
章 5: Chapter 5

The nearest seven-day statue should be located in the middle of Galesong Hill on the outskirts of Mondstadt, and the road will pass by the Temple of the Eagle.

The members of the Favonius Knights have already set off, and the nearby hilichurls camp has been swept up, so they can move forward with confidence.

The Monumental Tree is in the center of the windy place, next to a clear stream, and the Statue of The Seven stands on the platform.

Like a delicate chess piece that has been magnified hundreds of times, the top is a statue of the wind God Barbatos.

The wind god who spread his wings, holding the wind of nothingness in both hands, protects the peace of Mondstadt.

[The wind brings the seeds, and time makes them germinate. ]

This passage is not unusual, it is a standard poem engraved on the Statue of The Seven.

But after this sentence, there is another sentence that should not have been written.

[ The statue is waiting for the noble person, and the wind of time will usher a new story. ]

"A noble person... isn't that me?"

A little narcissistic, but as a transmigrator, no matter how you think about it, there is such a possibility.

He nervously placed his hands on the pillars of the Statue of The Seven.

Feeling the cool touch of the stone, listening to the swaying song of the sky tree.

The fragrance of flowers, the trickling stream, and the swaying green grass all show the existence of the wind.

This comfort makes people feel happy.

A minute has passed...

Five minutes have passed...

Thirty minutes have passed...

Summer opened his eyes and left his hands from the column, the wind still surrounding him.

Windy, flat terrain, facing the sea.

Three hundred and sixty-five days a year, twenty-four hours a day, sixty minutes an hour, sixty seconds a minute, all windy!

In other words, for Summer, he feel nothing.

Still a downright ordinary person.

"Great and almighty God, you have worked so hard to bring me here, you must give me something, right?"

Maybe God heard his begging, and there was a noise in the grass next to him.

"What is it, a baby?"

With anticipation, he clawed away the grass.

The mood becomes complicated.

Not the plug-in or treasure you expected, but it seems more satisfying?

In the grass, a girl was lying on her stomach.

Some similar witch costumes.

The big hat and the small cloak are all purples in the main body, with a pattern of shining stars, and the legs are the color of copper Mora.

The lining is mainly red, and the whole body is tied with many four-pointed star-shaped pendants.

The lower body is similar to the existence of one-piece stockings, but when I look closer, I find that it is not semi-transparent, more like a pair of leather pants, but the appearance is deliberately made into these attractive stockings.

It's a bad-ass design.

The black double ponytail hangs down, and there is a fading purple at the end of the hair, and the slightly weird bandage is also a four-pointed star pattern.

Because the girl was lying on the ground and couldn't see her face clearly, but from the outfit, she was most likely the astrologer Mona.

This posture and figure are a bit tempting.

"This is what you gave?" he looked back at the Statue of The Seven: "Then I'm welcome?" If the Statue of The Seven is a gacha, then this Mona is like a five-star.

Summer squatted down and turned the girl over.

"Astorologist Mona Megistus."

You're welcome, but Summer didn't do anything strange.

When facing Lumine and Amber, I didn't dare to look closely, for fear of being treated as a pervert.

But it's different when I fall asleep... I want to compare it with the image in my mind.

Long eyelashes and a faint blush adorned her cheeks.

The chest heaved slightly, and the white collarbone was unobstructed.

The sleeping appearance is much cuter than expected.

"Asleep?" he put away his old uncle-like smile and looked around.

Now is not the time to go to bed, and such an environment is not suitable for sleeping. What if it is discovered by the hilichurls or stalked by a wild boar!

You must know that the damage of wild boars is not low!

Mona's hobby of water divination must be used at night, so she has the habit of staying up late, but she shouldn't go to sleep in such a wild place.


Maintaining the principle of personal space between men and women, and to prevent himself from taking advantage of others, Summer was very gentlemanly holding a branch and shoving Mona's shoulder.

But there was no response, and she's still asleep completely.

"No, it doesn't look like asleep..."

He noticed the half mushroom in Mona's hand.

Although I don't know about Mondstadt's situation, from common sense, this red mushroom with patterned spots should not be eaten.

That means…

The Mona in front of me, the self-proclaimed great astrologer, was poisoned by mushrooms and fainted?

There is no story about Mona in the game. After crossing the road, I never expected to meet in this situation.

"Um..." Mona frowned, babbling softly, and then rolled over again and lay on the ground.

The chest, which was not big in the first place, was hit hard again.

Seeing that you can turn over like this, it shouldn't be a big deal.

Summer couldn't help laughing when he saw Mona's cute frown.

Maybe it's because of the half-part quest for dragons, or because of Mona's own story, he is especially fond of this girl.

It's a pity that, like Jean, I couldn't draw it either.

In the end, he gave up the tradition of infatuation between men and women and carried Mona to the relatively flat grass in the summer to prevent the bugs in the grass from causing secondary damage to Mona.

After all, her clothes are not strict, except for the collarbone on the chest, most of the smooth and tender back is outside.

"Water..." Mona asked softly like a dream.

The river where the wind blows is the sweetest in Mondstadt. So summer use the fallen leaves from the monumental tree and used to fetch water at the stream, and it is carefully brought to Mona's mouth.

"Mmm, zui, umm—" Mona made a greedy sound of drinking water, and then her emerald green eyes were like a slowly unfolding picture scroll, imprinting the gentle smile of summer on it.


Time seemed to come to a standstill, only the stream of leaf veins continued to slide down, soaking Mona's cloak.

The water drops fell on her white collarbone, and Mona shook her body and stood up like a catapult took off.

"You, you, who are you!" Mona was a little flustered and at a loss.

He was mentally prepared to be treated as a pervert, and learned to answer: "I, I, I am Summer."

"Don't imitate me!" Mona was a little fierce: "Who is Summer?"

He touched the Statue of The Seven and expressed his honesty: "Ordinary well-intentioned traveler who pass by without doing anything bad."

Mona looked down at herself and looked at him: "It doesn't look like a bad person..."

Simple Mondstadt people often use their looks to judge the good and evil of people.

"After eating poisonous mushrooms, it's amazing to be well so quickly!"Summer tried to change the topic.

"Of course, I'm made of water, just drink water to detoxify!"

After realizing it, Mona noticed that the poisonous mushroom was still in her hand and hurriedly threw it away.

No one asked, but she took the initiative to defend: "Because I'm too hungry, so I... It's not because I have no money!"

"Hmmm, I know." he nodded: "Mona's name is sound like Mora, how could she have no money!"

"It's good to know!"

Mona came to the stream and patted her cheek with the clear water.

The wind was blowing on her skin, and her bangs were so agile.

The pleasing scene should be watched quietly, but it was destroyed by the inexplicable sound.


Unsure of the source of the strange sound, Mona inadvertently took a few steps away from him.

"I'm hungry, do you want to go to dinner together!" Summer naturally invited.

He had ninety moras from Amber on him.

Although there are not many, and I don't know the specific price, it should be enough for just one meal, right? Otherwise, all adventurers will starve to death.

"A simple life is part of an astrologer's practice! A state of being too full will greatly reduce the effect of practice!"

Mona didn't accept it, her serious expression stemmed from her beliefs.

"I admire your practice very much!" Summer stretched out his hand: "But I saved you, you have to repay me, right?"

"That's right, but, but..." The development of things was a little bit beyond Mona's expectations, she thought for a while before nodding: "Okay!"

She is not ungrateful, nor does she have the label of being stingy.


"Lovely Sara, please let me owe another meal... Wait for tomorrow, no, wait for the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the remuneration will be paid back..."

Mona walked ahead and apologized in advance in her heart.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


