16.66% A Marvel Through The Ages / Chapter 3: Ch 3 Ming Dynasty 1404

章 3: Ch 3 Ming Dynasty 1404

Chapter 3

"Little Yang stop throwing stones and come help your brother wash the teacups" my mother yelled from inside.

"Yes Mother"

It's been 4 years since I came to this world and I've learned a lot more about my situation.

Firstly I'm pretty fucked because it's 1404 right now in China, more specifically the Ming Dynasty.

This means I'm 604 years away from the first iron man movie and the start of the MCU. The only way to survive long enough to stop Thanos and avoid super hell is to find some way to extend my lifespan.

Luckily this is the MCU and I can think of a few.

First is magic, the Ancient One is apparently thousands of years old through channeling energy from the Dark Dimension and she didn't seem to be too negatively affected aside from being seen as a hypocrite.

I could live with that if I could stop Thanos. However, since she's the only character to do this it might be hard to pull off.

The second is the Hand from the Daredevil Netflix show they were about a thousand years old and stayed alive by slurping on dragon bones.

I don't really know where to find dragon bones aside from the skeleton under New York.

I could also join the hand and get promoted from a ninja to one of the bosses but this is also unlikely.

So I think I can rule that method out.

Lastly, according to the new Shang Chi movie, the 10 rings stop Xu Wenwu from aging when he wears them.

Meaning if I can get them I'll be able to live to see the avengers in the future.

To this end, I've decided to travel to Nepal and learn magic so I can ambush Xu Wenwu, beat him then take the rings for myself.

In the movie, he didn't seem that well versed in magic even in 2024 so fighting him as a wizard is a good plan.

But I'm only 4 years old, so, for now, I'll train up my skills and when I'm ready ill start my journey to Nepal.

I'm not quite sure how far away it is yet, only that I'm in a coastal city called Fu-Chou. Some more bad news is my growth rate.

Chen Yang

Age 4 Lvl 0 Exp 0%

STRength 4

AGIlity 4

ENDurance 4

RESilience 4

INTelligence 12

WISdom 15

CHArisma 4

PERception 5

Stat Points 0

My stats have only increased through aging. I've tried to train my stats through exercise but my parents have stopped me quite a lot, they don't allow me much freedom now, only playing in the backyard behind the Teahouse.

Even so, I think I've done a fair bit of training but only my PER has increased and I haven't gotten even a bit of Exp. Furthermore, no matter what I do I don't seem to be getting any quests.

Speaking of the teacups it turns out while my parents aren't high class we are still quite well off with my parents running a popular teahouse just called the Teahouse, very original.

We only serve regular people here while the Jade Jasmine tea house serves the nobles in town.

Luckily people in China love tea.

My brother is 4 years older than me and now he helps around the shop and is set to inherit the business so I can leave on my journey without worries if I can convince my parents. While my stats gain has been poor, my skills have increased quite a lot for a 4-year-old.

I'll only show skills that have been increased.


Marksmanship LVL 4

This skill is controls how accurate the user is in any long-range attack or action

Meditation LVL 3

Acrobatics LVL 3

Tea Making LVL 4

The marksmanship skill I got entirely from throwing rocks at other rocks and leaves, while acrobatics I got from just running and jumping around trying to get a parkour skill.

Meditation and tea making are self-explanatory.

Another discovery is what exactly each stat does. It was answered by the AI 2 years ago, the basics are :

STRength Controls lift & Punch Strength

AGIlity Controls Speed, Flexibility & Balance

ENDurance Controls Stamina & Bodies Regeneration

RESistance Controls Toughness & Resilience to Poison and Disease

INTelligence Controls Brain Power & using Knowledge to Create and Innovate

WISdom Controls Memory, Speed of Learning Skills & Deductions

CHArisma Controls Attractiveness & Ability to Convince and Lead

PERception Controls the Strength of all Senses

My future training plans are to learn to fight and keep training marksmanship.

Maybe I can get real good at throwing daggers and find someone to teach me how to survive in the wild by hunting and foraging, and also find out where I am in relation to Nepal.

Based on my knowledge Nepal is quite close to China and I can probably get there by traveling down the silk road.

Education here is not mandatory but if I want to start I have to wait until I'm 8 but I plan to convince my parents and the teacher to let me start early.

Hopefully, it will help me increase my INT and WIS, especially my WIS because remembering what will happen in the future is probably going to be hard over 600 years.

I plan to write down everything I can on paper and store it in my Inventory.

My WIS went up by one when I was learning all the different tea brewing methods from my parents, they have over 30 different recipes and even more brewing methods.

I need to show my parents that I'm smarter than normal if I want an accelerated education.

While I'm washing the dishes I see my brother is about to burn the tea he is making.

"Yin you need to take the pot off the heat and stir it or else you'll burn it" I said. My mother sees this and smiles

"He's right, little Yin you need to smell the steam, if it smells bitter it means it's close to burning" she said in response.

My brother makes a face and nods. She then says

"My little Yang is so smart, maybe you can start training in making tea already" at this my brother frowns even further. He likely thinks I'm taking his place.

"I'd love to learn the family trade but it is still brother's job to take over the business, I have a different dream" I stated with a smile.

I don't want my brother to misunderstand my desire to learn tea making.

My real motive is using my tea brewing skills to bribe the Ancient one to teach me magic.

The movies showed she appreciated tea.

Plus I want to be an immortal Uncle Iroh traveling the world giving tea and wisdom to all, I think that would be funny.

"Oh, and what is this dream?" She mused

"I want to travel the world and be a great explorer helping people all over the world, like a hero" I said gleefully

"What a wonderful dream little Yang" I had a good family for a time in my last life but they passed when I was only 16 in an accident, but I've found myself getting quite attached to my new one here, especially my mother.

After this, my father came back with a delivery of various tea leaves.

To show my willingness to learn I asked my father to teach me about the different leaves he bought.

"Ok son this is a Jasmine leaf and is the specialty for the Jade Jasmine shop, this is a Camilla leaf also known as common tea leaf which makes up most common teas in our collection and this is the Bu Zhi Chun which we brew into Wuyi Oolong tea which is our family specialty." he continues this pointing to the various leaves and stems.

Ding Herbology LVL 1

Hmm that can be useful


Author note

you won't be seeing any Marvel stuff until about chapter 7 but I plan to release the first 8 chapters at once so you can get to the juicy stuff with no breaks

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


