77.1% Reborn After A Death March / Chapter 64: Chapter 63

章 64: Chapter 63

A dark silhouette cavorts around us, leaping and snarling. It slinks between the rocks, its fiery red gaze fixed unwaveringly upon us. The pungent stench of its exhaled breath fills my nostrils as I survey the deep claw gouges on the rugged boulders. Swift and powerful, it moves with a certain grace that belies its colossal size, sending tremors rippling through the earth.


"Big bears should be cuddly, I declare!"


Nana's taunt remarkably proves successful as the creature suddenly appears. As it charges fiercely towards her, we are finally able to get a clear view of the beast. A monstrous, oversized black bear with piercing red eyes that radiate an eerie glow. Its coat resembles more of a dark, shifting shadow than actual fur, moving in an unnatural manner. Between its eyes is a long black horn that could piece plate armour, but Nana's shield is much tougher.


"Pearl, now,"


"Yes, master,"


After Nana had successfully halted the monster, Pearl and I swiftly launched a simultaneous attack from the left and right flanks. Our strikes landed deep wounds on the creature, eliciting a howl of agony. As the beast recoiled in pain, Nana took advantage of the opening and struck it forcefully with her shield, causing it to stumble backwards.


"…Sacred Javelin!"


"…Mustard Mist!"


As planned, Sara and Mia successfully executed their spells, blinding the monster and inflicting a gruesome wound. Despite this, the creature proved resilient and did not succumb easily. It stumbled and let out a howl but quickly regained its balance.


Our current challenge is a daunting level thirty-eight Shadow Horned Bear, the toughest monster we have faced yet. After seeing off Viscount Siemmen this morning, we have descended deep into the labyrinth, constantly battling enemies. This is partly due to Sokell's persistent pursuit of me. In order to avoid his interference, I decided to remain down here until it was time to claim our new badges from the guild, as Sokell's plans were unknown to me.


"Are you afraid to face me? I inquire,"


Nana employs her taunt ability to divert the monster's focus towards her, allowing Pearl and myself to launch quick strikes with our swords. Despite narrowly evading the bear's ferocious swipes, we manage to inflict damage with each hit. Even as Nana intermittently joins in with her own attacks, Sara and Mia continue to barrage the creature with spells. Gradually, we chip away at the monster's health bar. However, no matter the extent of our ferocity, the relentless creature remains steadfast in its determination to fight on.


In the end, we emerge victorious over the monster. Nana's powerful shield bash stuns the bear, giving Pearl the opportunity to use her spellblade-infused sword to deliver a final blow and decapitate the creature. As it lets out one last howl of defiance, the monster falls, and we claim our rightful triumph.




Mia came up to me with her just puffed out and a proud look on her face.


"Good job,"


I gently patted Mia's head, causing her to become bashful. Being an elf, Mia requires a higher amount of EXP in order to level up compared to the rest of our group. Consequently, she was the final member to reach level thirty. I might have to help her level up in privet so she doesn't fall behind.


"It looks like the skull has been broken, I observe,"


"You did land a perfect strike with your shield. So that probably did it,"


Pearl and Nana were in the midst of dismembering the bear's carcass. Despite my time in the city, I didn't notice any establishments in the city that traded in these pieces.


It seemed Nana and Pearl also gained experience through the gruelling fight as they both had levelled up significantly. Nana stood at level thirty-five, while Pearl had impressively reached level fifty-seven.


"Kura, we just used the last of our mana recovery potions,"


Sara, the final member of our group, approached me with a worried expression on her face. Having just reached level forty herself, she brought to my attention a problem I had not anticipated. Despite my creation of more than fifty potions for both health and mana recovery, we were quickly depleting our supply of mana potions. Within a single day, they had all been used up.


"Well, it's about time we call it a day and head back,"


After completing the bear's dissection, I teleported us back to the Labyrinth Vacation Home. To continue our work in the morning, I discreetly positioned a return slate within the area.


"Master, I shall put the monster parts and cores into storage,"


"Let me help, I insist,"


"Then I will go and prepare the bath,"


"Mm. Bath,"


Pearl and Nana quickly headed off to the storehouse while Sara and Mia went to prepare the bath as soon as we arrived.


"I'll make us some dinner then," I say, but no one is around to hear me.


The atmosphere is unusually tranquil in this place. Typically, Pochi and Tama would be causing chaos and receiving a scolding from Liza for almost causing damage or harming someone. Arisa would be persuading Satou to join everyone for a bath. Meanwhile, Lulu and Sara would be in deep conversation about what to prepare for dinner. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate a bit of peace and quiet, but it does feel peculiar after being on the road with Satou's group for such a long time.


The kitchen is nothing short of perfect, all thanks to Satou's tireless efforts. It boasts magical ovens, an abundance of delectable spices and seasonings, and every other essential item one would require to whip up a magnificent meal. I can see why Sara and Lulu would practically live here during our stay.


After battling a bear, I used some of its meat to cook a small portion. Upon tasting it, I was pleasantly surprised by its delectable flavour. The meat had a gamey quality, reminiscent of beef, but with a unique sweetness. Savouring every bite, I couldn't help but notice its rich and robust taste.


Although Satou probably had countless recipe ideas, I could only come up with a handful. Ultimately, I settled on making a roast with a side of vegetables and homemade gravy. It should be ready by the time we finish our bath.


"Hero Kura," Nana came into the room just as I set the timer on the magical over, but there was something wrong here. "The bath is ready, I report."


"Nana, you shouldn't run around naked,"


As I laid my eyes upon Nana, I couldn't help but notice that she was completely bare. My jealousy increased as I observed her ample curves sway with each movement, a sight that Sara's body could replicate. Even though Sara was smaller in size, her towel appeared tight in the chest region. Gazing down at my own body, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness, knowing I would never have the same experience as those two.


"But there are no strangers here, I point out,"


"That doesn't matter. You should still cover yourself with a towel,"


"Bath time,"


I am grateful to have Mia hugging me from behind. It's definitely reassuring to know I am not alone in this situation. Despite the fact that I should probably not be feeling this way, her embrace brings a sense of comfort.


"Master, shell, I wash you back,"


I see Pearl emerge behind Nana and Sara, wearing only a towel like the rest of us. Despite her small size, I can't help but notice a noticeable bulge in her towel, something I could never achieve.


"Mm… arms," Mia says after frowning for a moment.


"I want to wash one, too," Sara quickly adds.




"Thank you, Mia,"


"Hero Kura, I will wash your front, I insist,"




"You can't do that, Nana,"


Mia and Sara quickly shut down that idea.


"Then how about washing her legs? I inquire,"




"That still doesn't sound like something you should do,"


Once again, Mia and Sara swiftly dismissed Nana.


"Then I shall wash her hair, I insist,"




"That is a good idea, Nana,"


Finally, Mia and Sara give Nana the green light. This led to a very busy bathing session where, after washing me, I had to wash everyone else's back and settle disputes among the seating arrangements. It was still relaxing in the end.


"This is… really… good… master…"


Pearl was almost drinking the meat on her plate as she complimented me between bites.


"It really is…"


"Hero Kura, I lack the words to describe this food, I state,"


Sara and Nana were just as happy. They weren't eating as fast as Pearl, but still quicker than usual.




Mia sighed beside me. She only ate about half of her meat before giving the rest to Pearl, but she still seemed happy.


"I am glad you all like it,"


I smile, watching everyone enjoying the meal I prepared before trying it myself. It is even better than the sample I taste-tested before I started cooking. We should try hunting more of those bears tomorrow so everyone else can try this.




We remained within the labyrinth the following day before departing the morning after. Upon resurfacing, Pearl ascended to level fifty-eight, Nana attained level thirty-seven, Mia reached level thirty-two, and Sara achieved level forty-two after our recent battle. In the meantime, I was nearing level eighty-five.


Before we departed, we gathered to prepare a meal for the entrance bag carriers. Some of them were still quite young, making it difficult to convince Nana to say goodbye to them. Although she wore a stoic expression, it was evident that Nana was upset during the journey home. However, upon our arrival at the manor, her mood suddenly shifted.


"The larvae are awake now, I report,"


Upon our arrival, we discovered the children we had previously found injured in the barn were now awake and moving about. To our surprise, they had been assigned roles as staff members in the manor. They greeted us warmly as we entered, but Nana couldn't resist attempting to interact with her beloved larvae. This caught the attention of the new headmaid, who swiftly reminded them of their duties, while I had to warn Nana that she could get them in trouble by disrupting their work.


Following that, Satou informed me that our recently approved badges were completed, prompting my group to retrieve ours quickly. However, Satou and his companions had already obtained their badges on the day they were prepared. As we had only just returned, we agreed to take a brief break and head to the guild after lunch.


The Saga Empire samurai duo Kajiro and Ayaume entered the room next and thanked me for the job. We briefly talked for a bit before they got back to work.




"This is strange, indeed,"


Perched atop a raised platform near the western guild, my eyes caught sight of the noble donning green attire. However, instead of his customary grin, he appeared to be sporting a disgruntled expression as he observed the bustling masses perusing the street vendors.


"It shouldn't be this weak, indeed..."


I was uncertain about what was happening because of our considerable distance from him. However, my curiosity pushed me to want to know more.


"Damn it!"


The noble in green noticed a young explorer approaching from the direction he was gazing in. The explorer scratched his head with one hand.


"What're you yelling about?"


"Milinda's sake is getting watery again,"


"The sake there's always weak, isn't it?"


"I'm tellin' ya: It's gotten even weaker!"


Could the green-clad noble have possibly been discussing the sake? I glanced back, but he had already vanished amidst the bustling crowd.


"Unhand me, fiend! Thou art a brute!"


Using my 'Keen Hearing' ability, I picked up on the sound of Princess Meetia's voice coming from the west guild. As I turned towards the direction of the commotion, I could see her thrashing about in Sokell's hold, clearly filled with frustration. Although the squire stood guard, they seemed hesitant to intervene with someone of noble status like Sokell.


It wasn't in my nature to simply ignore someone in distress, so I knew I had to step in. I informed my comrades that I would be forging ahead, racing towards the guild headquarters, fully anticipating potential challenges.


"Hero Kura!"


As soon as Princess Meetia spotted me, she let out a piercing yell of my name. But when my gaze met Sokell's, his expression twisted with pure animosity.


"You really shouldn't treat anyone so roughly,"


His hands were wrapped tightly around Princess Meetia's slender arms. Still, I managed to remove each finger one by one, being careful not to cause any damage. I secretly didn't mind if something were to happen to his hand in the process. Unfortunately, his grip had left a visible imprint on the delicate skin of Princess Meetia's arms.


"Y… you violent little bitch!"


How audacious of him to utter such impertinent words, especially considering my civil restraint in refraining from crushing his fingers. Sokell's eyes shot daggers at me as he cradled his hand.


"What's going on here, indeed?"


"L… Lord Poputema!" The noble in green had arrived.


"I believe you are meant to be under house arrest, indeed," Sokell angrily stomped off, releasing a loud growl in frustration. "What a troublesome fellow, indeed."


The green-clad noble murmured under his breath, yet his satisfied smile was fixed on the departing figure. His words and movements never quite aligned with his expressions.


"I thank thee brave hero,"


"Don't mention it. I'm glad I could help," I smiled at the princess.


"Are you all right, Your Highness?"


"Mm, heal…"


As my group caught up, they immediately noticed the bruises on Princess Meetia's arms, causing them to let out cries of concern as Mia used a healing spell.


"What happened, exactly?" I asked.


"Harrumph. The cur continues to propose marriage to me, though I have declined many a time," The princess let out a sombre sigh but soon felt the warm glow of Mia's Healing Magic envelop her. "I thank thee as well, Lady Misanaria."


"Just Mia,"


Sara harshly reprimanded the squire, her sharp words ringing in the air until a stern-faced knight emerged from the nobles' quarters and escorted the two of them away.




"Excuse me, we've come to get our updated badges. Is this the right window for that?"


Navigating through the crowd at the bustling west guild, I finally reached the service window and raised the letter we had received.


"No, please proceed to the guildmaster's office. An attendant will guide you there,"


Soon after, a woman in her thirties with an air of authority approached us. Accompanied by two assistants, it was clear that she held a significant position.


"Are you Lady Kura?"




"Hello. I'm Ushana, the guildmaster's secretary. Please follow me to the guildmaster's office,"


I never imagined that simply earning our bronze badges would grant us an audience with the guildmaster. I couldn't help but wonder if it was true what I had overheard at the bar, that we had obtained our rewards through questionable tactics. As Miss Ushana led us up the stairs, it became evident that the guildmaster's office was located in one of the spires of the western guild.


"Guildmaster, I've brought Lady Kura and the rest of the Pendragon party members,"


We were all waiting outside the door while Miss Ushana entered. It wasn't long after that when...


"Hero Kura, do come in. Alone,"


As I opened the door, I was greeted by the inviting voice of an elderly woman, likely the guildmaster. But before I could fully enter the room, a cane came flying at me with the force of a spear aimed directly at my eyes. Its sharpness rivalled even that of Liza's spear, but I was able to deflect it with just one hand easily.


The assailant twisted the cane in an attempt to strike me once more, this time from a different angle. Despite my efforts to defend myself, the cane continued to lash out at me, forcing me to deflect and defend continuously. What could possibly be the motive behind this sudden and unprovoked assault? Thankfully, the unexpected assault came to a halt when Miss Ushana emerged from the adjacent room.


"Guildmaster! If you don't stop this mischief, Lady Sebelkeya will scold you again!"


"Tch, and it was just getting interesting... Right, Kura?"


The individual responsible for wielding the lengthy cane was none other than the guildmaster. Due to her advanced age of eighty-seven, I chose not to retaliate against her relentless assaults and instead focused on evading and parrying. She boasted an impressive level of 52 in magic, possessing the skills of 'Blaze Magic' and 'Light Magic'.


"Yes, but I would have preferred some warning in advance,"


"I knew it. Surely a person who spent days in the labyrinth, made multiple trips in such a short time and recovered more than a hundred cores must be a lover of battle?"


"But I wasn't fighting alone,"


"Yeah, that Satou fellow said quite a bit about your first trip," So she called Satou up here too… I wonder if he was attacked just like me. "But I hear you made it to the Middle Stratum this time and handed in materials from some pretty tough monsters. How about you tell me all about it over a drink."




"All right, let's party!"


"Hold it," The guildmaster's enthusiasm was abruptly brought to a standstill by Miss Ushana, who had just come back with a box in her hands. "First, please award these guild badges to their recipients."


"Tch. Fine, fiiine,"


Miss Ushana handed over the box to the grumbling guildmaster, who begrudgingly took it. However, in that moment...


"Guildmaster! That fake hero is here, they say!"


A woman with an air of superiority dramatically entered the room, screaming uncontrollably. I recognised her face from somewhere. Ah, she was the employee I had glimpsed with Sokell in the west guild the last time I was here.


"Knock before entering, please,"


"Kura! This is the bitch Lord Sokell spoke of!" The haughty woman pointed at me and shouted, completely disregarding Miss Ushana. "Guildmaster! Why is Kura receiving a bronze badge after she committed fraud?!"


"Because you're the only one who claims she committed fraud, and you have no proof," Despite the woman's loud protests, the guildmaster remained dismissive.


"If you didn't commit fraud, then prove it by submitting to the analyser's test! You'll do that, right, Kura?! If you didn't lie, then you have to prove it!"


Although the constant repetition from her was bothersome, I had almost experienced a similar situation when an assistant secretary scrutinised me for slaying a hydra in Kuhanou County. However, there was a strange feeling creeping in this time.


"No," I shake my head.


"No…" The woman blinks.


"Why should I take that test when there is no proof I committed fraud?"


"You're asking a noble, with a title no less, to undergo an analyst's examination? Do you have any idea what you're saying?"


The guildmaster's anger was palpable, her eyes practically ablaze with fury. The arrogant young woman's complexion paled as she instinctively recoiled.


"But... But... But..."


As the woman continued to utter the same word over and over like a broken record, the guildmaster pressed on with her scolding.


"Your request is an insult to a vassal of another lord. I presume you are prepared to crush your family's trading company's reputation?"


The mention of insult triggered a memory of a lesson from Henry in Seiryuu City about nobility. According to her, subjecting a noble to an analyst's examination showed a lack of trust, even if they swore upon their family name and King Yamato's name. This was considered the ultimate insult.


"Or is it that you're trying to provoke young Kura into setting the dishonourable precedent that she has taken an analyst's examination? Are you setting her up for an even bigger trap?"


The guildmaster's piercing gaze bore into the arrogant woman as if it could petrify her on the spot. The woman appeared close to collapsing from the overwhelming pressure.


"N… no, that's..."


"Out with it, then! If you are truly in the employ of this guild, you should prioritise the interests of the guild over those of your lover!" The final strike had been delivered, causing the woman to crumple to the ground, almost foaming at the mouth. "Get her out of here. She's being dismissed from her post. Ushana, make up some reason on the paperwork, please."


"Yes, ma'am,"


In a feudal society, individuals had the authority to dismiss others from their employment for any justification they deemed fit. I had seen plenty of people getting fired for doing less than this woman has during my in this world.


"What? Hurry up and file the paperwork,"


Ushana's smile remained unwavering as the guildmaster frowned disapprovingly in her direction. She refused to budge.


"I shall go as soon as you award Lady Kura and her companions their new guild badges,"


"Oh, fine. We'll party after that," Upon opening the box, the guildmaster revealed an abundant supply of guild badges, enough to equip each member of our group. "Kura, take this garnet badge." What? I was under the impression that we were going to receive bronze badges. "Oh, don't look so surprised. Surely, that Satou fellow told you about this."


"No, he didn't,"


He probably thought it would be a nice surprise.


"That straitlaced noble has been talking up your and Satou's achievements to anyone who will listen," Indeed, Viscount Siemmen had exerted significant effort to assemble a rescue team on our behalf. "I believe he called you two the 'Saviors of Muno City' and the 'Demon Slayers of Gururian City,' no? One of our best men was there in that Gururian City incident. Do you remember him?"


I couldn't think of anyone. It was likely one of the individuals engaged in combat against the demon everyone, but Mia and I fought. Perhaps the one with the imposing shield who fought side by side with Sir Ipasa that Satou told me about?


"We got a report from him, too. Lesser or no, a party that defeated a demon without a scratch deserves more than a wood or bronze badge,"


"Still, a mithril badge would be too much," Ushana added. "You'd have to at least defeat a middle-grade demon for that."


But I have already taken down middle-grade demons and high-grade demons and even the demon lord.


"Hmph, if only the guild board of trustees would've agreed to it, you could've set a new record,"


The guildmaster seemed to have made the decision to present each of us with mithril badges instead. I quietly expressed my gratitude to the trustees for their wise judgment. There are already too many negative rumours circulating about me, and I have no desire to add any more fuel to that gossip.


"Now, about the garnet badge..."


During the explanation given by Miss Ushana, it was revealed that our group would be receiving new badges. These garnet badges were not exclusively given to me, but to the entire group. Typically, they were only presented to bronze-badge explorers who consistently brought back top-notch cores to the guild over a significant period of time. However, an exception was made for our group.


Obtaining these garnet badges was a lengthy process, typically spanning around five to ten years, making it appear as if it would inevitably bring complications. I wonder how many demonic potions people would think we used to get them so quickly.


"Are you sure about this? We've only gone into the labyrinth twice,"


"The guildmaster has the authority to give out garnet badges and lower as she wishes. Of course, it must be within reason, but we've yet to award any this year. I'm sure there will be no complaints from the royal capital,"


Miss Ushana proceeded to detail the advantages of our newly introduced garnet badges. These included various small privileges, such as receiving a 50% discount on all guild handling fees and rent. However, as I had ample funds, these benefits did not particularly interest me.


"Finally, and this is the most important point, anyone with a garnet badge is considered a quasi-noble. Unlike your title of knight, it does not come with a noble's special privileges, but it does grant the holder social status equivalent to that of a knight. This is guaranteed by the Shigan king, so it applies not only within the kingdom but in other kingdoms as well."


This rule extended not just to humans but also to demi-humans. In a biased location such as Seiryuu City, this meant that inns and other establishments must now serve beastfolk girls without discrimination.


"That's quite remarkable,"


"You may already be aware of this, but although we are called the explorers' guild, we are actually managed by the Shiga Kingdom Department of Labyrinth Resources. The guildmaster also takes on the role of the minister of labyrinth resources, which grants her the status of an honorary count, allowing her the authority to grant such privileges,"


I expressed my gratitude to Ushana for clarifying things. While I was already aware of the first part, the revelation that the guildmaster held a ministerial rank was new information for me. Initially, I had assumed the role was similar to that of a middle manager, but I was pleasantly surprised to learn it was a much more prestigious position. My interest piqued, I inquired about the mithril badges and discovered that they bestowed an honorary noble title from the Shigan king to the bearer.


"By the way, Kura. Is tonight a good time for that party?"


"I'm sorry, but I have a prior engagement this evening. Is tomorrow night all right?"


That evening, we had already scheduled a welcome party for both Miteruna and the two samurai.


"Tch, fine. I'll allow it. By the way, a little birdie told me that young whippersnapper Erthal got his hands on some extremely good liquor..."


It seemed likely that she was referencing the rum and fairy wine, both of which I had an abundant supply of, making it easy for me to share some with her. Yet, I couldn't help but worry that she had only offered us a special deal in hopes of obtaining the coveted liquor. But is it appropriate to label General Erthal as a 'young whippersnapper'?


"Wh… why are you looking at me like that? It's not what you think. The promotion and the liquor are totally unrelated!"


Despite my initial suspicion of the guildmaster, I found reassurance in Miss Ushana's support. Feeling confident in her judgment, I concluded that the promotion must be legitimate. With a promise to have a drinking party the following evening, we departed from the guildmaster's office.


"Our high assessment is worthy of celebration, I report,"


"Mm, great,"


Despite the tense situation, everyone maintained their composure, yet their expressions reflected a sense of joy. I, too, shared in their elation as we made our way towards the exit.


I noticed the noble in green escorting a group of noble children as they registered at a teller's window. Listening in, I learned that the most pretentious-looking child happened to be the third son of the viceroy and bore no resemblance to his elder brother, Rayleigh.


Among the group of children, there was a diverse range of individuals. One stood out as a beautiful girl with a sharp sabre, while another appeared to be an intellectual young man. There was also a plain-looking boy and a slightly sly-looking one. As I didn't have a close acquaintance with any of them, we simply made our way home, chatting about the preparations for the welcome celebration.


After a grand welcome celebration and a night of drinking with the guildmaster that had a similar atmosphere to a dark witch gathering, we were ultimately able to return to the labyrinth the day after.


Satou found out about a demonic potion stash in Sokell's basement. I took pleasure in informing the guildmaster about them, finally getting revenge against the trouble and frustration caused by that jerk. I also let slip about the hidden door leading to the sewers, which Satou also discovered.


In addition, I informed the guildmaster about the abandoned town on the outskirts of Labyrinth City, where hidden demonic potion stashes were located, as well as the whereabouts of several stash locations belonging to criminal guilds. I couldn't help but marvel at Satou's 'Map' skill, which proves to be an incredibly overpowered and advantageous cheat skill.


The issue with the demonic potion will likely be resolved on its own. The guildmaster harboured a deep disdain for such potions and thus would likely handle the remaining complications.




"Kinda seems like it goes all the way to hell,"


Arisa gazed into the dark abyss below. We had ventured deep into the labyrinth on a path reserved for those with garnet badges or higher. At the heart of the expansive cavern lay a massive pit spanning two hundred feet in diameter, descending to the middle level.


"Looks like you take that elevator below,"


Since the elevator had ample space, we unanimously agreed to ride it and explore the lower level. We could have used the return seal slates I placed, but Arisa said she wanted to experience fighting her way to the bottom herself. So we walked from the entrance today and climbed into the elevator.


"We won't get attacked by monsters while we're on the elevator, will we?"


"It'll be fine,"


In the event of an attack, we are well-equipped to defend ourselves. With our powerful abilities, Satou and I could easily handle any danger that may come our way that the others can't handle. Even if the elevator malfunctioned, we know how to use 'Skyrunning' and Magic Hand to swiftly return to safety.


"It's a manual elevator?!"




"Round and round, sir,"


Arisa's alarm was quickly overshadowed by the gleeful actions of Tama and Pochi as they immediately began turning the crank. However, their excitement waned partway through as they grew tied, causing Liza and Nana to take over.


There was another way to travel between the middle and upper levels, in addition to the pit. It was the way my group went during our separate adventure. Interestingly, this pit appeared to extend all the way down to the bottom floor.


"There are a lot of people here," Lulu observed.


On the middle floor, the elevator landing area served as a hub for Red Dragon's Roar members. Here, numerous explorers were hard at work in the supply area, bustling with activity. There were only two available passages in this location - one reserved exclusively for the Red Dragon's Roar party to defeat the floormaster and another inaccessible due to blockages created by the doctors' and alchemists' guilds.


"Are they transporting moss?"


"It looks like that moss is a magic potion ingredient,"


As stated in Trazayuya's recipes, the moss may be utilised in its current form for lesser healing potions, or it can be condensed to create more powerful intermediate healing potions.


"Doesn't look like we can go anywhere down here,"


"Yeah, let's head back up,"


There was no need to convince them to let us through, as there were plenty of other monsters around. So, we simply piled back onto the elevator and headed back to the upper floor.




"Okay, slicing up tough enemies with Space Magic is seriously addictive,"


After reaching the top floor, Satou guided us through some moderately challenging regions, which we spent six days thoroughly investigating. In each area, we made sure to mark a secure spot with teleportation seal slates, as we were still staying at the labyrinth vacation home we had constructed during our initial trip.


"Arisa, gemfish make good material for armour, so try not to chop them up too much,"


"Oh dear, really? I'll just cut them clean in half, then,"


The gemfish possessed scales that were as tough as diamonds and held a translucent appearance. Although their scales were not composed of actual diamonds, their hardness and transparency made them valuable for various purposes, such as decorative accessories and magical tools.


"Turtle's neeext?"


"Bloodred turtles can be cooked and eaten, I report,"


A massive turtle, shielded by a transparent, pigeon-blood ruby-coloured shell, trailed behind Tama as she made her way towards the group. It was the last obstacle to overcome in our current conquest.


"It breathes fire! Be careful! It can't fly, but it'll jump and try to head-butt you! And, Mia, its shell is impervious to lesser magic, so be careful!"


"Mm, got it,"


As soon as Arisa had issued her commands, the fight commenced. The adversary was not particularly formidable, yet its resistance to anything below intermediate magic made it a nuisance to deal with. Past encounters had shown that the battle would likely be prolonged. However, at last, victory was achieved as the creature was vanquished. But Satou was too busy talking to his crush to notice until I nudged his shoulder.


"Ugh, levelling up past thirty sure requires a lot of EXP,"


"Maybe it's because there aren't many strong enemies left around here?"


In the last six days, we had managed to conquer three areas. Despite our accomplishments, Satou's girls' strength only reached level 36. In regards to my group, Pearl's level remained at 58, while Nana had recently ascended to level 39. Sara's level had also increased to 43, and Mia was now at level 36, which was on par with Satou's group. This was due to my personal efforts in aiding her in levelling up in private.


"Well, it's almost our scheduled return day. Shall we go back up?"


Satou informed the explorers' guild that we would return in a trimoon, equivalent to ten days. However, we had told Miteruna and everyone else that we would return within seven days.


Moreover, Satou informed us that the vessel of the Dragonpen Trading Company had docked at Tartumina, the bustling trade city, on the same day we ventured into the labyrinth. They will likely reach Celivera within the next few days.


"Come on, let's at least place a seal slate in the next area before we go back,"


"All right. Does anyone have requests for our next area?" Satou asked as he looked around at the group.




"I want some tasty meat, too, sir,"


"Red meat is, of course delicious, but bird meat would be nice, too,"


"Mrrr, mushrooms,"


"I'd like somewhere with a good balance between meat and vegetables,"


"A frog area would be good, so we can bring back meat for the larvae, I request,"


I believe Satou was inquiring about their preferred battleground rather than the type of ingredients they desired.


"Master!" Arisa, at least, seemed serious. "Let's put seal slates in all of them and then go around one by one! That way, we won't get sick of one kind of food."


"Oh, all right. Want to check out each area in turn, then?" Satou had conducted thorough investigations of all the nearby areas, and now he was searching for locations that would meet the requests of everyone involved. "Sorry, but there don't seem to be any areas that are mainly bird monsters."


"I see..."


Although there was a place with cockatrices, we were hesitant to enter for fear of being petrified for the sake of poultry. Despite this, Liza appeared let down, prompting Satou to explore other regions with some bird presence.


"The ancient land beast area has archaeopteryx monsters and many kinds of meat, too. And the area next to it is partially underwater, meaning there should be plenty of plant and aquatic monsters,"


"Ancient land beast?"


"Judging by what I saw with the Clairvoyance spell, that seems to be the term for dinosaur-like monsters,"


Thanks to our magic and Arisa's shortcuts, we were able to set up teleport points in no time. However, before Satou could teleport us back, he noticed that someone we knew was in trouble close by. So, without hesitation, we rushed to their aid.




"Th… thanks for your help,"


"Try not to speak. It looks like you have a few broken ribs,"


Mia and Sara were responsible for aiding the members of the labyrinth army we had encountered. Using her powerful Water Magic, Mia was able to heal those with minor injuries. Meanwhile, Sara attended to the more severe cases, attending to those who were on the brink of death.


"Master, we've defeated the soldier mantis and the war mantis,"


Pearl and Liza had been dealing with the monsters who attacked the soldiers while we treated them.


"Thank you, Liza. If there are any injured folks who can't move, give them these potions, please,"




As we donned armbands adorned with the recognisable red cross symbol, we roamed about, loudly calling out for any soldiers who may have survived.


"Sir Pendragon, you should get out of here fast. They'll be back with more monsters soon,"


It was a challenge to identify him through the thick mask of blood, but it was indeed Captain Zeorun. This was the same man who had previously responded to Viscount Siemmen's plea for our rescue.


"Who is 'they'?"


"Ludaman and his plunderers,"


Satou stopped to check his map, and he must have got a hit quickly because he soon called out.


"Kura, I'll take care of things here. You and the others go defeat the chain rampages that are coming this way,"


"Will you need Mia or Sara's help?"


"No, the severely wounded have already been cured, so I can handle the rest with the potions I have on hand,"


"Don't be rash, Sir Pendragon. Perhaps they could deal with a handful, but there are countless monsters out there,"


"It'll be all right. They know how to fight when they're greatly outnumbered and have a hero with them,"


Numerous monsters were approaching, yet they were feeble and hardly worth considering for training. With how strong everyone is now, we could defeat them in our sleep. Still, to be safe, I used 'Earth Magic' to create a small waist-high wall in front of us and littered the ground beyond the wall with potholes to slow the monster's charge.


"I'll be back in a second,"


As I watched the group of supposed plunders approach, I realised they were not plunderers at all. Instead, they were ragged men with slave collars, desperately attempting to escape from the pursuing monsters. Blood stained their tattered clothing from wounds on their backs. Without hesitation, I sprang into action, teleported the slaves to safety, and tended to their injuries. As a precaution, I rendered them unconscious and restrained them. I planned to turn them over to the Labyrinth City army once the situation was under control and let them handle the fate of these slaves.


As the slaves were rescued, the massacre commenced. I couldn't help but pity the monsters at this moment. It was a gruesome scene, with no possibility of victory for them. They relentlessly charged at us, one after another, until the battlefield was filled with nothing but corpses and a river of blood. I offer a quiet prayer for the fallen creatures before returning to Satou and the troops. But something must have happened because Satou ran up to us when we returned.


"We need to hurry," Satou says with a rare look of worry on his face. "Princess Meetia and several noble kids are in trouble."

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C64
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


