90.69% Young justice: Magics new champion / Chapter 37: Homefront

章 37: Homefront

" UWaaaaa! Jason's crying."

Donna told Kai as the boy's crying woke her from her sleep.

Kai leaned over and kissed donna on her head before getting up from the bed and walking over to Jason's crib and picked the crying boy up.

" Hey, buddy? What's the matter?"

Kai asked as he gently bounced Jason in his arms.

" Bad man."

Jason replied.

Kai rubbed his son's back and gently shushed him to stop the crying.

" No, one's gonna hurt you son. There's no bad man. Mom and Dad will protect you."

Kai said to the crying boy. Kai continued rocking Jason in his arms and slowly but surely the boy began falling back to sleep. Once Kai was certain Jason was sleep, he gently placed the young boy back in his crib and kissed him softly on his cheek. Kai looked down at his son and smiled before returning to bed with his wife. Kai slinked down into the bed and pulled the blanket back over his lower body.

Donna who was still awake felt Kai's presence and snuggled up against his chest.

Kai smiled and kissed his wife gently on the top of her head and then wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her close before returning to sleep himself.

The next day Kai and Donna both awoke to the sound of Jason rattling around in his Amazonian/magic proof crib.

" Sounds like he's hungry."

kai said to the woman.

" Me too."

donna said to the man.

Kai laughed and kissed Donna on her cheek before getting out of bed.

" Come here little guy!"

Kai said as he picked Jason up out of his crib, the little boy laughed in response as his father swooped him right out of the room.

" Alright, what are you feeling today? I was thinking oatmeal."

Kai asked the boy.

Jason looked up at his father and scrunched his face and shook his head no.

" No? Alright, how about... Peanut butter and jelly with some orange slices?"

kai asked the boy as he pulled a jar of peanut butter and jelly out of the cabinet.

Jason reached out happily for the two jars and shook his head yes.

" Alright, little buddy. Peanut butter and jelly it is."

kai said to the boy. He walked Jason over to his crib and strapped him in. He then walked over to the fridge and pulled out an assortment of ingredients for Donna's breakfast and got to work cooking. Once he had finished making Jason's sandwich, Kai used a knife and cut the sandwich into small triangles, so the boy would have an easier time eating them. After Jason finished his triangles, Kai pulled out an orange and peeled it. He then pulled the pieces into slices.

" BRRRRNMMMM! Here's comes the orange plane. Open wide."

Kai said to Jason as he slowly flew one of the orange slices into Jason's mouth. Jason clapped and laughed.

" Having fun you two?"

Donna asked the two boys as she slinked into the kitchen, wearing only Kai's shirt and her underwear underneath.

Kai walked over to Donna and wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her.

" Well, he is my son."

" Our son."

Donna corrected Kai.

" True, but when he grows up he's gonna be the one helping me with my pranks."

Kai said to the woman.

" Isn't that right, Jason? We're gonna get mommy aren't we?"

kai asked the boy in his childish baby voice.

Jason laughed and clapped his hands together and shook his head yes.

Donna looked at the two boys and laughed before walking over to the kitchen table.

Kai got up from Jason's crib and walked over to the stove to retrieve Donna and his food.

" Here you go love."

Kai said as he placed a plate of eggs, waffles, and Toast down in front of the woman. He then walked back and grabbed his own plate.

" So, What time is the get together today?"

Kai asked as he took a bite of his toast.

" Around twelve."

Donna replied.

" Is that anytime around twelve? So, when do you want to leave?"

Kai asked the woman.

" When can leave at 11:30. Oh, I can't wait! I've been looking forward to this all month."

Donna exclaimed excitedly.

Kai smiled and nodded before taking another bite from his plate of food.

" Me, too. I heard Raquel and Mera are going to be coming. So is Lois."

Kai said to the woman.

" Yeah, but why are you coming sweety? It's supposed to be a mothers thing."

Donna asked the man.

" What? Roy's going. I mean Will's going to be there. And so is Red Tornado."

Kai replied.

" Well, that's because they're single parent. Are you sure you're going to be alright sitting with a bunch of women while we talk about women things?"

Donna asked again.

Kai laughed and got out of his seat and ran to Donna's side.

Donna laughed as Kai plopped his head down into her lap and began rubbing her stomach.

" I took away from the league to spend time with my family. And I plan to spend every moment with you."

Kai said to the woman.

Donna looked down at her husband and kissed the top of his head and hugged him.

" Dadda! Momma!"

Jason shouted as he bounced around in his chair.

Donna and Kai both turned to the boy and smiled.

" Come on, let's get cleaned up and ready for the gathering? Get together? What would you call it?"

kai asked.

Donna shrugged her shoulders and grabbed Jason out of his chair.

" We'll call it a gathering."

kai stated

Donna nodded and walked to the bathroom with Kai right behind her.

After a washing Jason, Donna and Kai took turns washing themselves.

" All right, you ready?"

Kai turned and asked Donna as he finished throwing his clothes on.

" Yeah, come on."

Donna replied as she slipped her last shoe on.

Kai nodded and kissed Donna on the lips before grabbing Jason and walking out of the house with them both.

After a short thirty minute drive across town. Kai and Donna along with baby Jason arrived at the Allen residence.

*Knock Knock Knock!

Kai gently knocked on the door alerting the owners to his presence.

Iris walked to the door and opened it.

" Kai! Donna! It's so good to see you both. And you too Jason."

Iris said as she greeted each member of the green family.

Kai smiled and Donna hugged Iris.

" Come in. Come in. Most of everyone is all ready here."

Iris said as she gestured for the family to come in.

" Thanks for having us, Iris."

Donna said to the woman as she and Kai walked into the house.

" No, thank you for coming. It's been so long since we've seen each other I'm glad you made it."

iris explained to the woman.

Iris led Kai and Donna into the living room where the others parents where gathered.

Inside the room Mera, Will, Lynn, Raquel, and Karen were already seated and their kids were playing.

" Kai welcome it's been so long."

Mera greeted the hero with open arms.

" Mera, it's so good to see you as well."

Kai said to the woman.

" Thank goodness. It's good to see you Kai. It's rough."

Will was saying to the man.

Seeing where he was going Kai tried gesturing for will to shut up but it didn't work.

" Being the only dad in the room."

Will finished.

" Is it now?"

The ladies all turned to Will and asked in unison.

" No... Maybe not."

Will replied awkwardly.

" What about you, Kai? Do you think it's rough being one of the only dads in the room?"

Rocket/Raquel asked.

Kai looked at the woman and grinned nervously.

Donna grabbed Kai's chin and turned it towards her.

" I don't want to sleep alone tonight. So, I'm not going to answer that question."

kai replied.

" Uh-uh you gotta answer it now boy."

Rocket stated.

Kai looked out to see the woman all staring at him and will pleading with his eyes for forgiveness.

" I think..." Kai was trying to find a way to piece his words together carefully and not get in trouble.

However, before he could answer Kai was swarmed by the returning children.

" Uncle Kai Uncle kai! Do the sparkles!"

Dawn and Don asked as they ran up to the man.

" They've been talking about that and the twisties all day."

Iris said to the man.

" So, if you don't mind."

Mera asked.

" Of course, Ekam siht eod nur."

Kai chanted and with a wave of his hand a miniature doe made of lightning danced around the room.

The kids all cheered and started chasing after the doe.

" And don't worry ladies. There's no voltage or anything. It's perfectly safe."

Kai explained to the women.

" Thank you, Kai."

Iris said to the man.

Kai nodded and he and Donna took their seats.

After a while the group of families were all joined by Red tornado and his adopted daughter and Lois and her son Johnathan.

" Hahahah! Will's face when we got him was so funny."

Lynn laughed as she told Iris the story of what Will had said earlier.

" Oh, that is so bad Will."

Lois leaned over and said to the man.

" I know. It was a slip of the tongue. Besides you guys never got on Kai about it."

Will said to the women in an attempt to throw Kai under the bus.

" Hey, don't throw me under the bus because you messed up. I wanna cuddle with my wife tonight."

Kai said to the man.

" Speaking of you, Kai. I've been meaning to ask. Why did you resign from the league?"

Iris suddenly asked.

" I'm guessing Barry told you?"

Kai asked the woman.

Iris nodded and Kai sighed.

" Well, it's complicated. See I nearly died two years ago during the reach invasion, and at the time I didn't know Donna was pregnant with Jason. Being a hero... Well, it was a dream of mine to make the world a better place and being a hero let me do that. But by being a hero, I nearly missed the birth of my own son. I missed his first words. I missed seeing him take his first steps. I've missed so many things every father looks forward too. And I don't want to miss any more of that. Especially since Donna's pregnant again. I figured the league would be fine. We have more heroes stepping up every day. The team's trained. I have nothing left to teach Cassie or Bart. So, I thought now would be a good time to step away from the cape. At least for a while anyway. But with Batman and so many members of the league suddenly quitting like they did. Well, Nightwing knows how to reach me should a real emergency come up."

Kai explained to the men and women why he had given up his dream job in the first place.

" Is it really so wrong that I want to be with my family?"

Kai asked.

The women all smiled and shook their heads no.

Donna however, reached over and placed Jason in Kai's arms and kissed him on his cheek.

" I love you, you big lug."

Donna said to the man.

" I love you too, my lovely wife."

Kai smiled and kissed Donna back as Jason tossed and turned in his arms.

As the families happily played together and talked about their lives, a horror show was happening across the street as Lady Shiva effortlessly killed Ocean master.

" So, what do you ladies wanna talk about... Next?"

Kai was asking, however, before he could finish his emergency alert went off.

" What is it, Kai?"

Donna asked the man.

" It's nightwing. Hold on."

kai said to the woman. He picked up the device and answered it.

" Yeah, what is it?"

Kai asked.

" We really need your help right now. Remember those kids I told you about? Well, Lobo's here trying to kill one of them. Superboy look out!"

Nightwing yelled.

" Nightwing!"

" We're getting thrashed! We need back up!"

Nightwing yelled.

Kai turned to Donna.

" Go! We'll be alright. They need you."

Donna said to the man.

Kai leaned down and kissed Jason and Donna one last time before transforming.


A bolt of lightning struck kai and in a flash Kai flew off to Help Dick and the others.

Donna looked out the window and watched as Kai quickly disappeared.

" Kick his ass, love."

Donna statedas the man vanished.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C37
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


