12.83% Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun / Chapter 17: Chapter 16: Academy Days Episode XVI

章 17: Chapter 16: Academy Days Episode XVI

Taking a moment I centered myself before I faced the obstacle course.

The third and final test in this years initiate trials.

Inhaling and then slowly exhaling I opened myself up to the Force and let it empower me. Sharpening my mind and senses, as well as using it to enhance my physical abilities.

The moment I finished doing this master Giiett spoke up. "Youngling Sunrider, you may begin." He spoke.

As soon as I heard those words I took off running.

A minute after I did so a platform rose up directly in my path.

Keeping my speed I leapt over it and kept going.

As I did several platforms rose up in my path, but thanks to precognitive visions I was able to evade them and keep going.

Rounding the last platform blocking my path I suddenly sensed danger. So I jumped into the air and twisted my body. In doing so I dodged two bola coming at me from both my left and right side.

Landing on the ground I went back to running. Starting to dodge the diamond-shaped pendulums in the process.

Weaving around another pendulum in my path I was suddenly forced upward as the ground under me turned into a platform. Then as soon as it did I noticed a cannon on the wall to my right shoot a net in my direction.

Seeing it I dropped flat on my stomach and dodged it by a hairs breath.

The second after I did I jumped to my feet and then jumped off the platform and landed on the ground. Breaking into my run once again.

Clearing the halfway point in the obstacle course I noticed the speed of everything increased. From the speed of the pendulums, to the cannon firing, to the time the platforms rose up from the ground. Then there was the sudden walls that sprung up added into the mixture.

Yet I didn't intend to let any of these things keep me from my goal.

Dodging, weaving, ducking, jumping, etc.

I used all my skills and not let myself be stopped.

Until eventually I achieved my goal.

I reached the end of the obstacle course.

The moment I did a loud buzzing noise resounded throughout the entire room.

When it did all the obstacles on the obstacle course reset themselves.

This allowed me to walk back to the other side of the room unimpeded by anything.

Reaching the other initiates master Giiett spoke up.

"Youngling Sunrider, congratulations on being the first one in your group to clear the obstacle course." He spoke.

"Thank you master." I told him.

I then went to the back wall and leaned against it. Since I am tired.

While I caught my breath and recovered I watched as the other eight initiates in my group took their turns running the obstacle course.

Including Yennali and Marcellus, since both ended up assigned to my group.

Unlike the others.

Both of them managed to complete the obstacle course. Marcellus using acrobatics, while Yennali employed a more structured approach. Yet still a viable method to making it to the end goal.

Eventually everyone completed the obstacle course.

Once we did master Giiett shut it down and then used the Force to return the computer terminal to its original hidden position within the floor.

He then led us back to the hall we had used to start the initiate trials.

We then waited as the other groups returned to the room. 

When they did master Yoda addressed us one last time.

"The last trial you younglings have just taken. Over, the Jedi initiate trials are. Selected to be Padawns in a few days you will know. Until then, rest and reflect." Master Yoda spoke.

As soon as he finished we younglings were released. Thus bringing this years initiate trials to a close.

Now we have to wait and see who made the cut and who came up short.


Leaning against the wall in front of the doors of the hall where the Jedi initiate trials were held I waited.

Along with the rest of the younglings who participated in the trials.

A week has passed and today is the day we learn the results of the trial. Whether we will become Padawans, continue as younglings, or for some of us leave the order entirely or end up shoved into one of the service corps.

To say I'm not a little nervous would be a lie.

"I'm so nervous." Serra said.

"That makes two of us." Marcellus spoke.

"No, three." Yennali added.

"Four." I said.

Kento and Nahdar also joined in on our nervous train. I could feel through the Force the other younglings were in the exact same position emotionally wise.

It might get better if the masters finally get this thing started.

A moment after I asked for that the doors to the hall swung open and we saw master Giiett standing there.

He then called in the first initiate, and thus the results started to be given.

The result portion moved a lot faster than I expected it would, and then before I knew it it was my turn.

Hearing my name called I entered the hall, the doors closing behind me after I did. Since it did that for the other initiates who were already informed of their results in the trials before me.

Seeing the six masters standing in a semi-circle I walked into the middle of them and then stopped in my tracks.

"Greetings youngling Sunrider." Plo Koon spoke to me.

"Greetings master Plo Koon, and you all you other masters as well." I said.

The other masters greeted me in return.

Once they did so Yoda spoke up.

"Youngling Sunrider, reviewed your performance in the initiate trials we have. Determined we have you will move up to the rank of Padawan." Yoda spoke.

Those words causing a smile to break out on my face.

"Congratulations to you." Yoda said. "Taken another step into becoming a true Jedi you have. Now a decision you must make. Choose a master you must. Though hard this might be, since many wish you to be their apprentice." Yoda explained. "Three in this room right now there are. Master's Plo Koon, Yaddle, and Windu." He revealed.

Shocking me.

Since I knew a lot of people would want to be my master, but I never expected three members of the high council would. Especially not Windu.

"I see." I said. Having recovered from Yoda's revelation. "Thank you for telling me that master Yoda. But before I make a decision I would like to here the names of the others who wish to take me as an apprentice before I make any decision regarding the matter."

"No issue that will be." Yoda spoke.

"For one so young you seem to have more wisdom than your peers. Never lose that youngling Sunrider, for it will serve you well." Plo Koon told me.

I then think he smiled at me. Though with his mask on I can't tell. Though the Force is telling me he did smile.

Boy, today is just full of surprises.

"Yes, I will keep that in mind master Plo Koon." I said.

Once I did so he nodded. Plo Koon then informed me of the others who sought to be my master.

After he told me their names I instantly knew who too pick.

So I told the council members my choice and then left the hall.

The other initiates then had their turns.

Then once all was said and done my friends and I assembled.

"So, how did it go for you guys?" I asked them.

"I ended up being taken as an apprentice by someone named Kit Fisto." Nahdar spoke.

His master the same as in the original story.

"I got assigned as the apprentice of master Drallig." Serra proudly spoke.

Yet another master/apprentice pair from the original story.

"I became the Padawan of Sifo-Dyas." Marcellus nervously said.

But I can sense his nervousness is from excitement and not fear.

"Plo Koon has taken me as his apprentice." Yennali exclaimed. A stupid grin on her face.

With good reason.

Plo Koon is among the strongest and well-respected Jedi of this era. Yennali is lucky to have him as her master. Marcellus in the same way with Sifo-Dyas.

Both of which are butterfly effects due to my existence, since if I remember correctly neither Plo Koon or Sifo-Dyas took official apprentices in the original story.

Which means now its even more important for me to save Sifo-Dyas from his original fate. Because letting my best friends master get killed when I could prevent it would definitely be a dick move.

"I must spend another year at the academy." Kento revealed. Then before anyone could say a word he spoke again. "Don't feel sad for me guys. I will catch up, so instead of focusing on me, please focus on your new roles as Padawans." He said.

We all agreed with his words.

"So now there is one. Tell us Van, who did you select as your master?" Nahdar asked me.

When he did I told him and the others, who I had selected as my master.

A choice I don't think I will ever regret.


The following morning I got up.

I then began the process of moving my personal belongings from my dorm room to my new personal quarters in the temple where Padawans resided.

After doing so I headed to one of the training halls, where my new master was waiting for me.

For we had agreed to meet up there yesterday.

Arriving I entered the training room and saw my master standing there.


For if I am to save him from becoming a Sith and have him join my faction what better way than to become his Padawan.

"Good morning, apprentice." Dooku said.

"Good morning, master." I replied.

Our relationship as master and apprentice finally official.

"Come, we have a lot of work to do." Dooku said.

"Yes." I replied.

Jumping right in to my apprenticeship under Dooku.

Knowing it's not going to be boring at all.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C17
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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