
章 12: Moving.

After taking several more photos of Elizabeth shitting and pissing herself Leonard decided to go check on Lorraine.

Lenneza decided to walk behind him, she doesn't want to receive a cold shoulder from Leonard.

She thought that trying to get closer to Leonard when he thinks like this was not a good idea.


"You saw her right?"

"h-hm? Yeah?"

Leonard decided to speak up first, Lenneza was glad that she isn't pushed away and Leonard started the conversation first.

"Lorraine, If she died there I would've lost it."


Lenneza was curious, was Elizabeth the reason Leonard became such a demon spawn in the first run?

Would Leonard have been the same in the first run if Lorraine wasn't saved? Did her change in attitude towards Leonard help?

She was glad that her change in attitude pushed things through.

"Also, Sister, things are about to get complicated."

"What do you mean?" Lenneza asked curiously.

"I decided to take Elizabeth to the legal court, so…"

"hmm?" She was looking forward to what Leonard had to say.

"I need Sister's help"

"Hmm… I don't know…"

When Lenneza's unsure voice reached Leonard, he turned stiff but continued walking.

"I have a condition if Leonard wants my help"

Leonard looked at her, his face was blank but he looked down as if pondering then nodded.

"Okay, what is it?"

"If Leo called me Big sis…"

Leonard then flinched and stopped walking. Lenneza knew why Leonard needed her help, While Leonard can deal with Elizabeth he still couldn't go against the pressure of the Royal family, so while gathering evidence was a task Leonard could do, he still couldn't do this arduous task alone.

"Urk… uh… "

"I'm sad that Leo—"

"Big sis…"


Leonard continued walking, his face forward, and seemed that he wouldn't stop even if Lenneza pulled him.

"I didn't hear you!"

Lenneza was telling the truth, she was busy trying to think how to tease Leonard that she didn't hear what Leonard said.

"I need Big sis help!"

Lenneza smirked, She could see Leonard's ears turning red. While she successfully teased Leonard she decided to stop there. If she pushed it she might get the silent treatment.

"hehe~ since it's my little brother, it couldn't be helped. As your big sis, I will help!"

Lenneza joyfully replied, Leonard however was blushing due to embarrassment. He didn't know that he'll call Lenneza 'big sis' in this life.


Leonard walked forward, he didn't want anyone to see his embarrassed face.

When they entered where Lorraine was resting in, they saw Lorraine just sitting on the bed. But when she saw Leonard she stood up and came running towards him with a hug.


In a kingdom far to the west, A certain young man was fighting off mercenaries. He was covered in leather armor and a few steel covers on his joints.

His sword movements were mesmerizing when he moved and even the Mercenaries couldn't help but be amazed by them.

His head was covered by a hood, he was breathing heavily, wiping off the sweat that gathered on his face as he looked at the mercenaries before him.

He chuckled.

"You think that trash swordsmanship could put me down? Dream on!"

He raised his sword and attacked the mercenaries, trampling everyone who ever gets in his way.

He catches his breath, he was panting as he was utterly exhausted from killing the mercenaries left and right.

"Y-you… "

A brutally wounded mercenary crawled backward.

"You're the reaper of Den shou!"

"Hah! There's no point learning my identity now would it?"

He laughed, then stabbed the injured merc and ended his suffering.


The hood fell off his head, revealing a boy with black hair that shines like obsidian and purple eyes that seem to be glowing under the dim moonlight.

"Raine! Have you learned who sent this garbage?"

"Not yet Walter, but one thing we know"

"What is it?"

The man called Raine threw an item the size of a coin. When Walter catches it, it has the emblem of the infamous terrorist group.

"The Zurtin Brites again!"

Walter's family was taken down by this very same terrorist group, Walter has been trying to find traces of this Zurtin brites and exact his revenge.

But all he was having was obstacles over obstacles. It was unending, but Walter didn't falter; he was sure he could catch the culprit of his family's downfall.

"Walter, are you going to an Academy?"

"No… Why?"

"I found a good information for you."

"What is it?"

"According to my sources, there are records of the magic you might've seen in the Illumina Academy's Library."

"Are you sure of this information?!"

Walter excitedly yelled, his happy mood doesn't fit with the corpses that surrounded him.

"Yes… and since you're young you might as well go in. Though I'll warn you it's tough since Illumina produces a lot of geniuses and their standards are high."

"Pfft Raine, who do you think I am? That academy would be a walk in the park!"

Walter proudly raised his chest. Walter didn't even care about graduating from the so-called Illumina academy that produces geniuses.

He thinks it would be just a breeze, after all…

"I'm the child loved by God."


"She started things ever since Lorraine was born."

Leonard took a look at the records of the CCTV in the mansion. The time frame that he checked was on the Imperial calendar of 1724.

"Strange, why are there so few?"

"Yeah, it seems to be deliberately hidden for some reason."

Lenneza confirmed. The CCTV footage cannot be viewed by just anyone. After all, that footage is considered property. The only reason why Lenneza and Leonard could have hold-in such things is that they are the children of the owner, Richard.

So that means they must have at least permission or enough authority to hold such property.

"Yeah, there's only a few who can have a hold of this."

"We have a few suspects do we?"


It's the Butler or Marie, Elizabeth's maid. While it is impossible for Marie to come in here we cannot write out the possibility.

"These records are just collecting dust here huh…"

"Aren't we supposed to gather more evidence, Leo?"

"It's clear we're on a dead-end here."

While the abuse of Lorraine's body could be evidence it could also be blamed on Richard since he was also aware but doesn't take responsibility.

"Oh yeah, Let's go to father and ask him if he has any material."

"Didn't we already ask him?"

"We asked Father for the footage, and were asking for blackmailing material."

Leonard was sure that Richard was blackmailed, even the mission described Richard as helpless thanks to blackmailing.

When they got out of the storage room and walked back to the mansion an unexpected situation occurred.

A male servant ran up to the two young masters of the house and informed them of some news.

"Ha... Ha... Young lady, Young master. A messenger of the Royal family has come."

"Can't they just fucking call what the fuck are phones for"

"Calm down Leo…"

When the message was conveyed we have to go clean ourselves up and be presentable.

"Leo, Why did you think the messenger came in here?"

Leonard looked at Lenneza's eyes, she seemed calm despite the messenger coming. She even has a soft smile that seems to already know what's coming.

"Don't ask me if you already know."

Leonard sneered at Lenneza, but the reaction he got was a giggle. Soon after they reached the reception room.

There, a man in formal clothing such as a three-piece suit was sitting in the lounge. Richard was also sitting on the opposite side of the man.

"Greetings. My name is Ivan. The messenger of the Royal family."


Leonard tried to speak but Lenneza covered his mouth. Leonard thought it was a good time to act like a little villain but Lenneza was aware so she just straight up stopped it.

"Greetings Ivan, I'm Lenneza and this is Leonard."

Ivan nodded and Lenneza and Leonard both took a seat. Since the two children are both involved in the situation it's pretty obvious what the conversation would be led to.

"The Royal Family was aware of Elizabeth's crimes. For that, they apologize."

Ivan spoke monotonously. Leonard squinted his eyes and pondered for a moment.

Leonard knew how bad the Royal family is this time of the year. The old Emperor just died a few years ago and the good-for-nothing brother of the Emperor took hold of the throne.

He was extremely petty like Elizabeth so how come they didn't get challenged?

"However, the Royal family must still follow the law and must proceed with the court. That doesn't exclude the Marchen family."

Leonard doesn't know anyone from the Royal family. That's what he knows then his eyebrows twitch. He does know someone from the Royal family.


But he shook his head, at this point Heidi doesn't know about Leonard's existence. After all, there is about 10 other duchy including the Marchen family.

There is no way that Heidi knows about Leonard, right?.

"About the court proceedings."

Leonard opened his mouth and Ivan looked at him.


"That's what we are about to discuss."

Ivan coughed and took out a tablet, probably from his dimensional pocket.

"The court proceedings may begin on December 22 at the advice of the Imperial court. The Judge is chosen by the Council to ensure a just and fair trial…"

While Ivan was talking about the things Leonard will have to expect in court, he was already thinking of places he could find evidence.

He wanted to utterly destroy Elizabeth. And he finally thought of a place to do so. He managed to think of that place due to Ivan, who reminded him of the imperial family.

'... The Imperial archives… '

Leonard heard a piece of history on the first run while pretending to sleep on the history teacher's subject.

He learned that in the imperial calendar of 820 someone deliberately burned down the Imperial Palace of laws and trials. It's where the book of the law was kept, and the history of the Emperor's decrees.

The fire was immediately taken care of. However, the important parts of a certain law were burned. Nobody knew about the certain decree that was burned.

When they tried to find it they found out that everyone who worked in the Imperial Palace of law and trials was killed.

But not all hope was lost. They missed a singular man. An old man that used to work in the Imperial Palace of law and decrees. When he heard of the story he immediately went to restore the lost decree.

It was restored, however. He was also killed by an unknown assailant. At that point, they knew that whoever burned that specific place where they stored the imperial laws and decrees was aiming to remove a part of history to their advantage.

So the Royal family made a decree to make an Imperial Archives. It's where every original got a copy so it won't be lost in time.

This time of the year they are trying to digitize it. It was also tightly guarded that not even the best assassins could sneak in there.

"And that's what the Royal family decided. Would you like to change some parts?"

Ivan finally got to the end of his speech, Leonard shook his head and Richard nodded.

They proceeded to talk a bit more till Ivan finally left the Duchy.

Bruh_Vista Bruh_Vista

I haven't ate anything special yet so I'm going with Park rides instead.

Pirate ship 5/5 made my back ache tho.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C12
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


