37.19% DC: REBORN AS ZEUS (OMNIVERSE) / Chapter 75: CHAPTER 74

章 75: CHAPTER 74

Zeus Pov.

(even if Vanessa was here and improved the blueprints she is still a learning A.I. that way I created so many force fields around it.

but still, this was a massive success that we can create something like an Arc Reactor that can release so much energy now just need to perfect the planes.)

Vanessa looked at me and said.

Vanessa: I am sorry master I was not able to predict something like this happen.

I smiled and said.

Zeus: Dont worries about such little things Vanessa it's already a big success that we can build something from scratch and it's working just fine as and now we know what to do and will not take much time before we build a perfect Arc Reactor that can produce an infinite amount of energy.

She nodded and smiled So I said.

Zeus: So let's stared see what mistakes we made and build a new one.

So we started to change the blueprint so it's not blown up this time. After 30 minutes later we were done. now it will not charges itself and blow up. after this was done I once again create all the needed parts from vibranium, Proto-Adamantium, Element X, Unobtanium, Naquadah, Necrodermis, Timonium after was done parts I assemble all of them. then I said.

Zeus: Ok let's check with Mark 2 Arc Reactor

She nodded I created force fields around the

Arc Reactor even if I knew it will not blow up but I still prefer safety over accidents here.

as she started recording I active my lightning speed then I started to suck the energy as it's work fine for the next 3 minutes but after that, it's started to lose energy, and after ten minutes later it was only able to provide energy that can power a city but not the thing that we wanted.

So I stop sucking the energy and stop using my lightning speed and said.

Zeus: It's a fail now it's not providing enough energy to power up things that we wanted so I turn off my force field and take the Arc Reactor and started to analyze it. to find what was wrong. after analyzing it I pass to Vanessa so she can analyze it after this and find the problems.

We started to change the blueprints again After 30 minutes later we were done. but I have to go so said.

Zeus: Well Vanessa we will do it tomorrow as I have to on a date.

She nodded said.

Vanessa: Yes my lord and I will try to find any mistakes in blueprints.

I then nodded to her she nods me back and I teleport outside of the castle as I appear outside of the castle I search for after searching. she was in her room so I directly teleport outside of her room then I walked inside as the gate opens itself I saw Metis was were laying on her bed. she was dressed in traditional cloughs of Greek fashion

as she was me she gets up and looked at me.

I looked at her she looks fine and her beauty never decreased even in her pregnancy She then walks towards me and said.

Metis: Good to see you finally here we have to wait for you so much longer.

I smiled then I kiss her on the forehead and she smiled then I said.

Zeus: Aa I am sorry I was doing something important which will be very useful in the future. and I forgot the time.

She nodded as she also knew that I will be not late if it wasn't that I was doing something important.

Zeus: Well that's aside do have any plans where you want to go.

She nodded and said.

Metis: Yes I want to see the newly created Sea that you created which still needs life.

I nodded and grabbed her hand then we teleport outside of the castle.

I then did the same that I did with Hera/Hestia. I created a hard lightning platform and grab her waist and then jump on the platform then I grabbed her waistline from the back with my hands then we comfortably sat I have her sit on my lap. Then we fly away towards Sea.

I can feel the two heartbeats. she enjoys my embraces her head is on my chest she was smiling and enjoying the winds, and my closeness. we were flying at Mech seven I then ask her.

Zeus: So Hera doesn't miss behaving with you right.

She smiled and said.

Metis: Yes after you talk to her the next day she comes to me and asks for forgiveness for her miss behavior. I forgive her we have a girl's talk and from that day she now behaves like a sister to us she even checks and ask about Athena and sometimes we sleep in the same room. and I knew she will stop her behavior once you have talked with her and I also can see myself behaving like her if I were in her place.

I nodded and said.

Zeus: Well that's good to hear as I also know her she was just jealous why she wasn't the first to carry my child. Well, that's aside did you plan something for the upcoming goddess.

Metis: Yes as you said she will be a goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare. I started to read all the books about war that we're in the library. and whenever I was done reading she will kick as if asking for the next book. and she also kicks when I started to think about you she even kicks me when you enter the room it looks like she likes her Ded very much.

I nodded (as God's born two times more intelligent than a normal human that is as smart as Einstein and she is a goddess of Wisdom so, of course, she knows what her mother did.)

as we arrived at the sea area. Metis looks around because it looks beautiful then she looks at me then we jump down as we landed on the water the water was very clean because it was natural she then started to walk around enjoy the cold air.

Then she said.

Metis: Let's go down and see what hidden beauty my love has created.

I nodded as we started to sink. inside was looks pretty beautiful what its need is life.

as we touch the bottom of the sea we started

We started walking while holding each other hands. she created a bubble around us so we can talk. we can talk with telepathy but she doesn't like it.

while walking she said.

Metis: Do you know I love you so much.

I smiled and said.

Zeus: Yes I know I also love you as you love me. so don't worry tell me what you want.

She hesitates for some seconds then she said.

Metis: Before I fell in love with you I have a meeting with Gaia and she said to me that if I fell for you. you will do the same as Kronos and Uranus did to their kids but you will kill me before it happens. she said that we Son will be stronger than you and he will overthrow you So after fearing the overthrown you will kill me before it happens.

After saying that she looks at me while waiting for my answer my face didn't change from hearing this as I knew Gaia's character I knew she will do something like this to get the throne. I looked at her while smailing I ask.

Zeus: And what do you think about this divination.

She smiled and said.

Metis: I think it's all Gaia bullshit you will never do something like this I will never let my Son do something like before he even thinks something like the overthrow you, I will kill him with my own hands.

and just she said that I feel Athina Kick in her. Metis also feel this and said.

Metis: See even Little Athina agrees with me.

I smiled then I kiss her on the lips after kissing her I kiss her on the stomach where Athena was. then I said.

Zeus: You know love I will never do something like this to any of you, I can't even imagine hurting any of you with my hands. you also know I fear many things but an unborn child is not one of them.

She giggled and ask.

Metis: Oo and what is it that even high and mighty the God-King Zeus fear.

Zeus: Well I fear losing any of you, I fear I lose any of you I will not able to control myself and do something stupid, I fear harming any of you, I fear I am not giving you the time you all need I fear my daughters will leave me. I fear...

Even before I was able to complete my sentence she stops me by kissing me her kiss was not filled with lust but possessive, love, and care so I returne her kiss with the same possessive, love, and care. she has some tears in her eyes. we kiss for the next 10 minutes then she said.

Metis: Dont worry about such things we are not going anywhere even in our dreams, we know you will never let anything happen to any of us. and we also try our best to become powerful, and we know you will never hurt us, you already trying your best trying to give us what we want, we know you are trying to build a safe haven for us, and your daughters will love you as much you love them and I am not saying this just for your wellbeing but I am saying this from every girl that you love or will love in future so don't worry.

after saying that she hugs me. I also enjoy her hug.


So no R18 chapter for Metis because she is pregnant and Athena knows what happens outside.

I can see readers are reducing at a very high speed please share I take more than 3 hours to write a chapter please share comments.

Please, please please please please please please please please please please comment, please, please, please

Please comment it takes more than 2 hours to write this so your comments inspired me to write more please comment

That's it, folks, please comment give some poer stones



Plastic Man can take any shapes

A big difference between Plastic Man and Mister Fantastic is what they can stretch into. Reed Richards can stretch any part of his body and often transforms into a sphere or a flattened mass he can wrap around a target, but(and he is created after Plastic Man so you can say Mister Fantastic is a copy of Plastic Man) Plastic Man is far more malleable. There is nothing he cannot alter his body into, which includes basic shapes or dangerous weapons, av, atars of other superheroes and cars.

Plastic Man was created around the time the plastics industry was getting started, which may have helped mold the character into one who could take any shape... like plastic. Regardless of the reasons for his ability, Plastic Man has shown a remarkable affinity to transform himself into anything. In the beginning, he would even modify his face so he looked nothing like his true form to help mask his identity.


I will write R18 chapters one after another R18 for every girl.

That's it, folks, please comment give some power stones

please join my discord server for Fiction knowledge


readers compelling about thinks and normal scenes so I use() when they were thinking comments if like it on not

And never forget mc is evil super Evil and a beautiful girls lover

please share I didn't see much response on this fanfiction I think if this is going on I will don't uploaded daily basis

Please share

✌️ Peace ✌️


GodOfGreedAs GodOfGreedAs

So no R18 chapter for Metis because she is pregnant and Athena knows what happens outside.

I can see readers are reducing at a very high speed please share I take more than 3 hours to write a chapter please share comments.

Please, please please please please please please please please please please comment, please, please

Please comment it takes more than 2 hours to write this so your comments inspired me to write more please comment

That's it, folks, please comment give some poer stones

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