88.09% The Ancient Potter Magic / Chapter 37: Chapter 36

章 37: Chapter 36

After his session with the twins and Susan Harry again spent the night with Lily this time making slow and passionate love. He was happy to wake up to his read headed milf sucking on his cock.

"Fuck mum, waking up to your mouth on my cock is the best thing ever."

After some time Lily trailed kisses up his chest and two sets of green eyes looked at each other. Lily mounted him and let Harry's cock sink into her. Harry using the support of a couple of pillows began licking and sucking on her nipples as she was grinding on him.

Lily groaned as she rode him hard and he left bite marks across her breasts. "Mummy loves you, baby, she's gonna cum all over her baby's big fat cock," she yelled as she rode the high of a wonderful orgasm.

Harry pushed her back against the bed and sank his cock into her again. He thrust into her slowly wanting to relish the feeling of her inner walls. He bent down occasionally to give her a kiss their tongues dancing with each other. He picked up the pace and the green eyes stared deep into each other as he came into her.

He grunted and let out a stream of cum. Once he was done and pulled out Lily proceeded to clean him up with her mouth then trailed a few kisses on his cock before getting up.

"Would you like anything to eat before you go? Your Portkey leaves in thirty minutes."

"I imagine her majesty will have food if she wants me there that early. I'll take a shower, I'd invite you with me but then I think I'd be late," he said with a smirk.

Lily chuckled and gave him a soft kiss on the lips, "you're probably right."

Harry went off and took his shower and found some nice wizarding robes to wear to make sure he looked good in front of his potential mother-in-law, nevermind that she was also royalty.

Wonder if I can get the queen and the princess while I'm there.

Harry held the letter which turned into a Portkey at exactly 9 am and soon found himself in the hallway of a different castle.

"Harry Potter, welcome to Davis Castle," said a voice from behind him.

He turned and saw an incredibly beautiful blue-haired elf with a sword sheathed on her back giving him a slight bow.

A guard maybe? A super hot guard.

"My name is Melania Davis, I was adopted into the Davis family as a child. Unlike Princess Tracy, I opted not to explore the human world. I am the commander of our small army."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Melania," said Harry. Would be a pleasure to take you as well

"Please follow me, Queen Davis's previous guest should be leaving now," she said leading him down the hall.

Harry raised an eyebrow, damn I don't really want sloppy seconds.

As they approached another room the Queen's guest walked out and saw the two of them walking towards her.

"Hello Melania, and you must be Harry Potter," said the beautiful black woman who just stepped out of the room.

So many hot women how in the hell do I keep myself in check?

"Beatrice Zabini," said the beauty as she held out her hand.

Harry bent and kissed her hand feeling shivers go down his spine. What is she? She's not a Veela but she's got some type of allure too.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Lady Zabini, your son is a classmate of mine," he said.

"Ah yes he told me a little about you a couple of days ago, we just had a funeral for his stepfather. An unfortunate accident, our family has known many tragedies over the years."

Tragic for all the men you ensnare with your allure you mean. I wonder what would happen if I made you mine.

"I'm sorry to hear," he said.

She nodded though she didn't look very sorry herself, instead, she was scanning him over with a predatory gaze.

"I won't keep you from your visit with the Queen. I do hope to… make your acquaintance again Lord Potter. I would enjoy getting to know one of my son's friends."

We're not exactly friends but I'd definitely like to get to know you in exactly the way you want to know me.

"It would be my pleasure, though I do insist you call me Harry," said Harry sending a blast of his own allure against hers.

She smirked at him, "well then I must insist you call me Beatrice. Perhaps a spot of tea before your return to Hogwarts? Blaise has gone back early, unfortunately. It would be nice to have some company."

"That sounds lovely," he replied.

"I will owl you an invitation then," she said with a nod and walked off.

Harry watched as she left fighting down the urge to go grab her and take her now.

"The Queen awaits you through here," said Melania taking him out of his thoughts.

"Right, thank you," he said. The beautiful elf bowed as he walked into the room. Inside he saw an elf who looked like an older version of Tracy but with green hair instead of red. Why is everyone here so fucking hot.

"Your majesty, I am Lord Harry James Potter-Black-Peverell," said Harry I introducing himself in the most pretentious manner possible, "it is a pleasure to meet you," he said with a bow and kiss to the extended hand the Queen had offered.

"It is my impression that my daughter wishes to make you her husband. You may call me Laura," said the Elf.

"Then I do insist you call me Harry," he said.

Laura smiled and directed him to a table with some breakfast," please enjoy some breakfast with me," she said.

"Will Tracy be joining us? Or King Davis?" He asked.

"She will later this evening, we have much to discuss Harry, please enjoy the breakfast, we can talk of more serious matters afterward. As for my husband, there is no need to refer to him as royalty, humans are not allowed such positions among High Elves. He is currently in America visiting with some of our counterparts there. You, unfortunately, will not have a chance to meet him during your visit."

Harry nodded not at all unhappy that man wouldn't be around, is she expecting me to stay the night? The letter never specified I'll have to tell the others at some point if that's the case.

They ate breakfast and spoke of Hogwarts and the subjects that interested Harry as well as some short discussion about the tournament.

Throughout the conversation, Harry had an increasingly harder to resist desire to bend her over and ravage the queen.

What the hell is going on, my instincts have never been this hard to ignore before.

They finished their meal and walked over to another room and sat across each other on two comfortable chairs.

"I must say Harry, your control over your Incubus power is astonishing. It is much better than I thought it would be. I had a feeling you would be able to resist Beatrice but I fully expected to be naked by now."

Harry raised his eyebrows, "my instincts have been flaring since I got here. I suppose you know why?"

Laura smiled, "I wished to test your control, you've gone above and beyond any expectations I had if you."

"Beatrice is a Succubus isn't she?" He asked.

Laura smiled and nodded, "The only living Succubus, and you are the only living Incubus. I do recommend a marriage or consort contract with her so you can repopulate both of your species. Any males you sure will of course have a chance at being an Incubus regardless of who the mother is. However, a Succubus can only sire another Succubus if impregnated by an Incubus."

Harry's eyes narrowed, "I have a couple of issues with that."

"I think I can answer any of your concerns."

"Ok, first of all, why are you so interested in this? I admit I was very attracted to her and will not stop her advances when I visit for "tea" but your involvement in this makes no sense to me."

"Beatrice and I grew up together, when the Succubi were mostly wiped out aside from her, my mother took her in. She is like a sister to me. She does not want her race to die with her and I promised I would help her find a way to bring back her people, and here you are."

"You mentioned that a Succubus can only be birthed by an Incubus and a Succubus. How is she a Succubus then?"

"How old do you think she and I are Harry?"

"Not sure if it would be rude to say," he replied.

Laura chuckled, "Beatrice and I stopped aging once we hit 30, you will as well. There are many species of magical creatures who live far longer than regular wizards. We are examples of some of these species. I will be 785 next month, Beatrice will be 782. We were alive when the last of the Peverell clan died out and the Potters took over the family."

Holy fuck.

"I hope that doesn't make either of us any less attractive to you Harry?" Laura asked with a smile.

"Erm, you're both still extremely beautiful so no."

She smiled, "I've had a few husbands over the centuries but I was never given a daughter. The only male elf species are the house-elves. High elves can only be females."

"When I fell in love with Samuel, that is when I was finally given Tracy. She was born just three months before you."

"You're saying I'll grow to be over 700 years old?"

"Provided you aren't killed then yes. The sex magic is what keeps your youth and keeps you alive for so long."

"What about Veela then? I know they also stop aging around their 30's but they live as long as regular humans."

"Veela can trace their ancestry back to Succubi. Beatrice is a distant relative of every Veela alive. Veela are women who carry Succubus' blood and the curse of the Harpy. When the Peverells died out there was a group of Succubi that still lived, they abandoned Beatrice which is why we took her in. They took some of your family's research and attempted to keep the Succubi species alive via other means. They failed and most of them died, the ones who lived mutated became much more beautiful than the Succubi originally were. They were even able to mate with humans and continue the existence of their new species. However, their magic was never as strong. That is why their allure is weak and they do not have our life spans."

Harry raised his eyebrows, "I wouldn't consider their allure weak per se."

Laura smiled, "if you are basing their effects on humans then no they are strong. How long did it take you to overcome and overpower a Veelas allure?"

"Not very long at all," he replied with a frown.

"The Allure you felt from Beatrice was not her full blast, I would say she was holding around half of her actual power."

Harry's eyes widened, that blast of the allure was slightly stronger than Apolline when she was using her Allure at full blast. He knew for a fact that Apolline was one of the most powerful Veelas among the colonies.

"Though from the magic I sense in you it will be a struggle to overcome her allure but I think you can manage it."

"One other concern then, she's got a bit of a reputation for having disappearing husbands. Why should I get into any sort of relationship with her? What if I become another ex dead husband?"

"Believe it or not a couple of them were accidents that she had nothing to do with. Usually, it has been that she gets to the point where she thinks she might be able to trust them with her secret and things end up going wrong. She is proud of her heritage. No one man could satisfy her, though it seems you would likely be an exception to that, but then you aren't exactly a simple man."

"They had to die though?"

"Wizards do not always respond well to creatures like us Harry. Why do you think I hid my people? You've seen how wizards treat Veela, Werewolves, and Vampires. Those like us are treated as abominations even though it usually Man who becomes an abomination."

The two sat in silence, Harry pondered her words. He completely sympathized with the way non-humans were treated, he grew up interacting with the Delacore family. He had seen how Moony was treated by anyone outside of friends and family. He also hid his own stats as a non-human. Wizards don't deserve the place they have in this world.

"Did you bring me here just for her then?" He asked.

"It was one reason, yes, but I'd like to also tell you about the High Elves. I believe Tracy mentioned that we would pledge our forces against Lord Voldemort when he makes his reappearance."

"You're not afraid of him then?"

"He pales in comparison to the power of the elder Dark Elves. He was a human at one point but he is now nothing but an abomination. He has defiled mother magic in his quest for power. He's nothing more than an insignificant nuisance that we will gladly help you get rid of."

"So this is about me helping in your war."

Laura nodded, "I have only met one other like you who wields so much dormant power. One of your ancestors, William Peverell. He was the son of Ignotus and the last Incubus before you. He was also Beatrice's father."

"So Beatrice has Peverell blood then?"

"All Succubi did, your family was the reason they were kept from extinction for as long as they were."

Harry nodded that made sense based on how Succubi were born. That meant Beatrice was related to him as well in some distant manner. As were the inhabitants of the Veela colonies.

Laura stood up, "follow me I'd like to show you some of our histories."

Harry got up and followed her to another room filled with beautiful portraits. Unlike regular magical portraits, however, they did not move.

"I assume you wonder why these portraits are not moving?" She asked.

Harry nodded.

"The concept of portraits is another filthy creation of man. When a being is dead they should remain dead. Some of your ancestors learned this the hard way."

Harry nodded thinking of the resurrection stone.

"Imitations of those who once lived, do nothing but force you to remain in their time. We Elves view that as a sign of weakness."

"I never thought of it that way. I can understand it but I don't agree with it completely."

"You sound like William," she said with a smile, "you are very much like him. I only interacted with him as a child but my memory is as strong as it was centuries ago. You are very much like him."

Harry looked around and saw a portrait of an elf that looked very familiar but he couldn't place why.

"I see you recognize Rowena," she said.

"That's Ravenclaw?"

"Yes she was a very powerful High Elf, she believed that humans and Elves could live together peacefully. I have struggled to believe in her ideals but I hope someday that can be proven correct. Her mother and mine were very good friends however once she went to help found Hogwarts she never returned to us. No one is completely sure why. She was powerful and a highly respected elf. My mother was heartbroken when she never came back and even more so when she learned of her death. It's rumored that her daughter Helena for some reason was fully human instead of an elf."

Harry began looking around more portraits, he saw one of a beautiful elf getting ready for battle.

"This is my mother, this is before the battle that killed her. When we managed to imprison the dark elves at the cost of her life."

"What do you mean imprison? Also these Dark Elves, Tracy mentioned them but what are they exactly."

"The dark elves were once High Elves. In essence, they still are but they have perverted and destroyed the beauty of magic, much like your upstart Lord Voldemort."

She walked over to a portrait on the other side of the room, another elf more beautiful than any of the elves he had seen was shown but there was something different about her. Where the last portrait looked majestic this one seemed almost tainted.

"This is my aunt, she led the Dark elves, she is still alive we do not know what she has used as an anchor to prevent her from being killed. She is currently sealed away by the powerful magic my mother created by giving up her life. It will not however last forever. I believe it should hold for at least another century if we are lucky. There are weaker dark elves who are around, we have conflicts with them from time to time and are able to keep them under control mostly. We've killed many of them but we have also died in the process."

"You said Voldemort isn't much compared to the Dark Elves."

Laura nodded, "My aunt, Nienna, she is much more powerful than he is."

"She's made Horcrux's as well?"

"A Horcrux is a child's plaything. It is nothing but the first step towards the defilement of magic. Nienna gave her soul to what the muggles call the devil. She gathers her power from centuries of crimes against nature embodied within a being. He cannot be killed, he is not of this world and can only act through those like Nienna."

Harry looked again at the portrait of Nienna and idly wondered if he could control her with his allure. She certainly looked quite hot, sure she might have lived over a millennium but here was about to hopefully fuck a 700-year-old elf.

They went through some more portraits and Laura told him of different battles and how quickly the High Elf population had decreased because of both human and Dark Elf interference. He wondered to himself why he was even defending people like this from Voldemort. Were they even worth it?

Eventually, they sat back down in the previous room.

"Laura you know quite a lot about Incubi don't you," he asked.

"I know some but not all of your secrets. I have no Peverell blood. I am sure Beatrice could tell you much more."

"Do you know how… the shielding works? My magic protected me from the Avada Kedavra and some extremely powerful hexes from my aunt Bellatrix Black that could have potentially killed me. It shielded me from a surprise attack by my cousin Draco Malfoy as well. I don't know if he would have killed me but had the curse hit me I would have at least been in the hospital wing."

"Beatrice would be able to explain this better to you however from my understanding, your Incubus magic protects you from all forms of soul magic. That is why the Avada Kedavra cannot kill you and that is why your magic instinctively destroys the dark magic of the Horcrux. Your magic does not protect you from muggle means of combat, you are not immune to muggle firearms and bombs."

"You mentioned my magic destroys the magic of a Horcrux, that doesn't seem entirely true, It seems to absorb it not destroy it."

Laura frowned, "I'd like you to show me then."

"What do you mean?"

"I tasked some of my soldiers to look for the resurrection stone for you as a gift, to return it back to your family. We found it."

She waved her hand over a side table and a small box appeared. "It is a Horcrux, likely your Dark Lords."

She opened the box and as soon as she did Harry immediately felt it. It was a Horcrux from Voldemort. His aura flared and drained the Horcrux of its dark essence. Another part of Voldemort's soul was now integrated into his. It seemed to give him clarity on what was going on. He wasn't destroying Voldemort he was integrating Voldemort within him, he was taking all of his power.

"I see, I think you have come to a realization of what is going on."

"I don't want to be him," he said with anger.

"You aren't, you are making him you, there is a difference."

"You're more cryptic than Dumbledore."

Laura laughed, and then her laugh of course has to be as beautiful as Tracy's.

"I think you understand what I meant Harry. You are pulling the darkness into light. You don't always need to kill to defeat someone. There are of course times when it is necessary but when we are speaking of magic like this, it is sometimes not a viable solution."

Harry was pacing unsure of how to feel about this. He instinctively knew he could dive into Voldemort's memories as he pleased now. He was not looking forward to it, they always made him feel as if he was Voldemort.

Laura walked up behind him and he felt a pure jolt of potential similar to what he felt from Tracy, Astoria, and Daphne. That combined with still being incredibly aroused from when he met Beatrice nearly drove him to the edge. He shivered but willed himself not to turn to look at her. He wasn't sure what he would do at that moment.

"If I wasn't so in love with Samuel, I would make you my husband as well. I have never felt potential quite like this."

"I only have three titles your daughter wants to be Lady Peverell."

"I would suffice with being a consort, you would be able to give me another daughter to take over the crown."

Harry frowned, "Tracy told me her brother was going to continue the family line."

"Yes, she told you that at the moment, she spoke to me afterward. She cannot become Queen if she becomes Lady Peverell. There are no male Elves with the exception of the house-elf abominations humans have enslaved. Therefore her brother cannot become royalty. While this is a loss, the rebirth of the Peverell clan will give us our most trusted ally back and help return the Succubi to their former glory. There is much you are needed for Harry. It is only right that you are compensated with beautiful women."

Harry said nothing as she wrapped her arms around him from behind and planted a kiss on his neck.

"Samuel is a human, he will die before I do. I've come to accept that from the husband's I have had over the centuries. Perhaps we may find a deeper connection in a few decades. But for now, my husband has no qualms with me enjoying you."

That was it for Harry's self-control, he turned and they kissed. His hands roamed the elf queen's body. She apparated them softly to her bedroom.

"I think we can get a little more comfortable Harry," she said when he realized they were in a different room and cut off the kiss.

"That… was like house-elf apparition except without the pop."

"I will teach you after you have satisfied some of my needs."

The green-haired beauty slipped off her robes revealing nothing underneath. Her breasts were perky, flat stomach, and slightly darker tan than Tracy.

She began undressing Harry slowly placing soft kisses on his lips. Once he was topless she began kissing down his chest and licking around his nipples. Harry groaned as the elf queen did this and also began stroking his cock through his boxers.

"I've heard stories of how big and delicious you Incubi are, I was too young to experience your ancestor," she said.

"I'll make sure settling for me isn't such a bad thing then my queen."

Laura chuckled, "Harry in the bedroom I am not a Queen, I am your whore," she said as she got on her knees and vanished his boxers.

She kissed the tip of his cock and laid kisses up and down, occasionally adding a few licks as well. She looked up at him as she did this enjoying all of his reactions.

Holy shit I have the queen of high elves sucking my cock right now.

Harry was intent on enjoying the queen however in the back of his mind he really hoped a threesome with the Queen and princess was on the horizon.

The Queen was now sucking in the tip of his cock and gradually taking more of it in her mouth while massaging his balls and pumping the bottom half of his shaft.

Fuck this is good, I guess centuries of experience sexual experiences here. I really hate that she has a husband I want her to be completely mine now. I can only imagine how good the rest of this is gonna be.

Harry's allure flared with his desire and began pushing the queen further along. She quickly deep-throated him then popped him out of her mouth and licked the tip while staring up at him. She repeated this motion a few times and Harry felt his knees get weak.

She then proceeded to take the full length of his cock into her mouth, it was almost as if there was no gag reflex and Harry started pounding into the back of her throat.

"Not a Queen in here huh, you're right what queen would be talking a cock all the way into the back of her throat like this," he said as he used her to pleasure himself.

The mingling of his Incubus magic and her High elf magic was intense, he wanted her to be only his he wanted her to be nothing but his slave. His magic flared even further ensnaring the elf queen completely.

She knew what was happening but couldn't bring herself to stop it. She focused on pleasuring him further. Harry growled and popped himself out of her mouth and pushed her onto the bed. He got on top of her into a 69 position and slammed his cock back down into her mouth.

The Elf Queen moaned loving the taste of the delicious Incubus cock. The magic she felt from him was blending too perfectly for her to care what he was doing to her. Slowly his magic was claiming her, but they were far too compatible for her to let this stop. She wanted to wait for something like this until after Samuel died but she knew after this Samuel could not do anything to satisfy her any longer.

I should have known this would be more than just sex, she thought to herself.

As Harry fucked the queen's mouth he began licking her cunt. At first kissing around her thighs and her outer lips. He felt her shiver underneath him and she pushed her cunt closer to his mouth.

He gave her outer lips a kiss and although the queen wanted more his adult on her mouth was preventing her from properly drawing him in.

Harry smirked knowing that she was completely his now, she wouldn't want anyone else. His magic now owned hers and he felt a rush of power now running through him. I don't think I've had sex with someone as powerful as her before.

He decided it was time to stop teasing her and began licking and sucking on her clit in earnest. Queen Laura moaned and then screamed onto his cock when he added the Parsletounge having never been eaten out by a snake speaker before.

He picked up the pace in thrusting into her mouth as he drove her to the edge with his tongue. She had never experienced an orgasm from cunnilingus before and now the snake plowing into her mouth brought her to a new high that most cocks over the centuries have failed to do for her.

As she came and Harry lapped up all her juices he slammed into her mouth harder and harder until finally he let go and filled her mouth with his seed.

As he groaned she expertly sucked on him and directed the stream of cum into her throat, relishing his taste. Having been drained of his first orgasm Harry got off of her and turned around to face her. As soon as he turned the queen's head was already once again between his legs and she was sucking on him once more to bring him back to life. It didn't take her long to do so. She's even better than Bella holy shit.

Harry grunted and grabbed the back of her head fucking her face again. He could never get enough of this.

"I'm gonna fuck your mouth again till I cum you whore it just feels too good. Your job is to swallow every bit of my cum again like you did before then bring me back up and you'll earn a good fucking."

She moaned in acceptance and harry buried her face into his crotch. He wrapped his legs around her head and furiously fucked her relentlessly. I like the humans he fucked she could take this much easier. There was no fear in her passing out so he let go of all abandon. The only ones who got close to this level of face fucking were his mother and Bella. As much as he enjoyed doing it to them there was no way they could take the brutal treatment the Queen was getting now.

He spiked each thrust with his allure which drove the queen wild. He was pushing her head down and kept his cock down her throat longer than with any other woman he had face fucked.

This bitch is coming home with me I need this more often I'll marry her and Tracy tonight if I fucking have to.

Unbeknownst to him, he activated an ancient ritual that he had also inadvertently used on two other women as well had started and a flash of light surrounded them both.

It was a ritual that only worked between creatures who gained power from sex magic. While the elves had a lower grasp on sex magic the potential given by them helped them get in tune enough for the requirements of the ritual to be met. Two lovers who had the potential of having a deep relationship and one of them giving themselves completely and willingly to the other. It would bind the submissive to the other and the dominant would become the master.

Harry grabbed her hair and thrust into her again and again finally getting her to gag she was almost unable to handle him at his most ferocious but kept it going. Then he felt the wonderful release once more and the Queen once again enjoyed milking him.

He fell back in exhaustion but the queen was on a mission. She knew between her mouth and his Incubus powers he would be back up again quickly and she would finally be able to feel him enter her.

It did take a little longer this time but after working his cock in her mouth she eventually once again felt his veiny cock spring back to life.

She released him from her mouth and looked up to him while pumping his cock. "You may not be allowed to become king if the High Elves, but as the Queen, I pledge them all to you. We are all yours to do as you see fit, use us as weapons and use us for your pleasure. All of the Elves of our realm are now yours and yours alone. You are our master and we live to serve you."

She got up and kissed him deeply. Before mounting him. Harry was sitting upright while the green-haired beautiful elf felt his cock sink into her pussy. They looked at each other as they thrust and made love.

"You are my lord now, you own me, you will own many more. We will all live to give you power, you will be the most powerful being in this world. You will eradicate everything that has plagued the earth."

They kissed again with a fiery passion as they continued to grind against each other. She wanted to say she loved him but did she? They had only met that day and yet they made love as I'd they already knew every inch of each other's bodies and everything that would bring pleasure to the other. No, she wouldn't say it she wasn't sure. The potential and the infatuation was several times greater than the first time she and Samuel made love. Her heart broke slightly for the other man. He knew this was a possibility but understood the necessity of it. She would make sure he was well taken care of.

She pulled her thoughts away from there and continued to just feel her new master bringing her to the most immense pleasure she had ever felt. No human could have ever made her feel like this. Only an Incubus.

The two orgasmed together, in the back of his mind Harry remembered that she wanted a daughter from him. He hoped he could give that to her soon since he would be claiming Tracy for himself as well.

He didn't realize that this intention was enough for life to begin.

NoName2021 NoName2021

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C37
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Stone -- 推薦チケット
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