, I have brought them." Bultar spoke to master Micah.

"Excellent work Bular." Micah told his apprentice.

"Thank you." Bultar spoke.

She then took her leave.

As she did so Yennali and I joined the others. She then looked towards master Plo.

"Master, what's happening?" Yennali asked Plo Koon. "Why is the temple filled with such tension?"

"For we find ourselves in a most precarious situation." Plo Koon responded.

He then proceeded to explain the situation to us.

Which was the beginning of the Yinchorri Uprising.

'So, that time has come.' I thought.

Now, let's see if I can the Jedi Order will understand the lesson I am going to teach them using this situation.

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C52
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Stone -- 推薦チケット
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