|Mc pov|
'That should be enough for the time being, it would seem sharing some of my reiatsu with her was the right call. Helping her form her Zanpakuto, she really is blessed with great spiritual pressure for this age. Later on though she will only be another fish in a sea of sharks.' Sitting on a branch, I leaned my back against the trunk looking at the border of the 79th district. Re-living a few hours ago about how I pushed my reiatsu into Hiyori's body. Then to the future that would come about with a lot more enemies greater then that Quincy.
'Do you wish to help her.. huh, Shinso?' Placing my hand on my sword hilt I thought to myself, Shinso was the one who initially shared some of my spiritual pressure but I followed suit. Hearing her hum, I smiled while looking up to the moon that was starting to fall and the grey color of the sky.
'It's been a while since I've felt it but it looks like tomorrow will bring rain. I should get started.. do you think so, Shinso?' Slowly leaning up from the trunk I stood, looking at the village full of bandits, hearing the cry's of women while men laughed. My hair blowing in the wind while my smile grew a little before disappearing.
Shifting of clothes could be heard echoing around the room, the candles that had now burned out gave off wisps of smoke that floated in the air before disappearing, the slight groans from someone in the room broke the silence while another persons shadow moved, reaching over to them to place something on there forehead.
"What the hell are you.. doing?" A boys kind of deep voice sounded out as the person who laid in this room spoke. His eyes shooting open while he grabbed the arm of whoever the person was above him.
"I should be asking what the hell! Why are you grabbing on to me you dumbass?! let go!" The blonde haired girl seeing he woke up and her arm that was grabbed, yelled at him while he looked over to her.
"A brat? Alright.. stop yelling." Zaraki who's eyes finally focused looked at the girls angry face as her teeth seemed to turn sharpe and was yelling at him. He let go of her arm while looking around.
"Brat? Brat?! Where about the same age you dumb ass. If you can talk you can walk! Which means you can leave!" Hiyori with her ever happy face yelled hearing his words. Only stopping when she saw Zaraki look at her with dead eyes.
"Look I don't care about any of that.. why am I here? How did I get here brat?" Zaraki's words were heavy while his eyes moved over to her, seeing her stand up and move away a little.
"Tch, your in my house. Your friend Gin brought you here.. after some things happened I had to heal you. Happy now, freaking weirdo." Hiyori pouted but told him not liking the look in his eyes or the feeling he gave off.
"Friend? Huh.. Gin. What the hell are you talking about? who?" Zaraki having no friends was confused and didn't remember much.
"You know Gin, purplish white hair, black robe? Has a short katana? Always smiling?" Hiyori spoke confused why this boy was acting like he didn't know him.
'Gin huh.. so that was his name? I didn't really ask. He brought me here after beating me.. I thought he'd let me die out there.' Zaraki thought hearing her words, he gently rubbed the large cut over his left eye and on his midsection. Trying to figure out exactly why he was still alive.
'What the hells wrong with this guy?' Hiyori watching him do this thought to herself about the way he was acting, thinking the boy was strange.
"Oh I forgot, Your friend Gin said if your looking for him.. meet him at the border of the 79th district forest.. umm." While Hiyori spoke these words she looked at his hand, it gripped his sword while his eyes shrank a little. Unknowingly to him a smile spread across his face as he leaned up.
'Yeah their Definitely friends.. that creepy smile they both have. I mean Gin's can be sweet.. ah! No their both creepy.' Hiyori thoughts were all over seeing him smile and then thinking of Gin's she turned her red face away.
"Hey brat.. thanks for the help." Zaraki who had a spark ignite in his eyes stood, looking over at Hiyori. Tilting his head at why she turned her head away, shaking it back and forth before he walked to the door.
Regardless of how he felt he was grateful she healed him so he could find that boy once again.
"It's not brat! Its.. hi-yo-ri.. huh? Where did he go?" Looking back Hiyori yelled but soon stopped seeing the front door open and the boy now gone. Looking at the little cake thing left on the mat she picked it up confused.
'You are boring.. that's the first time anyone called me that. So why get the girl to heal me? Your just like me right? Or is it.. you just want someone to keep fighting..' walking through the now silent Zaraki district. Zaraki thought while putting his sword on his shoulder, he wasn't smart but he knew one thing. He wanted to fight again as a smile came to his face.
|Forest outside soul society|
Pulling back on the rains of a horse, it reared up as it came to a stop. It's nose breathing out heavy vapor while it finally came to a resting position. The shadow above the horse shook his head, grabbing on to it as if in great pain. Feeling a force flow into his body with images of a black figure he couldn't see. It held up his body as blood came from the persons pov he was looking through. Watching a hand press on his chest before the persons reiatsu completely disappeared.
'It would seem.. Kain found himself dealing with someone he couldn't handle. Whatever or whoever it is.. completely erased him. Ha, I guess there might be something interesting here after all..' The person on the horse thought for a while as he lifted his hand up.
The silhouettes of the many people behind him stopped while he turned his head back a little. Each person who saw this backed up a little and bowed as they looked at the ground.
"Valin, take two of your team and go find Marcus.. Tell him to not look for Kain anymore and to return.." the mans deep voice spoke turning back around.
"Is Kain no longer needed sir?" Valin asked bowing more deeply.
"No.. it would make no sense to look further. Ha, there is no use looking for.. a dead man." Each word rang out to everyone's ears, they knew Kain was a psychotic killer but he was strong and now he was just dead. Valin's eyes opened as he looked at the ground and clinched his teeth a little.
"Now go, everyone else.. move." Speaking no more he moved forward while the man Valin disappeared into the darkness.
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