5.4% Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun / Chapter 6: Chapter 5: Academy Days Episode V

章 6: Chapter 5: Academy Days Episode V


One of the greatest and well-respected Jedi of this generation. An expert in Makashi and currently one of the best lightsaber duelist alive in the galaxy. As well as the man who has the potential to one day become the Sith known as Darth Tyranus and plunge the galaxy into war, all as a means to an end by his so-called 'master' who will see Dooku as nothing more than a pawn.

That is the man I am face-to-face with right now.

Honestly I am both happy and scared at the same time.

Happy because I really liked Dooku's characters in the original story. He had the willingness to go his own way and do the right thing, despite what the council and Jedi Order said. But along that same line I am scared. Since I know what happens to Dooku if he chooses to go down that path. His righteousness and noble ideas will be twisted into something dark and ugly, along with the man himself.

I find it truly sad what became of him.

Which makes me wonder, can I do anything about that?

For if I can then the benefits would be enormous. 

Not only would I have a well-respected and experienced Jedi Master on my side, but I would also have a man who shares my ideals and has the power to access an enormous amount of money. Given that Dooku can become the Count of Serenno.

After thinking about it for a few seconds I decided to give it a try and turn Dooku away from his path to become Palpatine's puppet.

'Now I just have to figure out how the kriff I'm doing to do that.' I thought.

Since I'm sure it won't be easy.

Moving on.

I gave a slight bow to Dooku. "Greetings master Dooku." I said. I then raised my head back up.

"Greetings to you as well youngling Sunrider." Dooku replied.

"Oh, you know of me?" I asked.

"Yes." Dooku said. "For it is not everyday you hear of a youngling trying to train himself in Makashi. Add to that you bear the name of Sunrider, a famous name among the Jedi which you obviously know, and it was not difficult for me to discover your identity." He explained.

"I see." I replied. "So master Dooku, um how long were you watching me and why if you don't mind me asking?" I questioned. Feeling slightly embarrassment creep up on me as I did.

Because it's one thing to know when people are watching you, and an entirely different matter when you find out you've been watched without any idea.

"I came in and began observing you shortly after the second hour of your training began. As for why I was watching you I told you my reason earlier, I was curious about the youngling who was attempting to learn Makashi on their own." Dooku explained.

"Okay." I replied. "So master Dooku, what did you think of my technique?"

"Oh, where to begin." Dooku mused.

He then gave me a very brutal, yet truthful evaluation of my Makashi form. Pointing out any mistakes I made in my technique from his observations.

Giving him my full attention I committed all of Dooku's words during the evaluation to memory. Since with him being a master of Makashi he knows what the kriff he's talking about. Just hearing him speak I know I can improve my Makashi form by following his words alone.

Though what I would truly like is for Dooku to train me in Makashi in a hands-on manner.

But I don't dare ask that.

First of all the two of us have just met. Second, Dook us a master and I am still just a youngling. To request such a thing from him would definitely be overstepping my bounds at the moment. Third, I'm tired from the training session I just completed and am not up for another one so quickly.

Thus I simply listened and kept my mouth shut.

Eventually Dooku finished his evaluation.

"Thank you master Dooku. Your evaluation just now is something I will take to heart and use to improve myself." I explained.

"It is my hope you do." Dooku said. "Good day youngling."

Dooku then left the training room.

Concluding our first meeting.

Little did I know that that meeting would lead to a long and fruitful relationship between Dooku and I.


My movements as precise as I can make them, given my current age, I practiced the maneuvers of Makashi in the training room with my training lightsaber.

Dooku standing to the side, silently gazing at me and judging me.

Two weeks have passed since I encountered Dooku during one of my personal Makashi training sessions.

Ever since then the man has been coming to my personal training sessions whenever possible for him and giving me blunt evaluations.

To say I don't find it a tiny bit strange would be a lie, but I am not going to question Dooku's actions.

Especially when he is giving me free advice/training when we are not even in an official master/apprenticeship relationship.

Which is not to say other jedi within the order do not practice the same method, it's just that most wait until they have been officially appointed an apprentice.

Those that want to take one that is.

But again, I am not complaining.

Since it is also thanks to these unofficial training sessions I am able to build a relationship with Dooku and grow closer to him.

Well, as much as a person can grow close to Dooku.

The man certainly doesn't make it easy.

The fact Qui-Gon Jinn managed to do what I am attempting has made my respect towards the man go up.

Stopping my movements I deactivated my training lightsaber and looked Dooku in the eyes.

I've come to learn he respects you more if you do.

"Master Dooku, how did I do this time?" I asked him.

"A slight improvement." Dooku spoke. "Though you are still wasting energy with unnecessarily big movements. Never forget this youngling Sunrider, Makashi requires precise actions. Like you performing a dance." He explained.

"Yes, master Dooku." I said.

Just as I did so the door to the training room opened and Marcellus, Yennali, and Serra entered.

"Van, do you think we could join you for lightsaber training today?" Yennali asked.

The two of us having become friends/rivals ever since we did Velocities against each other that day.

I also count Serra as my friend too. It was easy to do since she and Yennali are practically glued at the hip.

"Yeah, do you mi-Oh hello master Dooku!" Serra nervously spoke. Upon being the first to notice Dooku was standing in the room.

After she did Yennali and Marcellus also noticed him and then greeted him accordingly.

"Hello younglings." Dooku spoke. "And good day." He said.

Dooku then left the training room, his cape flowing comply behind him as he did.

I hope I can leave a room in such a badass way one day.

Once Dooku was gone my friends rushed over to me.

"Van, are you okay?" Marcellus asked me.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I replied.

"Then why was master Dooku here?" Yennali asked me.

"Oh, he was just giving me some pointers on my Makashi form." I said.

"Really?" Serra questioned.

"Yes. Really." I replied.

"Isn't that scary though?" Serra asked me.

"Not at all." I told her. Sensing she was intimidated by Dooku. "Listen I know master Dooku is intense but he's truly alright once you get to know him. Though he definitely doesn't make it easy."

"Wow Van. You're so amazing." Serra said.

"No, no. I'm really not." I replied. "Anyway enough about that, didn't you guys come here to join me in lightsaber training?"

At my words the others relented, and then we began practicing form I and then moved onto the basics of form III: Soresu.

Which master Drallig had begun teaching us the basics of the other day.

After we finished I asked the others to keep my unofficial training sessions with Dooku on the down-low.

I don't mind if they tell people if asked, but I would rather they keep it to themselves.

Since I don't want to deal with any shit such a revelation might stir up.

My friends agreed to my request.

Though it was all for not.

Since the next day the entire temple knew about the training sessions between Dooku and I.

Just my fucking luck.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


