
章 3: Unexpected harem

Hi there. We meet again. Sorry for bailing out last time. I hope you aren't angry. So where were we again? Ah yes. Larzia.

I was lamenting the fact that Larzia couldn't be mine while looking at her from a safe distance, never approaching her. Yet she noticed me looking. I tried to avoid her gaze but how could you expect me to ignore that smile? Looking so happy to see me she waved her hand. I could die for that little movement of muscles. So as expected I could not stop myself from doing the same by waving back with a smile that somehow felt genuine and forced at the same time.

Now you'd be thinking I'm gonna do a 180 and a shitty plot twist by revealing it wasn't me who she was waving at. Well,l prepare to get disappointed. Lara was indeed waving at me. Quite shocking right? Let us go back in time to understand what led to all this.

Lara and I were both friends from middle school. We were neighbours and that made it easier to play together more often. Which created some sort of bond that humans call friendship, not that I know anything about it.

With all that came our shared interest in games, movies, tv shows, and most of all anime. We used to be so cringy while talking about it that it makes me reminisce about the old days. But you know with anime there comes a phase you have to go through where you make yourself feel superior in front of others. I just sadly took it to the extreme.

This is so embarrassing to say but...…..I literally did a PowerPoint presentation in our college on why everyone should watch XXXX anime. Which went horribly wrong. Although no one objected. They all looked like they were pitying me the whole time. Truly horrible feeling. This is one of the main reasons I couldn't make any friends in college. Nor that I want to.

Note - This event happened 1 year ago. I changed a lot during that time. I'm just proud to shut the fuck up about anime, manga, light novel, visual novel or whatever the fuck anywhere outside social media. So please never be like the old me kids. If I could save one person with this note. I would feel like I accomplished something.

Although this event was a major one in my life it didn't affect Lara's view of me in any way, shape or form, except the 3 days afterwards where she couldn't stop smiling while looking at me. So I guess that was a useless thing I added. But still useful.

Lara was always so humble and smart. Mature and lovely. Yet would act aggressively when needed. She always supported me whenever I needed her. Academic problems, arguments, emotional problems etc. I mean she gives me free tuition because my grades are average as fuck. Imagine getting an angel to tutor you. Isn't that the best thing ever? If we talk about the number of times she helped me, the list could go on and on forever.

I could trust her with my life. Yet I couldn't trust her enough to ever express my feelings towards her. I will always lament the fact that I couldn't reach out to her before he did. He is the bane of my existence. I hate him so much that I cannot even manage to not feel my heart being torn apart while only hearing his name. So let's call him X.

Although I do hate him, I feel like he's the perfect person for Lara, because she genuinely loves him more than me. Which ironically tears my heart to admit. All the reasons I hate him for are just me nitpicking every flaw he has and constantly trying to feel superior to him. Yet all those flaws do not matter to my beloved.

Isn't love the feeling when you accept someone for who they are and see the best in them no matter what kind of person they are? In that regard, a person like me who sees every minute flaw in someone, even in my beloved, would never be qualified for experiencing true love.

When I think of how incompetent of a person I am, I feel kind of glad that Lara isn't mine. Which is the same feeling that turns me towards self-loathing. All the hate for X adds fuel to the burning hatred for my own self too.

What did he do wrong? He's a really good person who acts as a fine friend to me whenever we see each other. Is loving someone and being loved by them in return truly something of a sin to despise? Wouldn't someone feel the same way towards me if I get the privilege of loving their beloved?

I do think that overthinking all of this will result in nothing but my own downfall, and trust me I tried to ignore it and move on. But how could I? I could not see beyond Lara. She seemed like the one and only person for me.

Every video I watched on self-help suggested that I forget her and try on another girl. But no matter how much I tried to find a person to replace her, I could not. How could I find someone to replace my Goddess who looked like she ascended from heaven just yesterday.

On top of that, I put Lara on a pedestal and for some reason, I feel like I'll betray her by loving someone else. It'll mean that she won't be the special person in my life. And there is the fact that nearly every girl I see in my college is either mid, has a shitty personality or is plain ugly. I guess this is why I'm incapable of love. Also the reason I'm still single. I wish I could only look at the good in them. Yet I couldn't.

Then one day 'she' came. And changed everything about my life.

Xorgasta Reptilia, although beautiful, she wasn't as beautiful as Lara. Her green reptilian eyes threatening me, like she would haunt me for the rest of my life and the spectacles hiding those deadly eyes actually made her look cute. Her braided blonde hair, braided in a unique way that suited her.

Her body looked a bit more masculine than feminine, or maybe I was biased towards Lara's perfect shape so much that everything else felt less feminine. But for Xora it was different. I had this feeling that there was more to her body. So I started comparing it to Lara.

Just kidding I thought of that but gave up when it came to boobs. It felt wrong. I'll just say Xora had bigger. (I'm definitely going to hell)

My first meeting with Xora was basically a heavily cliché level romance movie scene.

So I was walking home from the restaurant I always dine in. I was a traffic rules follower so I was walking in the left direction. To my left was a ledge wall. I was walking nice and smooth until I saw a girl stumbling on the edge of the ledge, about to fall.

I rushed in to help her. I thought I wouldn't make it, but for some reason, the gravity was on my side. I reached way before she even started to fall. So maybe I can't call it gravity. The gravity of the situation however was intense.

I spread my arms trying to hold her before her beautiful body was ruined by the ground beneath. I was going to hold her with both of my hands, leaning back so she wouldn't slip from my hand. I could never forgive myself if that happened. I moved my left hand just slightly more left so her chastity could be saved from landing on it with her ass. No, maybe I should say her bottom.

Either way, I had to regret that decision after waking up right next to her in the local hospital. Apparently, falling girls don't weigh less than the walking ones. Only if a crab god would have stolen her weight before my rib cage was ruptured….

This was the incident that made me an atheist.

Well if you're worried about her, she was perfectly fine with some scratches to her elbow area.

The second I saw her I tried to wake up. It took a lot of pain for me to understand that I should just lay down. Seeing my agony she came closer to me.

"Um… Thank you for helping me back then", she said with a bow that looked thankful and apologetic at the same time, "I'm Xorgasta, nice to meet you. You can call me Xora. I at least owe that to my saviour"

Scratching her head she smiled apologetically.

"I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to save your elbow", I said laughing like an idiot.

She joined in. We laughed awkwardly for some time till it became genuinely funny. That 'some' time was a very short frame because for some reason laughter is related to the chest where rib cages live.

"Are you fine? Wait I'll call a doctor"

"Yeah I think I need one"

After the doctor checked on me and told me not to move too much, he left the two of us alone. It wasn't because of good intentions from his heart for a chance of us coming closer though. Soon the nurse came asking about my details to fill in the form. I told her my family lives far away and some of my friends could visit me.

"What is with that long weird name ?" Xora said, chuckling after the nurse left.

I, realizing the fact that this garbage way was how Xora got to hear my name for the first time, felt embarrassed. Her calling my name weird offended me more though. So I replied:-

"If I say so Xorgasta does sound like a really normal name. Not like I'm getting confused if it's X or Z or anything"

"It's X", she answered. Avoiding my gaze as she was smiling embarrassingly.

"What was your name though? I kinda forgot. It was something starting with L. Right ?"

"Ledelione Kompakchi. Yes, it is a weird name, so feel free to call me Leo."

"Nice to meet you, Leo."

"Nice to meet you, Xora."

We shaked hands. Both used our left as I could not move too much.

"I got to know your surname without your permission so I guess I owe you mine. My full name is Xorgasta Reptilia. With an X of course." We both chuckled.

"Reptilia, huh. Kinda suits your green reptilian eyes."

This was the first time I saw Xora's serious face. She was looking down trying to avoid my gaze like last time. Except this was different. I think I should not have commented on her body part. I heard from Lara that girls don't like that. So I apologized for it immediately.

Hearing my apology Xora came back to reality and reassured me that it was fine. But I know better. So I promised myself to never talk about her body….. Except for when I do have to explain her appearance in the story. So I'm not really good at promises.

In successful attempts at changing the topic, I added, "what were you doing over the ledge ?"

Her embarrassment was visibly cute like a kid when he gets caught and has to explain why he was doing naughty things.

"Umm…." She bit her lips, "I was…..pr...practising…...my balance"


"It isn't what you're thinking….." she said while rubbing her fingers, ".....ok it is what you're thinking"

Thinking of what? What do most people think when they get to hear something like this? Do people even think of anything? My mind was blank. And to this day I haven't figured out what I was supposed to be thinking. Feeling embarrassed about it I never asked her what the thinking thing was.

After a long silence, we started talking again. She wanted to give me money for my trouble but I refused, she insisted, I refused, she insisted again, I refused. Looking back at it I should have taken the offer.

We then started talking about how she was new to the town and I'm the only person she knows, which made me feel so special. I promised her I'd take her to show her the town even though I barely knew it. (yes I've lived here for a year, but you're forgetting I'm a guy with Stockholm syndrome with phone addiction)

I said that I'll show her around the town just as a joke so it was shocking to me when we exchanged numbers so suddenly.

We talked for a while until those two dumbass friends came to check on me. Sadly Xora left bidding me farewell. I was angry at those two. So I didn't answer any of their questions.

After a while, Lara came too. I initially thought she was busy with X and felt like I'm unimportant to her now that she got someone more fun. But then she said that she was in a class and could not take the call and apologized for being late. It did seem like a logical thing. Yet I couldn't shake the thought of her lying about the classes just so she could spend more time with X.

These are the times I really hate my negative thinking. My really caring friend came all the way to the hospital while she could have ignored the call altogether. And I wasn't even trusting her words of love. Yeah yeah I know I'm using copious amounts of copium right now.

All of us talked for hours. They asked me a lot of things. About how I ended up like this, who was the girl and for some reason someone asked if my rod was hot. Must have been Marg. That horny bastard.

After a few hours of talking, the doctor told them off by saying that I needed rest. Which I'm pretty sure was unnecessary. Because I couldn't sleep until 9. Of course, I was playing on my phone all the time. If not I'd have fallen asleep way sooner. I was so glad my phone didn't break from that crash. Only some cracks I can easily replace.

For the whole month I was there I received lots of get well soon messages on social media. All of my friends came to see me every day. Xora came from time to time too. We slowly got to know more about each other. I was shocked to learn she was the transfer student everyone was talking about in our college.

I introduced Xora to my friend group. They all welcomed their new friend with warm hearts. The times they all were there with me were the most fun times we had in the hospital. Although I do think Marg was going a bit overboard with the simping. Can't blame him though, Xora was pretty pretty. Hehe, see what I did there?

Anyway, nothing could beat the best thing and the most annoying thing at the same time that happened to me at that time. (God I need vocabulary development) Oh well, whatever.

One day Lara barged in with a book in her hand and sat on the chair. Her eyes burned with flames of passion as she looked at me.

"You're a really good boy, helping people at your own risk." Stroking my head like I'm some kind of anime loli, which made me feel great and fearful at what she was about to say at the same time, "So I'll read you a book while you lay there and enjoy. I'm going to work real hard. So promise me you'll listen till the end."

She said it with a genuine smile on her face. So I could not stop myself from promising that. Only if I considered asking this question before promising….

"What's the book about ?"

As I said this a devilish smile rose to Lara's adorable face. Although still adorable, that smile made me scared. And it was for good reason. Because the name of the book was:

"A dissection of ant colony and its function", she said it with a posed look. Then burst into laughter, "you already promised to sit through all of the book. You can't use your phone too. No getting distracted. I'll even ask questions and if you don't answer correctly we'll read the chapter from the beginning"

My jaw dropped. That bitch. Ahhhhhhhhhjhjjhhhh

What you thought I wouldn't call my goddess a "bitch"? I'm not a loser like you. I have the right to call her that. We basically shoot slurs at each other randomly sometimes.

So, the eternal torture began. All of my protests fell flat because of that one promise. She'd have felt bad and left me alone if I didn't promise that. But she trapped me into doing it. So I just acted like a sulky kid in bed. Trying to look angry but still smiling at her shitty jokes here and there.

The book was fairly good, to be honest. I had to listen to it because she did actually start the chapter from the beginning when I didn't answer a question correctly. I could have said no seriously and she would have dropped that constant bullying. But it was some of the happiest moments for me. Her only spending time with me a bit more was what made even ants enjoyable. I always found her cute when she was in her bullying mode. It was a side only I knew. Not even X knew this side of her. Maybe some of her other friends did. But not to the extent I did. It kinda made me feel special.

Thinking all this I chuckled. Seeing me happy Lara teased me saying:

"Thinking about Xora huh ?"

"What? No. Why would I think about her ?"

"You don't think about your friends? What kind of cruel person are you? You don't even think about me? Am I not your close friend? Am I just some classmate to you ?"

"Wait what! Why are you overthinking all this? Obviously, you're close to me."

"I am ?"

"I didn't mean that much. But yes you are"

"What do you mean 'not that much' ?", The thing that made me feel this was what she genuinely felt was because of the tears in her eyes. I was like wtf? That was serious?

"Haha, why are you so fun to mess with ?" she said, relieving my worries, wiping the tears from her face. "Thanks for always being this fun to be around, retard"

The words touched my heart. I was genuinely moved to the verge of tears. Her happy face was the thing that made those tears flow.

Lara thought she did something wrong and apologized. She held me in her arms and let me cry. I could have laid my feelings out right then. But I couldn't bring myself to be that courageous. And it wouldn't have solved anything. Only making things worse. There was still X. So I just said something in between made-up words and reality

"Thank you for being such a caring friend. I just felt lonely and isolated. Talking to you reminded me how precious of a friend I have. I know it sounds dumb. Sorry for being so dumb." Which horribly backfired because I realized I'm a loner. I really need more friends, fuck.

"Shut up retard. You're not alone. You have me here. Merg, Cory. And now you have Xora. Stop being such a baby. We love you."

"I love you too"

Funny how this was the only way I had any balls to say it. It took me half an hour to calm down. All those times she never let me out of her arms. I seriously need mental health therapy. How much does it cost though?

Well, I don't have anything else to say about the time in the hospital. everything was going on normally as I stated before. Oh, there was this time I tried checking which rib was broken. It was the 3rd of my right stack. Learning the information however was paid through immense pain. Damn my curiosity.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


