
Frozen Cloud Asgard

A few days passed before the day of the 'demon sealing ritual' finally arrived. Instead of the witnessing the ritual in person, Itachi opted to observe from a distance, choosing to deploy a shadow clone to infiltrate the seal while Ling Kun remained utterly oblivious to Itachi's actions.

Ling Kun was simply too weak to notice Itachi's actions.

Itachi could very easily free 'his' blood grandfather even now, however considering the man's highly impulsive nature, it would probably spell a disaster if he were to act rashly upon his release if he decided to seek retribution by going after the sacred grounds. Thus, Itachi devised a plan to approach his blood grandfather cautiously.

Hence, Itachi had decided to send a clone first in order to convince his grandfather to lend him the seal of the Divine Golden Crow's trial ground once he had verified his heritage as 'his' grandson to him using some of his actual blood. With the assurance that he would return to free him once he gained sufficient strength.

In this manner, even the demon sealing ritual hadAfterwards, Itachi didn't have to wait for long since the day had finally arrived for his pre-arranged meet up with the Frozen Cloud Asgard's entourage, at a somewhat secluded spot, a considerable distance away from the Heavenly Mountain Range.

Afterwards, Itachi didn't have to wait for too many days.

Soon, the awaited day for Itachi's rendezvous with the Frozen Cloud Asgard's entourage arrived, the meeting place chosen was faraway from the prying eyes, a considerable distance away from the Heavenly Mountain Range.

As the appointed hour drew near, sunlight danced through the foliage, painting the ground with dappled shadows.

Itachi stood there, his demeanor calm and resolute, waiting silently. He had already bade farewell to Cang Yue before leaving, who appeared to show a hint of reluctance on her face.

A few of moments later, Chu Yuechan finally arrived, her steps as graceful as a swan's. She exuded an aura of regal elegance, her midnight hair shimmering in the soft daylight. Her presence was as ethereal as the morning mist, and her icy eyes held a depth of wisdom that belied her age.

Chu Yueli followed closely behind her sister. Unlike Chu Yuechan's icy demeanor, Chu Yueli had a somewhat less indifferent presence. Her azure robes rustled softly as she moved.

Xia Qingyue, along with two other disciples followed behind them. Her azure hair flowed like a waterfall down her back, and her cerulean eyes sparkled with an inner strength. Despite her delicate appearance, she exuded an air of confidence and determination.

The three women, each possessing a unique allure, Itachi silently nodded to each of them in greeting.

Chu Yuechan, her voice as cool as a mountain stream, wasted no time in urging Itachi to depart. With a determined nod, Itachi immediately agreed, signaling the start of their journey northward.

Mounted on Snow Profound Beasts provided by Chu Yuechan and Chu Yueli, the group embarked toward the Frozen Cloud Asgard, venturing into the icy domain of the north.






Their journey aided by the Snow Profound Beasts was swift, bringing them to Frozen Cloud Asgard very quickly. After traversing the endless expanse of snowfields for hours, the towering silhouette of the Asgard finally came into view.

Looking at the Frozen Cloud Asgard he was getting closer to at a very fast rate, Itachi couldn't help but look upwards, hoping to sense Mu Bingyun, if he could meet her now, that would just make it so much easier for him to take his next major steps. However, he found nothing.

Chu Yuechan was the first to land at the entrance, Frozen Cloud Asgard's members had already sensed their arrival and were already waiting in front of the main entrance knowing the details of their presence as per the Mistress's instructions.

"You are here." Murong Qianxue looked as cold as frost, and she spoke in a voice that was completely devoid of emotions.

Itachi greeted: "Greetings, Fairy."

Murong Qianxue merely nodded in acceptance without showing any emotion towards Itachi's words, and indifferently said to Chu Yuechan: "Senior sister, Asgard Mistress is already aware that you've arrived. Please, follow me."

Even during the time when the palace was not shut off from the outside world, Frozen Cloud Asgard would have extremely few visitors, so the female disciples of Frozen Cloud Asgard mostly didn't get that many opportunities to come into contact with a man. Therefore, as Itachi followed Chu Yueli inside the Frozen Cloud Asgard, along with the additional effect of his name "Itachi" it immediately cause a lot of Frozen Cloud Asgard's disciples to gather around and "watch" him with attention. Their gazes were filled with intense curiosity towards this young man who had become the champion of the tournament.

When Itachi saw Gong Yuxian, he discovered that Xiao Lingxi was also present right beside her as he heard her shout.


Before Itachi could walk any further, a white blur went straight towards him engulfing him in a shaky hug.

Itachi felt a little helpless since he was really unused to such close contact with others, however, after a brief moment of hesitation, he still lightly scooted her closer to himself and said: "I am glad that this aspect of you has remained unchanged, Lingxi."

Hearing Itachi's words, Xiao Lingxi finally let go of Itachi as she smiled embarrassingly before stepping back in an awkward manner: "Forgive me, Mistress."

Gong Yuxian felt surprised at first, however she said calmly: "It is fine, Lingxi. There is no need to apologize. Let's not bring up these things for now. So, you are Itachi, Frozen Cloud Asgard's Grand Asgard Mistress wants to see you. Follow me… Let's not keep her waiting. Qingyue, you should also come along with us."

Chu Yuechan glanced at her mistress before taking the lead followed by Chu Yueli and Xia Qingyue while Murong Qianxue stayed back.

Itachi followed them towards the depth of the sect. There were several Frozen Cloud Secret Grounds within Frozen Cloud Asgard's lands. It's Grand Asgard Mistress silently cultivated all year round in one of those secret grounds.

Itachi followed Gong Yuxian's retinue all the way down, and finally arrived in front of a room of ice.

"Senior Master, Itachi has arrived." Gong Yuxian said respectfully before the ice room's entrance.

Right after, a woman's voice that appeared slightly elderly came from within: "Come in….. all of you."

As the voice fell, the ice room's gate that was tightly closed slowly opened. Countless ice crystals dispersed out from within the ice room, and didn't fall for a long time

In the center of the ice room, a woman whose expression was as calm as water, with hair already half white, sat upright on a blue colored ice jade.

When Gong Yuxian's group of five walked in, her closed eyes opened, radiating a gentle yet far-reaching gaze. And this gaze, directly fell onto Itachi's body.

She was the previous generation Asgard Mistress of Frozen Cloud Asgard, and also the current Grand Asgard Mistress —— Feng Qianhui.

"Disciple Gong Yuxian greets Senior Master."

"Disciple Xia Qingyue greets Grand Asgard Mistress."

"Disciple Chu Yuechan greets Grand Asgard Mistress."

"Disciple Chu Yueli greets Grand Asgard Mistress."

The elderly woman raised her hand, and spoke lightly: "No need for formalities, all of you are going to surpass me soon enough. Yuechan has already done it. Hmm …So, you are Itachi?"

Itachi stepped forward speaking calmly: "Junior Itachi greets Senior."

Feng Qianhui's gaze sized Itachi up from head to toe, and slowly nodded. She couldn't sense anything remarkable from him, he appeared to be a normal Earth Profound cultivator. Suddenly, the expression in her eyes changed, her arm abruptly swung out as several tens of ice crystals condensed in the air, flying toward Itachi's chest.

Toward Feng Qianhui striking out, Itachi didn't display any surprise as his body remained in the same position


All the ice crystals solidly smashed onto Itachi's body, yet directly shattered into pieces the moment they touched his body, and dissipated.

A hint of deep surprise flashed through Feng Qianhui's gaze. The ice crystals just now only carried half of her strength, but it would definitely be hard for even a Sky Profound expert to receive it.

But Feng Qianhui's probing was naturally not only this much. As all the ice crystals fell onto the floor, both her hands extended out together as her hair and the ice spirits around her entire body fluttered up. A tremendous frozen cloud energy released outwards, causing the ice room that wasn't very big in the first place to seemingly fall into an icy purgatory.

A glint appeared within Itachi's eyes. Without waiting for these seven ice lotuses to begin changing, he merely raised his hand forward, and at the same time, striked all of the incoming lotuses, swinging out multiple matchless overbearing strikes in the blink of an eye.

Bang !

Ear deafening sounds of explosions instantly flooded the entire ice room. Before the just bloomed ice lotuses had time to release their frozen cloud might, they had already all burst apart like chaining firecrackers, turning into tiny ice crystals that fluttered all over the place. Being pushed to the sides of the ice room by the not yet completely dissipated heavy sword storm, they carpeted the ice room's wall with a thick layer of ice.

Feng Qianhui's arms felt numb in midair as a deep expression of surprise flashed through her eyes.

"Good!" Feng Qianhui exclaimed in praise: "Looks like you being called "Number One of Blue Wind", definitely wasn't an exaggeration."

Itachi spoke calmly: "Maybe. In terms of strength I am indeed the number among those of my generation. However, I still have a long way to go in terms of experience."

Feng Qianhui answered: "You don't have the arrogance that men with your accomplishments usually do. Have a seat. All of you as well."

Itachi nodded before taking a seat directly opposite Feng Qianhui as Xia Qingyue sat on his right and Chu Yuechan on his left.

Chu Yueli quietly took a seat beside her sister.

"I am Feng Qianhui. With your current strength and fame, you could entirely ignore the request of this old woman wanting to meet you even if you were in fact the one to initiate the request to meet in the first place. Before we talk about the reason why you wished to meet, I wish to know about something else. With your victory in the ranking tournament, in the entire Blue Wind, there is almost no one who possesses the qualifications to order you to move. Why would you bother to come to this far away extreme northern land to meet this old woman?" Feng Qianhui asked as she looked at Itachi.

Feng Qianhui's expression, clearly showed that this question wasn't asked on a whim. Because Itachi's stance toward Frozen Cloud Asgard, would decide her following decision.

Itachi took a glance towards Xia Qingyue beside him as his face showed a contemplative expression before he responded calmly: "The truth might be uncomfortable for you to accept."

Feng Qianhui raised her eyebrows slightly intrigued: "Regardless, I am still curious to know."

Itachi calmly stared at her before he said: "Actually, the reason is pretty simple. Xia Qingyue may be Frozen Cloud Asgard's disciple. However, she is also my wife. And, I will always try to atleast fulfill my duty towards her, whatever that duty may entail. Although, at the beginning, I attempted to play it off as me getting something equally valuable in return in that supposed 'transaction' since I understood the temperament that was so deeply ingrained in the disciples of the Frozen Cloud Asgard. However, the truth is that I never had much to gain from your sect apart from the fulfillment of my selfish desire to help Qingyue in her path as is my duty as her husband. It might seem no doubt suspicious to all of you, however, that is the simple and uncomplicated truth of the matter. The reason I have come here is to simply warn you of the threat to your sect and to her as well. "

Xia Qingyue: "…"

"Itachi, that marriage has always been a sham! You shouldn't hope for it to be anything more than that! " Gong Yuxian said coldly with her brows knitted.

Chu Yuechan looked at Itachi with a complicated expression as she observed the Palace Mistress's livid expression.

Chu Yueli's eyes revealed a trace of confusion as she listened to Itachi's words.

"It's fine." Feng Qianhui stared at Itachi's eyes, with a firm expression that eventually turned into a faint smile: "I believe he already understands that well enough. What he had said just now, ought to be the thought from the bottom of his heart. Seems like, you value the fulfillment of duty above everything else… Very well. Then, answer this: if you were a member of a sect and you had to pick between your duty as a member of a sect or your duty as a 'husband', what would your choice be? "

For the very first time since transmigrating into this world, Itachi's mind blanked out for a moment. It was at moments like this that Itachi felt that the concept of fate was real. Duty to village or clan or to his brother…..However, the question was easier for him to answer now than it had ever had been before.

"There is no winning against who we really are, deep within ourselves beyond all our masks of indifference, we are beings of compassion. So, if I had to pick between the sect and my duty as a husband, I would probably be in a dilemma for a long time until I make the inevitable choice of walking upon the right path. And, that path for me is to protect all that I am supposed to, if there is one duty that is superior to any being as an individual, it is the duty of protecting that which we love. You would not be able to understand it. Also, I suppose that answer might be very much abhorred here. Once, I also believed myself to be capable of that sort of indifference yet I was clearly not. Just as the ones present here will fight to protect each even to their deaths despite their self-proclaimed indifference to emotions. " Itachi finished with a faintly discernible smile on his.


Feng Qianhui was indeed left speechless with his response and had to do a few moments of careful thinking before she said with a sigh: "I see. It appears you have observed my disciples and accurately understood them even more than they were able to observe you. However, you are right, it is indeed not the line of thinking that I would want any of my sect members to follow. Yet, the ingenuity in your words does reassure me a lot. I just wanted to confirm if you harbored any evil thoughts towards the women of this sect since it was really strange how much you have aided without much significant advantage to yourself. Whatever the reason may be, you have still contributed a lot to our advancement. Also, regarding the matter between you and my Asgard's disciple Chu Yuechan, this old woman has already learned of 'everything'. She told me how you have helped her in securing the legacy of the Divine Ice Phoenix from a trial ground which allowed her to advance to the Tyrant Profound Realm. That alone is a debt that will be hard to repay. I will be direct with you then. What is that the Frozen Cloud Asgard can offer you as repayment for everything until now and for further continued assistance with the opening of the profound veins."

"I see. Chu Yuechan seems to have already warned you about my actual profound strength. There is no point in hiding it then….." Itachi said abruptly as a silent pressure released upon the entire hall spreading throughout before stabilizing as the overbearing aura of a Emperor Profound Realm cultivator could be felt from Itachi.

Gong Yuxian's eyes widened as she stood up: "You! It-t's really tr-rue after all…"

Chu Yuechan expression didn't reveal much of a surprise instead her white features contained a silent form of acceptance as she said: "It is just as I thought then."

Xia Qingyue was the only who was really shocked to the core as her mind almost collapsed. It took her a few moments for her to gather her bearings as she replayed all of her meetings with Itachi and even her conversation with Chu Yuechan as she finally realized just how far behind she had been left as her expression turned somewhat bitter, her beautiful features turned despondent as she said to Itachi: "You are really good at hiding yourself."

Itachi merely smiled at her response as he said: "There is no need for you to get disappointed. If there is one person I definitely know has the potential of keeping up with me, then it is you."

Feng Qianhui glanced at Itachi's aura which seemed quite stable right now. Chu Yuechan was certain that if Itachi was anywhere near the Emperor Profound realm then she wouldn't stand a chance against him even as an Overlord, that was how terrifying the strength possessed by the young cultivator before her was. She had to proceed with extreme caution now even if he outwardly didn't seem to possess any evil thoughts: " What is that you wish to accomplish by revealing your strength now?"

"I showed you my profound strength simply to answer your previous inquiry about my supposed reward or repayment towards my services. We cannot proceed without being honest. The conditions that you were revealed your suspicions regarding my strength. Hence, I simply want to make things clear. I cannot be controlled by your sect. That showing was to confirm that single fact. As for repayment, although I have already said I don't need one, but I know the pride of the Frozen Cloud Asgard won't allow that to happen. Hence, I won't ask for anything too complex or elaborate. It is simple: Allow me to join Frozen Cloud Asgard, and become Frozen Cloud Asgard's elder level figure, similar to the seven fairies. There is no need for this news to be spread out of this sect. It will lead to unwanted attention. Even, inside the sect only the ones above the Earth profound realm may know. In return, I will open the profound entrances of everyone who is in the Sky Profound Realm or reaches it in the future or those with good talent. Also, I will protect this sect against all harm as will be my duty. As for what you seem to be afraid of, I already know why only females are allowed to join, I am a mircale doctor after all."

Gong Yuxian revealed a wrathful expression as she said: "How dare you!!.."

However, before she could continue, she was suppressed by the pressure of Feng Qianhui.

"Shut up! I am still here right now."

This sentence of Feng Qianhui would be said as extraordinarily surprising; none of the them had expected that Feng Qianhui would actually utter these words. 

Gong Yuxian still had already stood up and lost control of her voice: "Senior Master, this…"

"Say no more." Feng Qianhui extended her hand to stop Gong Yuxian from continuing, and said calmly: "I have my own thoughts."

Gong Yuxian opened her mouth, and didn't continue speaking. Beside her, Xia Qingyue as well as Chu Yueli's face also revealed extreme astonishment.

"The reason why my Asgard had always only taken in female disciples, was because the female's constitution leaned toward Yin, and is more fitting to cultivate the Frozen Cloud Arts. At the same time, the saying that love between males and females will obstruct Frozen Cloud Art's cultivation is false. The secret that the Frozen Cloud Art could be inherited through virgin vital yin is the main reason why no male disciples are taken. However, you definitely seem to know that as well due to your divine knowledge as a doctor" Feng Qianhui said slowly: "But under the condition of not harming the sect's principle, the sectoral rules can be slightly bent. You are Qingyue's husband in name, already have a huge relationship and ties with Frozen Cloud Asgard. With the strength and prestige you currently possess, if you are to join my Frozen Cloud Asgard, it would be able to greatly raise my Frozen Cloud Asgard's influence. Most of all whatever calamity my Asgard must face in the near future, we also must change our thinking if we are to survive, weighing the trade off, I can make an exception to take you in as the first male disciple in all of Frozen Cloud Asgard's history."

Before arriving at Frozen Cloud Asgard, Itachi had thought of various possibilities, but definitely hadn't expected the Grand Asgard Mistress would so easily accept him as a disciple of Frozen Cloud Asgard! The only reason why Yun Che had been previously accepted was because the sect was about to be destroyed anyways.

And judging from Gong Yuxian and Chu Yuechan's reaction, it seemed that they weren't aware of this beforehand.

Itachi knew that because of Xia Qingyue and Chu Yuechan, it was destined that he would possess countless ties with Frozen Cloud Asgard. Hence, he wanted a valid reason to have ties with them.

Itachi revealed an extraordinarily calm look on his face, as he said: "Very well then, I have no problems in joining Frozen Cloud Asgard, what will I need to do as a member?"

Feng Qianhui understood very well how attractive Frozen Cloud Asgard was to men, and seeing that Itachi's reaction was so indifferent, she secretly praised him in her heart, then said: "After joining my Asgard, you do not need to deliberately do anything, and do not even need to follow the sectoral rules; you do not need to stay within the Frozen Cloud Asgard all the time either, and can completely go and come as you wish. What you need to do are only two things… Firstly, is to help in opening the profound entrances of the sect members who deserve it. Secondly…" Feng Qianhui paused for a second, as her expression became extremely solemn: "Someday, if Frozen Cloud Asgard faces calamity, as an elder, I hope that you can defend Frozen Cloud Asgard with all your strength. You already seem to know something about it. Also, since you are to be my Frozen Cloud Asgard's disciple, then you may study all profound arts of my Asgard… So, would you like to join my Frozen Asgard, and became the first male disciple of my Asgard?"

Gong Yuxian, who was beside her mistress more so revealed deeper and deeper astonishment, and wanted to speak up several times, but endured from doing so with all her might.

Itachi finally agreed while nodding: "I am willing to join Frozen Cloud Asgard, and become Frozen Cloud Asgard's elder. I promise, if the sect ever faces a crisis, I will definitely defend it with all my might."

"Good!" Feng Qianhui heavily nodded as deep gratification flashed within her eyes. She raised up her fingers, and pressed at nothingness. Instantly, a marble of cold crystal appeared on the tip of her fingers, then flew toward Itachi. After touching his arm, it directly disappeared on the surface of his body like a melting snowflake: "This is my Asgard's unique 'Frozen Cloud Soul Crystal', with the Frozen Cloud Soul Crystal on you, you are now my Frozen Cloud Asgard's official disciple! At the same time, this is the identification as my Asgard's disciple and an elder level authority.! "

"Good!" Feng Qianhui slowly nodded as her face revealed a smile: "I have already finished saying what I ought to have said. I confess, even though you are my Asgard's first male member in all of our history, I am deeply comforted by the fact that you have become a member. After all, Blue Wind's two great young talents have both assembled at my Frozen Cloud Asgard. Also, to avoid unwanted attention as you said, we shall not disclose your joining of our Frozen Asgard today to the sect members. If there is nothing else to be said… Qingyue, take Itachi on a stroll within our Frozen Asgard, Xiao Lingxi as well. Any place that is off limits to the other disciples you can go to, you may bring him there as well. Yuxian, Yuechan, Yueli, you three stay here."


Xia Qingyue got up, gave Feng Qianhui a salutation, and then left with Itachi.

As soon as they left, Gong Yuxian got up and asked hurriedly: "Senior Master, why exactly did you make such a decision today so abruptly? Is it truly because of the simple fact of Itachi's strength and influence? He is still a man after all…"

Feng Qianhui had on a deep expression. She raised her head slightly, and answered with a voice that sounded like a sorrowful sigh: "Yuxian, do you still remember the thousand year prophecy our Frozen Cloud ancestor had left behind that year?"

Gong Yuxian stared blankly, then her eyes trembled acutely, and her complexion also changed: "Could Senior Master be referring to… the 'Thousand Year Calamity'?"

"Yes." Feng Qianhui closed her eyes, her expression serene.

Gong Yuxian's expression was in sudden turmoil. She slowly sat down: "So the reason why Senior Master did not spare to break our sect's rules and allowed Itachi to join our Frozen Cloud Asgard, was always so we could have an additional force of resistance in response to the possibility of a great calamity?"

Feng Qianhui sighed: "Compared to the survival of our sect, what is breaking a sect rule? Sigh, I only hope… that if the Thousand Year Calamity really arrives… the heavens will assist my Frozen Cloud! Isn't that right, Yuechan?"

Chu Yuechan who was deeply engrossed in her thoughts immediately responded after a moment: "Yes, I believe that it is the correct course of action. More so, because I understand Itachi's character, there is only death that will stop him from fulfilling his duty. He is a strangely dutiful man. "

Chu Yueli had no choice but to agree with her sister even if she wanted to side with Gong Yuxian on this: "You are right about that, sister. Although is this really necessary?"

Feng Qianhui smiled listening to Chu Yuechan's perfect analytical response as well as Yueli's doubt as she said: "See, even Yuechan agrees with me. Maybe it is time that you passed your position on to her, Yuxian, you should meditate here with me instead."

Gong Yuxian was speechless before she sighed : "You may be right, mistress."

Chu Yuechan said at this time: "I can only make that judgement because of the time I have spent observing that man. It is almost incomprehensible the level at which he develops. I definitely believe this was the best possible choice for us."

Feng Qianhui felt reassured from Chu Yuechan's words before she said: "Very well. You two may return as well and let the other five fairies know of the situation as well. No one apart from you seven for now."

Chu Yuechan nodded before replying: "As you say, Grand Mistress."

Immediately, the two sisters left to carry out the instructions leaving the two mistresses to themselves.


Meanwhile, in another secluded section of the sect mostly off limits to outsiders, Itachi walked at a slow place accompanied by Xia Qingyue and Xiao Lingxi on either side.

".…I haven't been here much. Not many disciples are allowed to come here, Che'er." Xiao Lingxi said with her usual cheery voice.

Itachi glanced around the almost frozen garden before he said: "You aren't angry with me for leaving you here for this long?"

Xiao Lingxi abruptly turned around as she laughed lightly before replying: "At first, I was a little angry. But then, I recalled what you promised. And now that you have kept it , there is no need to be angry. I am just glad that you are here before even three years have passed. Moreover, I have enjoyed my time here."

Xia Qingyue who had been silent up until now spoke at this time: "You can still stay here. I am sure nobody will have a problem with that."

Itachi nodded as he said: "Yes, my true purpose in sending you here was to keep you safe and for you to advance yourself in the path of cultivation only if a little."

Xiao Lingxi pouted as she said: "But I haven't made much progress on that. I am still stuck at the Nascent Profound realm even after all this time even after using those crystals that you gave me."

Itachi smiled: "No matter, progress is still good no matter how small. You should stay here . It's even better now that I am part of Asgard as well. I can visit you whenever you like."

"If you say so. I don't have much problem now that you can visit me anytime….Anyways, you two wait here for a moment, I will go and make some special tea for us to celebrate your return. " Xiao Lingxi said excitedly before she immediately ran off to accomplish her task.

As her silhouette disappeared, Xia Qingyue said while she took a seat on one of the benches in the garden: "So, was this what you were after from the very beginning?"

Itachi too sat on the same bench beside her, waiting for a moment before responding to her question: "In the 'beginning', I was uncertain of what I wanted in this 'world', why I was here at all, or if I even wanted to struggle for anything in this world. Yet, I met you. I saw the desperation, longing, regret and everything else in your eyes that I had also felt for most of my life as well. And, suddenly, I found something to do. I wanted to help you. I needed to help you as your husband. But, I should have known, I have always been able to feel too deeply. Keeping myself detached would have been better. Now, that I am part of Frozen Cloud Asgard, it is much easier for me to do what I need to."

Uncharacteristically, Xia Qingyue chuckled as she said: "It seems even you can be oblivious sometimes. I was merely asking rhetorically. After what you have done for me in that realm, it seems almost impossible for me to doubt your intentions. And even before that time, those three days alone may have been enough to convince me. As I said then, I am not sure where this longing will lead me, however, one day when I am free of all the bonds that I have suppressed myself with, I will definitely know. Until that day, I will follow you. This is my promise to you."

Itachi smiled lightly : "Trust establishes the foundation for relationship of any kind. Now that we have atleast that between us, there is much more I can tell you."

Xia Qingyue glanced at him sideways, without her veil, her entire visage was visible which seemed capable of taking the breath away from any being. Her eyes glistened like pearls as she opened her lips in askance before they were suddenly interrupted by Xiao Lingxis's arrival.

"Che'er, Qingyue, let's enjoy this special tea on account of Che'er's arrival."

Itachi glanced at Qingyue, silently letting her know that he would tell her later before he redirected his focus on Xiao Lingxi.

Xiao Lingxi immediately took a seat opposite them before serving each of them a cup of tea.

The three of them spent hours sitting and chatting before eventually retiring for the night.

Itachi90aizen Itachi90aizen

Hello...Is anyone still reading this?....Should I rewrite it or just continue.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C26
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  • ストーリー展開
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  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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