96.52% SOURCE : A MULTIVERSE TRAVEL / Chapter 692: Chapter 671 [Divine Mountain - I]

章 692: Chapter 671 [Divine Mountain - I]

"Looks like I should have taken care of that woman first" - muttered the hooded woman, though her expression changed when she felt a strange presence near her - "I didn't expect to find you so soon, irregular"

"I guess you're one of Ehit's many puppets" - Cloud replied neutrally after sensing the stinky scent coming from the hooded woman - "And not only that, I think you're one of those apostles."

The hooded woman frowned before looking closely at the man who had been causing trouble for her master's amusement plans - "Did you get that information from [Orcus]?"

"Ho ~ why would you think that?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Of all the traitors, he was the most intelligent and methodical" - replied the hooded woman - "I wouldn't be surprised if he left information about us in that hole of his."

"That's right" - Cloud answered as he stood on guard because he could feel the strange power inside this woman.

"Be proud, because Noint will be the person to wipe you off the map" - said the woman as she threw her hood aside, showing a beautiful face. She had long silver hair, cold blue eyes and was wearing a kind of white robe, from which she had a small silver armor that barely covered some parts, as well as a wing-shaped helmet - "I am the one responsible for eliminating all the unnecessary pieces that are on my master's board..."

* * * * *

[Apostle Noint]

Race: Apostle (Valkyrie)

Type: Mini Boss (Resistance to altered states +200%, Damage Reduction +50%)

Affiliation: Chaotic - Evil

Divinity: 25%


Mana: 5,000,000

Stats: [Str: ????] [Vit: 2000] [Dex: 1500] [Int: 500] [Luk: ???] [Luk: ???]

Skills: [Solemn Judgement] [????] [????] [????] [???] [???] [???] [???] [???]

Description: Apostle who has been in Ehit's service for millennia, nothing is known about her origin, although many say that she was created directly by Ehit to be one of his attack dogs. Her magical power is impressive, and her repertoire of abilities is nothing to underestimate.

Danger Level: S

* * * * *

"You, who dare to get in the way of my god, suffer his infinite fury!" - Noint exclaimed as her blue eyes flashed with malice - "[Solemn Judgment]!"

Cloud grabbed Rika and backed up as fast as he could, though to his surprise, the apostle's attack was following him, so he made a quick decision, he threw Rika aside and changed the direction he was heading, running straight at his opponent, who could only stare in surprise as Cloud was closing in and dodging the attack she had launched.

"I guess now I understand why Ehit-sama finds you so annoying, yet amusing" - Noint growled as she summoned a pair of wings behind her - "[Omen of Destruction]!"

A blinding light surrounded Noint's body, something that knocked Cloud out for a few seconds, though he quickly jumped to the side when he sensed the danger in front of him.

A few milliseconds after he moved, a sword of light was slashing right where the blond had been before.

"Tch" - Noint clicked her tongue, though she had to admit he wasn't expecting such a basic attack to finish the job.

Cloud slowly opened his eyes to shoot an annoyed glare at his opponent, though he let out a cry of pain and surprise when he felt something slam into his back.

"I see my attack finally hit its target" - Noint said seriously as a small, almost imperceptible smile appeared on her face.

Cloud grunted with irritation as he saw the notification appearing in his vision.

[User has been affected by [Solemn Judgment], magic skill has been blocked, damage received has increased by 25%].

Cloud clicked his tongue as he picked up his spear.

"I thought you only knew how to use your strange artifacts..." - Noint said as she materialized a long silver spear - "Let's see if you have the same skill in melee combat."

Cloud smiled slightly before disappearing and reappearing in front of the apostle.

Noint was surprised to see this, though he quickly blocked the attack. This was on budget, though what he hadn't thought, was that during that short exchange, she would go flying from the force of the impact.

The girl went flying into a wall, smashing through it along with 5 other rooms.

Noint slowly stood up as she frowned as she felt that enormous physical power that a human shouldn't have.

"I'm sure you have to be wondering, how is it possible for a human to possess that power?" - Cloud said as he walked in the direction of the apostle - "It's simple..."

Black scales began to surround Kurama's arms and face as his teeth seemed to grow and sharpen.

Noint was surprised to feel her opponent's aura change, though she still felt she could handle it.

"And it's simple, I... I'm not human" - Cloud continued as he gave him a toothy grin - "I... I'm a dragon..."

Noint was surprised to hear this, though she quickly understood that there was no time to linger on the subject because the blond was initiating with his second attack.

* * * * *

"This aura..." - Tio said in surprise.

"Cloud is in this place, and from the power he's showing, it's obvious that he's fighting a tough opponent" - replied Yue with a frown.

"What do we do?" - Shea asked as she looked at her teammates.

"Cloud can defend himself, Aiko sensei can't" - Kaori answered, though the girls could see that she was looking worriedly in the direction where the sound of battle was heard.

"As much as I hate to admit it, Bakaori is right" - Yue muttered while ignoring the annoyed look her companion was giving her - "Aiko-san doesn't have the ability to defend herself, and if what we're seeing is true, then she's in much more danger than we thought when we entered this place."

The girls had arrived at a huge door that was releasing a thick fog, but that wasn't what was worrisome, it was the aura that this entrance was releasing, after all, it was something they recognized immediately.

"I don't know if we have good luck or bad luck, but we found a labyrinth" - said Tio while shaking her head - "Although it's worrying that it's right here, in the middle of the main base of operations of the church".

"Shall we go in?" - asked Remia as she hugged her daughter, who was excited that she could finally follow in her father's footsteps.

"Now that we know this thing is here, I don't think it's a good idea for Myu-chan to go in" - replied Shea as she looked at the little girl, who quickly showed a desolate face, although her happy expression revived when she heard the next words of her "big sister" - "Although it's not like we could leave her here, in the middle of the most dangerous place in the church."

"She has a point" - Tio muttered while frowning - "We don't know which is more dangerous, her entering the labyrinth with us, or her staying in this place with a minimum of protection, not to mention that it's possible that our enemies will force Remia-san and Myu-san to enter the labyrinth in search of protection, and they will end up suffering from the ordeal"

"I hadn't thought of that possibility" - Kaori muttered while frowning.

"Anyway, I think it's better if we all go together, so at least we can pass the tests and protect Myu-chan in the process" - said Tio while looking around - "Not to mention that it's not like it will change our overall situation much, after all, we'll also have to protect Aiko-san"

"Ok, let's go" - said Yue after making a decision.

"Ok" - nodded the girls as they entered the maze.

* * * * *

"Where am I?" - Aiko muttered as she looked around, confused because she didn't know where she was, though she quickly grabbed her head and sighed regretfully - "Right, I was trying to escape when that strange door sucked me in and I ended up here, though I'm not sure where I am."

Aiko slowly stood up and looked around, noticing that she was in what appeared to be an ancient, though well-kept, temple - "It doesn't look much different from the church base, though this place feels much more oppressive..."

The teacher walked to a corner and sat quietly so she could think about what to do, after all, she didn't know where she was, nor what dangers lay ahead, nor did she have any food to be able to hold out in this place that seemed safe, at least for now.

"What am I going to do?" - Aiko muttered as she hugged her legs after seeing that her situation was bad.

The teacher was silent for a few seconds before letting out a sigh - "I wonder how my students are doing..."

Aiko smiled slightly as she remembered the past, especially a certain boy who didn't seem to want to be with them - "Strife-kun.... I wonder what he's doing together with his group..."

Aiko blushed at the memory of the diverse group surrounding her student, though she quickly shook her head, after all, that they were traveling together didn't directly make them a couple.



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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C692
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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