
Chapter 86: Summons

Naruto watched the chakra accumulate into the seal until 5% of his chakra had entered it at that point the system registered it as a new jutsu and automatically showed him the most optimal way of using the summoning jutsu, which was basically just using a single giant burst of chakra instead of continuously injecting chakra.

So Naruto stopped what he was doing and used the suggested method.

He gathered his chakra into a single point and released it in a giant burst of chakra, instantly a giant burst of smoke filled Naruto's vision.

"Ah you must be our new summoner!" A cheery, distinctly childish voice sounded out in the clearing Naruto was in.

Naruto opened his eyes in shock, the summon that had appeared before him was something that he had only read legends of, it was a being that was supposed to cause terror to anyone that encountered it, the place where the legend was mostly familiar was the areas around Uzushiogakure, the Land of Water and the Land of Fire.

A Leviathan had appeared in front of Naruto, although not as large as depicted in stories the leviathan had a long serpentine body with white scales on its stomach and a mix of purple and pink scales on its top, a long fin ran down its back and a pair of fearless immature eyes stared at Naruto, their color a light pink.

Numerous spikes jutted out of its body which made it all the more terrifying, there were multiple long tendrils coming out from the side of its face and body most likely acting as arms, it must've been at least 40 to 50 meters in length and at least 10 meters in width easily dwarfing any summon that Naruto had seen until now, although far smaller than Kurama who by himself was at least a hundred meters tall, while crouching, and being split from his other half which would bring him to around 300 to 400 meters tall, so in comparison the leviathan was quite small but still larger than msot other summons.

The leviathan stared at Naruto who couldn't say anything.

"Well, summoner are you gonna say something? Or are you mute or something? Not that we'll mind we can just communicate through chakra signals but that'll be annoying, any way you must be a pure Uzumaki right? I haven't seen one for the last couple of decades, figured you guys died out or something but it seems you guys are still alive and kicking, oh yeah I was told to bring you to the boss, so let's go!" The leviathan spoke incredibly quickly not allowing him to even comprehend what it was asking, before Naruto could say anything one of the tendrils wrapped him up and then the leviathan and him disappeared in another giant puff of smoke.

Naruto and the leviathan reappeared in an incredibly beautiful place, giant mountains, forests, and rivers surrounded them on all sides, the leviathan somehow flew through the air and started moving towards an incredibly large chakra signature, easily comparable to a Tailed Beast.

"Well then summoner-san follow me, I'll bring you to the boss, just jump on my back and I'll fly us there." The leviathan said.

Naruto complied and jumped on its scaled back, there were long spikes/fins running down its back which Naruto used to hold on to, he could've just used chakra to stick to its scales but he didn't know whether it would consider that being rude so he just held on.

After a short 5-minute flight they arrived in front of a giant cave entrance, a normal person wouldn't even be able to see the end of it as the entrance was hundreds of meters in diameter.

"Oho? So you are our new summoner, how interesting." A deep and rumbly voice echoed through the cave, it belonged to the giant chakra signature that Naruto had sensed moments before.

"It would seem so, although I have no idea which summoning clan you guys are." Naruto replied.

The voice chuckled and the cave shook, it seemed that whatever was in there was extremely large.

"Kuhahaha! I've never seen such a disrespectful summoner before, but I like you kid! Our last summoner was a wimp!" The voice bellowed.

A ginormous deep blue colored eye appeared in front of Naruto, a giant slit going through it, then a second one appeared next to it, the single eye was larger than both Naruto and the floating leviathan that he was standing on.

Naruto inspected the being in front of him, its sheer length was comparable to that of a full-size Kurama, the one that crushed mountains under its paws, the leviathan was hundreds of meters long and at least 50 meters in width, numerous battle scars littered its scaled body, its face resembled that of a dragon and it had giant spikes running down its entire body, its color a deep blue.

But Naruto didn't feel particularly scared, he was more-so impressed, he had gotten used to seeing giant creatures through the various IDs he had gone through although none as powerful as the being before him.

"It's nice to meet you, I am Uzumaki Naruto, the greatest ninja that will ever exist." Naruto introduced himself shortly.

"Hohoho! that is quite an assumption to make kid, I've seen thousands of powerful ninjas and while you're comparable to a few I'd say you're still far away from being truly the strongest to ever exist, especially with people like Hagoromo flying around, either way I am the boss of the Leviathan clan, Ryujin, the little one you are standing on is Kara, she guides the new summoners around and is a caretaker of the clan, but you are not yet a true summoner of our clan, you first have to get your personal summon." Ryujin informed Naruto.

"First you will have to get your own personal summon who will be your companion until the end of your life, you are in luck you will only have to wait a month and a few weeks perhaps, until then you can learn what there is to know about the Leviathan Clan, I can't have our summoner running around like a fool." Ryujin said.

"Wait wait wait, why do I have to wait so long?" Naruto shouted out in a panic, he didn't have an entire month to stay here, he needed to be back in Konoha for the Chunin Exams!

"Well the newest batch of kids will be born then, including my very own so if you're lucky you could have someone of my descent as your summon, but don't get any weird thoughts I'll kill you before you can even do something to my kid, then again you could have an older personal summon but since you still have to learn a lot of things to learn it's better for you to wait here, and since you can't leave you'll have no choice but to stay here, only a leviathan can leave this place by their own free will, so you're stuck here either way until you have your own personal summon." Ryujin said to Naruto.

Naruto sighed, 'The old man is totally gonna kill me.'

Kurama just snickered in the background.


There we go, the summoning clan has been revealed, someone commented it once and it immediately caught my attention, although they won't be leviathans in the usual way as in being sea monsters, the explanation will come in later chapters.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C86
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


