Kairos cleared his throat.
"Chen, do you have enough points to reach the maximum rank?"
Chen blinked absentmindedly before responding.
"Huh? Oh... I think so."
Kairos gave a small nod.
"Ah, then why don't you get ready for the promotion?"
Chen furrowed his brows slightly.
"I don't have enough food to support the evolution anyway, why are you in such a hurry?"
Kairos' eyebrow twitched.
"Some of the people here are probably really strong. You saw that kid, didn't you? He had enough strength to easily push you away. Maybe he's even at the C rank already! I'll even let you use my dungeon points to buy food, alright? The most important thing is staying alive."
Nicole hurriedly nodded.
"Staying alive is the most important thing..."
Chen narrowed his eyes slightly. He seemed to ponder over it for a few moments before sighing.
"Yeah, you're right. If you're really willing to go so far as to use your dungeon points as well, then I can't say anything more."
Eyo, it wasn't me man, I swear!