
Chapter 18

Whirlygig of the Merchants, too high to even try to remember her real name, woke up with a groan of pain as she tried to right herself up. It felt like she had been hit by one of Squealer's trucks, right after drinking one of Skidmark's special shakes. So she was less than pleased when she saw bars around her and could feel some sort of collar on her neck.

"Da hell is this shit?" She said as she tried to undo the contraption and take it off of her neck but she couldn't find any way to do it. It was almost like it didn't had a opening mechanism and was just crafter around her neck or something.

"You might as well just give up." A familiar voice came from beside her and made her whirl around, seeing a rather beautiful blond in another cell. It took a her a moment to realize who she was but there was no way she could ever mistake those enormous jugs.

"Squealer?" She asked as she got up and walked to the edge of her cell. The vehicle tinker practically looked like a new person, Whirlygig wasn't sure if she had ever seen the woman with clean hair or without her goggles. Or with an expression other than high.

"Yup." The tinker said as she laid down on the floor. "As I said, you might as well give up. You can't really pull that thing off and trying will either anger our captor or amuse him, I can't really tell with him. But the result likely won't be good for you."

"Where the hell are we?!" Whirlygig yelled as she gripped the bars.

"Not sure where. All I know is that we're both prisoners of… of… fuck, I actually don't know his name." The tinker of the Merchants said with a groan and Whirlygig had to hold herself back from screaming why the hell was the top heavy woman so calm about all of this!

"Really? that's a real faux pass from me." But her possible snapping was cut off before it could begin as the guy that had kidnapped them walked in, except he didn't have a mask this time. She would never admit it to the bastard out loud but damn, their captor was something of a sexy beast. Shame that they would have to kill him.

"The name's Oberon." He said with a mocking bow and then threw a few pieces of rocks in Whirlygig's cage. "And I have brought gifts!"

Whirlygig wasn't sure what kind of shit the bastard was smoking to think it was a good idea to give her ammunition but she wasn't going to complain. No, instead she was going to have her powers pick those rocks, give them a nice momentum and then let that momentum carry them to bastard's head; splitting his skull open!

...at least that's what was supposed to happen. But instead of her powers activating and the rocks starting to spin around her, nothing happened.

"Well well well, what do you know? Guess my design works after all!" The bastard laughed and Whirlygig heard Squealer gasp from the cell beside her. Still though, 'design'? The hell was he talking about? "And Monica had said that it was impossible to lock away someone's powers, take that!"

Oh... Oh!


"Now then, you were just now trying to use your powers and turn my gracious gifts into weapons; weren't you?" Double fuck. "Can't let you just get away with something like that." At those words; Whirlygig immediately lunged towards the rocks, intending to do a far more mundane version of her earlier idea, but Oberon clapped his hands twice before she could reach the rocks and she found herself immobilized. Two more claps and then several tendrils made out of rocks formed from beneath her and took a hold of her limbs, guiding her frozen body to a position where she was leaning down with her ass raised high.

"Now then, there were five pebbles that you had attempted to use against me. So I think five squared will be just perfect for your punishment!" The man said with a demented giggle and before Whirlygig could try to say something, anything, she felt a kinetic force connect with her backside and yelped.

"One!" And again.

"Two!" And again.

"Three!" And again it went as her captor kept spanking her ass.


"Did you really have to do that?"

"Have to? No. But you have to admit that it was hilarious." I said with a laugh as I looked at Monica, who was tinkering with a gun that looked similar to the one she used in her failed attempt to rob me. Man, to think that this whole 'taking over the city' thing started with that; it felt like it was ages ago. "Not to mention it showed that my rune schematics do work as intended, put a collar with them on someone with powers and they lose access to those powers; even when they are angry at being spanked." Though there was another reason for my treatment of Whirlygig other than my amusement.

She was something of a first test subject, on how to mentally rearrange a person without more heavy handed magics like Legilimency or Imperius. I had never actually had, or needed, any followers before forcing Monica into a contract. It likely would be worthwhile to see how much effort it took to turn an enemy of average willpower, and that was being generous to the druggie, into a loyal servant. I might even get her cleaned and get her a nice work dress if she was a good girl.

"Why did you had to kidnap her specifically anyway? The Merchants are causing enough problems since you took their bimbo, now it will get even worse."

"You're exaggerating. I bet people won't even notice that she's missing for a long time."


"What do you mean Snowflame burned down four buildings, demanding the release of his fellow believer?!"


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C20
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


