Kairos looked towards his father and nodded.
"Knowing the basics would be pretty helpful."
Sam smiled bitterly.
"Haha, I wish that there was someone that could've taught me how things worked, but alas, I had to learn it myself."
Kairos held onto his chin.
"Was there a lot of power struggle in your company?"
Sam let out a sigh.
"There is a power struggle in pretty much every company. I highly doubt that there is one that has had moderate success, but no power struggle. Even the startups have violent back and forths between its members."
Kairos narrowed his eyes, thinking about it.
Though he had seen the surface of such a climate, he really didn't understand it, especially because he was never directly within it. The most he had seen was indirect versions or vague versions of power struggle in school.
Sam used a second to gather his thoughts.
Wait, but I only have geese!