3.18% Quick Transmigration : Chased in the Multiverse (BL) / Chapter 7: Piano Virtuoso / 1.11&12 : Utter bliss

章 7: Piano Virtuoso / 1.11&12 : Utter bliss

Eden woke up alone, he knows that Chen works early so he wasn't stressed. He feels at peace now that he is bounded to him and he told him the truth. They are things he can't say but at least now he knows why he's been feeling scared. He took a shower and left to eat breakfast. When he was done he went to check on Chen.

Chen was sitting behind his desk looking at the door intently. He keeps waiting for the door to open and Eden to walk in. He feels closer to him than he ever has. Ever since they met he always had this fear that one day Eden would disappear. He doesn't why but he gave him the feeling that he was only a passerby in this world. So he would feel stressed every time he would see him get in the car and leave. Turns out Eden had the same fear all along. When he saw the fear and pain in his eyes as he cried he felt heartbroken. He never wants to see him in pain and it kills him that he is so used to losing people that he thought the same thing would happen to him.

He meant every word yesterday he'll never leave him. He smiled sweetly his eyes full of love when he pictured the smile on his face after he kissed him. Hanyu waved his hand in front of Chen who was lost in thought and he woke up.

"You just need to sign those papers."

Chen grabbed his pen signing.

Eden walked in and his eyes immediately turned hostile. Hanyu was leaning toward Chen looking at him with enamored eyes and a smile.

"Get out!"

Hanyu looked toward Eden and could see that he caught him. He coughed and said:

"Eden this isn't time to play President Shao and..."

"Get out or I'll make you!"

Hanyu looked at Chen for support but he was just leaning on his chair with a smile looking at Eden. If he wasn't aware of how much Chen loves Eden he would be now. He said:

"You need to..."

Before he finished his sentence Eden had grabbed him by the hair pulling him out.

"Eden stop!"

Eden ignored him and tossed him out of the office. He pushed him and Hanyu fell on the floor face first. He turned around yelling:

"How dare..."

Eden slammed the door and locked the office before he finished. He wiped his hands on his pants with disgust and turned around his eyes full of anger. He walked to Chen's office leaning in and ordered:

"Fire him!"

Chen stood up with a smile pulling him in his embrace. He asked:


"Because he is clearly in love with you."

"It doesn't matter I'm not."

Eden yelled:

"I don't care fire him!"

Chen felt incredibly happy to see his baby so jealous so he decided to tease him more.

"He is a good assistant."

Eden looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"Are you fuckin kidding me?"

"No, he's really a good assistant."

Eden felt like slapping him.

"Your good assistant tried to sow discord in our relationship and you want to keep him?"

He doesn't hate Hanyu because he loves Chen but because he tried to make Chen hate him. He kept talking to him about the locked piano room so he would try to open it. He saw the way Chen reacted when one of his staff did so he thought it would be the fastest way to get rid of Eden. He'll never accept anyone who tries to separate them. Chen's smile disappeared and he asked:


"He tried to make me open the piano room since he knew you would hate me if I did."

Chen's eyes became vicious. Even if Eden would've tried to get in he would never hate him but the fact that Hanyu dared to try to break them up infuriates him. He was going to fire him the second Eden asked him to he just wanted to tease him first, he likes how possessive he is. He pulled him closer and said:

"I would never hate you even if you would've tried to enter that room."

Eden's eyes thawed and he murmured:

"Even so he tried to take you away from me by making you hate me. You..."

Eden swallowed with difficulty and murmured:

"You can't hate me ever. Do you understand?"

Chen caressed his cheek.

"I do. You're my soulmate of course I'll never hate you."

Eden smiled and gave him a peck. After a few seconds of struggle he whispered:

"And you're mine. I love you."

Chen looked at him stunned. He knows that it's hard for him to open up so he was going to give him time until he is ready but he never thought he would say those words directly. He can already feel Eden's love for him although he didn't think he would hear it. Even if he would've spent the rest of his life with him without hearing those words he wouldn't feel bad because he feels it. His eyes shining Chen said full of emotions:

"I love you too baby."

Eden smiled wrapping his arms around his neck. He captured his lips kissing him tenderly. Chen kissed him back but he kept breaking the kiss because he couldn't stop himself from smiling happily. Eden pulled back looking at him amused.

"Gege why are you so silly?"

This only made Chen smile more. He laced their hands and walked to the door unlocking it. He looked at Hanyu who was waiting in front of it and said:

"You're fired."

"But President Shao..."

"Leave before I change my mind and decide to kill you instead."

Hanyu looked into Chen's eyes and knew for sure that he was serious. He turned around running out of the house.

Chen walked into his office with Eden and sat him on his lap.

"When are you going to deal with Zhehan and Qing?"

He's well aware of Eden's plan but he doesn't care. Eden smiled mischievously:

"Once they see me win the competition."

Chen smiled but it disappeared when he heard Eden's question.

"What have you done with Yuheng?"

Chen narrowed his angry eyes and he asked almost threateningly:

"Why do you care?"

"I'm just curious."

He already knows what Chen has done with him he just wants to see if he'll be honest.

Chen said with wrathful eyes:

"He is tortured every day, it won't stop until he dies and I'll never let that happen."

When he thinks about all the terrible things Yuheng would have done to Eden if they would've married he just wants to kill him but that wouldn't be nearly enough.

Eden smiled approvingly. In the original timeline, Eden was abused every single day so it's only normal that Yuheng is too. Chen threatened:

"Don't speak about him or say his name ever again."

Eden wrapped his arms around his neck with a soft smile.

"I won't Gege."

Chen kissed him holding him tighter.

Yinsi was in the piano room rehearsing. He looked at the sheets of music frustrated. He rubbed his tired eyes and went back at it. Since he came back from the last round he's been rehearsing nonstop, he only slept three hours. At least he has hope now while before he was sure he had no chance to beat Eden. He found music sheets in Eden's room and it said that it was the symphony for the final of the competition so all he has to do is pass first.

His father already called and made sure he will. Now he just needs to perfect it, luckily he found in Eden's computer a video recording of him playing. He already has the symphony mastered he just needs a few more hours so it'll be perfect. To think that Eden almost ruined his chance of attending Shao Lyrical. Now that his father is the chief company executive it was easy to make sure he'll go first. We'll see who's the best pianist. Yinsi smiled his tired eyes flashing with determination.

Eden came out of the car with Chen and walked in. When he reached backstage Chen kissed him.

"Good luck not that you need it."

Eden smiled radiantly. It feels so weird to be this blissfully serene without fear. Since he met Chen he was always on the reserve and worried because he thought that maybe he'll die and he still feels that way even if he knows that even without protection he wouldn't. But that fear is instilled in him so deeply that he can't get rid of it after all those years. Now that he is bound to him he isn't scared and he feels free and calm.

"Thank you Gege."

Chen smiled and left.

Eden took a seat and a few minutes later Yinsi showed up with an arrogant grin. He took a seat and looked at him.

"Hello, Eden."

Eden smiled.


"Are you ready?"

"Shouldn't I be the one to ask you that?"

Yinsi laughed.

"Don't worry I am."

Eden said with a mysterious smile:

"You might be now but I don't you'll be for everything that comes after."

Yinsi's eyes flashed with anger.

"If I was able to get to the final without you I'll be more than fine once I enter Shao Lyrical."

Eden closed his eyes after saying:

"If you say so mama's boy."

Yinsi felt like slapping him but he took a deep breath. He is going to win this and he'll finally know how inferior to him he is.

They both went on stage when their name was called. They were two pianos and they both sat behind one. One the judge said:

"Yinsi you may start."

Yinsi looked at Eden with a malicious smile as he started to play. When he saw him looking at him wide-eyed he became even more arrogant and happy. How is it his fault that he is a fool? He smiled looking down while imagining his future life as the most famous pianist in the world. He looked at the audience and they all seemed in shock. He smiled brightly, of course, they are he is the best.

When he finished playing there was a silence he thought they would clap once they both play. The judge was stunned but he got a hold of himself and said:

"Your turn Eden."

Eden smiled and started to play. His family had their eyes on him wanting to see how he would fail now that Yinsi stole his final symphony. They thought he would play two notes then stop but it never happened.

As Eden played he looked at Chen. Chen looked back feeling his mind surrounded by light. He felt this almost celestial glimmer hitting him, all the audience did. They felt cuddled like they did when they were kids like nothing bad could ever happen to them. They felt safe and utterly free from fear or any negative feelings. Their heart was free from darkness and it felt incredibly good.

Eden wrote this symphony after he told Chen his fear of losing him. Now that he doesn't have it that's how he feels safe and blessed. When he finished playing everyone stood up giving him a standing ovation. He stood up as well with a smile. Yinsi looked at Eden furious. How is it possible? The sheets said that it was the symphony for the final. He even had a video recording of him rehearsing it.

When the auditorium was calm again the judge said:

"After deliberation, Yinsi's grade is 0, and Eden's is 10. The winner is Eden."

Everyone clapped again. Eden walked to the front bowing meeting Chen's eyes. He was standing as well clapping. Yinsi yelled:

"Why do I have a zero?"

Everyone stilled looking at him with ridicule. The judge asked:

"Did you think that passing a symphony by a famous pianist as your own would go unnoticed in a musical school?"

Yinsi looked at him wide-eyed.

He looked at Eden who looked back with a mocking smile. He yelled in rage:

"You son of a bitch you set me up!"

Zhehan immediately got on stage pulling Yinsi away. Even if he is furious he can't have him ruin his reputation now that he has his dream job. Qing ran after them and they left.

Chen walked to the foot of the stage his arms up and Eden jumped in them. He wrapped his legs around his waist and asked with a smile:

"Did you like it?"

"I did it was beautiful. Was it about me?"

Eden felt his cheek heating a little, he nodded with shiny eyes. Chen smiled brightly and he kissed him passionately.

Yinsi got out of the car and entered the house trembling in rage. He walked to the living room and grabbed the first vase he saw and threw it on the floor. He threw everything he could get his hands on until Zhehan got a hold of him. He sat him and yelled:

"Stop it!"

"Sweetly stop it."

"That bastard set me up now I'll never enter Shao Lyrical. He stole my dream!"

"This won't change anything."

Yinsi stood up howling at his father:

"You're only saying that because now you're finally the chief company executive of Shao Inc."

Before Zhehan could yell at his disrespectful son a maid said standing in front of two men and three officers:

"Master those men are here to see you."

Zhehan stood up and asked:

"What is going on?"

"Are you Shao Zhehan and is this your wife Shao Qing?"

"I am and this is indeed my wife, what is this regarding?"

He turned around ordering the officer behind them:

"Handcuff them."

Qing took a step back frightened when the policers approached her.

"Zhehan do something!"

Zhehan asked the detective:

"Why are you doing this we are innocent."

"You're under arrest for human trafficking."

They were all so shocked that the policers handcuffed them easily. Zhehan woke up and yelled at Yinsi who was already crying in fear:

"Stay here we'll be back soon."

Yinsi nodded with tears in his eyes.

When they arrived at the police station they both sat in the interrogation room handcuffed to the table. Qing whispered in fear:

"Do you think they'll throw us in jail?"

Zhehan said with certainty:

"They won't they don't have any proof. Even if they do now that I'm chief company executive of Shao Inc I know that I'll be able to get us out of here. I'm sure the son or the daughter of one of them wants to enter Shao Lyrical."

Qing looked at her husband with relief and he smiled reassuringly.

The detective in charge of the arrest came in and took a seat. He opened the computer and turned it around after pressing play. They both looked at the video frightened. Their entire conversation with Yuheng and all the details about the price was recorded. They even saw the moment where they announced to Eden that he was sold to Yuheng. When the video was done the detective showed Zhehan's bank account where he received the money.

"Anything to say for your defense?"

Qing was already crying knowing that they are screwed. Zhehan thought but nothing came to mind. They have all the proof they need to send them to jail for years.

Zhehan said panicked:

"You cant send us in jail for that or we'll die there."

Because of the rarety of gers, it was common for parents or sex traffickers to sell them at very high prices so a law was put in place to protect them but people would still sell them in the black market. Another law was enacted giving the harshest punishment to anyone caught which is fifty years in prison. Given Zhehan and Qing's ages, they are sure to die there.

"The only person who can help you get a reduced sentence is the person you try to sell. I highly doubt he'll testify on your behalf after you tried to sell him to that monster."

Zhehan asked lost:

"What do you mean monster?"

"Wu Yuheng has a history of abuse when it comes to gers. He was married twice before and they both killed themselves because of it. We found proof of it in his house and we have a warrant for his arrest. He probably knew and left so he wouldn't get arrested."

Zhehan looked at him shocked. So this is because of him that they were arrested. They probably have been investigating him for a long time. He asked:

"Can we make a phone call?"

The detective nodded and left.

Eden whimpered:


Chen trusted deeper. Eden held onto him tighter burying his head in his neck. He moaned in pleasure his nail firmly digging into Chen's back. Chen groaned when he came inside of him. They both looked at each other panting. Eden said:

"In the future, we probably shouldn't take showers together."

Chen smiled devilishly:

"I think we should always take showers together."

Eden shook his head with a smile.

He just wanted to take an innocent shower before leaving but it turned into this. That's not surprising that man can't keep his hands off of him. Chen put him down and they showered. They walked out and quickly dressed before going down for breakfast. Eden sat on his lap eating. Despite their fun in the shower, he can feel Chen's anger. He's been feeling it since yesterday. Zhehan called asking if he could come to see him at the police station and he said he'll come tomorrow which angered Chen when he said that he is not to come. Eden wrapped his arms around his neck after putting down the chopsticks.

He blinked his peach blossom eyes at him with a pout.

"Gege are you going to be angry forever?"

Chen narrowed his eyes at his vixen. On a normal day, he can't refuse or get angry at Eden but with this face, it's worst. He sighed frustrated.

"I don't want you to fall for their bullshit."

"I won't."

"Eden everyone has feelings, even if they've done all those horrible things to you they've been in your life since you were six."

Eden asked seriously:

"Chen, do you think I'm weak?"

"I don't you're one of the strongest people I've ever met."

"Then why do you doubt me?"

"Eden I don't doubt you. My problem is that you want to go alone when you don't have to. I know that you're used to dealing with everything on your own but now I'm here. You can lean on me."

He looked into Eden's eyes swearing:

"I promise from this day onward you won't have to deal with anything on your own."

Eden bit his lip looking into his eyes.

"Just don't shut me off, don't keep how you feel from me. Whatever it is I'll always have your back."

Eden looked at him his eyes moistening.

"I always feel alone in the universe so I'm not used to this."

"I know baby this is why I'm telling you."

Eden sniffed and said:

"I won't keep anything from you or shut you off anymore I promise."

He's always alone so every decision or choice he makes only impacts him but now it's different. Chen smiled giving him a peck, he smiled brighter when he heard his question:

"Will you come with me to see them?"

Zhehan sat in the interrogation waiting for Eden. If he testifies for them it'll be a lesser sentence but the question is will he after they tried to sell him to a monster at that, not that they care but Eden probably will. Although Eden is easy to use he has been doing it most of his life. He put his hand on Qing's to stop her from tapping nervously on the table.

"You know how easy to manipulate Eden is just let me talk to him."

Qing nodded with tears in her eyes. To think that she had to spend the night in jail while her poor baby is home alone. She can't even imagine how scared Yinsi must be.

They looked at the door when it opened and saw Eden and Chen entering. Zhehan smiled brightly and he said:

"Thank god you're both here."

He didn't think Chen would come but he is so glad he's taken such a liking to Eden. They both sat and Eden asked curtly:

"What do you want?"

Zhehan coughed.

"Eden I was wondering if you could testify on our behalf for the trial?"

Eden thought and said:

"I'll only testify for one of you so decide and let me know."

Qing and Zhehan both looked at each other than Eden.

"Can't you testify for the both of us? Surely you don't want us to die in prison."


They both looked at Eden with sparkling eyes but they quickly dimed when they heard him say:

"I only want one of you to die there for mistreating me. Someone has to pay. So who will it be?"

Qing begged:

"Eden please so we can be a family again."

Eden laughed when he was done his eyes were cold and merciless:

"We were never a family. You only adopted so you can use me and once you were done you sold me just like you planned all along. I will make sure that at least one of you dies in prison so make up your mind because I will never change mine."

Zhehan and Qing looked at Eden and knew that he was serious.

"Did you sign this contract?"

Eden pushed papers in front of Zhehan and he looked at it not understanding why he had a copy of his contract as the chief company executive.

"I did why?"

Eden said with a malicious smile:

"You might want to read page 23."

Zhehan frowned then he turned the pages and read it. A few seconds later he looked at Eden wide-eyed. Qing looked at her husband worried.

"What's wrong?"

Zhehan said still shocked:

"It says that all our assets belong to him and he is Yinsi's legal guardian until the day he dies."

Not only can Yinsi never inherit anything but Eden has complete control over him and the contract is legally binding.

Zhehan asked defeated:


"You've been using me since I set foot in your house it's time for you to pay. Now everything you had is mine including Yinsi. I've been talking to the old man down the street and he seems interested in him. Once he dies I'll find someone else for Yinsi."

Qing cried:

"No please don't do this to Yinsi he hasn't done anything to you."

"Wasn't he laughing when Zhehan said that the old man accepted his offer?"

Qing wanted to say something but couldn't. They are utterly screwed. Chen turned Eden's head and he said like a child wanting attention:

"Baby do you want me to do anything for you?"

Eden wrapped his arms around his neck with an amused smile.

"Gege are you always this needy?"

Chen kissed him with a smile.

"Only with you."

Eden threatened:

"You better I'm not a forgiving person."

Chen laughed. He pulled him in his lap promising:

"You'll never have to forgive me."

Eden smiled his eyes brimming with unconditional love.

"I know my love I trust you."

Chen smiled brightly kissing him again.

"Let's go home."

Eden nodded and stood up. He looked at Zhehan and Qing:

"I meant what I said I'll testify for one of you so let me know when you've made up your mind."

Zhehan looked at Chen shocked:

"You're fuckin him this is why you let him screw us your family?"

Chen's eyes turned vicious and the next second his hand was around Zhehan's neck.

"I love him so speak carefully unless you want to die. You and me we're not family only Eden and I are."

Eden walked to Chen.

"Calm down he's not worth it."

Chen was still holding onto him and Zhehan's face had changed colors. Eden turned his head and when he met his eyes he said:

"I don't care what he thinks I only care what you do or I wouldn't have come here with you."

At that Chen let of Zhehan and turned around facing him. Eden smiled caressing his cheek.

"Let's go home."

Chen shameless as ever added:

"And you'll move in with me?"

Eden nodded with a smile his eyes flashing with amusement. Chen's eyes light up, he laced their hands with a smile and they left without looking back while Zhehan was gasping for air.

He looked at them leaving tears falling on his face. He and Qing are fucked. If it isn't enough Chen is in love with Eden and he'll do everything he asks of him. The fact that he managed to calm him down so easily is proof. The day he made a mistake at work and Chen beat him no one could that's why he ended up with two broken ribs and a nose. He has to come out of jail sooner to take care of Yinsi he knows that Qing will never be able to. He looked at his wife who was crying.

Eden and Chen spent the rest of their life together. As he said he gave Yinsi to the old man down the street and when he died he found him another old man. This went on and on until he was tired and killed himself. He sold every asset of Zhehan not wanting anything that was related to him. He moved in with Chen and they got married after he graduated from Shao Lyrical. As his fame rose he would spend less time with him which bothered both of them. Eden decided to only do concerts in the country and he retired when he was forty. Chen retired at the same time as him and they traveled all over the world.

He never testified for Zhehan or Qing and never had any intention to, he just wanted them to turn against each other which they did. Despite being in prison they divorced. Eden only gave the side of his story and stopped going to court. He doesn't care how it unfolds as long as they die in prison and they did.

Eden was laying in bed next to an old Chen. He was breathing with difficulty and his end was near. Eden's hold on his hand tightened and more tears ran down his face. Chen turned around looking at him.

"I'll see you soon I told you I'll never let you go. Just wait for me."

"I will."

Eden kissed his forehead and left for Versal when he couldn't hear him breathe anymore.

He felt power pouring in as he cried silently. When he received all of it he closed his eyes and only opened them again two hundred years later. He blinked looking at all the planets and floated toward a green one. He touched it with a wicked smile and disappeared.

New QT BL Novel

Love's Alchemy: Breaking Shadows

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    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
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    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

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    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
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