32.63% Pokemon Hunter / Chapter 62: Capturing Rhydon

章 62: Capturing Rhydon

"Why don't you try this?" Hisoka held a small bowl filled with Nutrition Pokeblock and placed it in front of Rhydon.

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"Rhydon," it grumbled.

Rhydon looked toward Hisoka and shook his head. He then gestured with his claw as if he was saying, 'it's not enough' while snorting loudly.

Hisoka shook his head and muttered, "What a picky eater."

"Kirlia, tell him that these small cubes can sate his hunger," he said to Kirlia.

Kirlia used her telepathy to explain what Hisoka said just now to Rhydon.

Rhydon didn't believe it at first. But after hearing Kirlia's explanation, he couldn't but become curious about these Pokeblocks.

'Can these small things fill my stomach?' Rhydon thought.

He slowly picked up a candy block and licked it gently under everyone's eyes. Before it could taste its flavor, the Pokeblock immediately melted and flowed into its belly.


Rhydon burped loudly. He felt his stomach heating up a little as if it was digesting the high amount of nutrition contained in the Pokeblock. He looked pleased and happy as he rubbed his belly in satisfaction.

Although Rhydon was still a little bit hungry, he didn't expect that this small cube would work so well. No longer hesitating, he quickly grabbed a handful of Pokeblock and poured them into his mouth.


Leaning his back against a big tree, Rhydon was leisurely relaxing after his meal. From time to time, it rubbed his bulging belly in bliss. For the first time in his life, he had felt what is like to able to eat to his heart's content.

Seeing Rhydon's current state, Hisoka couldn't help but laugh.

"Are you giving up?" Hisoka teased.


Rhydon shook his head, not wanting to admit defeat. He then pointed toward the bowl, where there were only a few Pokeblocks left, indicating that he could still eat them all.

Three Nutrition Pokeblock can support the daily consumption of a Pokemon like Tauros after a day of intense work. And there were twenty-five Pokeblocks inside this bowl, which were all eaten under Hisoka's shocked face.

Initially, Hisoka only thought that Rhydon could only eat ten Pokeblock to satisfy his hunger. Who would have thought that Rhydon could finish all twenty-five Pokeblock in just a few minutes?

Rhydon was unable even to move a single finger after eating his fill. After lying down in the shade, it quickly fell asleep.

Hisoka watched as Rhydon quickly fell asleep unwary of the strangers he had just met.

'Anyway, they had just fed me a lot of food. So why would they want to hurt me?' Rhydon thought drowsily.

Meanwhile, a bold idea popped into Hisoka's head.

He had decided to capture this giant Pokemon. His team also was in urgent need of a tanker at this moment. This Rhydon, with a height of four meters, was undoubtedly the best choice at present.

Rhydon size was large enough to block many attacks. Not only that, his armor-like hide was very tough, able to receive many attacks without problems. He also had a terrifying attack power, which was important for a tanker. Without a strong power, how would the Pokemon be able to push the enemy back and protect its companion?

The key point was that this Rhydon can also resist some water-based attacks. Although it was only weak Water-type moves, it was still helpful for it to fight against a Water-type Pokemon in the future later. Not that Hisoka would let him do that, mind you. Still, it would be a fantastic surprise for his enemies.

The only drawback was that Rhydon ate a lot. If he wanted to maintain such a large body, he absolutely needed to eat a lot of supplements as well as nutritious food.

But that wasn't a problem. The gems they had collected from Rhydon's cave earlier can be sold for a large amount of money. It was enough to support Rhydon's food expenses for about a year or two without any problems.

Since Rhydon had always lived alone on this island, being isolated from the outside world, it didn't know what it meant to be captured. So Hisoka had to slowly cultivate his friendship with the Pokemon first before trying to catch him.

After a short period of contact, Hisoka already understood this Pokemon barely knew anything about the world. So, he had a great chance to capture Rhydon as his Pokemon.

Several minutes later, Hisoka slowly walked toward the other side of the area while beckoning his eyes to Weavile.

The intelligent Weavile understood Hisoka's gesture and walked toward him.

Then, Hisoka crouched on the ground as his hand covered Weavile's ear, whispering, "Find a bird's nest and place this inside it. But keep your eyes on it all the time. Don't go too far away from it. I'll track your location later."

After saying that, Hisoka handed a small black pouch to Weavile.


Weavile nodded her head as he held the pouch Hisoka handed to her. She bent her knees slightly and jumped on a tree branch, heading toward the forest depth. After that, she quickly disappeared from view.

As he watched Weavile's gradually disappearing figure, Hisoka's mouth twitched into a smile. There were a lot of flaws in his plan. Even an ordinary person can see through it at a glance. Luckily, Rhydon was only a simple-minded Pokemon. There was no need for him to make a complicated plan.

Three days quickly passed by. After meeting Rhydon, Hisoka had spent these three days trying to establish a good friendship with him. With Kirlia's culinary expertise, Rhydon was able to enjoy many tasty foods that he hadn't tasted before.

During these days, Hisoka and Kirlia had to rack their brain in order to find enough food. There were hardly any food sources available on this barren island.

They can only catch some fish in the ocean for their meals. And after eating seafood for three consecutive days, Hisoka was already tired of it, even if they were delicious.

But Rhydon didn't mind eating seafood. In fact, he absolutely loved it. Especially the grilled seafood, he can eat them all day long. He really enjoyed spending his time with Hisoka and Kirlia during these days.

Rhydon was carrying a tree stick as he walked along the shoreline. The seawater that was enough to drown an ordinary person could only manage to reach his belly.

A rope was tied around Rhydon's waist, stretching all the way toward the ocean. The end of the rope was tied to a simple wooden raft, holding it in place and preventing it from drifting off course.

Hisoka was currently standing on this raft while holding a large fishnet. He observed the surrounding water a few times before throwing the fishing net toward the ocean. Several minutes later, Hisoka quickly pulled the net back with all his strength.

"This should be enough," Hisoka nodded after seeing his catches.

Then, he turned toward the coast and shouted, "Rhydon! Pull me back!"


Hearing Hisoka's shout, Rhydon roared back in reply. Then, he started moving forward, pulling the raft back toward the shore slowly.


"Come back, Feebas," Hisoka said while taking a Pokeball from his belt.

A few seconds later, Feebas emerged from the water as she was being sucked into her Pokeball.

During the time Hisoka was fishing just now, he had released Feebas to let her enjoy some time in the sea under his careful watch. He didn't dare let her wander too far away from him.

Feebas was also introduced to Rhydon. Though Hisoka had to carefully explain that Feebas was not the same as other fish. Even after that, Feebas was still afraid of Rhydon because he mistook her for an ordinary fish.

"How is it? Do you think it's enough?" Hisoka asked while jumping off from the raft.

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Rhydon nodded his head in reply. There were many kinds of fish caught in the nets. They were enough to let him have a fulfilling meal.

"Alright then, let's go!" Hisoka said after tying the three fishing nets on the stick.

Then, Hisoka stretched his sore waist back and forth a few times before climbing Rhydon's back. While grabbing the large spikes on his back, Hisoka sat firmly on his shoulder and said, "We can leave now."

Rhydon didn't mind Hisoka sitting on his shoulder as he grabbed the stick with the tied fishing nets and started walking toward the island.

As the sun was setting down, a man and a Pokemon were walking away from the beach. Their sun shining on their backs formed long shadows on the ground as a cool ocean breeze drifted along.

After three days of getting along with each other, they can already be considered friends. Hisoka's figure was gradually being etched on Rhydon's heart. He would never forget Hisoka, Kirlia, Weavile, and even Feebas, who he really liked to be with.

These three days were also the happiest moment of Rhydon's life. In the past, he would usually stay on the beach, staring at the sky and watching the tides ebb and flow day after day in a daze. He probably thought that he would continue this kind of monotonous life until his death.

But now it is different. Rhydon can enjoy the feeling of having friends, playing together with them, catching fish, and eating tasty food.


There was also another stick with fishing nets tied on both ends they had left earlier during the day. These catches, plus the one in Rhydon's hand, were enough to feed them all for about two to three days.

Both of these sticks weighed around five hundred kilograms, which was only a simple matter for Rhydon. He quickly grabbed the stick with one hand and quickly walked toward their camp in the forest.



Their today catches were placed in front of Kirlia. Hisoka then removed the fishing nets from the sticks and told Rhydon to move the sticks away. In fact, rather than calling it a stick, it might be better to call it a tree.

Rhydon quickly moved the trees away under Kirlia's shocked eyes.

"Why did you catch so many fish?" Kirlia said in Hisoka's mind.

"In case it wasn't enough," Hisoka shrugged in reply.

Then, he continued, "Do you really think Rhydon can't finish them all?"

Kirlia rolled her eyes at Hisoka's reply and stared at the fish in front of her. It seemed she was thinking about how to cook this many fish. Leaving Kirlia to her own device, Hisoka walked into the tent to change into dry clothes.

Once Hisoka went out of the tent, Kirlia was already cleaning the fish. Her hands were held in the air as she untangled the fish from the net and threw them into a large pot.

After that, her eyes glowed light purple. This usually appeared when she was using her full power. Then, glowing green leaves started to appear around her body.


The leaves then cut through each fish, removing the scales and the organs from the fish. The guts were then left on the ground while the gutted fish were transferred into another pot.

All the useless parts were discarded away by Kirlia. Then, she quickly cut the fish into thick slices and laid them on a large plate.

In less than an hour, all the fish were properly cleaned and ready to be cooked.

Kirlia looked at the guts piled on the ground in disgust. Since the guts of a fish were inedible, she threw them into the river next to them with a wave of her hand. There was still some fishy smell left in the air, but it was disappearing quickly.

Hisoka and Rhydon, as a male, didn't care about the fishy smell as they sat next to the fire, watching Kirlia prepare the food.

Only Rhydon was watching the cooking fish with a stunned expression. He used to eat all the fish together with its inedible parts.

Then, Hisoka slowly explained after seeing the look in Rhydon's eyes. The fish prepared by Kirlia were the tastiest part of the fish. No one wanted to eat the inedible organs of the fish.


The sun had long disappeared from the sky. The night sky was shining with the light from the stars. And the pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky.

Suddenly, a comet streaked across the sky, heading in the eastern direction.

Hisoka was lying down on the grass, staring at the comet until it was out of sight.

"Rhydon, I might have to leave this island soon," Hisoka said while gazing at the stars.


Rhydon, who was lying on the ground with Hisoka, scratched his head in thought. After getting along with Hisoka during these days, he already knew when Hisoka called his name. But it was still a little difficult for him to understand human language. After all, he had never seen such a creature like humans before. He wasn't like Weavile, who lived near human cities, or like Feebas, who was taken care of by the Sensational Sisters.

Kirlia, who was sitting next to Hisoka, moved next to Rhydon and translated what Hisoka had said just now.



Rhydon suddenly stood up from the ground after hearing Kirlia's words. But then, he deliberately slowed down his movements, probably because he was afraid of hurting Hisoka and the others.

"Are you leaving so soon?" Rhydon asked, tears welling up from his big eyes.

'I'm gonna be lonely again," he thought, whimpering.


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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C62
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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