49.53% Fanfiction Recommendations / Chapter 312: The Doll Gamer by Redwall6921 (Harry Potter)

章 312: The Doll Gamer by Redwall6921 (Harry Potter)

Latest Update:August 1, 2020

Summary: I'm not a hero. I'm not even a functional human being. I'm just a living doll that does what it pleases without a care in the world. "Oh? Some more pots that need breaking. Is that a treasure chest? Mine now." OC SI. Gamer ability. Shameless. From the makers of Neville the Gamer is a new story of a sociopath stuck in the HP world with the gamer ability. Tada-da-daaa! Crash!

Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13203887/1/The-Doll-Gamer

Word count:147k


Chapter 1: Train Ride

"I suppose this is the part where you tell me my death was an accident and you want to send me to another world as an apology."


In a white infinity space stood two individuals. One was a tall slender man with gelled-back black hair wearing a pianist suit and golden eyes that were narrowed behind frameless square glasses. The other was a bald old man wearing a toga like outfit with a long white beard.

The old man matched the youth's frigid stare with one filled with patience.

"You don't seem surprised to meet me. Though I suppose this could be due to your ailment my child," the old man said calmly.

The young man, who looked to be 24 years old, said nothing as he took off his glasses and used the handkerchief in his pocket to clean them, "…I think that this entire scenery has been overplayed just a tad. You can find it almost anywhere these days. So it doesn't really come as a surprise."

"Hmm, no, I suppose not. Tell me, how do you feel about your death?" the old man asked curiously.

The pianist put on his glasses and looked at the man that claimed to be God with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, "I can't say I feel anything in particular. It is my understanding that the stage light fell on my head just as I was beginning my piano recital killing me instantly. No point in complaining now. What's done is done. Other than a brief sense of regret for not being able to finish, I have already moved on."

"Aren't you concerned for your parents, your friends and colleges?"


"I see… then I suppose there is no point in discussing it further," the old man said regretful looking at the calm young man, "It is just as you said. Your death was not planned so I have come to offer you the chance to go to another world as an apology. Are you interested?"

"I see no point in staying here so I might as well," the man said in his smooth baritone voice.

"Do you wish to pick the world? I can also give you one special ability?"

The black-haired man adjusted his clothes, "Anything will do?"



"Very well then, I pray that you regain what you have lost in this new life."

(Scene change) (Charles Pov)

I woke with a jolt as I heard the whistle of a train.

Calmly I began to scan my surroundings wondering where 'God' had dumped me.

I was in some sort of train compartment for starters. Glancing through the window I could see people in strange clothes running up and down the platform, but only children seem to be getting on. The adults dressed in black and pointed hats would wave sticks in the air that caused items to levitate and such.

Look at my reflection on the window I saw a young black-haired boy with amber colored eyes and a stoic expression staring back at me.

"It would seem I have been de-aged back to when I was 11. From the evidence provided it would be safe to assume that I have been sent to the Harry Potter Universe," I concluded before staring at my small pale hands and then at the black robes I was wearing, "The lack of color to my robe suggests that I am a first year."

I was the only one in the compartment, so it was perfectly safe for me to talk to myself, plus it helped me think.

"'God' said that he would give me a special ability?"


"So this must be it."

I looked at the blue floating window in front of me with a calm gaze.

[God has gift you with the special ability: The Gamer]

The window looked semi transparent and when I passed a hand through it there was no resistance to speak of.

"The Gamer? I can't say I've played many games before."

There was an exit button on the corner of the window, so I closed it only for a new one to pop up. I hoped that wouldn't happen too often or else it could get annoying rather fast.

Name: Charles Bell

Class: The Gamer

Level: LV 2 Next Level: 00.00%

HP: 100/100

MP: 100/100

STR: 5

DEX: 5

VIT: 5

INT: 5

WIS: 5

LUK: 5

Points: 0

Money: 0


"What are these?"

I clicked on the help button to better understand.

[This is the Status page.

It lists all of your character attributes in numerical order.

HP (Health Points) indicated the life force in your body and how much damage you can take. If it reaches 0 you will die.

MP (Mana Points) indicated the amount of magical energy you have in your system.

STR(Strength) determines the amount of power your physical attacks can deal.

DEX(Dexterity) determines the how fast you can perform certain actions.

VIT(Vitality) determines how much energy you have and your physical defense.

INT(Intelligence) determines how smart you are as well as how much mana you have.

WIS(Wisdom) affects your magic control as well as your decision making.

LUK(Luck) determines chance encounters, drop rate, the amount of drops, and the type drops.

Points can be used to increase attributes. You get 5 Points every level.

Money indicated the amount of Knuts, Sickles, and Galleons you presently have.

Inventory is a personal pocket dimension you can use to keep items. Things placed inside experience no time passing. Currently you have 12 empty boxes. You can purchase more boxes later on. Items of a certain kind are stackable.

Most abilities are voice activated.]

"How interesting, to think that a person's being could be quantified so simply? Inventory window."

A new window opened, showing a 3D diagram of me wearing my current set of clothes. There was a grid with 12 empty boxes next to it.

I brought my finger to the black robes on the diagram and a smaller window popped up

[Black Robes- Rank: Normal]

Robes worn by all Hogwarts students.

"Well I suppose that was to be expected," I stated closing all of the windows.

A brown suitcase under my seat got my attention, on the side was my name, which had miraculous survived the transition.

Opening it, I could see some packed clothes, a couple of books, and some toiletries. At the very bottom of the case was a photograph of a group of kids standing outside of an orphanage. I immediately saw myself among the crowd.

"So, this me is an orphan. Well I suppose it could be worse. At least I won't have to go through the trouble of pretend to be someone else's child."

Taking a book from the stack another window appeared in my vision.

You obtained the skill book [The standard book of spells: Grade 1]

[Will you learn this skill] [Yes] [No]

I chose no for now, "Skills."

Gamer's Mind (Passive) LV MAX

Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological mass effect.

Gamer's Body (Passive) LV MAX

Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, MP and all mass effects.

Numbed Emotions (Passive) LV MAX

In need of a heart? Life has made you into a sociopath, a living doll. You feel very little when it comes to others. Attacks you aimed at an opponent's heart now do 5 times as much damage. Attacks aimed at the user's heart does no damage. (Since magic is half emotions you get a draw back to all spells until you reach 50 WIS.)

"Oh the first two seems quite helpful, it almost makes me regret not playing as many video games when I had the chance. The third however… living doll? How appropriate," I thought out loud before turning my attention back to the trunk.

There was a 11-inch magic wand placed beside inside of the case which I grabbed. It looked like a black twig that had been sharpened to a point with small bumps on its side.

A skill has been created through a special action.

[Observe] (Active) LV 1

Through continuous observation, a skill to observe objects, situations, and persons was generated allowing the user to quickly gather information.

"Oh now that's an interesting quirk. Should I test it on the wand then?"

Blackthorn Wand- Rank: Special

A magical wand crafted by Garrick Olivander made out of blackthorn wood and dragon heartstring.

Magic spells cost 50% less mana to use.

Magic spells are 50% more powerful.

Pocketing the wand, I closed the trunk and opened the spell book, I needed to play my part after all.

About twenty minutes into my reading, the compartment door opened and two girls stepped inside.

I knew who they were almost immediately as their names were floating above their heads.

Daphne Greengrass (LV 3)

Tracy Davis (LV 2)

My mouth quirked up automatically in a well-practiced smile, "Hello."

They ignored me completely as they took their seats on the opposite side of the room and placed their respective trunks under their seat.

It was to be expected I suppose. They correctly assumed that I was either a muggle-born or a half-blood and rather than take the effort to look for a new compartment they instead chose to ignore me.

I mentally rolled my eyes. Children.

I was happy to do the same as I returned to the book in my hand. It was interesting all things considering. I passed the time by trying to come up with a logical explanation to some of these spells, like the lumos spell.

The train's whistle sounded, and I could feel as it pulled out of the station. All things considering it could be worse.

Turning a page in my book I received another message.

Diligent studying causes your INT to go up by 1.

Now that was an interesting result. Looking at my Mana pool I noticed that it had gone up by 10, meaning that one point of INT equaled 10 points of mana.

Dismissing the window, I turned to look at the two girls that were completely absorbed in their talk. By the looks of it, neither one could see the game's window.

Daphne looked like the stereotypical rich girl portrayed in media nowadays, with white skin, silky blond hair, and pale blue eyes. Her efforts to keep an emotionless facade was almost funny in how bad it was, but that was to be expected of a 11-year-old. She was still green (pun intended) but in time she would be able to hide her emotions more easily.

Tracy was the exact opposite with black hair and brown eyes. Her presences was completely overshadowed by Daphne's, and she apparently knew this too as she made an effort to be as loud and eye-catching as possible.

I had met their types plenty of times before. Entitled children of rich parents that had never known the hardships of life. In my past life I could also be considered one.

It was almost funny how just 24 hours ago I was practicing for my big debut and now I was eleven again on my way to a magical school. That was alright however, as I had always been quick to adapt to new situations. For now, I was content to just enjoy this new experience and see were it would take me.

I could hear a trolley being pulled, and a jovial looking woman pushed a cart full of sweets with a full smile, "Anything off the trolley, dears?"

I silently observed as the two girls walked up to the cart and bought some candy and pastries, carefully recording how much things cost so as to get a good reference.

When they sat down it was finally my turn. I walked to the trolley giving my best smile to the witch. I had found some money in a sock inside of my trunk earlier.

"I'd like a chocolate frog please. How much would it be?"

"It will be 1 Sickle dearie," she said as she took a pentagonal box from the cart.

I hand over the silver coin and took the offered candy, "Thank you very much."

"Enjoy the trip dears."

The two girls were munching away at a cauldron cake by the time I took my seat again.

Chocolate Frog- Rank: Magical

Chocolate in the shape of a frog, enchanted to act like a real frog for 5 seconds. Restores 5 MP.

I decided to not eat the chocolate frog at the moment and instead tried to go back to my reading but a sudden noise made look up.

Tracey was gagging as she spit something into her hand. I spotted an opened box of those weird jellybean things and guessed what had happened.

I let out a small snort. Really, they are just children, putting strange things into their mouths.

"What, have something to say?"

Oh dear, it would seem that the Greengrass Heiress didn't like my sense of humor.

Still I smiled pleasantly, "I beg your pardon?"

"You're a muggle-born aren't you. I suppose this must all be very strange to you," she said while crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes.

"Wow. You're right, I am a whatchacallit, a muggle-born. I admit that this is all very new to me. Everything on this side is just so fantastic," I said trying my best to play the part of surprised boy, "It's almost as if I step into a fantasy book. Ah! I'm sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Charles Bell. It is a pleasure meeting you both."

"I am Daphne Greengrass," the blonde introduced herself stoically as she extended a hand.

I wasn't really sure what she was expecting, but I shook her hand rather than kiss it just to be safe.

"Hey, I'm Tracy Davis!" the other girl said waving her hand before jumping to the opened seat next to me and took out the box of jellybeans, "Here try one."

I looked at Daphne and saw a hint of a mischiefs smile.

I mentally rolled my eyes at their childish prank. "That's rather kind of you. I'll take one I suppose."

My eyes quickly used observe to scan the jellybeans. Unhesitant I took a yellow jellybean and threw it in my mouth.

The two girls search my face for any reaction, but they were disappointed when I didn't immediately gag.

"It's lemon, it rather good actually."

Tracy, seemed to not accept defeat after a single instant however, "Really, have another?"

I took a green jellybean this time, "Watermelon."

"Tch. One more?" she said shaking the box to mix them up.

"Cotton candy," I told her as I got another.

"One more."

"Raspberry, I think?"

"One more."


After a few more turns she finally gave up with a scowl and shoved the box into my chest before retreating to her seat to sulk.

I looked at Daphne with an innocent expression, "Did I do something wrong?"

"…No. But I must say, you have rather amazing luck," she said sounding a little impressed.

"Oh? Okay. So Daphne, would you mind teaching me a bit on wizarding culture?" I asked, taking this golden moment to find out more about the magical world.

"Why would I do that?" she said raising an eyebrow.

[A quest has been created.]

[Impress an Heiress:

Daphne Greengrass doesn't think very highly of you. Impress her enough to change her mind.

Completion award: EXP 500

Increase closeness with Daphne Greengrass and Tracy Davis.

Completion failure: none]

"Well seeing as you have lived on this side longer than I have, I just thought you could give me some tips."

"Hmm? I suppose I could, but what would I get in return?"

"Well I have nothing right now that could possible interest you, but… how about a favor."

"Just a favor?"

"Then what if I show you a neat magic trick I just learned? If you can figure out how I did it then you can ask me for anything?"

The two girls looked at each other unsurely. "Okay, let me see this trick."

I rolled back my sleeves all the way to my elbow and took the box of Jellybeans in one hand, "Now keep a careful eye on the box."

They leaned in closer to get a better look.

When I knew I had their full attention I brought my other hand up and slammed it down on the box with a loud slap causing the girls to jump back in surprise.

Lifting up my hand I revealed that the box was now gone, "Tada! So how did I do it?"

Daphne looked unsure at her friend, "Umm. Was it banishing magic?"

I titled my head to the side in an innocent manner, "Banishing magic? I don't know what that is?"

"Right. You're a muggleborn, you don't know about that yet?" the blonde muttered under her breath as she bit her nail.

This went on for a few more minutes with the two girls coming up with different theories but none of them made sense.

Finally, Daphne hung her head, "I-I don't know."

Of course, she couldn't figure it out, I had used the inventory window instead of magic after all.

Clapping my hands again I made the box appeare and put on a cocky expression, now for the final step to complete my act.

"Told you it was a neat trick," I said before throwing a jellybean into my mouth only for my face to scrunch up and gag, "Guk, gross. It tastes like grass!" I made an exaggerated show of using my robe to clean my tongue.

They giggled at my displeased expression.

[Quest Complete.]

Your level went up by 1.

Seeing that my plan had worked I joined them in laughter.

Now that the ice was broken, the girls seemed to completely forget their previous attitude towards me as they took turns to answer my questions.

For the rest of the trip I asked different manners of questions, with Daphne and Tracy more than happy to boast about all the amazing things that the wizarding world had to offer.

I asked some personal questions here and their so as not seem rude, while they did the same. Most of what I said was made up obviously since I had no memories of ever living in this world, but it was believable enough.

To be completely honest I was a little surprised to find out how much Daphne acted like my past self, though seeing how we both came from similar backgrounds it should have been obvious.

As previously mentioned, I was what one would consider a child born with a silver spoon. Both my parents were successful people that had made their individual fortunes in the hotel and clothing industries. As such there was never anything I really lacked growing up, anything I wanted I got. I grew up receiving one of the best educations possible and never lacked any parental affection. They would make it a point to come to all my recitals, all my doctor appointments, even stay at my bed side when I got sick.

I lived in a perfect home.

…Yet I could tell something wasn't right as I grew older.

I am unsure as to went it started, but soon I noticed that I didn't enjoy the same things as I used to. Things began to feel bland almost to the point where I didn't know if I liked it or hated it. Nothing excited me anymore, not the luxury vacations to the Bahamas, not the new game system, not the new puppy. I felt nothing, and I didn't no why.

Yet despite my new mindset I was still grateful to the two people who had raised me with all of their love. That was the one thing that had remained true until the very end. It was for their sake that I took the role of being the perfect son both at home and in public.

I did the things that would make them most happy. Father wanted to see me play sports, I joined a fencing club. Mother wanted to now about my love life, I got a girlfriend the next day. Friends, lovers, hobbies, they were all just pieces that I had carefully picked so to maintain the illusion of normality. Even my career to become a professional musician stemmed from my parents love for music.

I knew of course that if I simply told them about my problem that they would understand and even try to support me, but I had no desire to put them through that much grief and suffering for something I myself didn't care about.

It was this reason why I did not lament my death. I had played my part perfectly until the very end. And now I could finally rest.

In I way, I suppose that this new life really had been a blessing in disguise.

A small part of me briefly wondered if Daphne was destined to turn out the same way I did, a cold emotionless doll.

I was brought out of my musing when I heard her ask a question.

"So Charles, what house are you hoping to be sorted into?"

I quickly switched to a friendly smile, "Well, after your explanation. I hope to be sorted into Ravenclaw."

"Ravenclaw? I suppose that is the best choice for you," she said thoughtfully, "a lot of powerful witches and wizards come from Ravenclaw."

"I take it the two of you plan to join Slytherin," I said.



"Well I hope we all get sorted into the houses we want."

The train slowed to a stop after unknown amount of time had passed. The three of us had gotten somewhat closer in this short time, with the only interruption being Hermione knocking on the door to ask if we had seen a toad.

"Looks like we are here?" I announced.

Looking out of the window I could see the silhouette of a large castle in the distance.

For some reason I felt my mouth quirk into a smile all by itself.

Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13203887/1/The-Doll-Gamer

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C312
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


