6.08% Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun / Chapter 7: Chapter 6: Academy Days Episode VI

章 7: Chapter 6: Academy Days Episode VI

"Alright class, that is all for today. I will see you tomorrow." Our classroom instructor spoke.

When she was finished my clanmates and I got up from our seats and left the from to head for the mess hall.

Me ignoring the looks I was getting and whispers spoken about me as we did.

"Is that him, Dooku's next chosen apprentice?"


"He doesn't look like much."

"I see, so Dooku has chosen to teach the boy from the Sunrider family."

These and other such comments have been going around for the past week, ever since people found out Dooku assisted me with my Makashi training. 

In addition, people now have this idea that Dooku is going to select me as his next Padawan.

Which is crazy.

In all of our training session's thus far Dooku has never once suggested to me he wanted to take me on as his next Padawan. Not that I would turn him down if he did, but like I said he hasn't done anything to show me he would be inclined to do so. Especially since at the moment Dooku still currently has a Padawan.

Komari Vosa.

Though if things continue progressing like they did in the original story that won't be the case for much longer.

But like with other events I wonder if I might be able to change that.

While pondering this my clanmates and I arrived at the mess hall.

After getting our food we found a table and sat down. Eating our food and conversing about our classes and other such topics as we normally did. Then once we were done we got ready to turn in our trains and leave the cafeteria.

But right as I stood up I felt an invisible force pushing against the front of my legs. Which caused me to trip. Though before I could fall flat on my face I felt someone grab the back of my rope and pull me back up. Turning around I saw it was Yennali.

"Thanks Yennali." I told her.

"No problem Van." She said. Yennali then got an angry expression on her face and began looking around the mess hall. Her eyes landing on a group of older initiates snickering at us a few seconds after she did.

"Yennali, leave it." I told her. "I mean if someone is going to use telekinesis to mess with us instead of dealing with us face-to-face, then such people aren't even worth thoughts in our heads." I said loudly enough for the group of snickering older initiates to hear.

Since I am certainly not above being petty.

Two can play at that game.

Hearing my words the snickering of the older initiates stopped. They then got up from their seats and started making there way over to me and my clanmates. Who all stood up and stood by my side as they did.

Soon our two groups were standing in front of each other.

When we were I put a cheeky smile on my face and directed my gaze to the designated leader of the older initiates. A male Iktotchi. 

Who is doing his best to look intimidating, which isn't hard given for him given his species natural appearance makes them look like something straight out of Hell from my previous life.

Though this guy doesn't scare me in the slightest.

"Yes, is there anything we can do for you all?" I asked the older initiates.

"Yeah, you just insulted us and we would like an apology." The Iktotchi spoke. Moving closer into my personal space, since he likely concluded his intimidation wasn't working so he was trying to increase its effects.

But it's not working on me.

"Really, I insulted you guys?" I asked. "No, I don't think I did. Did I Yennali?"

"No Van, you did not." Yennali replied. "You insulted the people who tried to make you fall on your face using telekinesis." She said. Yennali then looked at the group in front of us. "But if these guys felt insulted by your words, then it means they were the ones that tried to trip you up using telekinesis in the first place."

"Yep, you are exactly right." I said. Dropping the cheeky smile in the process. "So, what made you guys want to trip me?" I asked them.

"Show some respect to your seniors you brat." One of the older initiates said to me.

"Sure. I'll show some respect. When I see some people worthy of it." I replied. "Unfortunately I don't see any in front of me at the moment."

"Listen Sunrider, just because you have Dooku's favor doesn't mean you can treat us like this." The male Iktotchi said. "Just because you've got a good future lined up doesn't mean you can look down on us." He spat, disdain lacing his voice. "Understand?"

"First off I don't have Dooku's favor. He simply comes to my personal training sessions and gives me pointers because he wants to. I didn't ask him to do that. And if you don't believe me go and ask him yourself. Second, I'm not looking down on any of you. I don't even known any of you. Except as the cowards who thought it would be funny to trip up someone younger than them." I explained.

"You, you brat!" The male Iktotchi exclaimed. He then grabbed the front of my ropes. "I think someone needs to teach you to respect your elders." He said.

Then before things could escalate any further a female voice spoke up.

"Put him down right now, and back away." It said, leaving no room for argument.

I also felt the female speaking inject their intent into their voice through the Force.

This caused the Iktotchi male to let go of my robes, and for him and his friends to back away.

When they did I turned in the direction I heard the voice come from and saw a woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes. From the descriptions I have heard about her around the temple I knew I was looking at Komari Vosa.

Dooku's current appearance, and a woman who is due to suffer a very fucked up fate in the next year.

Simply do to her old man fetish, which caused her to manifest lustful feelings for Dooku.

Not paying me any attention Komari kept her gaze firmly focused on the male Iktotchi's group.

"Good. Now go on. Scram." Komari said.

When she did the group of older initiates started walking away until eventually they left the mess hall.

"Thanks for that." I told Komari after the other group left.

"No problem. After all, I can't stand seeing weaklings' like that gang up on people with so much potential." Komari said. "I especially can't let anything happen to master Dooku's next apprentice." She added.

Clear infatuation in her voice when she spoke Dooku's name.

"Padawan Vosa, I am not master Dooku's next apprentice, despite what everyone is saying." I told her.

"Oh, so you know who I am, do you?" Komari asked.

"Yes, I do." I replied. "I mean who wouldn't know a skilled jedi such as yourself."

"Good one kid. Good one." Komari spoke. "So, now that the annoyances have been taken care of what are you younglings up to next?"

"We're heading to lightsaber training with Master Drallig." Marcellus answered.

"Ah taking lessons from 'The Troll' I remember those days." Komari mused. "I also remember how boring it was to take his lessons."

"But lightsaber instruction is a fundamental aspect we must learn if we wish to become full fledged jedi and advanced within the ranks of the order." Yennali spoke.

"Yeah." Serra added.

"Yeah, yeah, I know that." Komari replied. "Relax. I'm not telling you lightsaber lessons aren't important. I'm just saying some change could be good for you younglings. So I'll tell you what. How about I take over your lightsaber instruction class for the day?"

"Really, would you?" Serra asked.

"Can you even do that?" Galen questioned.

"Yes, and yes." Komari answered. "I'll let master Dooku know what I'm doing and he'll take care of the rest. So enough talk, follow me and I'll promise you'll learn some real moves instead of just repeating the same boring maneuvers Drallig shows you."

Then before we could reply Komari simply started walking. A moment after she did so Nahdar started following her.

Seeing this the rest of us decided to follow Komari as well.

Wondering how her lightsaber instruction would differ from master Drallig's.

Though knowing what I know about her personality, it certainly won't be boring.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


