
章 3: Chapter 3

Amber raised her arms, a steel bow appeared in her hand, and the arrow was attached with the color of flame.

What appeared in Lumine's hand was a one-handed sword. From the point of view of its fineness, it was a standard one-star sword without an edge.

Just like the first time we met, it was the outpost of the hilichurls, and there were only four of them.

Lumine alone is enough to deal with it, not to mention adding another energetic scout knight.


The enemy was easily dealt with, followed by the regular process of cleaning the camp.

"This weapon is for you. You don't seem to have the vision, so you can keep it for self-defense." Amber handed him the weapon he found.

The Vision not only grants the power to use elements but also opens a pocket similar to the pocket dimension, into which artifacts and weapons inlaid with rough stones can be placed.

As for why the materials dropped by the hilichurls can also be put into the space of the god's eye, it is still a mystery.

The artifact will increase the power of the vision, and the weapon can be taken out for battle at any time.

Of course, some people are used to carrying their weapons with them all the time.

What Summer got was a one-handed sword with many notches on the edge of the blade, and the quality was not as good as Ying's one-star weapon. Maybe it was a hidden sporadic sword?

Looking at the two of them taking back their weapons in a dashing manner, Summer was quite envious.

"You say these two are so good?"

Lumine got two new artifacts, from the style, it should be the sand of time. (I think it's an hourglass artifact)

Confused, she chose to ask him who could judge the attributes of the sacred relic.

Summer pointed at the one in her left hand: "Well, although the function is all defense, this one should be better."

Observing the attributes of sacred relics requires mental concentration and some energy consumption.

It seems that both of them are defensive attributes, but one of them has a much higher elemental power and emits a green light, which may be the difference between two stars and one star in the game.

"Can you tell the strength of the rough stone?" Amber was a little surprised.

"Rough stone?" Summer was puzzled, it should be something that only money can make.

"The strength of sacred relics and weapons mostly depends on the rough stone they are embedded in," Amber explained.

He clearly doesn't understand at all, but he can see through the strength of the holy relic.

This made her even more puzzled: "You don't know the structure of the artifact, but can you know the properties of it?"

Summer noticed that the attributes of sacred relics were all seen from the inlaid rough stones.

"Well, I can barely see it." Xia Tian nodded.

I feel a little embarrassed that something that I think is normal is touted as a powerful ability.

Amber said with joy: "That is today's big gain. Can I hire you as an equipment consultant for the Knights?"

"Huh?" he didn't react for a while.

Amber quickly controlled her emotions and said apologetically, "I was too eager."

Then she turned to Lumine and said, "I didn't expect you to be a passerby with fighting ability. Thank you for your support."

Paimon asked: "This kind of creature generally doesn't set up camps in cities, it only roams in the wilderness..."

Compared with Summer and Lumine's dazedness as transmigrators, Paimon needs to know more about this world.

"Recently, stormterror have appeared frequently, orchards have been destroyed, and trade routes have also been affected. When storms break out, people are often injured, so the Knights should be distracted from defense..."

Amber said, looking in the direction of Mondstadt City with a worried expression.

"So these annoying creatures are getting closer and closer to the city," Paimon concluded.

These troubles should be borne by the people of the Knights. The manual of the Knights also clearly states that worries should not affect the residents.

Amber immediately reassured: "But every time you clean up the camp, there will still be some gains."

Saying that she showed off the Mora she had just acquired.

"Mora, let's share it with everyone. After all, whoever sees it has a share."

Amber said, preparing to divide Mora into three points.

Paimon jumped out to object: "Four copies! Four copies are right!"

"I've forgotten about Little Paimon, so we'll divide it into four."

Mora looks like a gold coin, very light, with three qualities of gold, silver, and bronze, representing one hundred and ten three denominations.

Summer got a small bag, seven silver mora, twenty copper mora.

Clean up the hilichurls camp, and Amber's mission is complete.

"Come on, as a serious and responsible knight will guide you into the city!"

As a knight, she guides the way forward for everyone.


Mondstadt is a free city-state located in the northeastern part of the Teyvat continent.

Located on the island in the center of the lake, surrounded by a sparkling fruit wine lake, only a stone bridge connects with the outside world.

Between the mountains and the vast plains, the wind of freedom blows the city with the breath of dandelions, sending people the blessings and favors of the wind God Barbatos.

The city in the game is a town, and after being there, you can marvel at the majesty of Mondstadt.

Those city walls that are said to be climbed in the game are like a moat towering in front of me, and I am afraid that they will not be able to get up with a few more hands.

Under the salute of the guards, the four entered the city full of freedom.

"Let me introduce formally, this is the idyllic city of wind and dandelion, the city of freedom—"

Amber proudly introduced the city she grew up in "Travelers sheltered by the Knights of the West Wind, welcome to Mondstadt City."

"Wow! I finally don't have to sleep in the wild!" Paimon looked around happily.

Lumine keenly found something wrong: "Everyone in the city seems to be in a bad mood?"

"Because the whole city has been worrying about the stormterror recently!" Amber looked at the dandelions placed in the flower shop, and said full of information: "But if there is a Jean, everything will be fine!"

"Jean?" Paimon and Lumine were curious.

In Summer's mind, a female knight who became ill from exhaustion, her face reddened, but she was still determined.

"It's a pity that I didn't get a Jean in the game, but who could have predicted that there would be a chance to meet a real person?"

(wait I'm confused. I'm only adventure rank 28 right now is something will happen to jean?)

The regrets in the past have become full of expectations now.

"As a reward for helping me clean up the hilichurls, I'm going to give you a gift."

Amber said, sticking out her tongue and adding, "Actually, every traveler who comes to Mondstadt will receive this gift."

I just cleaned up the camp just now, but I didn't help at all, but of course, I didn't take any gifts for nothing.

This gift should be the wings of the wind that can assist in flying.

"What kind of gift? Do I have it too?" Anything that can be given for free will make Paimon excited.

"It's probably something that little Paimon can't use!" Amber looked at Paimon's somewhat disappointed look and suggested, "But tonight, I will invite you to eat at Mondstadt's special Sticky Honey Roast.

"Sticky Honey Roast! Ah!" Paimon's saliva was about to overflow, indicating that she was very satisfied with the compensation.

Walking on the stairs, Amber slowly introduced everything about the City.

"Usually it's very lively here. Recently, due to the relationship between Feng Molong, there are fewer and fewer businessmen and tourists from outside..."

"Only the pub on the corner is not affected, it might be more popular than before, Diluc is amazing..."


The deepest part of Mondstadt Town is a magnificent cathedral called the Cathedral of the West Wind.

A statue of the wind God Barbatos is erected on the square outside the church.

A group of people came to the square.

"Wings of the wind." Amber took out two wings from the space of the Vision:

"Wind is the soul of Mondstadt, and the original stone of Wind Wing will sense the existence of wind, thus assisting people to fly smoothly in the sky."

Lumine was quite brave to try and showed superb skills in the first test flight.

Summer originally planned to find an excuse to avoid such a dangerous move, but under the watchful eyes of the two beauties, he really couldn't help but save his face.

With a tense scalp, with the mediocre ability of using Wind Wings, it is still so-so.

Suddenly, it was dark and the wind was rushing.


An dragon's roar sounded in Mondstadt City.

Here comes Dvalin.

_Patatas_ _Patatas_

I dont know who's Feng Molong is

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


