2.38% The Ancient Potter Magic / Chapter 1: Chapter 1
The Ancient Potter Magic The Ancient Potter Magic original

The Ancient Potter Magic

作者: NoName2021

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter 1

Three year old twins Emma and Ella Potter were enjoying themselves as they entertained their little brother Harry. It was the only part of their lives that was any fun anymore. It was the morning of Halloween but they knew they would not be allowed out of the house. Since the summer the siblings and their parents James and Lily Potter have lived in their cottage at Godric's Hollow but only a select few people knew of the cottage's existence. Emma and Ella did not fully understand how it worked but they knew it was powerful magic their parents and Uncle Wormy used to hide them from the world.

The problem was there was a war going on in their world. The Dark Lord Voldemort was leading a campaign of blood purists into war against muggle borns like their mother and others who they considered part humans like Veela, Half Giants, and Half goblins. They had gained a lot of power in the UK but people like their parents were still fighting and still defying the dark lord.

Lily Potter walked into the room some time later and smiled as she saw her daughters asleep with her son in between them. Harry however was awake and started giggling and reaching out for his mother. She picked him up and rocked him to sleep and laid him down in his crib. She looked at her two daughters and knew it was a lost cause to wake them up now and get them to their room. She would go grab her wand and levitate them later she thought to herself. She walked out and down the stairs to their Living Room where James Potter was looking through an ancient looking book.

"Anything yet?," She asked him.

"No, Mum and Dad were planning to show me how to claim the Potter lordship before they died but…" he sighed, "There should be something in here that can help me claim it and allow us to move into Potter Castle."

Lily sighed and sat next to him and ran her hands through his hair.

"I did find something else though, now umm don't be angry but… I've already cast the spell," he said, turning his head to the fiery red head next to him.

"What spell James Potter?" she asked with a glare.

Just as James was about to explain their front door was blasted open.

"No… it's him, Lily take the kids and go I'll hold him off."

Lily ran upstairs as quickly as she could to grab her children. James felt the cottage wards change and realized Voldemort had placed anti apparition and anti portkey wards over his own.

"How did you do that? Even you can't manipulate Potter family wards!" James yelled at the Dark Lord.

Voldemort smirked, "Maybe if a competent and actual Lord of the Potter clan had created these wards that may be true, but you were never one to care much about pureblood traditions and the old magics were you James?"

James simply stated back and started gathering the little bit of Potter family magic he knew. I've already cast the spell, no matter what they'll be safe.

"Reducto!" James yelled as his Wand came out of its Holster and fired a powerful blast at the Dark Lord. Despite the impressive bit of magic, Voldemort was not the most feared Dark Lord in history for no reason. He simply batted the spell to the side as if it was nothing.

"Crucio!" yelled Voldemort but James was also a celebrated Auror trained by Alastor Moody, he wouldn't go down without a fight, he dodged and sent several cutting curses at his opponent. Voldemort responded with several blood boiling curses but James managed to dodge or defend against them all with a Protego.

"You are still a nuisance as always James, but I don't have time for your games any more." With that Voldemort assaulted James' mind with Legilimens. It took every ounce of power for James to hide the spell from him. Voldemort seemed satisfied however, "Good so you haven't unlocked any Potter magic at all, Crucio!"

James was going through the most unbearable pain he had ever experienced. Even then he smiled knowing it was going to be ok.

"Smiling James? Even with your last breath is everything still a joke to you?" Asked Voldemort.

"Jokes on you fuck face, you're going to die, and my family will be the one to finish you."

Voldemort laughed, "I'd like to see them try without your family magic, Avada Kedavra!"

James Potter fell to the ground lifeless with a smile on his face. Voldemort turned and proceeded upstairs. He felt the air for residual magic and it led him to a door sealed with Magic. This did not deter him at all as he blasted the door open to find Lily Potter and her Children.

Lily had felt the wards shift and accept her, she knew her husband died. "Please let my children go, take me instead please!"

"Stand aside you silly girl, I have no need for you or your daughters, it is your son I want."

"No!" She screamed I won't allow you to have him. Ella and Emma were crying behind her feet as Harry also woke up and began wailing.

"I will give you one final warning, stand aside and your life will be spared!"

"Please, I'll do anything please have mercy!"

"No one deserves my mercy, Avada Kedavra!" he yelled as the green curse left his wand for the second and final time that night. Time seemed to halt as Lily held on to her children holding them one last time before she was hit with the curse.

It never touched her, Harry Potter screamed as a burst of energy came out of him to protect his mother and sisters. The Dark lords curse was deflected by ancient Potter magic, the final protection James was able to secure for his family before he died.

His eyes widened as he saw something he thought impossible happen, his curse was deflected and something held him in place as he was struck by it. The ritual he had started prior to entering the Potters home ripped his soul in two. Part of him fled as he knew there was nothing he could do as a wraith. The other part of his soul seemed to be absorbed by the Potter Magic before finding its way back to the youngest Potter. There was a blast of pure magic that blew through the cottage. Their second floor collapsed and the four remaining potters fell buried underneath the remains of their home. Lily blacked out before she realized that there was a magic shield protecting her and the children.


NoName2021 NoName2021

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