38.09% Programming my system in a another world / Chapter 6: Chapter 6: The mask

章 6: Chapter 6: The mask

so after checking the time and seeing that it was only 10:30 pm Joe started to program the rest of the 'user' class now that he had all the necessary things in place. However, after the implementation of the mana stores and circulation, the mana that was gathering inside his body since he got here stopped as that was no longer allowed, and the mana that was already inside his body started to accumulate and move around where his heart was with increasingly high speeds. Compelled by the program now in place the mana was now in the soul store circulating at a rapid pace and after a few seconds, a slight draining sensation developed from the mana circulating around his soul, an unusual sensation for sure but one that fundamentally felt safe and natural so Joe got to programming in the meantime.

The first thing he did was to create a UI (user interface) to be able to use to interact with the creator consortium supplementary system. Including all the things a system home page has, with stats, level, name, and so on adding in placeholders for what he would need to add in next.

"verbal command: display properties" Joe spoke allowed, this being the command that allowed you to see the properties of an entity, defaulting to the user's properties who spoke the command if not target was given.

{PROPERTIES | user-visualisation & equipment | messages | inventory | spells and abilities | quests}


user id 0 Alias': (no alias given)

level: 1

experience: 0/(experience not defined!)

user-type: admin

user-clearance: omega

hp: 100/100

SMS: 52/1000

MMS: 0/500

BMS; 0/1000

EMS: 0/200


Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Dexterity: 10

Intelligence: 10

Endurance: 10

Vitality: 10

Spirit: 0

Luck: 15

unalocated attribute points: 1


(no titles recorded)}

Joe was quite pleased with this only taking only 15 minutes to put together, the stats he has now were what he was detected to have, though was surprised to find that the spirit attribute was 0, but after he thought for a minute it made sense that it was 0 as he came from a world without mana, though the more surprising thing was that he found himself with 1 unallocated attribute point as usually you don't get any free at level 1 but after another ponder he concluded that other people wouldn't have total control over everything their soul does so finding 1 attribute point free out of the inefficiencies out of 60 wouldn't be that difficult. He then allocated that free point to spirit that was detected to have nothing so now it was 1. The system of this world doesn't include constitution and spirit and most likely lobs them in with the other attributes but affects them to a lesser degree.

After he did that however, 15 seconds later he felt that slight draining sensation he generated before starting to get filled as a unit of mana started to leave where his soul would be. this mana seemed different however, more concentrated, pure, powerful, like all the mana around it that was there to boot-start the process was vastly inferior to it in all aspects, before it started to dilute partly into the mana around it producing a noticeable change in quality in the mana as the draining sensation became slightly more pronounced as the mana was added not enough to make a noticeable change in generation yet but adding 1000 mana of that quality to that and that would make a big difference to it.

As Joe now had to wait for the mana stores to fill for half the other stuff to become useful, Joe started work on the protocols instead. There are three types of protocols, active, passive, and on standby. Active being ones that need to be activated via a command, passive being ones that are always working and on standby are one's that will activate when a specific condition is met. Implementing the ones he has thought of working his way down his list.

inventory access protocol - high priority for the EMD to divert mana to, using the internal mana of an object, mana from the EMD is used to infuse the object into the mana it contains, temporarily making that mana unusable as mana then transferring the infused mana into the intangible mana storage called inventory

auto tracking protocol - use position data and trajectory data of both entities, calculate intersept point for given velocity, expend designated mana percentage for course correction to target, cc includes object avoidance

mana circulation protocol - controlling mana designated to circulate around indicated location or store.

mana distribution protocol - use the mana received to distribute to designated areas, abilities and protocols to meet threshold requirements of all abilities designated prioritising those with a higher priority level. with a constant 20% received distributed evenly among those designated [p3]

mana batterie bank- [p2] - when there is exes mana that is not needed for any task, mana is routed through this protocol to charge mana cells described via mana cell generation protocol

mana cell generation protocol - when no cell is being filled a new cell that is grey and cylindrical in nature 30 cm long and 8 cm in diameter with rounded edges, a handle on one end with a cell interlink on the other with percentage filled and capacity shown on the side is generated for the specific mana type with the same capacity as the last or newly stated capacity to then be filled and placed into inventory for external use with inherited relevant commands and authorisations necessary in place. when linked with apply mana circulation protocol.

targeting protocol - use the user's intent to designate an entity as a target.

auto-targeting protocol - designate target using defined methods. eg restricted areas, affiliation levels, past transgression marking.

attack identifier protocol- when an entity is moving with sufficient momentum or trajectory to harm user is detected, activate attack avoidance protocol

and then those that would be on standby,

attack avoidance protocol - use data given from attack identifier protocol to follow attack avoidance progression, if reaction and movement permit, move user-body 15 cm outside attack trajectory, else produce shield with intercept angle of 70° normal from shield surface, if distance does not permit specified angle, produce shield adjacent to point of contact.

emergency death avoidance protocol - if user-health =<10, unbind user-soul from user-body, stow user-body, cast healing grasp from "emergency mana store" target user-body until user-health = 100%,

now that Joe had some protocols in place, the ones necessary for now saw that 10 minutes have passed making it 11 at night also that 10 more mana has been generated and that now 2 units of mana is being generated per minute so by the time he reached the threshold of 1000 mana he theorised that he should be generating 100 units of mana per minute. Now that he was sure of that he started programming in some spells and abilities for him to use


magic misile - default power: 50 mana, create 10 external stores of mana evenly split,within 2x3x3 above center of user, designate stores m1-m10. If hold_fire = False apply auto tracking protocol with 10%cc, velocity 20m/s. upon impact with target expend <= 20% remaining mana provide shear force mostly adjacent to direction of motion with 5 cycles of heat and cold conversion of 30°c within 0.25 seconds, remaining mana distribution applied in a cemi-sperical direction in direction of motion , 20% to air compretion and expansion , 20% convert to heat, 10% to creating 5mm diameter jagged shards, 40% convert to force applied normal to effect radius, 10% convert to electricity at site of impact.

burning hands- default power: 15 mana, provide combustion reaction released in 10 meter cone in front of hand.

dome of protection: default power: 50 mana, create temp mp store, create sphere 2m radius, default colour: black, default outside transparasy: 0%, inside transparent, apply mana syphon protocol 20%, apply environmental control, provide normal contact force except to users with sufficient clearance, default: gamma, or specified individuals

earthen wall - default power: 25 mana, use mana to move rock to provide 2m high 0.75m thick, 3m wide, parallel 1.5m in front of hand, remaining mana 20% covert to force provide compretion, 80% use to resist incoming forces

mud slide - default power: 15 mana,condense water to enfuse surface 1m of a 5 meter radius circular area around target point

healing grasp - identify target, apply continuous mana input at stable rate cycling between damaged sections for 30 seconds, use mana to simulate cell reproduction, re-aline damaged sections,duplicate missing cells

healing word - default power: 50 mana, use mana to simulate cell reproduction, re-aline damaged sections, duplicate missing cells in cycles

mending - default power: 20 mana, return item to peak condition using mana provided vai various means


active abilitys;

mana syphon [ % amount] - to absorb percentage specified amount of mana from the environment into the pre-specified store

shield - produce a solid layer of mana parallel to hand or forearm, size and intensity intent dependent, special activation: focused intent

spectator - link to BMS, create an intangible object 10 cm in diameter, generate visual and audio links to spectator in intent designated eyes and ears, convert mana to force in the intended direction of movement to generate speed intended, provide a counterforce to slow to stop otherwise, produce compression waves to act as speaker.

telescopic vision - link to BMS, create distortion in and in front of eye(s) to increase the angular resolution of visual input

swift step - link to BMS ,provide extra force in the intended direction of travel, movement unless intended is severely restricted in vertical directions

slowfall - link to BMS, provide counterforce opposed to direction of gravity so that relative velocity cannot exceed threshold, default: 1 m/s

light - link to BMS, create intangable sphere that follows user 1m above, lagtime 3 seconds, convert 1 mana per second to light controlled to emmit sphericaly to 20 meters

spotlight - link to BMS, create cylindrical object to fit user's hand, convert 0.5 mana per second to emit light dispertion radius 2% (essentially just a torch)

headlights - link to BMS, create intangable transarant cylindrical object either side of user's head convert 1 mana per second to emit light dispertion radius 2% (essentially just torches but on sides of user's head)


homeostasis - [p2] convert mana into heat/cold to keep recommended body temperature throughout the body.

environmental control -[p2] (ensures as much of an idyllic environment as possible with provided mana), radius of effect default 2 meters: wind speed <= 1km/h ; air pressure = 14.5 psi; air temp between 18°c and 24°c, ensure atmosphere composition remains 78 % nitrogen, 21 % oxygen, 0.93 % Argon, 0.04 % carbon dioxide with 30% humidity and remove any other particulates with increasing priority towards origin, reflect ionising radiation(display "warning, you are in an irradiated area": upon exposure threshold), redirect ultraviolet light to the same trajectory across the sphere of influence, block em intensity to below threshold of 150 lux, disallow uncontained water; repel from the origin, eliminate uncontained microbes,

hardened skin - [p3] increase molecular cohesion of skin, resist external forces applied from tearing or compressing the skin (making skin resistant to damage, permanent exes ratio distribution)

regeneration - [p2] determine the % damage of each region and sub-region of the user-body, ratio mana distribution to with per cent overall damage being distribution ratio to area, uses mana to stimulate cell recovery and restore missing/damaged areas to an optimal state

stabilisation -[p2] if there is rotation generated that leads away from a stable base (the area between points of contact towards the centre of gravity) produce a counterforce to right the body

enhance body - [p3] increase molecular coheation, use mana to resist outside motion, re-enforce skeletal structure, increase mussle efficiency by 10%, +25% aided force enhansments

weapon summoning array - [p2] provide 10% unalocated mana usage to weapon database weapon consolidation array

and then enchantments with for now only coding the defaults that get added to any enchanted object being temp mana store, mana syphon, mending and unbreaking

These were some basic spells and abilitys that he could think of at the moment. and not a moment to soon as 25 minutes later the SMS was almost filled as the pressure from the store started to flow over, it did with a passion as the 100 mana a minute/1.7 mana a second burst into the other stores with an almost explosive force as it now circulated around those stores slowly starting to fill them and the 15% that is being sent to the EMD slowly starting to saturate the pasive abilities that were now set up starting to come online, Joe could slowly start to feel the changes in his body as demanded by the new pasives, if he had to describe it, it would be like instead of being in your own body he was in power armour that needed recharging as the effects were pronounced but still below grade. so as Joe lets his stores fill he started work on the system features as well as fleshing out the other aspects glossed over before so as to have if not rudermantory but compleat system, with these features not using mana at all but the driving force of all this code in the first place, the reality interface. some of the more independent features being.

security clearance level (ascending order of importance{gamma,delta,beta,alpha,omega})

map - using visual input recordings to create a 3D map of an area, with the ability to coordinate between transporting

radar - using creature position data along with filters to display creatures' positions, with filters for most different kinds of things

hud - a visualisation of other features and protocols for easy access linked to a variety of databases and the main personal display of the user.

messaging - able to send a message to anyone known by the system, messages have to be initiated by the user with a higher clearance level

memory store - stores everything that has happened to the user to be accessed at a later date

universal clock- a record of time that is added to and system object that keeps in sync with time with the current user.sending out an instantaneous pulse every micro-second, with special attachments for unique circumstances

soul anti-tamper measures - prevent outside tampering with users' soul

affiliation level- this one being the affiliation that other people or groups have with users not the other away around a subtle but magor difference.

unauthorised function approval - outside factors can't use means to manipulate or measure the user's body via means otherwise uncounterable to the user without user consent.

with that and some other polishing out, the creator consortium supplementary system was if nothing else functional. with all the needed parts and even some polishing. to it as well. Aproching midnight Joe felt a sense of accomplishment as he disabled the stop gap measures that he made before for warmth and light. Joe was about to get ready to sleep in his little hiddy hole he has been working in when he got surprised by something he didn't expect.

{you have received 1 mesage}

Joe was surprised about this as he only finished of the massaging functions 10 minutes ago, curious he opened the message.

'mental command: display message'

{properties | user-visualisation & equipment | MESSAGES | inventory | spells and abilities | quests}


<-- | user Id 0

id 0 #1"remember to create a mask with voise changer immediately, it has saved us on many occasions and will be of great use.

this message has been set off by myself and set to resend at the correct time, no need to worry about that."

(reply )|>}

Joe knew that something like this might happen but not so soon, however if the message was sent to first thing after the option to do it was available then it must be urgent.

"verbal command: cast dome of protection, colour: dark green" Joe said with a hint of laughter at what he has just made. however as soon as he said that the small amount of mana that he had in his main store was drained to create a swirlining dome of mana that provided a comfortable and safe environment inside.

He went to where the code for the user-visualisation & equipment page was and added another element to it, called system objects with sub categories for pseudo objects and objects and the first of the pseudo objects being the; mask of the many - an intangible mask statically bound to user-head, formfitting to head, white on the outside with blue indents with where the eyes would be but with no holes whatsoever, completely transparent from the inside provides contact force to entities objects or phenomena not intended to pass through, with voice changing capabilities.

Now that Joe has got the last of the coding done for today he scrunched up his coat using it as a pillow as inside the dome that's all he would need. Resting his head he fell asleep secure in the knolage that no one could do anything to him, not for tonight at least.

Id_0 Id_0

as promised, basically if you think about it the spells, abilities, features and protocol chapter is just an up to date version of his spells and abilities tab. anyway, comments are always appreciated, see you in the next one.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


