32.27% Mushoku Impact / Chapter 71: Lull

章 71: Lull

After picking up their brand new wagon, Paul and company made their way out the Eastern gate of Sharia. There were more forests to the West, but that was also the location of the Wyrm's Whiskers.

As much as he would like to eliminate a few, if not all, the bandit camps in the region, Paul knew it would only draw unwanted attention. It would be okay if he intended to settle in the territories of the Magic Triumvirate and support one of the existing political factions, but that was pretty much the antithesis of what Paul was tiring to do at the present moment.

The thing about political affiliation and forming alliances was that they didn't hold up when one party was constantly traveling. Paul could act as much as he wanted in the shadows, but the moment he joined hands with any person, group, or nation, they effectively became an anchor tying him down. If his enemies wanted to get to him, all they would need to do was target the people he was obligated to protect.

Though he had spent the last seven and a half years convincing himself he needed to prioritize his life over the lives of pretty much everyone else, Paul wasn't a heartless bastard. He wasn't the type of person that would feel nothing as the people he cared about were slaughtered to get to him. Would he let them die? Probably. He didn't really have a choice. However, whoever forced him into that position would experience regret far greater than his own...




"This is kind of boring..."

Though he had sharp senses and incredible kinetic vision, Paul wasn't a particularly skilled hunter. He could fend off multiple monsters and move at nearly a hundred meters a second over short distances, but neither of those things prepared him for chasing animals through thorny underbrush and hunting in perenially snowy forests.

Understanding he would be in the way, Paul was charged with protecting the wagon and watching over their camp alongside Xiangling and Ei while Ghislaine and Eula teamed up to hunt. The former was doing most of the actual hunting, but Eula's agility and imperviousness to cold made her an excellent support. She was also the Captain of the Knights of Favonius's Reconnaissance Company, complete with an almost superhuman sense of direction and exceptional cartography skills.

"Would you like me to entertain you? Perhaps with a bit of poetry...?"

"Mmm...maybe later...you're already doing enough as is..."

Bringing his left hand up, Paul gave Ei's thigh and knee a caress as he continued lying his head across her lap. They could be training, but the odds of drawing unwanted attention were pretty high. They were only a few kilometers outside of town, so any stray Adventurer or Hunter could track them down if Ei began releasing thunder and lightning everywhere.


Thinking Paul was in the mood, Ei could feel her excitement beginning to build. The first few times they shared the same bed as man and woman, she felt ashamed enough to want to die. Now, she still felt embarrassed, but the ardor and intensity of Paul's lovemaking had been carved deeply into her heart and body.

Interrupting Ei's train of thought, a violet purple blob with rabbit-like ears wigged its way out of her rather ample cleavage. Ei tried to catch it, but it managed to slip through her fingers like a liquid, several parts of it briefly detaching before catching up and refusing with the main body.

"Holy shitballs...!"

With Ei failing to stop it, Paul was jolted to a seated position as the purple, slime-like spirit nestled against his face. The core at the center of its body was comprised entirely of Electro Energy, so its affectionate cuddles were like snuggling up to an electric fence.

Seeing the nebulous spirit rolling around in the air, a wry smile developed across Paul's face as he recovered from his shock and said, "Well, hello to you too..."

Using Touki to cover his hands, Paul extended his hand so that the tiny spirit, better known as an Electric Seelie, could nestle in his palms. With adequate protection, touching it was like holding a glass sphere filled with plasma. The actual sensation was closer to holding a warm water balloon in the palm of his hand, but its body glowered wherever his skin met with its nebulous mass.

While rubbing his finger between the Seelie's ear-like protrusions, Paul turned to Ei and asked, "Couldn't let it go...?"

Exhaling a subdued sigh, Ei's expression became faintly but noticeably apologetic as she answered, "I had initially intended to give it to Razor or Lisa, but it completely slipped my mind. I beg Mas-"

"Relax. I wasn't criticizing you or anything. I'm just worried you're getting a little too attached. If you can't part with the first, you're going to have a lot of difficulties parting with the rest...not that I can blame you. They are pretty cute, aren't they...?"

Seemingly understanding Paul's words, the violet Seelie gave the tip of his finger a playful shock.

Shaking his hand, Paul issued a soft chuckle as he supplanted, "Cheeky, but cute..."

Returning the adorable little blob to Ei, Paul rose to his feet and said, "I'm going to head out and stretch my legs. Look after Xiangling and our stuff. And don't worry, I won't be traveling out of earshot."

Though she was tempted to insist that Paul allow her to accompany him, Ei only hesitated for a brief moment before nodding her head. She had a pretty good understanding of his character at this point, so she knew he wouldn't take any overt or unnecessary risks. At the very least, he would generally call for backup before doing something that jeopardized his life.

"Okay, then. Good luck, Master."

Raising his hand in response to Ei's words, Paul made his way out of the cave they had commandeered before giving their covered wagon a quick once over. Finding nothing amiss, both inside and underneath, he shifted his attention to the small mountain they were encamped beneath before tensing the muscles in his legs and leaping more than twenty meters in a single bound.

Though he ended up sliding for a bit due to the snow covering the side of the mountain, Paul couldn't help smiling as he looked back to see just how much distance he had covered. He still had a very long way to go to reach the pinnacle, but he already possessed a limited form of superspeed and strength. Since he had experienced what it was like to be 'normal,' being able to leap tens of meters in a single bound was enough to send shivers up his spine and adrenaline coursing through his veins.

"It may be filled with rotten asshats, but I fucking love this world..."

Punctuating his words, Paul continued leaping up the roughly 40-degree slope until he reached the peak of the mountain. It didn't provide him the vantage he expected, primarily due to the fact there were trees and snow as far as the eye could see, but it was still a breathtakingly beautiful sight to behold...




Though most people would have to pass through the Red Dragon's Upper or Lower Jaws, Gal was fairly confident he could pass through one of the narrower regions of the Red Dragon Mountains, specifically those located to the East of the Milbots Region. Before attempting the trek, however, he had a few stops to make along the way.

"So this is where that little monster grew up? It seems pretty ordinary to me..."

While it was much larger than any estate he had seen outside the Royal Capital, Gal didn't notice anything immediately notable about the Notos Estate. There was a lingering smell of fruit and wine carried by the wind, but that didn't really explain how Paul had been able to form such strong convictions at such a tender age.

"Well, whatever...let's see what the parents have to say..."

Since he had timed his arrival with Amarant's return, it wasn't long before Gal found himself standing before Paul's father. This left him feeling even more confused, as, even at a glance, he could tell Amarant was 'weak.'

"Tell me, to what do I owe the pleasure of the Sword God's visit? I would assume it has something to do with my former son. However, if that's the case, I'm afraid you've wasted your time. I haven't heard so much as a pip from that boy in more than two years."

Though he couldn't discern any deceitfulness from Amarant's words, Gal also didn't sense any antagonism or resentment when he mentioned Paul. Nobles were excessively arrogant and prideful creatures who valued face above familial ties. When most Nobles talked about the exiled members of their families, there would generally be a hint of disdain or disgust in their tone. While Amarant was able to put up a steely front, Gal didn't sense so much as an iota of hatred in his tone...if anything, there was a bit of pride.

"Paul has recently become the youngest Sword Saint in history. Not just in my Sword God Style, but the Water God Style as well. My reason for being here is simple; I wished to see what kind of environment that boy grew up in to have such a fiercely determined character..."

Releasing a bit of his Touki, Gal squinted his fierce blue eyes as he stared into Amarant's leafy greens and said, "Truth be told...I expected more. As far as I can tell, this place lacks the means to rear such a prodigy. Even if you have the resources, there is nothing here that can drive such a young boy to such extremes..."

Though he could feel every muscle in his body tensing, Amarant managed a glower of his own as he said, "Sword God Gal Farion...do not mistake my courtesy as obeisance. You're out of line..."

Squinting his eyes, Gal suppressed his sudden urge to cut Amarant down as he said, "At least I know where the kid got his backbone from..." before following it up by saying, "During my brief stay in the Capital, I heard tale that your other children are nearly as talented as their monster of an older brother. I'd like to meet them, maybe give them a few tips."

Understanding that Gal was likely acting as an agent of the King, Amarant only hesitated for a brief moment before nodding his head and answering, "Very well. However, while they are both very talented, I'm afraid they are nowhere near the level of their banished brother. Their talents lay more in the magical arts than swordsmanship."

Furrowing his brows, Gal asked, "Really? Their brother managed to claw his way to the Rank of Saint without any natural talent, yet they pursued the mystical arts? Were the three of them not close...?"

Snorting through his nose, Amarant declared, "The affairs of House Notos are our own. I will allow you to meet with my sons, but they are not yours to question. Do I make myself clear?"

Inhaling a deep breath, Gal began to systematically pop the fingers of his left hand as he answered, "Yeah, I hear you. Don't worry; I'm only here to satisfy my curiosity. Once I have, I'll be on my way..."

"Hmm...very well. I'll send someone to fetch the boys. Around this time of day, they should be in the Library reading books."

Though he frowned upon hearing that Philemon and Aubert were in the Library, Gal didn't say anything. His expectations had diminished quite a bit, but he had traveled thousands of kilometers from the North to reach the Notos Estate. It would be remiss of him to leave without confirming whether or not Paul's brothers had talent. If they were anything like their older brother, it might not even matter...




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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C71
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


