84.61% Naruto: Futa Swordsman / Chapter 46: Haku 2

章 46: Haku 2

''God, I don't want to deal with these people.' Naruto reluctantly opened the door to Tazuna's house and noticed his team's shoes still missing. 'Well it is only mid-day; they're probably still out training. Good, it just means I don't have to listen to the banshee wail about the greatness that is Sasuke.''

"Naruto, is that you?" came the voice of Tsunami out of the kitchen.

"Yeah, where is everyone?" After taking off his shoes he heads to the kitchen to get something to drink.

"Father and Kakashi are at the bridge and Sasuke and Sakura are out training. Are you hungry? I just started making lunch for me and Inari." said the motherly woman from where she was making rice balls.

As if on cue his stomach grumbles. With a slight blush he gives one of his patented grins. "That would be great; I just need to wash up."

"Well hurry up, lunch will be ready in ten minutes." 'He's a lot more sedated today. I wonder if something is bothering him.' "Naruto, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I just got up extra early for training and am really tired." As if to punctuate his sentence he yawned as he headed upstairs to the shower. Making a quick detour he grabbed some clean clothes and headed to the bathroom. While shedding his dirty clothes and getting the water to temperature his mind goes to thinking about what he's going to do. Seemingly on autopilot he enters the shower and the next thing he knows is Tsunami asking if he is sure he's ok. After realizing where he was and that he was staring at his rice balls he just brushes it off and eats. After thanking her for a great lunch he goes to his room to rest.

'Something is really bothering him. I wonder if Kakashi would know what it is. I'll ask him when he gets back later.'

The rest of the day is a blur to Naruto. Dinner was thankfully quiet. It seemed that the other two Genin were too tired to notice his withdrawn state and Kakashi just decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth. The night finally finds him pondering on the roof staring at the moon. Without ever turning around he asks "is it right to condemn one person to save the rest sensei? Does the need of the many outweigh the innocence of one individual?"

"That is a question I don't think I can answer." replied the shadowy figure behind Naruto. "Just remember, you have people who care for you. It is these people that make life worth living."

Feeling the breeze of Kakashi's Shushin he decides to turn in. 'I wonder what Haku is doing?' was his final thought before sleep claimed him.

"Why are they chasing me again? All I wanted was to see what the festival was like." a five year old Naruto was currently running for his life. Sadly just like every time before he finds himself cornered in an ally getting the worst beating he's had yet. Just before Naruto loses consciousness, he sees an ANBU drop into the ally and start to lay waste to his attackers. Struggling to see his savior he can't seem to focus and only sees a blurry white mask.


With a groan Naruto sits up and stretches his arms.

"You're not taking my mother!" 'That sounded like Inari.' Running downstairs he saw that the first floor looked to have had a bladed tornado run through it. Continuing out front he sees Inari charging two thugs with a kitchen knife.

"Good bye kid" said the shirtless one as he split the child in two only for it to poof into smoke. "What the fuck?"

"Hey, what are you two idiots doing." the thugs finally looked to the roof to see Naruto untying Tsunami with Inari. With a whisper, he tells them to close their eyes since this wouldn't be pretty. Just at that moment the thugs looked to where they set down the tied up woman to find a clone that started to glow. "Bunshin Daibakuha (Clone Detonation)" were the last words either of the thugs heard before their lives ended.

"Inari, watch over your mom and go somewhere safe. I have to help my team." With that he was off. When he made it to the bridge he found that Sakura was protecting Tazuna and Haku had Sasuke at her mercy. He couldn't see through the mist but could feel Kakashi and Zabuza fighting. He heard a scream come from the dome and saw Sasuke go down. He was about to engage Haku when Sakura charged into the dome but on the way in left an explosive tag on the two mirrors she passed.

After getting to Sasuke's body she picked him up and set off the tags. The explosion didn't even affect Haku as she just started to riddle her new target with senbon. After Sakura fell, Haku dropped her Makyo Hyo Sho (Ice Mirrors) and started walking towards Tazuna. Moving between the two, Naruto takes a defensive stance.

"Haku, I can't let you kill him. I cannot condemn these people to be the slaves of Gato." 'I've got to find a way to knock her out. From what I've seen she uses ice as a weapon. Bunshin Daibakuha is out of the question because I refuse to kill her.' as the two were staring each other down looking for a way to end the battle the mist suddenly dissipated to reveal Zabuza being restrained by a bunch of nin dogs and Kakashi preparing a Chidori. Helplessly, Naruto watched as Haku slipped from the mirror next to her to the mirror by Zabuza taking the Chidori to her left breast. After jumping back to avoid Zabuza's sword, Kakashi lays the dying brunette down.

Naruto ran to her side ignoring the fact that Zabuza was still up. "Haku, why did you do that? Please don't leave me."

"Naruto, I had to protect what was precious to me. I would give anything to stay with you but my time has come."

A voice rang out in his head. "You wish to save her?"

Time slowed down and Naruto found himself in a sewer with a sealed cage in front of him. Within the cage, a giant blood red fox inches forward into the light.

Naruto stared. "Kyuubi… You're why everyone hates me." He stated simply.

The Nine-Tailed Demon Fox looked sad, if that was possible. "I'll apologize for that later, as well as explain, I promise. Answer me, now, though. Do you wish to save her?"

"Of course!"

"Then I need you to trust me. You can use my regenerative abilities to heal her, and I can tell you how."

Naruto cocked his head and frowned a bit. Kyuubi could barely hold back laughter at the distinctly fox-like gesture. "I can't see the one who killed thousands doing this out of the goodness of your heart. What do you want in return?"

The demon sighed. "It was never even my fault. If it weren't for that damned Uchiha and his Sharingan I would be sitting comfortably in your mother right now…"

Naruto couldn't even gasp. He was too shocked. But before he could ask anything, Kyuubi spoke again.

"But I'll answer everything you have later. Right now, I need to tell you the biggest consequence that I know of for healing the woman beneath you right now." Seeing his sudden, undivided attention, the fox dropped the bomb. "You will both more likely than not become hanyous. Half-demons. Other than that, I don't know what will happen. I'm sorry that I, the Queen of the Bijuu, and leader of the Kitsune clan, don't know more, but it has been hundreds of years since the last hanyou."

Naruto let that digest a bit. The very thing he had worked so hard to prove he was not. Could he become it? A demon? Even if it is just a half-demon. And could he force that on Haku? That's when something else clicked. "Queen…?"

Kyuubi seemed to smile. "You didn't know? Well, I suppose I do sound a bit man-ish in this form, don't I? Here, let me show you." Kyuubi started to glow red, then there was a flash.

Naruto opened his eyes and beheld perhaps the most beautiful woman he had seen, besides Haku, of course. There before him stood a woman that seemed to be about 30 in age, standing at 5'7", a couple inches taller than him, her breasts, slightly bigger than Haku's, were contained in a red, shoulder-sleeved dress that hung to mid-thigh. Her eyes, completely red with black vertical slits for pupils, held a compassionate gaze to them. Nine fluffy red fox tails stuck out from what had to be a hole in her dress just above her firm ass. Legs that were shorter than Haku's went down to a pair of bare feet.

"Ta da?" Her voice still held a demonic tone, but it was definitely feminine, and somehow subdued.

Naruto shook himself of his thoughts, and remembered something. "So, you don't want anything in return?"

"Well, I'm not particularly uncomfortable in here, although you COULD spruce up the place. It IS your mindscape. We can talk about that later. Right now Haku is still dying in your arms, although while you're in here time is controlled so easily that you could spend a half hour in here for every minute out there."

"Alright, you're right! How do I do this?"

"You need to cover the seal with your blood and mix blood with Haku. Blood must be able to flow between the both of you. When this is done, push my chakra into both her and the seal. I warn you, this will be painful but do not pass out. If you do before I'm done, we all die. Now go, time is of the essence."

Seeing the sight of Haku beneath him once more, he quickly gets started. Stabbing a kunai through his hand he covers his stomach with his blood and puts his bleeding hand on Haku's wound, pushing as much of the fox's power into both as he can.

While this is happening, Gato appears on the bridge with a small army of thugs with him.

"So, the demon of the mist is defeated? You're nothing but a little chibi devil. Luckily, I was never going to pay you. See, missing Nin are so much easier than Ninja from villages to hire because after a missing Nin is done, you just have to kill them while they're weak. Double pay to the man that brings me Zabuza's head."

With a quick look at each other, Zabuza and Kakashi nod "Kakashi, I see no reason to fight you now but I still haven't killed anything yet. Say, first one to kill Gato wins?" it's at this point everyone stops. Not because of what Zabuza said, but because they can feel the chakra that is coming off Naruto at this time. They look over to see a double helix of red chakra spinning around the two teens.

"Zabuza, we need to end this now!" Quickly flying though hand seals he calls out his technique. "Katon: Karyu Endan (Fire release: Flaming Dragon)" but Zabuza was right with him with a call of "Suiton: Suiryudan no Jutsu (Water release: Water Dragon Jutsu)" together the two dragons laid waste to Gato's army. The end of the onslaught had eradicated one fourth of Gato's forces. Zabuza charges in while Kakashi jumps into the air throwing five shuriken and whips through a few hand seals shouting "Kage Shuriken no Jutsu (…you really can't figure this one out?)" as the five metal stars become fifteen killing a dozen thugs. Zabuza reaches the hoard but doesn't attack, seemingly bent on getting to Gato. As he continues his mad dash, he gets struck many times by spears, katana and a hand axe. During this Kakashi rains death upon the hoard with shuriken and kunai.

Fear fills Gato's eyes as he sees Zabuza burst through the line of thugs in front of him and screams. He tries to run away only to have his left arm cut off then his right leg. Gato lay as a bloody mess on the floor screaming in unimaginable amounts of pain. Zabuza lifts his sword high and cuts off Gato's head then bends down to pick it up as Kakashi is distracted for a moment by the chakra that has stopped coming off of the teens behind him. Zabuza sees Naruto still over Haku so he starts his final steps towards the two knowing that he's about to die from all his wounds.

"It looks like I win Kakashi." Chuckling, he tosses the head to Kakashi. Slowly making it over to the other Jounin he notices Naruto breathing deeply and covered in blood, but the thing that astounds him is he can see Haku's wound has been healed. Knowing his life is at an end he walks over to the boy. "Take care of her boy or you won't be able to find a place to hide from my vengeance." With that said, his knees gave out and he falls to the ground.

"You have my word Zabuza, Demon of the Mist," said Naruto with such determination in his eyes that Zabuza grinned.

"I'll hold you to that." and then Zabuza passed from this world to the next.

"Kakashi, go and help Sasuke and Sakura. They're in a near death state." He said as he slowly got to his feet carrying Haku bridal style.

"Right, are you alright? I mean is he..."

"He's still sealed. I just kind of took his chakra to heal Haku. I mean it heals me so I figured it'd heal her too. I'm just lucky I was right. But now I need to get her to a bed and then get some sleep." With that he started on his way to Tazuna's home. By the time he was half way through the village he saw Tsunami rush over to him, Inari already had round up the whole village and laid waste to the last half of Gato's army.

"Are you ok, Naruto?" he smiled when he heard Tsunami's motherly tone.

"Yes, I'm alright. I just need rest. Gato is dead and your father is fine. They're just helping my teammates." After that short decree he continued to the house with Tsunami right behind him. He set Haku on a bed.

Sitting in the other bed in the room, he turned to Tsunami. "Tsunami, I want you to take care of Haku for me. She's not like other people and wouldn't want her secret known. I trust you to keep her secret." With that he finally gave in to the pain and exhaustion.

Naruto opened his eyes to find himself in his mindscape. He looked around, it was particularly cold over his uncovered chest. Wait… uncovered?

Naruto looked down. What he saw actually knocked him to the floor of the sewer, which was, surprisingly, not flooded with water. Naruto had breasts. One would think this wouldn't freak him out, seeing as he was the originator of the Oiroke no Jutsu. But he had invented the jutsu so that there was always lingering smoke around the important bits. It was meant to distract perverts, not get him raped. But there was no smoke, this time. In fact, there was no anything. He wasn't wearing anything to cover up the bottom half, either. The draft around the tip of his penis was proof of tha- … "WHAT?" Naruto looked down, again, peeking out over his new assets, he saw the familiar – no. Not familiar. The appendage dangling from his crotch, slightly above where it used to be, was a good inch longer than he was flaccid, suggesting at least 7 inches when hard, maybe more. The other thing he noticed was that his balls seemed to be missing. In their place, which was revealed with a tentative shift of his penis, was a fleshy mound with a slit down the middle. Wishing he could see himself in his entirety, a mirror shimmered into existence on the wall in front of him. Naruto stood, and looked at himself. His breasts, a 36C, which was a good size for his unchanged age of 14, were perky and round, sitting comfortably on his chest. He lifted a feminine hand up to touch them. Yep, they were real, his hardening member could attest to that. His face has slimmed, and some of his baby fat has left him. His hair was much longer, falling to just above his now full ass, and framed his hips well. It was the same neon blonde in color, and had retained a certain aspect of its spikiness, fanning out in little points all the way down its length. His body was lithe, and athletic, without distracting from the natural curves. He had to admit, full breasts, seductive and wild hair, die-hard body, newly glistening pussy, and a stiff dick, he was quite the site to behold.

Ripping him from his thoughts was a giggle from behind. Whipping around, he saw Kyuubi sitting cross-legged on the ground in her giant cage. It was much too big to hold her in her human form, but the seal kept her from leaving the bars anyway. Naruto noticed, however, that Kyuubi had only three swishing red tails behind her, and tactfully decided to ask about it.

"Kyuubi, what happened to your tails?" He squeaked, surprised. "What happened to my voice?" He sounded.. well, for lack of a better description, like a girl.

Kyuubi sighed, she hadn't been expecting this. "One at a time, I suppose. I used more of my power to change you and Haku than I needed to, mostly because we were pressed for time, and she was dying. It will return, but not for a few years while I'm in here.

"Now, as for your appearance… I really don't know. It would take an extensive look into your DNA and memories to figure out what changed during the Infusion to make you like this. In the meantime, though, you're going to have to find a way to hide this. Your solid henge should work, just don't get hit. Haku seems to be awake, so she knows, though time is slowed right now.

"I'm sure you have other questions, no doubt lingering from the last time you were here. So let's hear them."

Naruto sat on the ground, enjoying the cushion his new butt provided. "You said if it weren't for an Uchiha, you'd be sealed in my mom. I guess I really don't care about the Uchiha, they can all go to hell as far as I'm concerned. What do you know about my mother?"

Kyuubi gained a faraway look on her face. "Kushina Uzumaki from Uzushigakure(Village Hidden in the Whirlpool). Well, she was beautiful, that much was certain. Red hair that whipped around every time she moved. A face much like yours was, and even more-so now. She was a swordsman, one of the best. They called her the Bloody Haberano, both because of her hair, and because of all of the blood she would rend from her enemies."

"Wow… My mom sounds awesome! Where is she? And my dad, did you know him?"

Kyuubi looked at him sadly. "I don't know where she, or your father are. It's an odd story, and I don't know most of it, but that attack on your village 14 years ago was not my fault. I was being used. The only reason the village saw fit to hide your mother during birth was because the seal is weakest during childbirth. I didn't want to escape, mind you, but intelligence had said someone was after the tailed beasts, so they thought it was important to make sure no one could get to her, and by extent, me. From pretty much the moment you were born to a few minutes after I was sealed inside you, all I remember is a blood red color, and that dammed Sharingan. It's gone now, though. The genjutsu he had me under is broken. But when I came to, the only face smiling down at you was Hiruzen Sarutobi's. Your parents were nowhere to be found. Kushi-chan… Why did you leave me?..." Kyuubi started sobbing at the loss of her friend, and Naruto couldn't see her like this. He got up and walked over to the cage, before walking straight through the bars. Kneeling down behind Kyuubi, the futanari-fied Naruto wrapped his arms around her, hugging her against his chest in a soothing embrace.

Once she had calmed down and thanked Naruto, she asked if there was anything else. "Well… Can you tell me about my dad?"

Kyuubi looked at him, a look of sadness plastered on her face. "Naruto… Your father was Minato Namikaze. The Yondaime Hokage."

Images, memories of pictures flashed through Naruto's stunned mind. Drawings and photos he had seen of the Yondaime Hokage suddenly filled his vision. Then images of a woman built by Kyuubi's description. Then of them both, then the adults and him. After the images died down, only the feeling of despair was left. Despair emanating from the thought that those images of the three of them would never come to pass.

But this didn't last long, for a new image crept into his mind. Of Haku, standing in a kimono. Of him, this time in his current state, curiously enough, with his arm around her.

Once again, he was nothing if not happy. He had someone who loved him. But then another thought stuck him. "Thank you, Kyuu-chan, for telling me all of this." Kyuubi's heart fluttered at the sound of Kushina's old nickname for her being used again. "On to brighter thoughts, what can you tell me about being a.. what did you call it? Hanyou?"

Kyuubi smiled. "There are only a few things you will need to worry about, and that is a severe increase in power output, a tail, and a pair of ears. Probably similar to mine. Don't worry, they won't appear for a week or so, and by then I'll teach you how to maintain a demonic genjutsu on them during battle. Elongated canines and claws are also to be expected over the next few days. You and your friend Haku will have a much larger chakra pool now, yours is about double, hers is probably around where yours used to be. Until you get back to Konoha, use a solid henge to hide the new you."

"You keep saying solid henge, what do you mean?"

"Did you ever wonder why your transformations weren't just illusions? How about why you couldn't do a decent Bunshin to save your life, but took to the Kage Bunshin instantly? You had too much chakra, and couldn't fine-tune it enough. I doubt you ever will. Your body automatically fixed it for the henge, though. It made everything you transform into solid enough to touch and move. I would have thought you realized that the first time you touched yourself using Oiroke no Jutsu…"

Naruto ignored the slight jab at his perverted side. "So I'm gonna be like this forever?" He asked, gesturing to his body.

Kyuubi nodded. "Most likely. You'll have to think of a new name for yourself, and get used to female pronouns, now. Why? You don't like your new body?"

Naruto smiled. "Of course I like it! Which is why I wanted to know if I'll be keeping it!" As he said this, he began exploring his new endowments, squeezing and rolling his breasts, pinching his nipples slightly. Moving down his toned stomach, he ignored his cock for the moment, he was already familiar with it. Instead, Naruto rubbed against the outer folds of his vagina, marveling at the feeling it created. He almost completely forgot that Kyuubi was there, as he stuck a finger into his wet slit.

Naruto stopped his ministrations and looked up at the red-haired beauty trying to hold back her laughter. "I don't think I'm a virgin." He spread his pussy open, revealing a tight, but not virgin tight, snatch to the demon.

Kyuubi inspected the glistening folds, poking and prodding at the quivering hole, ignoring Naruto's squeals of pleasure. "I do believe you're right. Your transformation must have sensed that you would have torn your hymen during training, or something, and reacted accordingly." Kyuubi continued to poke and explore the glistening folds until Naruto shot a hand down and grabbed her wrist, forcing the demon away. Kyuubi looked up to see Naruto panting heavily, beads of sweat beginning to form over his brand new, and sensitive, body. "Well, I think it's safe to say it works normally, though as a Hanyou you won't need to worry about getting pregnant unless you want to, and don't worry about being a daddy, either. Go wake up, now, and talk to Haku. And remember what I said about the henge and the name!"

Naruto slid out of his mindscape to quite the sight. Haku was sitting on the other cot in the room, furiously beating off her dick and pinching one of her nipples. Apparently, the Ice-user had woken up to Naruto's new body, and promptly decided it was hot.

Naruto grinned. Haku's eyes were shut, probably living out some fantasy in her head. Crawling over to her, he—no. Naruto scolded himself, he had to start thinking of himself as a girl. SHE, crawled over to her lover, and quickly ripped Haku's hand off of her penis, only to replace it with Naruto's mouth.

Haku moaned softly, trying to keep quiet in case anyone else was home. Her lover's new mouth was softer, and had a cushy feel around the lips. The tongue seemed to be longer, as well, it was reaching places she never thought possible in this position.

Naruto grinned around Haku's cock. If the raven-haired girl was enjoying just this, then she hadn't seen, or felt, rather, anything yet. Deepthroating the slightly longer cock, Naruto- she would have to find a new name for herself soon, this was getting ridiculous- slid her tongue under Haku's dick and out of her mouth. Forcing the phallus deeper, she managed to find her target. Her searching tongue started lapping at Haku's slick pussy while Naruto hummed around her dick.

When Haku felt this, there was nothing she could do. She immediately came from both directions, spurting her first shot directly down the blonde's throat. Naruto would have none of that, however. The last time she did this, Haku's cum hadn't tasted too bad, and she wanted a second chance at it. Pulling back enough to catch the rest of her load in her mouth, she found that this time, Haku's cum actually tasted kind of good.

Pulling off of the softening rod, she lapped up the lingering juices on Haku's pussy before giving her cock head a parting kiss.

Pulling back, she looked up at Haku's half-lidded eyes, and said in a sultry voice, "So, what do you think of the name Uzumaki Lanaya?"

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C46
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


