3.57% The Second Coming of Gluttony, the First of Vainglory / Chapter 3: Destiny Severance

章 3: Destiny Severance

October. The leaves were starting to turn orange and falling off of the trees.

I walked through the park with my hands tucked into my pants.

It was early in the morning, the weekend. I had everything sorted out for the week and my body was still recovering from the stress I put it through, so I thought to take a walk to recover. Not only that, but I wanted to check something...

[Energy results]

Low ambient mana.

Solar radiation.

Faint nuclear radiation.

Electromagnetic waves.

"...So that's how it is, huh?" Casually scanning the surroundings, I walked along the nature trail and mumbled, lost in thought.

It seemed like Earth here contained mana. No, Earth in general likely possessed mana, even back where I came from. But it only had trace amounts.

From my senses in addition to the information I could see, it was enough for every living being to have the potential for mana, but not enough to actually manifest in a large number of people.

I was an exception. Jihu's eyes were a freak mutation that naturally drew in the ambient mana through his circuits in order to execute it. But there was insufficient mana to recover it, and his body wasn't naturally capable of generating it. That was why he had lost himself and his ability in the past.

Right now, I had managed to not only fix that damaged circuit since I arrived in the past before it completely broke, but I also added additional circuits to ease the burden and load.

Even so, there was still the problem of the lack of mana.

I was efficient with what little I could use, so it wasn't an issue yet. Still, if I wanted to get to the next level, I'd need to find a way to generate more.

The abundance of energy on Earth wasn't mana... but that wasn't to say there wasn't energy.

Would there be a way to use something else, I wondered.

Manhwa and Chinese webnovels always spoke about using the natural energy. Mana seemed to be something else entirely, a supernatural force that came from either the planet or some other power.

In that case, perhaps I should figure out a way to use the more abundant energy sources on Earth.

Waves and matter were interchangeable... And from what I could tell, mana could be turned into matter as well. Then it should be possible to convert energy into matter and then matter into mana... the problem would be the loss in the process. But if it was an unlimited source like the sun-

"Huh? Oppa? Is that you?" A familiar female voice.

I blinked and saw Jinhee walking in the distance with some other girls.

"Jinhee? What are-?"

"Oh my god!? That guy's your Oppa?!" One of the girls with Jinhee gasped in surprise and said, "But didn't you say he looked like a bum?"

Jinhee flushed in embarrassment. "T-That's not true!" She looked at me and said, "Don't believe them, Oppa! I-I never said that!"

I laughed and waved my hand. "Don't worry about it. I was in pretty bad shape, so it's understandable."

Jinhee walked over and shooed her friends away.

I looked at them giggling and moving off to the side. Seeing that, I shook my head and said, "Seems like your friends are a lively bunch."

"Hmph. Those nosy people should mind their own business." Jinhee crossed her arms and shook her head.

My younger sister was dressed pretty fashionably. She wore a cream-colored scarf around her neck and a quilted blue beanie. A denim jacket over a green blouse and a tan pair of pants. Then a pair of black leather boots to finish off her outfit, with a white purse tucked under her arm.

Seeing that, I raised an eyebrow and said, "A bit fancy to be out for a walk. Were you going somewhere?"

"You're one to talk." Jinhee looked at me and said, "Wearing such a tight shirt and jeans... Are you showing off or what? And since when did you get in such good shape? From the distance, we thought you were a pop star or something."

I shrugged. "I've had a lot of time on my hands. Not much else to do other than work out."

"...Well, I guess it's a better addiction than gambling."

"Hm? Addiction?"

"Nothing, Oppa." Jinhee shook her head and then looked around. "I'm surprised though. I don't see Noonim anywhere." She looked at me and said, "Did you two break up? When I saw her at the café this morning, she didn't seem too happy."

"Ah." I frowned and said, "It's... complicated."

"Well you better sort it out soon. With how pretty Noonim is, you never know when another guy might swoop in and take her away." Jinhee paused and looked at me. "Though now that I see how Oppa is at the moment, maybe that wouldn't matter. In fact, it might be the other way around..."

I coughed, remembering Yuri and the other woman that kept staring at me when I went to the PC Bang. "Anyway... You were saying what you were doing?"

"I wasn't... but since Oppa asked nicely, me and my friends are out to meet some guys on a group date."

I froze and then narrowed my eyes. "A group date, huh? Anybody I should know?"

Jinhee rolled her eyes. "They're just some university students that my friend knows. Don't worry about it."

I crossed my arms and said, "It's my job to worry. As cute as you are, who knows what an obsessed guy might do."

"You worry too much, Oppa." Jinhee smiled and lightly punched my arm. "...But thanks."

At that time, Jinhee's friends walked over. One of them, a plain-looking girl with her hair in a bun waved and said, "Are you done being an brocon, Jinhee? Or do you want to introduce us?"

Jinhee flushed and threw her hands at her side. "I am not a brocon!"

"Sure, sure. Now come on, it's almost time for the date. The guys said they'd meet us by the stream!"

Jinhee sighed and waved at me. "It was nice seeing you, Oppa! Take care... And go make up with Noonim! She's been really sad, you know!"

I waved back... but as she left, I froze.

Her friend... That one that called out to Jinhee. Why was she glowing yellow?

I frowned and then narrowed my eyes, taking a closer look.

[Kim Minji]

Attention required!



Plotting, hesitant.

"That's..." I glanced at Jinhee and hesitated, wondering whether or not to follow them. But as I was about to decide, the color faded.

I frowned and checked again, but saw that 'Minji' had shifted her mood to 'wanting to have fun with her friends'.

"...I've got a bad feeling about this."

Maybe I should start keeping a closer eye on Jinhee's friends...


"And I'm telling you, it's fine, Oppa!"

"I'm just being careful. There's been a rise of kidnapping and stalking recently around your university, hasn't there?"

Jinhee rolled her eyes. "What do you take me for, an idiot? I don't wander around alone at night like you do."

I sighed.

It was March 16th.

Somehow, miraculously, nothing eventful had occurred until now. All that had happened was that I paid off my debts, trained, and then got a stable life.

Still, I couldn't help but feel that something was going to happen, so I kept escorting my younger sister around.

Today, it was a Thursday. The middle of the week, an ordinary day. Like always, she was out to go on a group date with her friends in the evening.


I shook my head. "I just have a bad feeling about this."

Jinhee sighed and came to a stop.

We were outside on the streets, heading to the karaoke bar that the date was supposed to take place.

I frowned, keeping a close eye on everyone around. There didn't seem to be any suspicious people, but-

"Oppa." Jinhee's uncharacteristically somber voice echoed.

I paused and shifted my gaze to her.

Jinhee looked at me, frowning. She seemed hesitant, but then said, "Do you still feel guilty about that day. Is that why you're acting like this?"

I froze. "I... can't say that isn't a part of why."

The guy who was going to allow himself to hurt his dear sister for the sake of his addiction.

Me who took his place and never had a younger sister, wishing to protect her against the entire world.

It was a conflict of interest that seemed to stretch to excessive amounts. At least, from how Jinhee was looking at me, it seemed to be excessive.

Jinhee sighed. "You know I forgive you for that, right Oppa?"

I shook my head. "Even so..."

The anguish in her voice at that time. The pained and desperate cries. The faint scar on her forehead...

I subconsciously glanced towards it.

Jinhee smiled and said, "It's already healed. See?" She brushed away her bangs to show unblemished skin.

"I know. But... I can't help it, alright?"

Jinhee shook her head and said, "I'll admit that I was really hurt when I saw you driving away. That..." She trailed off and said, "If you had left, I really wouldn't be able to trust you ever again. But... you didn't." She smiled and said, "Oppa. You're a good person. I know you feel guilty... and I'd be mad if you didn't feel guilty after all you did to us. But we forgive you already."


"'I' nothing!" Jinhee poked me and said, "Oppa should be concerned about himself more. Now that you're a functioning member of society, you have to get ready for the future, you know? Mom and Dad want to have a grandchild to spoil and Wooseok isn't going to make one anytime soon."

My mouth twitched at the fact that she called Wooseok by name. "No respect for eldest brother, I see."

"I'll give him respect when he gets a girlfriend. But anyway... I'll be fine, Oppa. Really." Jinhee smiled and said, "And I appreciate your attention, but I'm not a kid anymore either, you know?"

I sighed. "I know." I paused, thinking about it, and then said, "Fine. But keep your phone on you, alright? I'll be in the area working so if anything happens, call me."

Jinhee rolled her eyes. "Fine. But don't go stalk us or anything, alright? The guys might get scared off considering how you are."

"Good. My future brother-in-law has to be able to handle at least that much pressure."

"Brother-in-law? Hah... This is just a bit of fun, alright! Fun! I'm not thinking of getting hitched so soon."

"Then I reserve the right to break the guy who breaks your heart."

Jinhee rolled her eyes again and then waved. "Whatever. I'll be seeing you, Oppa!" With that, she walked off.

I stood there and watched her leave, joining her friends in the distance.

After that, I started to leave as well... But then I saw it.

A startling hue, shining as bright as a neon light. Before, on that Minji girl, it was just yellow. But this time...

"Crimson? And not just her..." Glancing at the other girls, I saw that they were flashing yellow as well.

Attention required and... Immediate danger?

It couldn't be for me, so then-

"Jinhee!" I started to go after her. But just as I did, I got a phone call.

Glancing at the caller id, I frowned. "Mom?"

She usually never called. So then why...?

Suddenly, a flash of blue light appeared on the phone. When it did, an image flickered into existence before my eyes.

Jinhee curled up on the floor in a dark room with her clothes ripped apart. Mocking laughter echoing off to the side.

Static, and then it was my dad, driving down the highway clutching his head. Car horns, the sound of a crash, and then sirens.

"Jihu?! Jihu!"

My mom's voice echoed from the other line. It seemed that I had answered the call before I realized it.

I winced and clutched my head. "Mom? What's wrong?"

Her panicked voice came back. "Oh thank the heavens! It's your dad! He's been in an accident and I can't contact Wooseok or Jinhee! This... what do we do? What should I do?"

I shook my head and focused. Jinhee and her friends were gone now, but that image didn't leave my mind. At the same time, my dad...

"Jihu...!" My mom's sobs echoed on the other line.

"Dammit. Dammit...! Alright." I closed my eyes to think.

The vision was unclear for my dad. The fact that it was meant that the outcome... probably was uncertain. If I went by what I knew of time and perception, it wasn't set in stone until I saw it.

But Jinhee's fate was. If I didn't intervene, something told me that would come to pass and the result would be set in stone.

"I'll call Seonhwa. She'll come and help with you. But I have to go."

"What? Seonhwa? But why-?"

I hung up and started running. At the same time, I called another number.

"Come on... Pick up!"

Did someone hear my plea?

Within a few rings, a familiar female voice answered. "Hello?"

"Seonhwa! Dad's been in an accident and mom needs help to get her there. Please, take her there and stay with my parents!"

"Jihu? Wait, Ahjussi and-?"

"Please! Jinhee's in danger and I don't have much time!"

"H-Huh?! I... Alright. I will. But what's-"

Suddenly, my phone died. Glancing at it, I saw that the battery had drained.

I narrowed my eyes. "This was fully charged earlier... Damn. It looks like it really is that, huh?"

The convergence factor. 'Fate', 'Destiny'... Whatever you wanted to call it, it seemed that something was forcing me to move.

"Tch." I tossed my phone in my pocket and then started running.

If the world, Fate, or the gods thought they could harm my family, they had another thing coming to them.


I walked into the bar, hands tucked into my pocket. The bouncer at the door gave me a brief look, but his eyes slid over me, as if I wasn't there.

Of course.

[Seol Jihu.]

Concealed through mana.

Passing sound and light waves through his body.


Time and practice extended my control of energy beyond just mana. While it was only to the extent of allowing waves to pass through me and not enough to manipulate them, it was plenty for what I needed to do.

Inside the bar, I swept my gaze around the room.

It was packed, filled to the brim with young men and women. A lot of university students... and a few high school girls who snuck in.

But I didn't see Jinhee.


This was bad.

My 'sight' only worked on things I could see. If the person or object I was looking for wasn't there, it wouldn't work.

No. I didn't believe that. It *had* to work.

Jihu's original power might have been limited, but mine shouldn't be. No, I wouldn't allow it to be.

I just had to think about what I was looking for.

If I couldn't find her by looking at the people, then... how about the building?

I glanced down at the floor- No, that wouldn't work. I stared off into space and focused. Not on anything in particular, but on the building as a whole. At the same time, I let mana pass through my circuits, forcibly cycling it.

Static. Pain in my eyes and head.


[Young Sins Karaoke bar]

First floor - Dance hall

Second floor - Public Karaoke rooms

Third floor - VIP Karaoke Rooms

Current occupants...

No. I didn't need that information. What I needed... There.

[Seol Jinhee]

Immediate Danger!

Currently located at the third floor.




I felt something warm drip down the side of my cheek. I also smelt the sharp tang of iron. But I didn't care about it. Brushing past people nearby, I forced my way to the back and up the stairs.

The employees there gave me a strange look as I entered the stairs, but they let me pass to the second floor without incident.

Bad singing and drunk voices filled the air. Again, I ignored those and ran past, heading towards the door in the back that led to the stairs going to the VIP rooms. But as I went that way-

"Oi." A pair of muscular men in suits blocked my way. One of them, a guy with cropped hair, cracked his knuckles and said, "Private VIP only." He glanced behind me and said, "I dunno how you got up here, but you should get lost if you don't want to-"

I didn't wait to hear his words. While he was still talking, I ducked forward.

It would be a pain if he followed, so I lashed out at his throat and tried to move past him, but-


He caught my fist.

I glanced at him and frowned.

"Pretty impressive for an ordinary guy."

[Bak Hyul]

Sinyoung Bouncer

Warrior Level 1

In the mood to show off

I narrowed my eyes.

This guy... Sinyoung, huh? So then he was involved with the other side.

Bak Hyul swung my arm away, sending me a few paces back. "From how much of a rush you are... Is your girl or something upstairs? Sorry pal, but that's the works."

The other guy stepped forward. "And unfortunately for you, we can't let you off easy for being up here."

[Lee Park]

Sinyoung Enforcer

Berserker Level 2

On duty.

I straightened and stared at the two. "Tch. I don't have time for this."

Even so, it would be hard to deal with them normally.

"Too bad, kid." Bak Hyul shifted his stance, holding his fists up. "But we've got all the time in the world."

It was a distraction.

While Bak Hyul raised his fists, Lee Park blurred forward, a knife in his right hand.

It was fast. Far faster than any normal human had a means to react to.

But I was different.

Tracing the vector path. Calculating the forces and lethal points of contact.

As he moved forward, I did as well. My left hand chopped at his wrist, deflecting the knife. But the blow was strong, making me unable to move it completely. Even so, I didn't let that bother me.

Using the immovable force and recoil as added momentum, I pivoted and then jabbed my fingers into the guy's eyes.

Lee Park's eyes widened and he jerked his head to the side, making my attack miss.

But not entirely.

"Argh! What the hell?!"

Blood and tissue matter on one of my fingers.

Lee Park dropped his knife and covered his right eye, dripping with blood.

As the knife fell, I moved, grabbing it with my left hand. At the same time, I stepped forward again.

Bak Hyul noticed and charged, drawing a knife of his own.

Light flickered. Red. Danger.

I ignored it and focused.


Level 3.

Fast attack, able to split steel.

Aimed towards neck.

Information flickered into my mind and I used it. Mapping the trajectory, I swung my knife parallel to his own, faster.

Blood flew and fingers fell to the ground.

"The fu-"

I spun the knife around in my hand and then stabbed the guy in his throat.

He gurgled, clutching his neck.

At the same time, the other one, Lee Park, stared at me with wide eyes. "No way. This is... This is Earth, isn't it? Who-"

I grabbed the knife from off of the guy I killed and threw it at Lee Park.

He panicked and ducked to the side.

A mistake.

Because he lost one eye, his depth perception was off. Not only that, he had a blind spot.

Using that chance, I threw my other knife at his neck.

Another dying gasp.

I quickly retrieved the knives and then ran back up the stairs.



"That bitch. Thinking she's all that because she has a hunk of an older brother that spoils her. Tch." Kim Minjee spat on the ground next to the girl laying there.

"Minjee...? Evr'yone...? What's going on?" Jinhee's dazed eyes scanned the room.

Three girls and then a guy. The girls were all Jinhee's classmates. People she thought were her friends. As for the guy...

A 'young master' looking person. A university student with neat hair, expensive clothes, and a decent face. He had a thin build, but his muscles were visible throughout beneath it.

If not for the lecherous smirk on his face and the lust-filled gaze, he might be fairly attractive.

"Well, looks like you did good, girls."

Kim Minjee smiled and grabbed the man's arm. "Anything for you, Gwan Oppa!"

The man, Gwan Hak, laughed and pulled out a stack of bills from his shirt. "You mean anything for this, right?" He glanced at the other girls and said, "Since you helped Minjee... Here." He counted out some bills and placed them on the table in front of the others.

The girls took them with glee. Especially Kim Minjee. Putting the stack in her purse, she grinned and spun around to Jinhee. "Serves you right, Jinhee! I have an attractive Oppa now too. I didn't even have to do anything bad to get money or his attention, you know? Isn't that right, Oppa?"

Gwan Hak laughed. "Well, I suppose it's true that you're just my type of girl."


Jinhee slowly shook her head, trying to wrap her mind around what was happening. "That... what do you mean?"

"Hmph." Minjee stuck her head out and said, "Don't think we don't know what you've been doing." She stuck out her hand and made an obscene gesture. "Your clothes, your car, your cellphone... I bet that attractive Oppa's the one who gave it to you, right? But I also bet he didn't do it for free."


Jinhee blinked and then realized what was happening. When she did, she let out a dry laugh. "So... that's what this is about? You're jealous?"

"You...!" Minjee stepped forward and then kicked Jinhee.


"You *bitch*. What happened to friends for life, huh? You put out for a guy once and then get all of this, and you don't even share it?"

"I..." Jinhee gasped and then said, "Told you. He's... really my Oppa."

"Bullshit." Minjee spat and said, "I remember your Oppa. That piece of shit is the same as the pop idol the other day? Yeah right."

"But he's really-"

Minjee scowled and raised her leg to kick Jinhee again. But before she could-

"Now hold on there, Minjee."

She paused and then sighed. Putting a bright smile on her face, she turned around and said, "Sorry, Oppa. I just couldn't help myself, you know?"

"That's fine. But didn't you say I could have my way with her? That was the point of your whole revenge, wasn't it?"

Jinhee froze.

Seeing that, Minjee laughed. "Right! How could I forget?" She stared at the other girls and said, "Get your phones ready, girls."

"N-No." Jinhee looked at them all and then the man standing there, realizing what was happening. "N-No! Minjee, Ae, Baram! T-This is a joke, right?"

Seeing their blank and mocking stares, Jinhee realized it was for real. "W-We can talk about this. Money? Clothes? I'm sure that if I talk to Oppa-"

"Hmph." Minjee tossed her head. "A bit late for that, Jinhee." She turned to Gwan Hak and said, "Go ahead, Oppa."

"Alright." He grinned and said, "It's been a while since I did something like this."

Jinhee's eyes spun and she tried to get up. But because she drank so much and because of the drugs in her body, she could barely move. "N-No! Stop it! Don't come any closer!"

Gwan Hak slowly stepped forward. "Ah, desperation. That always gets me going. Go on. Keep crying."

Mocking laughter. That man's slow approach.

Jinhee realized that she couldn't stop it. That soon her life was going to be ruined and that guy...


Minjee laughed. "Your Oppa isn't going to-"

Suddenly, the door slammed open.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


