93.87% The Resident of Apocalypse / Chapter 46: Chapter 46 - Everyday mutations

章 46: Chapter 46 - Everyday mutations

—"What happened to her?" — I said worriedly, and various scenarios immediately began to climb into my head, what could harm my sister and how to help her.

— "I can't say for sure I'm not a doctor, but the doctors here just said she had a fever... or something like that. Because of this, there was a rumor that she was infected, so I had to calm people down." — Eric said heavily, it's obviously not easy for him when his daughter is in such a state. — "I didn't want to tell you this while you were there, but your mom made me... honey, don't look at me like that." — judging by the sound, he swallowed convulsively.

— "I'm going back, we're done here anyway." — I said, quickly approaching my uncle and explaining the situation to him ... but already on the way to the house, I realized that I was a jerk. After all, we had unprotected sex, and because of all the feelings I was experiencing at that moment and the bubbling hormones, I completely forgot that I could be infected with a virus, even if most likely changed, since I myself did not turn into some kind of grotesque monster.

It's my fault.

This thought struck me painfully and scenarios of a possible future and what could happen to Alicia were born in my head against my will. What a fool I am, because I was well aware of the danger of infection and even checked myself in the laboratory to make sure that I was not exhaling a virus or something similar. The results were encouraging, but I didn't have time to do a deeper blood test. That's how you consider yourself far from being a fool, and you get into the most seemingly insignificant details. Of course, everything can be attributed to the fact that I did not move away after all the changes and a huge number of corpses, yet yesterday I just woke up, almost immediately noticed the forces, and after I killed people and infected ... all this, together with stress, could adversely affect my psyche, perhaps I just did not notice it.

I hope nothing irreversible has happened, but I have ideas how to help... probably. If I survived the infection and remained myself, then there is something in me, rather the kind of dormant virus that has been in me since birth can help others. And our kinship can increase the percentage that everything will end well in the end.

But all these kinds of encouraging thoughts can't hide the fear... the fear of losing the one who has been with me all my life. Because of this fear and my nervous tension, I noticed how some objects in the armored car begin to shake, and sometimes even take off and fall sharply. My uncle noticed it too and put his hand on my shoulder, thereby silently supporting me, which, oddly enough, really helped.

Heavy thoughts did not get out of my head until my arrival at the mansion, which, according to my internal clock, seemed to take hours. Although in fact, no more than half an hour has passed. At the entrance to the mansion, the gates were opened to us, and I hurried out of the armored car, leaving behind the joyful SAT fighters who thought they would die at the airport.

—" How is she? "— I immediately asked Rei, whom I met first from close acquaintances and family in general.

—" Felix!" — the girl was glad to see me back and took me into her strong arms. — "I d-don't know..." she answered a little guiltily, lowering her head. — "They didn't let me in because they were afraid Alicia might be infected... but they didn't find bite marks on her body." — she informed me on the way to the mansion. Apparently, she was waiting for me on the street on purpose.

— "I see... thanks for meeting me. "— I told her and opened the door to the house. —" Don't worry, Alicia will be fine."

— "Y-yes." — Rei smiled at me and looked away a little embarrassed. — "Alicia should be in her room under the supervision of specialists." — she informed me of her sister's location. So, I immediately went to her passing the living room, where no one from the family was at the moment.

— "I'm sorry, but we can't let anyone in, because it could be op..." — some guy on the stairs tried to stop me. I have already seen him in a laboratory in America, more precisely at the entrance to the laboratory and he was a security guard.

—" Fuck off. "— that's all I said and telekinesis just pushed him aside, and the guy screamed in surprise and fell on his ass. —" She's my sister."

— "... "— Rei said nothing, but quickly followed me.

I noticed Alice standing at the door to Alicia's room. —" Is everything okay?"

— "Son..." — the woman noticed me and hugged me with a sigh, as if checking if I had any wounds. —"I'm... just tired." — she smiled warmly, but I felt that the woman was at the limit. — "Alicia recently shouted something in delirium... your father is now dealing with people in the backyard."

— "People? However, it doesn't matter, I'm going to my sister." — I opened the door and went into the room, immediately noticed the girl lying on the bed. Rei and Alice came to pick me up. — "Hmm, strange… what's wrong with her hair?" — I stroked the girl on the head and ran my hand through the curls of her hair, which used to have a black hue, but at the moment is more copper brown.

—"It started recently" —Alice said. — "There were no signs of infection at first glance, but we moved her here anyway. The doctors checked her and said it looked like a normal flu."

—" Changing the shade of hair is clearly not the flu." — I said, passing my hand over Alicia's forehead. — "The temperature is normal." — I said, and my sister smiled and said softly: "brother, how insatiable you are," apparently she is dreaming of something interesting…

—" It's not clear how she could have picked up something ..." — Alice said excitedly, and after her words, her uncle entered the room.

—"You're fast, Felix. How's your sister, is she okay?" — he asked with some excitement.

—" Yes... she's stable now, but I'll take some of her blood and check it in my lab. For a reason, because we made it and brought expensive devices. Yes, and I need to finally check my blood... maybe she got infected from me. "— I said, and by this time Saeko had already quietly approached the door.

— "From you?" Alice frowned. —" But how? I thought this virus was transmitted only through a bite, maybe through blood... if it was transmitted by airborne droplets, then everyone who dealt with infected people would have changed long ago." — Alice didn't understand.

— "Well ..". — somehow I looked at my mother and uncle with embarrassment ...I don't even know how to explain the fact that my sister and I indulge in incest and slept together and in the end I finished in her, which most likely led to this result.

— "What?" — my mother was still looking at me, waiting for an answer, but Rei blushed deeply and looked at the floor, which was clearly noticed by the more adult representatives of humanity in this room.

—" Strange reaction ..". — uncle muttered, and then seemed to understand something. — "Wait, wait, are you saying that you and your sister... well... exchanged genetic information?" — noticed the incomprehension on Alice's face, he continued. — "Did you ... indulge in what, as you know, was not in the USSR? (joke) Damn... Alice, they were close... very close."

—" What are you... oh ... "— the mother's eyes widened with realization and she even covered her mouth with her palm. — "F-Felix… did you and your sister... sleep together? "— somehow questioningly she asked, dumbfounded.

—" Yeah, your relationship has gone further than I thought." — Roman said awkwardly.

— "Let's not talk about it, it's very awkward to talk about this topic in front of you." — I said and began to carefully collect Alicia's blood into a special tube. — "And I already realized that I had done something stupid, especially knowing that I was kind of infected."

Alice didn't know what to say. —" I do not know what to say, since I have not encountered such a thing. You're siblings…"

—" Let's not bring up this topic until the sister wakes up." — I stopped my mother. — "I go to my lab, we'll talk later." — I walked past the adults and immediately went to my laboratory, where I began to examine my blood and my sister's blood.

It only took me a couple of hours to... be surprised by what is happening in our bodies. If earlier there was some kind of dormant virus in me and only passively increased my physical and mental characteristics, now it is active throughout my body. Apparently the bite of an infected person and the virus transmitted to me woke up the virus that was already in me.

Because of this, I could quite freely look at this virus and understand that it is a double-stranded RNA virus that changes my DNA. Of course, not completely, but some parts of my DNA have been changed and become more... perfect. It amazes me that I am still alive at all, because such changes usually lead to tissue necrosis and other not too good consequences, such as spontaneous mutations. This virus began to recombine my genome and build something more perfect, and the same thing happens with Alicia, but there are still changes, after all, we are not one organism. If the virus in me concentrated in the brain, which I checked earlier than, in fact, gave me the opportunity to use telekinesis, then Alicia has it most actively in her blood. And if you follow the analogy and my example, she may also have some kind of ability.

Such a virus is something... incredible. After all, it can be said to accelerate evolution for a certain individual. But do not forget about the ordinary infected, who did not keep their minds, but became just ... rabid pieces of meat. I mean, we probably have a different strain of virus and the virus that was in me is much more active and stronger than the one that changed people and turned them into some kind of zombies.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C46
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


