67.14% The Second Coming of Gluttony, the First of Vainglory / Chapter 92: The Splintered Path – I

章 92: The Splintered Path – I

Light filtered in through a window nearby.

I frowned and rolled over, trying to avoid the light. As I did, I felt something shift next to me. When it did, I caught a whiff of something sweet.

Vanilla, along with... lilies?

I opened my eyes, trying to make sense of what was going on. And when I did, I felt something soft caress my cheek before a lovely voice whispered to me.

"Good morning, Milord. Did you have a good rest?"

I blinked and then realized that a beautiful woman with silver hair and clear blue eyes was staring at me.


I sighed and then sat up. Staring at her and then mess we made, I shook my head and said, "Are you sure that you're not a succubus instead of a Saintess, Flone?"

She huffed and sat up, holding the blanket up to cover her chest. "Meanie! I'm only like this because it's you. I practiced a lot to make this special, you know?"

I winced and then stared at Flone. "...Are you sure it's fine that I-"

She leaned over and poked me in the chest. "No backing down now, Jihu. If you've come this far then you've got to be shameless about it and commit, alright? Otherwise you'll just hurt everyone."

"...Well." I looked at the thick crimson chains wrapping around my body and heading off in every direction. "...I guess so." I shifted my left arm, seeing the crimson chains clanking and said, "I just have to take proper responsibility."

"Yep!" Flone nodded and said, "My man is an incredible guy who should have at least a dozen woman swooning over him, so go get them!"

"...You know Flonnie?"

"Yes, Sweetie?"

"You're weird. But I love that about you."

"And I love you for you, Jihu! Even if you're some weird soul eating demon from a different world or something."

I flinched. "...Right. Forgot I told you."

Flone shrugged. "It's fine. I mean, I'm technically a resentful spirit, right?"

"...Forgot about that too. Huh."

Flone giggled and then leaned over to give me a quick peck on the cheek. "Well, if you ever want to 'forget' again... Heehee."

I poked her forehead and said, "Stop with the horny."

"Ow! Meanie!"

I laughed and then looked around the room. Seeing the mess... and the ruined sheets... especially the blood stains on said ruined sheets, I let out a sigh. "...This will take a long time to clean up-"

"Don't worry, Jihu! Leave it to me!"

I blinked and looked at Flone. "Er... Are you sure? This is... kind of a lot."

"It's fine! Besides... You have a lot to do today and it's already morning." She jumped out of the bed and pulled me up afterwards. "Now get cleaned up and get going!"

"Fine, fine... I'll go sort out my business affairs."

"Yes! Go have some!"

"...Are you *sure* your class hasn't changed?"


I laughed. "Alright, alright. I'm going. Sheesh..."


A little office building run by the Triads in downtown Seoul. A warped over to a side alley nearby it and then walked inside, heading towards the designated meeting space with my bro Hao.

As I did, I noticed people giving me weird stares. Which was odd considering that I had changed into a fresh suit and washed properly... but they probably just weren't used to seeing me around.

It seemed like they knew who I was though, since nobody stopped me as I made my way through the building towards the conference room to meet Hao.

Still, weird.

But I arrived at the conference room without trouble. Opening the door, I walked inside... and was immediately met by a blank stare from Hao, already seated at the conference table.


He sighed and then gestured to shut the door.

I did.

After that, Hao sighed again and spoke in Cantonese. "Brother. You need to start being conscious about how you smell."

I flinched and sniffed my suit. "...I don't smell anything weird though?"

"Probably because you've been smelling that beauty you were with all night. But you can't hide the scent of lickylicky smacksmack from me, you know? And if *I* can smell it-"

"Other people can." I sighed and then focused on erasing the scents all around me. After that, I sat down on the chair next to Hao, trying to ignore how my face was heating up.

Hao laughed and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "It's nothing to be embarrassed about, my brother. But you should be cautious of these things, especially if you're planning to seriously start an imperial harem. Women-"

"Are creatures of emotion. I know, I know. And I'll be more careful. Though, er... You mind sending me a list of other things to be cautious of?"

Hao pulled his arm back and patted his chest. "You leave it to your big brother here. I'll make sure that you don't die a dogs death because of the imperial harem like pretty much every other emperor in history."

"...Now that you mention it..."

Yeah. Stuff like that usually didn't end up well, huh? Even in Anime when the female love interests were one-dimensional cutouts, there was still a bit of friction...

...I really should have listened to Jinhee and drew boundaries earlier.

Well, you live and you learn.

"Don't worry." Hao gave me a serious expression and said, "If it comes down to it, Big Brother is determined to make the ultimate sacrifice. Trust me on this one. It worked with Miss Seora, didn't it?"

"A bit too well considering that I'm about 90% sure she's switched over to yandere mode..."

"Eh, what's life without a little danger?"

"Says the man standing outside the path of danger."

Hao laughed. And then he turned serious and said, "Should we start then?"

I nodded. "What's the situation like over there?"

Hao reached under the table and pulled out a folder before opening it. "Just like we thought, all the worms started squirming when you flipped things over." He flipped it open and showed a collage of photos. Various Sinyoung executives.

"So these are the guys, huh?" I carefully noted each person's face. "You caught them?"

"Easily." Hao laughed and said, "They tried running back to Earth the moment they heard what their boss was doing. But our guys were prepared. And like you've asked, they're being kept in a warehouse right now and surrounded by your guys."


That meant that there wasn't a way for them to escape. After all, 'my guys' couldn't be convinced to let them free considering they were under Karmic Binding and had no free will.

...Well, that or they saw me as a literal god and had blind faith.

Both were a bit, uh... morally questionable. But considering that they really weren't good people in the first place, that was fine.


I mean, I was hell-bound because I actively played dumb and built up affection with girls without committing to any of them until now, so...

Well. I'd sort that out soon enough.

For now...

I stared at the pictures. As I did, names popped up in my field of vision. My 'eyes' automatically responding to my emotions and giving me information.

But I didn't need the names. They weren't going to be people much longer anyway.

Especially not after I helped Roe Scheherazade get her just desserts and vent her resentment to get karmic retribution.

But for now...

"Anything else?"

Hao closed the folder and then nodded. "There are a few other weird things happening over there. First, the priests are apparently acting fidgety. And Miss Yuhui has been making some plays over there as well, but we haven't heard much since it's still hush hush."

"Huh? She has?" I frowned, thinking about that. "...She hasn't said anything to me about it. And we were just together last night."

Hao blinked and said, "...You were with Miss Yuhui right before meeting with Miss Seora and Yun Seohui the other night? No wonder you looked so exhausted..."

"Ah, no. I was with Flonnie. I meant earlier that day. There was this mess back at home where everyone showed up all at once and... Actually, it's a long story." I sighed and said, "We'll chat about it over drinks later."

"...You should write a book about your life, my brother. I think that it'd make a pretty interesting story."

"More like a k-drama... But anyway, the church is moving, huh? I guess they're probably panicking about me taking Yuhui from them..."

She still had that standing offer to join, after all. And considering the looks she sent me last night, she definitely was still interested.

"Hoh?" Hao's eyes lit up. "So you're actively planning on collecting your beauties to your side now?"

"Yep. Because I have recently figured out that karma's going to do it anyway in the messiest way possible otherwise."

Thank god- No, thank Flone. She really was the best life saver and ally I had in this giant mess.

Definitely needed to spoil her more in the future.

...And I was already planning to play favorites.

Guess I shouldn't judge Blackie too harshly, huh?

I shook my head. "Anyway... Anything else important I should be aware of? And should I be heading back now, or should I stay put here?"

Hao blinked. "You're asking me?"

"Well, you're my brother in arms with expertise in this field, aren't you? I trust you to make the call-" I paused. "Actually, scratch that. Hannah would be devastated if she found out I did all that without her. I'll listen to your advice though."

Hao gave me a thumbs up. "You're learning. Good. Though remember that there are times where women appreciate the man taking the lead too."

"I know. But, uh... I kind of had a honeymoon with someone else before I did with her even though we're the actual married couple, so..."

"...You have balls, my brother. Giant, steel balls."


Hao shook his head and stopped to think. "Mm... There *is* this weird sequence of reports about a fake 'Seol Jihu' running around various cities and declaring compensation for being a great hero. But there have also been reports about a black bunny beating him down with a cursed spear before things got too troublesome."

...Ah. So *that's* what Blackie's been doing. And interesting. So people were trying to run a smear campaign, huh?

Hao frowned. "Still, some people are dumb enough to believe it's you. The people in the know aren't dumb enough for that, but the average Earthling and citizen... Well, you know how it is."

I shrugged. "It's fine. As long as they don't try to stand in my way, they can think whatever they want of me. But the moment they do..."

I wasn't a hero. I helped people, sure. And I had a good sense of justice. But I knew how I was. And if people were dumb enough to stand up in front of me when the truth was clear to see... Well, they could be smarter in their next life.

[Yeah, well not many people are as lucky as you to get a second try, you know?]

Aren't you supposed to be busy? Sheesh.

[I've got time to kill. And you're more of an asshole than I am, by the way.]

I didn't ask.

[I know. I'm just saying.]

Hao laughed and then stood up. "Well. That's pretty much it from me."

"Hm?" I looked at him and said, "Leaving already?"

Hao adjusted his suit and said, "If I want to set my brother up as an emperor, I need to get busy. And while Cinzia might be more tolerant of us now that her precious daughter is with my brother-in-arms, I think we need some more breathing space if we want to expand."

I stood up as well and frowned. "Breathing space? Is H- Is Teresa's hometown too small for you?"

Hao smiled and said, "A dragon and a tiger can't share a mountain. But it's fine. I think I've found the perfect place for us. Especially if you plan on setting up a proper organization of your own." He paused and said, "You... are planning to set up a proper organization of your own, right? Or are you just planning on going with the lovely flowers of the now ashen Sinyoung?"

I shook my head. "No. I'm not one who likes being under anyone else-"

"Unless it's a beauty riding you like a pony, right?"

"...As I was saying, I don't like being under anyone else, so I'll get that sorted out in the near future after I chat with my lovely partner."

"Ah." Hao nodded. "Of course. Have to give the empress the respect she deserves as well. Especially since you were unfaithful less than a day after you were married."

"It's not like that, and you know it."

Hao punched my arm and said, "Lighten up a bit, Bro. A crazy bastard like you can't afford to go off the deep end, you know?"

I sighed. "I know. That's why I want to take a break for a bit and stay away from the crazy. Though it seems to follow me everywhere I go lately..."

"Well, good luck with that." Hao patted my shoulder and said, "I'll head off first. And I'll email you my notes on handling girls later. Just remember the number one rule. Women are-"

"Creatures of emotion, I got it."

"No." Hao shook his head. "Women are scarily good at smelling other women. So either have a good explanation ready or get into the habit of erasing your scent." He paused. "Actually, for you, probably both."


"No problem, Bro. Now... go enjoy your vacation. I don't want to see you in that place for over a month, got it?"

"Yeah, yeah."

Hao waved and then walked off.

I sat in the room for a while to think and sort through my priorities.

First... settle things with all the girls who were in love with me.

Ah, no. First, I should go talk with Hannah and tell her what I did. Then I needed to sort things out with Claire. After that, there was Yuhui and Resa... who would definitely jump me if I wasn't careful, so I needed to tread carefully. And bring backup.

Then there was Seora and Seohui... though they were busy working on solving Sinyoung's problems, so they weren't top priority- Ah, wait. No, if I left them for too long they might try to team up on me too under the excuse of stress relief. Especially from what I heard in that elevator conversation...

Who else was there?

Maria definitely had some feelings for me. Though thankfully they were mostly pure affection and love instead of the crazy lust that a few of the other girls seemed to have tied in with their love.

Seol-Ah thankfully only saw me as a big brother, so that was good. Had to make sure to keep it that way.

Chohong... Yeah. Being so ambiguous with her for so long wasn't good. And she was clearly crushing on me hard.

...Which probably meant she would be crushed pretty hard when she heard the news.

Great. That was one bullet I'd have to bite.

Sora... she was the sort of person to keep things casual, so I didn't have to worry about that too much. She definitely seemed interested in me, but it was only interest right now. And that would probably vanish after I told her how things were, so not too big a problem.


...Yeah, I needed to properly take responsibility for Seonhwa too. But considering how things were...

...Well, she had seemed bitter and crushed when she picked up the phone for Yuhui. And knowing her, she was probably blaming herself over and over again for not being chosen when I was choosing apparently every girl except for her-


Ow! What?


Could you STOP yelling in my-

[You freaking got with Flone, Hannah, and even freaking Yun mother fucking Seohui, but you tossed out Seonhwa!?]

Um... Maybe?

[YOU ASSHOLE! WAIT RIGHT THERE! I'M COMING TO KICK YOUR- What the hell do you mean I can't go to Earth!? That asshole's being a fucking hypocrite coward! Let me at him! Gula, I swear to god- What do you mean I have to wait? Not enough contribution points? Fine! I'll go kill off some assholes who'll make the future worse! That fucking-]

I felt a connection snap. The line that Blackie- No, that Seol used to talk with me breaking again.

Still didn't know how he kept connecting without me noticing, but, uh...

I rubbed the back of my neck and muttered, "Am I the asshole here?"

<Yeah. Even I wasn't that bad, you know? I mean, I fucked around, but I didn't fuck around with emotions like that.>


...Who the hell are you?

<Heh. Go use the Divine Stigmata when you get back after sorting out your Earth stuff. We need to chat. But take your time. That's more important than Paradise.>

Another connection snapped. Something I didn't know I had.

"...Just what the hell is going on here?"

Before I could think on it any more, my phone rang. I frowned and then checked the caller ID.

And then I froze.

[From: Mom]

She's upset about you being out for so long and leaving your wife at home.

She wants an explanation about how you plan to take care of Hannah and Claire, as well as all the other girls.

She's mad that you spent the entire night out away from your wife.

I sighed. "Fine." I stood up and raised my phone. "Guess it's time to speed run all of this before it gets out of hand..." I pressed answer and smiled, "Hi Mom! I was busy with a project..."


Blackie growled and swung his spear, mowing down a row of cockroaches charging at him. "That motherfucking- Ah, no. Can't talk bad about Mom like that."

A Hydra roared in the distance and then lumbered towards Blackie, charging up breath attacks.

Blackie flicked his wrist and sent his spear flying towards it. The single spear suddenly flickered, splintering off into a hundred barbs and shredding the mutated Parasite.

An Orc mutant roared and charged, swinging a heavy mace at Blackie's head.

He flicked his wrist again, miming a throwing motion with his empty hands. No, it wasn't miming. The air flickered and a black shadow lunged out to pierce the mutant. A mana spear formed out of shadows.

Blackie straightened and looked out at the field. "That crazy asshole. Literally all the girls in the world. All the power. Everything going his way. And he ignores Seonhwa. The one girl who's been supporting him this entire time. The girl who isn't even as bad as *my* Seonhwa and actually isn't a yandere. Fucking- Argh!"

A wasteland on the border of the former Empire. The depths of Parasite territory.

A crimson blur appeared from the distance before a sword ki wave shot towards Blackie.

Blackie didn't even bother moving. Instead, he held out his hand to the spear he tossed earlier, calling it back.

The ki wave reached Blackie... and then phased right through him. After that, an irritated male voice called out.

"Why the FUCK can't I hit you?!"

Blackie grabbed his spear and said, "Shut up! I'm pissed, and that fucking arrogant ass voice of yours is making me more pissed!"

Sung Shihyun landed on the ground and then kicked forward, swinging his sword at Blackie.

Sparks flew as Blackie parried with his spear.

Sung Shihyun clicked his tongue and then blurred, vanishing with <Ethereal Shift>.

Blackie shifted his head to the side. The moment he did, Sung Shihyun's sword pierced through empty air.

"How the- Kuh!"

Sung Shihyun flew through the air, sent flying by Blackie's kick.

Blackie lowered his leg and then stared at his spear. After a second, he tossed it to the side. "Fuck it." Looking at Sung Shihyun scrambling to get up, Blackie grinned and said, "Since I can't beat that asshole up, you'll have to do."

"You fucker! If you're so good, show your damned- Gah! Let me- Kuh! Fucking STO- AAAAH!"

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C92
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


