
章 15: To Paradise

[Seige (Remaining number of attempts: 1/1)]

Within 48 hours, annihilate the race of Guardians protecting the "Sanctuary" and destroy this impenetrable fortress!

Difficulty: Impossible

When successful: +172800 SP, one-time use VIP store coupon

When unsuccessful: death

Cooperation possible, up to 6 people.

The moment I regained awareness, I froze.

A vast mountain range, with howling wind. Cliffs so steep and perfectly cut it seemed like it was split apart by a great immortal. Thick clouds that shrouded the valley below, showing the altitude.

Not only that, but along the mountainside were countless structures and defensive walls built in and around the mountainside.

"...No wonder this is impossible."

It would take a day to just reach the first structure, let alone the rest. And since the mission was to annihilate the race of Guardians AND destroy the impenetrable fortress, it was actually impossible.

Six people would not be enough. Even an army might fall short.


"...It should be possible."

As I stepped forward to the edge of the cliff overlooking the defensive structures, the horizon began glowing in colors. First yellow, then orange, and finally a deep and bloody red. Mortal danger.

Suddenly, invisible blades shot through the air towards me. Blinding fast mana blades.

On instinct, I drew them in, converting them into my own energy.

[Hoh? To take the first attack... I admire your bravado, human! But know that I, as a Guardian, cannot simply stand by and watch your insolence!]

A female voice, slightly alluring and melodic.

The speaker was invisible, still hidden. But that was fine.

Once. Just once, I wanted to try it.

That guy used a talisman to create the destructive force necessary to clear the mission. But me... if my hypothesis was correct...

[Atomic explosion]

A suicide spell that rips apart the fundamental bonds of matter to release the energy stored within. Unstable and chaotic.

Normally, incapable of survival. But with your abilities...


Odds of success: 75%.

Result of success: Completing energy core.

There it was. Betting odds.

A 75% chance to survive. If I failed... Well, I was certain that I would remember about this place. The problem would just be dealing with Kim Hannah in reality... but I'd worry about that later.

For now...

[The punishment for intruding upon this holy site...]

I held out my left hand and placed my right over my heart.


A surge of energy, pouring out from the graviton star in my core.

[...is your death-! Wait.]

The female voice trailed off. Did she realize the threat? Either way, it was too late.

Narrowing my eyes, envisioning the model of the atoms in the air, I grit my teeth and wrenched. "EXPLODE!"

Blinding white light. All-consuming heat. Scorching energy enough to destroy the world twice over. Neither divine nor magical, but pure physics in nature.

The moment the phenomenon began, I knew. Something like this would be impossible to perform by a magic user. The chain reaction would feed on the mana itself and then destroy everything. While it could be stopped by divine intervention, that stable energy able to quell the disruptive tide, mana would only be fuel. Like pouring oil to try and put out a raging fire.

So the result was inevitable. The Guardians, the fortress... everything in this confined world would be destroyed.

Including me.

That was, if I was anyone else.

Energy manipulation.

Energy core.


Three innate abilities created from my 'insight' and my memories of coming from a world completely without mana, not one like this Earth that had it in trace amounts.

Abilities that let me draw in energy, store it, and reform it into something else.

I felt divine power well up, trying to reach me. No doubt the teleportation spell to send me back for clearing the mission.

But it wasn't enough. The time it would take to reach me would have incinerated any ordinary person.

So I had to buy time. No, I had to make it.

My skin was boiling. My eyes had already burned out. At the same time, I felt my clothes crumble.

Pain, more than anything I ever felt before welled up inside of me.

But I shoved it aside. No, I HAD to shove it aside.

Focusing on the core inside of me, I reversed the flow. The mana I drew out spun backwards, creating a vacuum.

My circuits emptied out, becoming channels.

And my will spread out, directly controlling the pure energy around me.

Unstable. Broken. Shattered.

Because of the nature of its release, the atomic energy couldn't be handled easily. Anything that touched it was ripped apart, adding to the mess.

At least, that should be the case.

Even so, I drew in that chaotic mass of energy.

My circuits bled, straining as they tried to contain them. But the moment that the energy entered my body, I converted it, using Synthesis to stabilize the flow.

My body broke apart and reformed, barely kept alive with the Restoration ability I obtained from healing Yun Seora.

My circuits shattered, splintering across my whole body, letting the energy spill over everything.

My energy core broke, collapsing in on itself.

-How long?

A second? A minute? An hour? Ten?

I stood there in the searing light, forcefully drawing in as much energy as I could while using it to patch up my shattering body.

And then-

[You have successfully cleared the 'Impossible' difficulty mission.]

[You have received one One-time use VIP coupon]

[172800 survival points have been accredited to you.]

[For accomplishing the impossible feat and surviving, an additional 172800 survival points have been accredited to you.]

[Your current survival points are: 600000]

I opened my eyes.

Blood ran down my entire body. My shirt was shredded, but miraculously, my pants and shoes were kept intact.

My mana sword was still there, now glowing an ominous deep green, similar to the shade that infamous 'killing curse' was said to be.

But as for my bag... that was a lost cause. So was my smartphone- No. It was still there in my pocket.

With trembling hands, I straightened my body.

"Time...?" I muttered in a hoarse voice and pulled out my smartphone.

8 PM. Three hours had passed since then. However, the plaza was empty. No doubt as a result of everyone wanting to pack up.

My entire body ached, a deep entrenched pain that ran to my very core. Even so, I also felt a low thrum of power. Something uniquely my own and different from mana.

"...Should probably... grab a few things..."

Like this, I wouldn't be able to visit the VIP shop later if I went to rest. Then... before my body collapsed from fatigue, I had to go.

I patched up the bleeding as best as I could, drying the blood out, and then limped my way up to the eighth floor VIP store.

It was a herculean effort. Thankfully, while my body was screaming at me, nothing seemed to be broken. It was just a matter of overstimulation... probably.

Thus, I somehow managed to get there and opened the door.

"Hm?" A bright female voice echoed out. There was already another customer there. Odelette Delphine. She turned around to look at me, her hand raised to greet me.

And then she realized my state. "Oh my god. Jihu? Is that you?" She gasped and then ran forward. "Here! Let me-"

I held out my hand and waved her off. "I'm... fine."

"No! You are absolutely not! If you could see yourself right now...!" She shook her head and said, "What happened to you? Did someone ambush you? Tell me their names!"

I shook my head and gently shoved her aside.

"Jihu!" Odelette frowned and reached out to me.

Before she could, I walked forward and placed a thin paper slip on the counter.

The maid that had been standing there in silence gasped, her eyes growing wide.

Another gasp echoed from behind me, followed by quick footsteps. "J-Jihu. Is that...?"

"One-time use coupon. This is... valid, right?"

The maid slowly nodded. "Yes. This is indeed a valid coupon."

"Good." With that, I scanned the list of items in the shop.

"Wait, wait, wait." Odelette walked beside me and then leaned on the counter, staring into my face. "If you have that... Jihu! Did you clear the impossible mission?!"

"Barely. Ah, I'll take the Divine Stigmata with the coupon."

Was my body getting used to the damage now? The pain was slowly starting to recede.

"How?!" Odelette grabbed me and spun me towards her.

I winced, flinching from the pain.

"Ah!" She flinched as well and quickly let go. "My apologies. But.... How? To complete a mission like that..."

"Wouldn't recommend it." I rubbed my chest and winced. "Tried something really stupid. Worked, but also could have not worked... Ah." I turned back to the maid and said, "From the rest, give me Psychi's Tears, Miyal's Branding Iron, and whatever Divine Elixirs are left."

The maid nodded and left to gather my purchases. As for Odelette, she stared at me and said, "But how did you clear it? No, what was it like?"

"Imagine an entire mountain filled with fortresses. Now imagine hundreds of people as strong as me that can fly. Then realize you have to not only destroy all the fortresses, but kill all of those people to clear the mission."

I remembered the searing light and instinctively rubbed my eyes. "Son of a bitch... That lucky cheating bastard had a blank talisman at the beginning. Didn't have to deal with that bullshit."

Odelette blinked. "Blank talis- Oooh. So that's how Sung Shiyun cleared it... But wait." She looked at me and said, "Then how did you clear it? If you're complaining about that guy cheating... Did you clear it normally?"

I sighed and said, "I wouldn't call how I cleared it 'normal'. In fact, if someone else tried it, they'd probably be toast. Dust in the wind, so to speak."

"Then how-?"

"Have you ever heard of an 'atom bomb?'"

Odelette blinked. Then she blinked again. And then at last, she said, "You didn't."

"I did. Turns out that it's possible to do it with mana. Also turns out that mana keeps it running forever until that mana disappears."

She gave me a long stare and then said, "You know, Jihu. I thought this since I saw you attempt and clear a very hard mission as your first... But could it be that you're insane? Honest question here."

I laughed.


After separating from Odelette at the VIP store, said girl running off with glee to who knew where, I stopped by the general store to buy some spare clothing, a new bag, and a slew of potions. That done, I went back to my room and opened the door-

"Hyung! What happened to you?!"

"Mister Jihu!"

The first thing that I heard when walking into my room was the usual three. But this time, their voices were filled with concern- No. That was actually par for the course.

I shrugged and said, "The Impossible mission was hard. Would not recommend."

Silence. Then, deep sighs.

Seol-Ah shook her head and went back to packing. "Only Mister Jihu..."

Sungjin sighed and then said, "Hyung... You really are too incredible, you know?"

As for Yun Seora, she stared at me... and then turned a deep red and turned away.

I shrugged and then walked over to the bathroom. "You all keep packing your things. I'm going to take a long, relaxing bath... Probably a nap too. Come get me if I'm not up by morning tomorrow, alright?"

After a chorus of 'yes!' I walked over to the bathroom.

Divine elixirs, Psychi's Tears, the Divine Stigmata and then the Miyal's Branding Iron.

After running a warm bath and settling in, I started examining my purchases from the VIP store.

The Divine elixirs... I had one of each attribute, costing around 180000 points. Then there was the Psychi's Tears, 250000 points. Miyal's Branding Iron, 100000 points. Leaving the Divine Stigmata that I got for free aside, that left me with 70000 points, 30000 which was spent on a new dimensional bag, and the rest spent on various potions.

All that I had left was 1000 points exactly... Or so I would have liked. Still, to make sure nothing went wrong, I kept around 10000 just in case.

After sorting those out, I picked up Miyal's Branding Iron and examined it.

[Miyal's Branding Iron]

Magnifies mana output of a spell by inscribing amplification upon your magical circuits. Recovery period is 48 hours.

Mm... Useful. But pointless for me since I could control the mana output directly. Still, a handy item to have.

I set that aside and then picked up Psychi's Tears, examining those as well.

[Psychi's Tears]

An offering to the gods by an alchemist who toiled his life to find a way to heal a young girl whose life was ruined by a magic training accident.

A miraculous potion able to restore and reinforce magical circuits.

Would not recommend consuming in anywhere but a body of water.

I remembered it. Apparently, it was similar to the bone-marrow cleansing pills in wuxia novels, a divine elixir that would remove all impurities and restore broken channels.

But again, for me it wasn't necessary. After all, I had gone through a much more thorough 'cleansing' just earlier.

With a sigh, I set that aside as well and decided to just lean back and relax, letting my tired body soak in the restorative oils and soaps I poured into the bath.

Like that, I slowly fell asleep.


[You aren't me. At the same time, you are.]

A familiar voice, but different. Colder, harsher.

[We're connected. My present is tied to your future... But at the same time, it isn't. Rather... It's like looking through a hazy mirror. You're 'him', but you're not 'me'.]

A faint acknowledgement and recognition. My eyes were closed, but I could sense that guy's presence. Someone who felt intimately familiar and yet unmistakably foreign.

[Well... I guess I'll lend a hand if you need me. But at this point, I think you'll be fine. 'He' needs me more, so it's probably best to just treat me like a fanciful dream. Though, at the end of this... I think it'd be nice to meet.]

Right. I think it'd be nice too.

After all...

[The one who managed to fix my regrets from the beginning. The one who's following my footsteps but cutting a new path too... I look forward to seeing where our paths cross.]

...It'd be fun to meet you for real, Seol.


A knock on the door.

"Hyung! Are you awake?"

I blinked and realized that Sungjin was calling for me. Glancing at my smartphone, I saw that it was already the next day. Only a few hours away from the time we had to head out.

"I'm up, Sungjin. Thanks for the wake-up call."

"You're welcome! We'll meet you outside!"

Footsteps, leading away from the room.

I sighed and washed up again before changing into new clothes.


Chaos. That was the only way to describe the journey downstairs.

After seeing me yesterday, it seemed that Odelette went around boasting that I cleared the Impossible mission. And as a direct result of that, I faced the same question over and over again... Namely, how did I do it?

At first, I said magic. Then I said an item from my necessary box. But it seemed that there were more than a few onlookers who noticed my wounded form last night, so I was forced to face even more probing questions the further I went down.

The kids and Yun Seora helped deflect a bit, but eventually I get fed up enough that I seriously contemplated whether to knock them all out.

Thankfully, before that could happen, Cinzia arrived along with all the other maids on the first-floor plaza.

Of course, after a brief rundown on what caused the commotion, even SHE was stunned and looked like she wanted to ask me questions. Still, after glancing at the completely-empty noticeboard and my twitching expression, she gave me a wry smile and quieted the crowd down.

A quick and smooth exit ceremony. Paying the last 1000 SP, returning our smart phones. Then, the heavy steel doors that led to the outside world finally opened.

Standing amidst the crowd of survivors, Cinzia swept her gaze across them all and said, "There won't be anyone guiding you since we have to remain behind and deactivate the Neutral Zone. But I'm sure you lot are more than capable of walking through a corridor."

Chuckles and low laughter echoed at that remark.

Cinzia grinned and said, "Well, nothing will happen anyways. We even prepared an open banquet area for you outside and all. All you have to do is to wait for those coming to fetch you. After that, negotiate, sign a contract, whatever. In any case, you'll find simple meals ready for you on the table placed outside. Quietly enjoy your breakfast and wait there."

After saying that, the Sicilian leader pulled out a pack of cigarettes, as if done with her speech. But before that, she opened her mouth again. "Oh, and a request, if I may... At least for today, don't fight." She tugged a cigarette out with her teeth and then continued on in a serious voice. "I'm advising you to let the events of the Neutral Zone be bygones. Today's a day to celebrate, isn't that right?"

She lit the cigarette up, took a deep breath, and a while later let the white smoke ease out from her nostrils. When that was done, she said, "Especially you, the Invited. I know very well how powerful your backers are. Being able to flaunt one's right to mobilize that many Marks, I'm sure they possess quite a bit of influence here."

Silence. At the same time, I felt quite a few gazes settle on me.

"But it would be better for you to abandon petty grudges you have before leaving this place. Remember that."

A derisive snort echoed from somewhere in the crowd.

Cinzia shook her head. "Even though I made such a nice little request, you'd inevitable see some bloodshed on the first day..." She subtly glanced at me and said, "Oh well. The moment you step outside this place, you're no longer my concern, so do as you will."

She lowered her cigarette, tapping the ashes onto the ground, and said, "With that, I declare the official closure of the Neutral Zone." For the first time ever, Cinzia let out a soft smile and said, "It was a real chore to look after you lot. Let's not meet ever again."

And then she spun around and left.

I stood there for a moment longer, watching Cinzia and the maids leave.

The other survivors started moving, as if eager to get away, but I lingered a moment longer, looking at someone in particular.

Did she sense my gaze?

Claire turned around to look at me.

I smiled and gave a short wave.

She smiled back and gave a dignified, silent bow.

"Let's get going~!" Yi Seol-Ah grabbed my left arm and tugged me forward, a bright smile on her face. "Off we go!"

"Come on, Hyung!" Yi Sungjin called out and walked forward.

Yun Seora walked on my right side, showing a slim but beautiful smile. "It's time, Mister Jihu."

I turned back to stare at the Neutral Zone one last time.

The place where I made new friends. A fun time that passed by in a blur. Training, the ridiculous final mission, and the people that I met and separated from...

"Yeah." I turned my back on that place and decisively stepped forward. "Let's go, everyone."

The long dark hallway. A light at the end of the tunnel.

Stepping beyond that...

A brilliant sky, dyed in a soft crimson beneath the setting sun. Below that, a desolate plain that stretched on seemingly forever.


And in the middle of this desolated area...

"So it was a tower after all." Sungjin's voice echoed as he turned around to look up.

A lone white tower standing in defiance to the lifeless area. Like the tower of mankind that once reached up to the skies...

"Well, Boss." Hyun Sangmin emerged from the crowd and looked at me. "Should we get some breakfast now that we're here?" He pointed to a table where Yi Seol-Ah, Yun Seora, and Shin Sang-Ah were already sitting.

I shifted my gaze and nodded. "Let's go."


A lively conversation, with chatter from all around due to the hustle and bustle of survivors being picked up and leaving.

Hyun Sangmin complaining about his Inviter being late. Shin Sang-Ah revealing her worries of being Contracted but then being relieved when I pointed out that she was a Priest.

Yi Seol-Ah and Yi Sungjin chatting excitedly about being able to show off in front of their inviter and then getting enough money to take care of their father back on Earth.

And Yun Seora, quietly watching me.

I smiled, content with the atmosphere, and took a drink from a cup of juice I picked up.

Kim Hannah was nowhere to be seen, and probably wouldn't show up for a while. Then, before things got too hectic, it was probably good to relax-


"Hm?" I looked over to Yun Seora who had poked me.

She pointed behind me, tilting her head slightly.

Following her finger, I noticed some familiar faces sitting at a table nearby. And one person in particular.

"Bro! Get over here already!" Hao Win waved, making a fool of himself.

I sighed and stood up. "Sorry guys. But it looks like I've got a few more goodbyes to say first."

After getting their leave, I walked over to the other table.

As I sat down, Hao Win said, "Your guy hasn't arrived yet?"

"No. I think she'll probably be a bit later. What about you, Hao Win?"

He shook his head. "I told them to take their time." Glancing at the tower, he said, "I thought I might get a bit emotional today for some reason."

I nodded, feeling that wistful reminiscence as well.

"But more importantly..." Hao Win pointed to the girl sitting across from him. "Could you do something about this little lady?"

Obviously, it was Odelette. The brown-haired female magician was pouting, crossing her arms and staring at the table. When she noticed my gaze, she huffed and shook her head. "I still can't believe you cleared it without us."

"And like I said, at least one of you guys would have died. *I* almost died."

Tong Chai chimed in. "I heard about that. What was it... A man walking around with blood caked over his bare torso... That was you, right?"

I sighed. "Don't remind me. The sensation of getting baked alive and blood leaking out of every pore in your body definitely isn't fun."

"So he says, Delphine." Tong Chai glanced over at her and said, "And you mentioned that he told you how he did it as well. So could you stop being angry about it?"

"Still!" Odelette huffed and said, "I wanted the coupon! My coouupoon!"

I shrugged. "You could always write a note to yourself, die, and then have one of us bring you back. I'm sure you could make it through a second time, right?"

"Hmph!" Odelette crossed her arms and said, "And risk getting shown up by whoever you send in with me? Yeah right!"

"...Heh. You caught me."

"You meeeaaaniiieee!" Odelette whined. With that long drawn out pout, she stood up and ran off.

I watched her leave and shook my head. At the same time... "I wonder how Jinhee's doing?"

"Hm?" Hao Win looked over and said, "Jinhee? Who's that?"

"My younger sister." I swirled my drink around and said, "Just before I got here, I saved her from some guys that were trying to take advantage of her... Well, I suppose it's more accurate to say that I killed them and got her out just moments before the worst happened."

"Ah." Tong Chai nodded. "I see."

"Oh. Ooooh." Hao Win nodded as well. "So *that's* why you were so mad about Miss Seora."

"Mm. In part." I drank from my cup and said, "I heard from my Inviter that things were sorted out at that end... but I think I'm going to drop by and take a look first hand when I get the chance. Not to mention my dad too..."

I had put the memories in the back of my head to focus on what was necessary. But now that the first parts were squared away, I couldn't help but worry about them again.

Hao Win nodded. "Looks like you've got a lot on your mind... But cheer up! A badass like you can sort them out in no time, Bro."

I laughed and said, "I wouldn't put it like that. Even I've got some people to watch out for, you know?"

Like that Martial God guy back on Earth.

"Whatever. Enough worrying!" Hao Win poured some wine into my cup and said, "Let's toast before we miss the chance."

Leorda nodded. "The last before the long departure..."

"For our good health and blessings!" Karna held up his cup.

Hao Win watched Tong Chai and me do the same before lifting up his cup. "Now, everyone! Cheers!"

I smiled and raised my glass. But then, just before we toasted-

A chair crashed to the ground and Hyun Sangmin's body flew to the floor, rolling a few times before stopping just a few paces from our table.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C15
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


