95.45% His Hips For Her Pleasure (18+) (Omegaverse) / Chapter 42: The Final Chapter: Happily Ever After?

章 42: The Final Chapter: Happily Ever After?

Shit. They didn't have as much time as they thought. "Here goes nothing," Breona whispered before channeling her power through her hand to his. A barrier slowly covered them, preventing the bright silhouette that was Skylar to blind everyone else on the ground.

Another boom cracked the air. She found them. But to Skylar, he couldn't focus on anything other than the feeling of ascension. Warmth. Bubbly around his stomach like he had eaten something fizzy. A tear fell down his cheeks when his life descended into his mindscape, evolving into a kaleidoscope of memories flashing past him.

The last thing he saw was Paragon holding their baby with a smile on her face as he tiredly smiled at them from the hospital bed. This was their future. And no one would steal it from him.

Not even the devil.

The barrier encasing Skylar had broken and popped, just seconds before Wonder Eve could get her hands on him. But in the following split second, Skylar's brightness imploded like a hurricane, sending Wonder Eve flying back to whatever shit-hole she came from.

A minute passed. Finally, Wonder Eve could see what the hell was going on. One second she was going to swoop him away and the next, she had crashed against a building.

She spotted him but he looked. . .different. She flew above him, summoned her steed back and asked, "What are you?"

Skylar looked up, his eyes a weird, kaleidoscopic + shape and his hair a pure black, alive with tentacles wriggling and hissing at her. His dress looked like it had been crafted out of the silk of night itself, a color so black it made her armor look white as it hugged tightly to Skylar's frame, covering everything from below the neck.

His voice overlapped with a million others. "Leave us alone."

Skylar felt like a god in his new form. His senses had been elevated to the point that if he wanted to, he could see, hear, feel or taste anything in this entire city. Power bubbled under his skin and with every cell of it passing through his veins, his hair-tentacles gleamed, hissing at his ex.

Before he could do anything however, he used his new sensory abilities to check for Paragon and saw that she was relatively okay as she groaned in pain. A quick check over the energy levels of her body and he could see that despite still having a large amount of reserve, it had significantly decreased from its original, seemingly limitless energy tank. Another glance at his ex and like he thought, she was siphoning energy from Paragon.

"You think just because you've obtained a new level of power, you can defy me?" Wonder Eve laughed maniacally. "That you can cheat on me?!"

"I've told you before," Skylar spread his arms. "I am no longer yours. I belong to my Alpha now and every tomorrow after." As if to prove his sentence, he willed his hair to raise high so that he could proudly show his bond mark, an Omega's proof of submission and love.

Seeing that, Wonder Eve covered her face with her gauntlet, whispering curses and words that would make a witch flee. She then threw her head back, boisterously cackling out loud before she summoned a scepter, this one lined in scarlet red and gold amidst a sea of black.

It was only then that Skylar could see the tears of blood falling from her iris-less eyes. Now she completely looked like a demon in front of everyone in the city. Finally, people would see her for what she truly was.

She pointed the scepter at him from above her steed. The smile that followed after was so wide and downright creeped him out. "I'll have you."

An anguished, frustrated cry came out of Skylar, "I told you I'm not yours!" Instinctively, he coated his fists in the night's energy, as tentacles the size of pillars rushed out, opening their maws to swallow Wonder Eve alive but unfortunately, she dodged to the side easily. He shifted the position of his arms, allowing the tentacles to coil around Wonder Eve.

"You've somewhat become stronger. A pity I'm your opponent," Wonder Eve said, casually ripping apart the tentacles with a swing of her scepter. But then, she felt her hair on the back of her neck rise. Without a word, she teleported a couple meters away, seeing that Skylar had been behind where she just was, ready to knock her unconscious with his club-like arms.

"A pity, you say?" Skylar taunted and smirked. He couldn't help it. This was the first and only time he actually stood against her, on equal grounds, might he add. God, the look of shock on her face morphing into taunted shame was extremely satisfying.

But still he knew his limits. Other than the 3 minute time limit of this forced 'Ascension', he knew that in a contest of strength, he definitely couldn't win against her. He was a control type while she was a thinker type. He needed to rely on his superior maneuverability and ability's malleability to one up Wonder Eve which should show his path to victory. . .if she didn't figure out his tactic first. To make sure she doesn't, he decided to taunt her since taunting his ex was easier than flapping a red flag in front of a bull. If possible, a personal goal of his would be to get her energy reserves as low as it can so that Paragon can finish her in one blow.

So that was what he did. For the past two minutes, he mainly taunted her as he dodged and weaved past her lightning strikes and annoying steed charges. It was relatively easy since his senses were simply god-like at the moment but he could see that she was beginning to catch onto his plans. No problem. He had done his part. Now for the last minute.

Skylar teleported again away from a lightning strike. He stared with hatred at his ex who was already huffing and panting due to her mindless attacks. "You know, I never wanted it to come to this. We could have worked things out - I should and would have listened to your needs as an Alpha, or so would be the regrets I would have if I hadn't met Paragon to show me what a bitch you are."

His ex looked shocked at his usage of a curse word. "That's right. You're a bitch, Eve and that's the last time I'll say your name." He had secretly pooled in his last reserves of energy during their conversation and now it was done. But he needed her to tilt just a little more. "But I'll be screaming Paragon's name a lot more."

It worked like a charm. "You fucking whore!" Wonder Eve held her scepter high to the heavens as her steed whinnied deeply. Multiple lightning struck down on her scepter, charging it with enough energy to vaporize the entire place three times over. Perhaps his taunt had worked a little too well since she'd decided to kill him. But that was good for him. He finally had the closure he needed.

A second. A split second of his last, single minute and his vision was filled with a dragon made out of black lightning, opening its jaws to swallow him alive. He saw his memories with Wonder E - with Eve flash past his eyes as a single tear fell down his cheeks. Oh, goodbye to what could have been.

In the split second, he deployed a barrier around him, one that was at the cost of all of his ascended energy. Just as he'd calculated, it was more than enough to absorb the entire lightning dragon but unlike what he'd calculated - as the lightning dragon had died down, he could see a hysterical grin on Wonder Eve's face as she had already charged up another shot.

But his time was up. Ascended energy left his body as all that was left was a mortal shell that couldn't even lift a finger due to the immense and sudden exhaustion. Usually, one should still have enough energy and feel to move around after Breona's Ascension but unluckily, this was the sacrifice he had to pay this time. It wasn't as bad as he thought it'd be since he was preparing for something as far as death to be the sacrifice but. . .but it looked like he would face death either way.

. . . . .

. . . .

. . .


But death didn't come. What did come was the sound of a wham as he caught Paragon impacting Wonder Eve at full force, sending the rider and the steed reeling backwards enough to separate the both of them from each other. And just as quickly, she appeared behind Wonder Eve, fist cocked back to unleash an upward punch that broke the sound barrier. For the final blow, Paragon appeared above Wonder Eve as she clenched her fists together before swinging them down onto Wonder Eve's stomach with the force of a mountain as her body was sent tumbling back, breaking whatever barrier came after sound, destroying multiple buildings from the shockwave alone.

This all happened in a single second as the very next second, he found himself in familiar, strong arms. The smell of pinewood filled his noses again.

"Everything's alright now," Paragon said gently. She looked worse for wear but even to Skylar's sleepy eyes, he could see how her injuries were rapidly healing by themselves. God, he was jealous.

As Paragon landed on the ground gently, he caught sight of Breona running over with a dead worried expression on her face. With all the force he could muster, he managed a thumbs up at his best friend.

"Why is it everytime I see you these days, you're always ransacked with injuries," Breona joked lightly.

"Ah, you must be Breona, Skye's best friend. He's told me so much about you," Paragon chimed in. "I would offer you a handshake to thank you for being there for him but as you can see, they're quite busy."

"Nah, it's cool," Breona said. "I'm not really that much of a handshaker anyway. I only do it from time to time because this little crapface insists on it. But that's not what's important right now."

Paragon nodded. Her eyes dilated and lit up for a moment while her head shifted around, searching for her before the light died down as a smile graced itself on her lips. "Don't worry. She's knocked out cold, lying unconscious in nearby rubble. I've called the CCD, they should be here any second."

"And, what happens next?" Breona asked.

"Well, she should be charged with multiple charges," Paragon gestured at the surrounding chaos and ruined buildings with her chin. "But she still possesses influence and political power enough to deter a death sentence. You don't have to worry though as it'll still be nothing short of a life's worth in jail for her, cuffed without her powers, never to see the light of day again."

Breona gulped. "So, we;ve done it. It's finally all over?"

Paragon stiffened, looking down to see that her wonderful Omega was already asleep. She smiled lovingly, caressing his tired face as she swore to protect him forever just like how he'd sacrificed his life to buy time for her. "Yes, it's finally all over."

Skylar smiled in his sleep. Paragon lovingly tapped his little nose before whispering, "It's finally all over."


Time Skip - Five Years

Meta City, GoldWood District

After Breona's imprisonment, Thea began to take a more direct interest in him. She took time out of her day to practice sparring with me, discuss and experiment with his new powers, and even, on a fateful night, bent the knee for him. It had already been three years since then but he never stopped smiling whenever his eyes caught sight of his ring.

So it was, not even a month after Breona's imprisonment, that he decided to move into her home. He had to admit that it was quite a pain in his butt - both literally and figuratively - to move into a new place, a new neighborhood and with new people who were luckily very helpful and kind. Well, they were residents of the GoldWood District.

Right now, he was sitting next to Thea with a hand hovering protectively over his 3 month old pregnant belly as the TV played some sappy, cheesy romance movie she had picked out. Who knew the strongest Cape in the city liked romance movies that made you grind your teeth more than the sound of cats clawing your plates. She had glanced his way from time to time, most of it on his belly but he still caught the lust in her eyes whenever the characters kissed on TV.

He rolled his eyes. He literally had her baby growing in his belly and she still wanted to put another one in him. Jesus, Alphas and their horny instincts.

But then again, it wasn't like he particularly hated it. Something that had to be known was that over the years, as he grew more comfortable with his own skin and Thea, he started to become. . .naughty. After all, it wasn't Thea who begged for the child in his belly.

He reached over to her thigh, gently running his fingers up the smooth, pale limb, stroking over her panties as something started to grow bigger. He licked his lips. He heard a couple grunts from her as he teased her sex from above her underwear, quickly shifting onto a position that made it comfortable for him.

"You're so hard for me," Skylar said seductively. "Naughty- naughty."

"Oh my god," Thea whispered, moaning breathlessly. She hungrily shifted her weight until she loomed over him, diving into those gorgeous lips of his as she placed a hand on his pregnant belly.

"Ours," She growled protectively.

"Ours," Skylar submitted, showing his neck where their bond mark throbbed virgin red. It didn't take long for Thea to answer to his submission as she opened her maws and bit onto his neck, claiming him again for today and the days beyond.

Meanwhile, Skylar enjoyed her body to the fullest, groping her perky breasts as he played with her stiff nipples. A quick pinch and her dick literally burst through her panties, demanding his full attention with how hard it's one eye pointed at him. It was still so big, so much, so powerful and it was all for him. Precum spilled onto his hands as he fucked her Alpha cock with his hands, receiving a shiver of pleasure from his Alpha.

As he gave her a handjob, Thea decided she wanted something else to munch on and went for his lips, kissing him with enough passion to scare the french. She only broke the kiss, fingertips gently trailing along his cheeks to tell him, "I love you. I'll take care of you, and our child. I'll protect you and give you everything you ever wanted."

Her lips pressed hard against his. "Noone can stop me from loving you. No one."

Oh god, two years into their marriage and she still had such an effect on him. He couldn't just let her say all the cool things. He needed to tell her how much he loved her too.

But he couldn't because she started attacking his nipples while still locking his lips in a deep, lover's kiss. He felt like the luckiest Omega alive. He remembered how just a month off from Eve had proved enough that he had made the right choice. And that his sacrifice wasn't in vain. Now, he was enjoying Thea working hard to make sure he felt good, to make sure he was doted on enough and just generally showering him with affection, daily.

It wasn't long before she came, spurting out enough cum to cake his entire hand in white batter. She only took a couple of seconds to recover before she shifted on the couch. "Let me reward you for being such a good Omega," Thea said as she dropped to her knees in front of him. His heart pounded. See? He is the luckiest Omega alive.

Without another word, she wrapped her lips around the tip of his cock without the slightest hesitation, slurping him down to the base in a heartbeat. It wasn't that hard since he was an Omega but it felt like he was in heaven. His cocklet throbbed in her throat as he could feel how her tongue swished around on the underside of his cocklet, then over it then on the slit. She started to slurp noisily, cheeks hollowing, hands gripping his thighs shut before she gave an extra, sloppy lick over his crown and he was done.

At that point, he bottomed out and came, letting out a low moan as he twitched and bucked against her, his gaze settling on Thea's obscene lips. She seemed happy that he was coming, and the moment he was done, he pulled out of her mouth. "I love you so much." He couldn't even say that without gasping since that's how good it felt.

Thea licked her lips clean of his cum. "As sweet as you smell, Mr Cromwell." She came up to him and gave him a kiss. Just as she said, he tasted pretty sweet.

For the rest of the evening, they nuzzled their heads against each other as the credits of the movie started rolling, it's slow music theme washing their night. They hugged each other, both of their hands casting warmth over their little one, a loving family before the pouring rain outside.


And, that's that. It's the end for this little short story I created. I'm so thankful to all my patrons who made this possible and extremely grateful to my readers that were patient enough to read till the end. Really, guys, thank you so much.

But with every end, there is a new beginning!

My long-awaited story [Am I Lewd Enough?], the reworked and re-edited version will finally make it's debut tonight 12am. I hope you all can support the story, by being my patrons or readers. Thank you so much for being patient. And until tonight.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C42
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


