2.84% Anime is an Outer God's Playground / Chapter 2: CH. 2: A Catastrophe Beyond Armageddon

章 2: CH. 2: A Catastrophe Beyond Armageddon

??? Later...






In the deepest abyss of the unperceivable was a young man sleeping, more precisely, hibernating while his head was rested on the lap of his assistant. Her name was Alice, and the one sleeping on her lap was Akira.

Akira was sleeping on her lap while she caressed his head continuously while being extremely careful not to hurt him, "You're gonna grow up to become a very powerful god master, so make sure you stay strong during your transformation." Alice spoke, sitting alone in the void for what has been numerous eternities now.

The worst part, was that she could not dare to make a brusque movement at the moment. Right now, Akira's existence is weak, extremely weak in fact, to the point where if Alice moved even by an inch Akira could die. Yes, die with no way to revive.

Having power that tends towards a nigh-boundless tier was formidable but also impossible to reach, why is that?— Because not only is the process ridiculously long and tends towards infinity but also extremely dangerous.

So dangerous in fact that a simple FFF ranked skill could terminally annihilate him right now. Apart from the absolute insanity and mind loss you get upon your transition to the Boundless Tier, you need to find a place for the hibernation. Obviously you wouldn't choose a planet since it'll decay in a few billion or trillion years at most, which is less than a hundredth of the initialisation time required to start the transformation.

There is no place in this wide existence capable of sustaining such a large interval of time. How about the void? The inner void is still dangerous for the individual undergoing metamorphosis since it acts like a 'vacuum decay' or an infinitely powerful assembly of singularities. The only space that remains is the "Dimensional Gap". A space of complete and utter emptiness separating two different dimensions bubbles. It is the safest place for an absurdly long evolution but if and only if the individual is accompanied by someone as strong as him to protect him meanwhile.

But of course this assistant in question needs to have a screw loose in his head since the latter will live the next trillion eternities alone in utter darkness protecting its Master...

"Exactly ??? gogolplex years have passed... The transformation is almost complete, Master. I hope when you wake up you remember me..." Alice said, having nothing else to do other than maintaining herself in this soft position for what has been an astronomically long time.

Then suddenly, the calm she has been living in for so many years was abruptly broken by the anamolous noise of nearby space-time fluctuations. Without flinching, Alice watched this phenomenon for a whole minute before something unexpected happened— a rift appeared.

A rift is known for being the aftermath of a teleportation. This could mean only one thing... The two had unwanted company.

With an omnipotence so great it itched the ceiling and the roof of the Nigh-boundless Tier, Alice wasn't scared if anything not even the top three strongest anime characters all united against her.

The rift grew bigger and larger until it started revealing a dark silouhette darkened by the brightness of the light. Eventually, the light died down and we were met up with an actual person.

"Hey Ciel, can you tell me where we are?" The individual asked himself. But in reality, he was speaking to his sentient intelligent skill called [Knowledge Lord Raphael] which evolved to the last stage that is Manas: Ciel.

"This is the dimensional gap Master. It is the emptiness separating bubbles of different dimensions." The Manas replied.

This individual speaking with his assistant is none other than the original Rimuru. Rimuru Tempest the slime, the demon lord, the dragon god, the otherworlder, the rising star, the supreme deity and user of the mystical primitive magic.


"Damn. Remember me what we were doing here again Ciel-san?" Rimuru asked while running his back in uncertainty.

<<Sigh... We're here to investigate the abnormal fluctuations originating from this place, Master.>> Ciel replied tiredly.

Rimuru moves his eyesight in different angles then spots Alice with Akira still sleeping on her lap. His eyelids sharpen when he notices the emotionless girl staring him down while patting the hibernating Akira's head, "There is nothing to see here, Saturo. I suggest you leaving this place at once, for I won't let anything disturb my Master's evolution, not whole being so close to our objective." Alice said menacingly.

A sweat drop forms on Rimuru's cheek, his vision shifts towards Akira. Then, his eyes widen when he realizes the sudden truth. His power, it was increasing by billions and trillions every nanosecond. His strength and overall stats were reaching absurdly ridiculous proportions by the second.

<<Master, this individual has surpassed your current strength by decades just in the last seconds. As for the female individual, I cannot measure her level... It is suggested that you reason with these beings and avoid a dispute at all costs.>>

'Even Ciel is alarmed by those two. But does it really matter, Ciel? After all, this body is nothing but a clone and the real deal is in my pocket dimension which cannot be accessed...' Rimuru monologued in his mind.

One thing was for sure, there won't be any progress if he just stayed silent. "Even if you somehow know my true name, I'll still introduce myself just to make sure," Rimuru takes a more professional stance before continuing, "My name is Rimuru Tempest, I'm the leader of the Jura Tempest Federation and overseer of our world. Now, can I ask for your name young lady, and that of that boy resting in your lap?" Rimuru asked, his guard up and ready to take any necessary initiative.

Alice was irritated by this unexpectedly arrogant demand, "You may refer to me as Goddess Alice. As for my Master, you don't deserve to know his name, no one does in fact. Only I, am the one honored creature possessing that right." Alice said with clear annoyance in her voice.

Rimuru was shocked by her response. He proceeds to ask more questions for a clearer explanation. "I see... Then, goddess... I take it that Master of yours is undergoing a serious evolution. Can I ask what'll happen when it's finished? And I also want to know if my world will be involved in any kind of way..." Rimuru says, with a more serious tone at the end of his sentence.

"Heh~ Heh... Hehehe... Ha-Haha—...HAHAHAHA!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Alice laughs out loud like a total maniac. Rimuru stares at Alice laughing for an entire two minutes as if a screw had loosened up in her brain, if she even had one.

"Ahahaha~ I'm sorry~ But you were too cute asking that question~... My dear, when my Master's evolution is complete, every single multiverse, universe, world and creatures will be involved. The entire Omniverse will bow down to its new Masters, they'll worship us and offer us every single thing they possess, from their miserable worthless lowly lives to their entire territories, rights, liberties and remaining lifespan, including you my dear, you and your friends will glue your foreheads to the dirty ground and wait for our orders patiently until your last breath, even then, we'll just revive you as undead to continue serving us in a never ending torment marked by unimaginable suffering with no happy ending."

This dialogue shocked Rimuru, he had to build up courage to actually answer such a psychopathic plan, "Y-You... Are the devil incarnated. You're a menace, not just to my world but to all existing innocent people who fought for their freedom, leaving you to roam free with your supposed Master is equivalent to surrendering everything we fought for to you crazy bastards." Rimuru exclaims with determination. In the next moment, he summons the mystical item known as—

"—The Veldanava Sword. A legendary artifact made by combining the power of all four true dragons into one blade." Alice said.

Alice knew way too much, even the confidential details Rimuru had made sure to keep a secret for a billion years now. "Since you know all that, I can't let you stay alive, I hope you understand what I'm about to do." Rimuru announced solemnly.

Then, with power and speed worthy of one of anime's strongest characters, Rimuru dashed towards Alice with the Veldanava Sword glowing in his hand in a million lights, "HERE I GO!" Rimuru shouts bravely while Alice just watched at the distance between the two closed at an alarming rate without flinching by an inch.

And so, Rimuru slashed the Veldanava Sword across Alice's waist in less than a pico-nanosecond...


Lightnings electrified the surroundings, the impact of the majestic blade hitting Alice's skin made sounds so loud it could be described as Veldanava's draconic roar incarnated.

The sword has caused so much damage it shattered the dimensional gap and created many anamolous quantum fluctuations in the environment, nothing could withstand a direct blow from Rimuru's Veldanava Sword... At least that's what the latter thought, because when the dust cleared out almost immediately after, Rimuru had to wipe his eyes to make sure what he was seeing was reality and not some kind of unimaginable illusion.

The blade had successfully hit Alice's waist, but the impact didn't even dirty her clothes, even less damage her, "Hm. You're even more foolish than I thought. But enough politeness for now, it is time to slaughter the mouth that dared to bite its future eternal owner's hand." In order to engage in the battle, Alice's body split into a clone which supported Akira's head while the main body was getting ready for an unforgivable showdown.

(Don't fuck with this Manas, bitch) Alice rushed at Rimuru with frightening speed, "..!!!" The latter had less than a second to react, Alice jumped past him and swinged her hand across Rimuru's face, barely dodging it but her nails made cuts appear on his face.

This fight was obviously unfair to Rimuru as every damage Alice would inflict to him stays unhealed and unable to be reversed, "How can I not heal?!" Rimuru exclaimed

Even by using the entirety of his perception skills all at once and empowering them with little nothingness energy, Rimuru was still unable to follow Alice's movements, and of course the Veldanava Sword proved to be less affective against foes that you cannot see.

But thanks to Ciel's analysis he was able to correctly predict Alice's next position and slash his sword downwards exactly where she would appear, "KYAGH!!" Rimuru groaned as he attacked.


The sword descended directly on Alice. "Heh~" Followed by this grin from hers that sent chills down Rimuru's spine, the crazy girl actually caught the mystical sword's sharp blade barehanded and fought against the demon slime in a game of strength. "OH COME ON YOU KUST BE KIDDING ME!!" Rimuru complains in frustration.

(I use swords like this for self-pleasing~) With a single hardening of her fist, the blade became literal dust as it broke beyond repair, only the handle remaining in Rimuru's fist.

<<Warning! Physical Attack Incoming! Escape Rate: 00% Inescapable!>> Ciel warned.

In this moment of confusion, Alice gave Rimuru a fist attack to the face which threw him off by a hundred mile.

*FLAASH* He flew away.

Stopping himself and getting the hang of the situation, Rimuru glanced at his hand, "WHAT THE—?!" The sharp blade was completely shattered, broken to a million pieces. Alice gently grasps the handle from Rimuru's hand and removes it from his possession.

"To break my Veldanava Sword... This is becoming dangerous, Ciel-san..." Rimuru mumbled in a growing worry.

<<Master, there is absolutely no way to flee from this fight. Usage of [Imaginary Blow] is the only way out of this one.>> Ciel announced.

'Please do Ciel, I'm about to die!' He exclaimed in worry and actual fear. For the first time in a billion years, Rimuru had felt the actual and purest form of the fear sensation, something he had completely forgotten after his many and many fights against the strongest powerhouses such as the full-grown Milim or Guy Crimson whom ascended to the highest form of evil spiritual existence.

But unfortunately, as Rimuru was trying to cast the [Imaginary Blow], Alice completely blocked the spell from being cast, "Fufu~ You're trying to escape then erase this timeline by using the [Imaginary Blow]~ It won't be possible now~," Alice said with an extremely malicious smile.

'How did she know... Ciel, I thought only you knew about this last resort skill..???' Rimuru asked in confusion and pure shock.

<<I—I don't know Master...>> Ignorance followed by the word Manas: Ciel was a total Oxymore at its purest condition. It's also an undeniable alert that alarmed Rimuru of how powerful his opponent was. But before he could even react, his entire body was paralyzed in place by the manifestation of fear at its purest form and definition. He would have soiled himself if he weren't a slime.

<<Master, the opponent used some sort of ability that inhibited the usage of all skills. Nothing can be used for the moment except for one.>>

"The following spell will be so powerful it'll probably affect my world but it's a sacrifice I'm ready to make to stop you, Demoness Alice." Rimuru exclaimed heroically, determined to fight off this wicked creature and stop her master's evolution before it was too late.

"NOW! CIEL!!" Rimuru shouted.

<<Proceeding... Usage of [TURN NULL] focused on annihilating individual Goddess Alice. Power output: EVERYTHING. Confirmation... Success.>>

Then suddenly, Rimuru lifted his hands upwards, directed towards Alice. And in less than a second, an indescribably powerful surge of liquidized energy enveloped the grinning Alice. This was [TURN NULL] at its maximized state, a power so strong it could create and destroy an infinite amount of universes simultaneously. And with Rimuru being a slime, he was able to stockpile all of the excess energy produced by [TURN NULL] into his infinite pocket dimension making it more extravagantly powerful.

What followed was an explosion so powerful it could not be described. It lasted for an entire human millennia before calming down at this time- accelerated dimensional gap.

What followed next was joy. A momentary joy powered by the confidence that there's nothing in this vast Omniverse capable of withstanding the full blow of [TURN NULL] while it's powered to its maximum state.

<<Impact confirmed. It is safe to assume nothing remains on site Master. Not even your cloned body, it has been destroyed countless times in very small time periods but I made sure to

(Oh are you sure about that, Ciel?)

"WH-WH-WHAAAAT?!?!?!?!?!" Rimuru exclaimed in pure shock.

The dust cleared out entirely, and what followed was a shocking scene. It is indeed a theatrical twist for Rimuru and Ciel ; Alice was still alive, unscathed, unharmed, unflinched. She stood strong like a fucking monster unfazed after taking god Rimuru's most powerful attack head on.

(Fuck... That was hot as fuck, I'll call you if I ever need a deep tissue massage hehe~) Alice laughed sarcastically while looking at the scared supreme deity with a menacing gaze.

<<I... I cannot justify the survival of hers Master...>> Ciel comments.

Alice grins evily, "Sigh... I thought a supreme deity would have more in reserve than this pitiful spell. Honestly, what did you expect to happen when you attacked me with a fragment of Azathoth's power? Only the real Lovecraftian Daemon Sultan can take me down, but we all know he's too busy sleeping for that." Alice's grin disappears leaving only a malicious expression and emotionless eyes.

Chills pass down Rimuru's back when he sees Alice approaching him, each step filled with immense dread, her eyes focused on him like that of a merciless predator aiming for prey.




"GYAAAAH!!! AAAH!!" Rimuru holds his chest tightly and pants for air which was taken away by the sudden feeling of a farewell. The omniscient and all-powerful entity known as Manas: Ciel has left the world and it was all Alice's doing.

"C-Ciel... Ciel..... YOU MONSTER!!!!" Rimuru gets up on his feet again, berserk and in a mindless state. But before he could do anything else, Alice teleported right in front of him and grasped his long silver hair. She looked at him with cold red crimson eyes, and Rimuru could swear he saw what looked like souls in her eyes.

"Monster? How could you insult your goddess? Or maybe I was being too merciful? Then let me repeat myself, I'm Alice, a demoness and incarnation of dark evil..." She says menacingly, while pulling Rimuru's hair tighter and harder.

"In fact, when I finish with you I WILL TAKE THE LIFE OF YOUR FRIENDS AS WELL HAHAHAHA!!" Alice laughs evily. Then suddenly, thousands of light beams materialized in front of the two. "Th-This is..." Rimuru mumbled.


Then in the next instant, all those small strings of light direct themselves towards Akira, merging with him and making him even stronger while also accelerating the metamorphosis.

Alice watched this scene with blushes on her cheeks and a grin that extended to the limits of her mouth, and Rimuru saw this catastrophe with pure despair sculptured on his face, utter shock before shedding to tears. At the end of the experience, the main timeline was no exception, it took a little longer since it tried resisting but even the power of all its beings united was not enough to fight off Akira. The main timeline was easily absorbed and with it, the broken Rimuru Tempest disappeared as well.




(A/N: For clarification this Rimuru from LN ded but the one in Akira's Tensura AU is not :3 )

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


