50.6% Reborn After A Death March / Chapter 42: Chapter 42

章 42: Chapter 42

Our time back in the old capital was a pleasant one. A lovely meal was followed by Mia playing a song on her lute to demonstrate her improvement. Elves are on a different level when it comes to music. Mia was so good before, but only after a few days of practice. She is like a pro with the lute. By the time Mia finished her performance, there wasn't anyone who wasn't impressed. The beauty of Mia's melody even brought one of the maids to tears. It wouldn't surprise me if Mia could become a greater musician than Ciya in a few years.

Everyone else seems to have had an eventful few days too. Pochi and Tama showed off their new skills from training. They hadn't improved as much as Mia with her lute, but they were still growing rapidly. Satou was talking about giving Mr Kajiro and Ayaume a bonus. Still, there is one more person that needs a bonus. After listening to Nana's complaint, I know I have to give something to thank her for stopping Nana from bringing everything orphan in the city home with her.

But we received an unexpected visitor before I could think of what to give her. I swear the maids looked like they had a heart attack when the king walked in, and even Liza started sweating as she stepped behind Pochi and Tama to keep an eye on them. Everyone else looked nervous, apart from Satou and myself. Still, I am slightly anxious on the inside despite meeting with the king multiple times.

"Hero Kura, Sir Pendragon, I am sorry to pay you a visit so late," But instead of us bowing to him, the king lowered his head to us. Even his knight's guarding him, and an official-looking elderly man look surprised by the king's actions. "I'm sure you two are tired after your adventure with the hero of the Saga Empire, so I will keep this brief."

The king gestures to the official, who nods and takes out some paperwork. It takes him a few minutes to prepare the ink, so Satou and I answer the king's questions about our battle with the dragon to pass the time. The king was a bit disappointed that Hayato did most of the work but still praised me for the aid I offered to him while Satou tried to downplay his involvement.

"As much as I would want to hear more of your wonderful stories, brave hero Kura, let me get down to why I really came here tonight," The king softly smiled as the official announced he finished his job. "After consulting with the head of the Shiga Eight Swords, Sir Julberg, we have decided to hand over the holy sword forged by our ancestral king Yamato, Claiomh Solais, over to you."

"But… but isn't the sword a national treasure?"

I know he took his time and talked it over with someone, but should he really be giving me such a priceless sword. Does the king really trust me enough to hand over a national treasure like this? I'm starting to worry about what he wants in return for gifting me such a weapon.

"Yes, this sword is a symbol of our kingdom. A treasure we place great value in, but it belongs in the hands of a hero that protects the people. I'm sure both the ancestral king and Claiomh Solais will be happy to know that you are the holder of this weapon,"

"Okay," I nod and accept the sword, still waiting for the catch.

"I just need you to sign this to confirm you have taken possession of Claiomh Solais," I guess even in a fantasy world, you can't avoid paperwork. "I will take my leave now and let you two rest."

We bid goodbye to the king and walked him out, and when we returned, it looked like everyone remembered how to breathe again. Liza must have been really tense worrying about Pochi and Tama because she was on her knees when we rejoined the group. Arisa and Mia are the only ones who seem unfazed by the king's sudden visit.

"I'm surprised the king would give up a national treasure so easily,"

Arisa was the first one to speak up when we returned. I can understand her surprise, but I think I know what the king is doing.

"It's for propaganda," I reply. "The king is giving me this stuff and probably planning some big ceremony at the end-of-year meeting."



Pochi and Tama adorably tilt their heads, trying to repeat the word.

"I see," Arisa nods her head. "So he gives you this sword now and shows you off to the world later."

I hope that is all he is planning on doing. Later that night, when everyone else had already gone to bed, I snuck out of the guest manor. Since I was given this brand-new sword, I figured I should get some practice in. It won't be long before I get busy with tea and dinner parties, so I figured I should take this chance while I have it.

It took me some time to find a suitable spot, I should have asked Satou for help, but I found a few low-level monsters to test my new sword on. A den of giant wolfs was my first target. They were in a cave, and manoeuvring the flying blades of Claiomh Solais was tricky, but I managed to defeat all the monsters. Still, I am going to need some more practice. Using Claiomh Solais alone was simple, but my accuracy drastically dropped when I used Gjallarhorn a long side.

I wiped out a small camp of goblins, attacked a flock of giant bats and even captured a group of bandits, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get the hang of using two holy swords at once. I had hoped to unlock some skill to help me but no such luck. I'm just going to have to learn how to do this the usual way.


It was so late at night that I hadn't expected Mia to be waiting for me when I snuck back into the manor house. She was sound asleep in my bed when I left, but now she is, frowning as she catches me sneaking in through the back door. Satou must have snuck out, too, because when I approached the house, I saw Arisa in the middle of lecturing him.

"Snuck out,"

"Sorry, Mia," She looks really upset. "I just wanted to get some training done while I had some free time."

"Me too. Next time,"

"You want to train too,"



It can't hurt to take her with me. For some reason, Mia is taking longer to level up than the others, so it should work out. Still, I should let the others know in the morning case they want to come. But I want to go to bed now, so I let Mia guide me back to my room.


The following day Satou and I were summoned to the duke's castle regarding the black dragon incident. Satou, Hayato and I received the Ougoch Duchy Dragon Conquering Medal in a big public ceremony. It must be a rare medal because all three of us will have the power and respect of upper nobles in the Ougoch Duchy. Both the king of the Shiga Kingdom and emperor of the Saga Empire gave short speeches praising our achievement, while the nobility present had mixed reactions. Most were happy and applauded, but some looked down on Satou, calling him an upstart. But no one made a big deal out of it since we were in the presence of royalty.

At least the ceremony didn't last long. After about an hour or so, we were allowed to leave, so Satou and I bid farewell to Hayato and Princess Menea. But we couldn't relax yet. As soon as we returned to the guest manor, we found Tolma waiting for us. I don't know how long he was waiting for us, but when Tolma stood up and smiled, he didn't seem the slightest bit upset.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Sir Tolma,"

"Hey, sir Satou," Tolma waved. "Don't worry about it. I'm the one who showed up without prior notice. It's nice to see you again, Hero Kura."

"The pleasure is mine,"

But despite meeting Tolma unexpectedly, the unwell-looking man he brought with him has my attention. Whoever they are, they must be noble, judging by how they dress. I had met him before at one of the dinner parties I attended. His name is Kirk Emerin. A viscount who wouldn't stop bragging about his expansive orchard.

"I believe you've met, but this is Viscount Kirk Emerin, head of the Emerin family,"

"Yes, we were briefly introduced at the dinner party,"

Satou got off lucky. He didn't have to listen to the man's endless tales about his orchard. It only got worse the more he drank. But why is he here now? And why is he looking so pale? Viscount Emerin couldn't have looked happier the last time I saw him. Did Satou do something to his daughter? Satou danced with his second daughter, but I didn't think he did anything out of line that night.

"He says he wants your help with something, Sir Satou,"

"My help?"

Viscount Emerin looked more tired than angry, so maybe Satou really didn't do anything to his daughter. Still, I can't shake the thought.

"See, the trade fleet he organised with the help of various investors got wiped out near the Seadragon Islands, so…."

"Tolma, you didn't have to tell him that part,"

Tolma's cheerful explanation was cut short by a rather sullen Viscount Emerin. The Seadragon Islands. Satou's eyes lit up for a moment when he heard their name.

"What I want to ask you about, Sir Pendragon, is this fruit,"

Viscount Emerin called to a servant standing by the wall, who placed a pile of oddly coloured, uneven fruit on the table. This world really is so cruel. It's hard to believe someone as beautiful as Lulu could share the same name as such an ugly fruit. The fruit's skin was the colour of mulberry, with mottled grey patches. It had blackish discoloured areas, too, like sugar spots on bananas. It also emitted a nauseating stench like a bunch of thick perfumes all mixed together.

"That's a very unique fruit you have there,"

I don't know how Satou could say that with a straight face. He didn't even react to the fruit when its smell made me want to back away. Whatever Viscount Emerin wants Satou to do, I can already tell it won't be easy.

"I've prepared tea, sir,"

"Thank you,"

Lulu, not a maid, came over with a tray for some reason. She is likely a scout since Arisa, Mia, Pochi, and Tama hide outside the door.

"With your cooking skills, would you be able to make some kind of confection to help sell this fruit?"

I was right. It won't be easy and might even be impossible for the Miracle Chief Satou to pull off. But I have confidence in Satou's cheat powers to pull it off. He has done the impossible before, after all. But maybe it actually tasted delicious despite the smell, like durian.

"Well, I can't say for sure unless I know what it tastes like,"

"Have a taste, then,"

Viscount Emerin's servant sliced the fruit with a small knife and lined up a few small, sealed pots on the table. The fruit was bright ultramarine in colour. Is it even edible? The pots, meanwhile, contained the fruit pickled in various liquids. Satou tried each one in turn while I stopped after curiously sampling a slice of the fruit.

It was sour. A thousand times more acidic than a lemon. Its grossness rivalled the Gabo fruit bread I ate back in Seiryuu City. Even Satou, with his ability to hide his true feelings, struggles to keep a straight face while eating the fruit in its various forms. I doubt sugar or honey would be enough to salvage this awful flavour. We washed down the taste with the tea Lulu gave us. I never want to try that again.

"This is certainly a challenge."

"I had hoped that a miracle chef like yourself might be able to find another use for this lulu fruit besides feed for livestock."

"Feed for livestock...."

Lulu repeated gloomily under her breath. Satou looked like he was tempted to yell at Viscount Emerin, but he managed to restrain himself. I stopped Lulu from running out of the room when I saw Satou pick up a piece of the fruit.

"Wait a moment. This 'lulu' has a lot of potential,"

Though he was facing Viscount Emerin, Satou was really addressing Lulu. She raised her downcast eyes to look at him.

"If you give me a few days, I promise you, I can awaken the true splendour of this fruit!"

Satou's bold statement brightened Lulu's expression. She even looked like she might smile.

"A… are you quite certain?"

"Yes, just leave it to me,"

Viscount Emerin clasped Satou's hand as if hanging on to his last hope for salvation. For him, giving this fruit a higher commercial value was probably the only way to protect his family name. When Viscount Emerin left with Tolma, the light of hope had returned to his eyes. Now Satou just had to make good on my promise.

"That was rather unlike you, master,"

"Was it?"

Satou responded absently to Arisa's words. She was right, though. Satou would typically never make a reckless agreement like that.

"Do you have a plan?"

"Of course,"

The taste of the Lulu fruit really was awful. Satou has his work cut out for him on this job. I feel sorry for Pochi and Tama. They have no idea what they are getting into when they volunteer to taste test. Meanwhile, I had the perfect excuse to leave them to it and spare my pallet. The finished product would probably taste great, but I was happy not to be able to taste the first few attempts Satou made.


"Hero Kura,"

Henrietta Seiryuu, or Henry for short, smiles as she greets me. Wearing a pretty dress just reminds me of the torture I am about to endure. Unfortunately, I am not alone this time. Pearl, Nana and Mia were invited to the wedding, too, so we all had to get fitted for dresses together. It would have been easier for Satou to make them, but Lady Seiryuu insisted the tailor she always used in the old capital was the best choice.

"Follow me. Everyone is waiting for us in the drawing room,"

Henry guilds us through the manor grounds where her family is staying as we exchange small talk along the way. I was surprised when the invitation for the wedding first came. Getting invited myself didn't seem like a big deal after all the invites I had received in the city, but I was surprised that a beastfolk like Pearl was invited to a noble event too. But it wasn't just her. Everyone from Hayato's party was invited too, including Rusus and Fifi. I wonder if Hayato has the same worry about those two as I do about taking Nana to such an event.

Finally, we enter the drawing room where Lady Seiryuu is waiting along with a few maids and a long-eared folk woman. Mia looked unhappy seeing her, but I quietly warned her not to cause trouble. And here I thought Nana would be the only person I had to keep an eye on.

"Lady Seiryuu," I politely bow my head, and the rest of my group follows suit.

"Hero Kura," Lady Seiryuu greets me along with the maids. "I am happy to hear of your recent success and safe return. Allow me to introduce Miss Rigge. She is the best tailor in the old capital who I have employed many times."

"You honour me, Lady Seiryuu,"

Rigge is an elderly woman with long ears like Weeyari but darker skin, and her eyes almost appear to be faintly glowing. Still, Rigge gives off a friendly, relaxed vibe as she turns to me.

"Rest assured, brave hero, I will make the best dresses possible for you and your companions,"

Now the torture begins. It wasn't bad at first. We were measured, and I had nothing to complain about apart from hearing the size difference between me and the Nana in a particular area. It was the next part that the torture truly began.

Dress after dress, Rigge made us try one different colour and style, determined to find our look, with Henry and her mother giving their thoughts. Those times I only had to wear one of these dresses were nothing compared to this. But only Pearl and I appear to be struggling. Nana and Mia looked like they were having fun trying new dresses and striking poses. At least Mia's smiling face and Nana's attempts to copy Mia's poses bring a smile to everyone's faces.

It took longer than I thought, but we finally had our dress design. Rigge takes her leave with a notebook filled with details about how the dresses need to be altered. That should look great on us, but was it really worth all this trouble? Pearl was the only person to understand my pain. Unlike the others, she didn't smile once throughout the whole ordeal.

Afterwards, we were treated to a tasty lunch. It wasn't as good as Lulu's or Satou's cooking, but still delicious. It was nice catching up with Henry, but eventually, we had to go our separate ways as Henry had lessons to attend while Lady Seiryuu said she had some business in the castle. I hope I don't get as busy as those two when I receive my promotion at the end of the year.

"Master, do I really have to start wearing those dresses?"

Pearl waited until our carriage ride had departed before she started to complain. I know what she means. I would rather not wear them, but for now, we must endure.

"I understand how you feel, but we have to for now. I will see if Satou can make us something more comfortable to wear by the time we next need to dress up like this,"

"Yes, Master Satou's underwear design is far cuter and more comfortable to wear, I report,"


"Stripping is forbidden,"

To prove her point, Nana tried to show off her new bra Satou gave her just the night before, but Mia and I managed to stop her. It is so unfair that she grew again when she is already so big, and mine barely exists.

But I cheered up when we returned to Satou and the others. While we were being tortured, Satou worked his cooking magic. The title Savior Chef suits him, even if he doesn't want to admit it. He made a cake out of the Lulu fruit, which tastes divine. I couldn't believe Satou when he first told me those horrible-tasting fruits were the main ingredient of such a tasty cake.

Three days later, Satou went to present the new and improved Lulu fruit recipes to Viscount Emerin, but as much as I would like to go with him, I received news myself. I took Mia, Pearl and Nana with me to meet with Henry and her mother as Rigge had finished work on our dresses. Herny was a lot more energetic this time, bursting with excitement to see what we would be wearing.

We were dressed one at a time, with Mia going first, and the maids were all over her, calling Mia cute and adorable. Her dress really did look good on her and made Mia look less childish. It was light blue in colour, and the design made Mia look like an elegant princess. Nana's dress thought left me worried. A black dress that emphasised her assets. If I am not careful, Nana could find herself surrounded by suitors. Life isn't fair. I could never wear a dress like that.

Pearl was next up, but she didn't look happy about it. Still, when she returned, the dress did look good on her, and someone even put a flower in her air. She looked great despite how Pearl blushed, and her rabbit ears drooped. The white dress suits her, and although it is not intentional, that blush and embarrassed look make Pearl even cuter. I pointed out that she looked beautiful in that dress, but it only worsened things, and Pearl nearly ran away in embarrassment.

Finally, it was my turn. The dress is similar to Pearl, being white in colour, but mine is sleeveless, unlike Pearls and frillier, which help hide my less developed parts. Rigge did a great job on our dresses, and my complaints about her work were sincere. By the end of the day, Pearl was the only one who left unhappy. I feel bad for her, but this isn't a situation I can get her out of. Maybe I should offer to buy whatever she wants from that tea store to cheer her up when this ordeal is over.



"You all look beautiful, sirs,"

The wedding day had arrived, and Lady Seiryuu sent maids to help us prepare. She and Henry should be along shortly to pick us all up. But while we wait, everyone else surrounds us and sings our praises. Karina is invited to the wedding, too, but she has already left to find her brother so they can go together.

Of course, Satou is here, but he is currently kneeling at Arisa's command to think about his actions after his eyes were drawn to Nana's chest. Next time we need dresses, Satou agreed to make them for us under a fake name to avoid future repeats of his actions today. When Arisa heard of my plan, she firmly agreed. Even Lulu strongly voiced her support. It was surprising hearing her so forceful at that moment.

"You really are reaping the benefits," Arisa mutters, looking me up and down. "Parties, fine food and free dresses. If only Satou had your drive to get ahead in life."

"No, he's the lucky one,"

I shake my head. Being a noble is a double-edged sword. There is plenty of fun to be had, but at the same time, I have protocols to follow and annoying obligations to fulfil. Not to mention the outfits I had to wear that nearly killed me. Satou was so lucky no one discovered he helped me defeat the greater hell demon in Seiryuu City.

"Yeah, your right," Arisa sullenly nodded. I must have brought up a bad memory. "But at least I am free now."

And Arisa is back to her usual self. Moving quickly, she hugs Satou pressing his face into her chest. For once, Satou looks like he isn't having fun being in this situation. Well, it serves him right after the amount of enjoyment from similar actions he had in the past.

"I have a wonderful master who I will follow any command from,"

Arisa continues before Satou pulls her off him. Lulu and Liza scold her, but Arisa stays smiling throughout the lecture. Finally, our ride arrived, so we excused ourselves and bid farewell. Henry and her mother greeted us wearing equally beautiful dresses, light blue in colour, and the carriage they prepared was larger than usual, easily able to fit us all inside.

The trip took less time than expected, but it soon became clear why. The manor where we were staying was still in sight. Satou and the girls watch the temple and the people around it from the manor's roof. It's a beautiful sight we everyone dressed up and the temple decorated with flowers for the occasion.

But then we had to wait. It wasn't a long wait, but I wasn't expecting it. Henry explained while I waited that the direct family members would enter first and everyone else afterwards in order of rank. It was only a ten-minute wait before the duke arrived, with Rin walking behind him along with the rest of her family. I can recognise some of the faces of the other people with Rin, but there are still those I have never met before.

Finally, after what felt like an hour, it was our turn to enter. I spotted Hayato and his party as we went inside, but there was no time to exchange greets, so we just gave each other a nod and went to find our seats. We were lucky enough to sit on the upper level with seats that looked over the floor below. Karina and the guy I believe to be our brother are sat in the lower section, and from the looks of it, Karina isn't liking the attention she is receiving.

"Oh look," Henry suddenly gasped, earning a stern warning from her mother. "But the bride looks so beautiful."

Even in this world, a bride in a pure white wedding dress is still gorgeous. The bride slowly walks down the aisle as a piano plays, holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers. She looks so beautiful and happy. She must have gotten lucky and managed to marry someone she loved in a world where arranged marriages were the norm.

"Hero Kura, I would like a flower bouquet like the bride, I entreat,"

At least Nana was aware enough of her surroundings to not shout. I promise to take her to a flower shop at some point and turn my attention back to the wedding.

The man, the bride, was set to marry was a handsome guy who looked good in a suit. If I remember correctly, his name is Tisrado. He is Rin's younger brother and next in line to take over from her grandfather. I had spoken to him once or twice, and he seemed capable. The bride is the granddaughter of Marquis Eluette. I believe he rules over the land on the western edges of the kingdom.

They both look so happy when they join hands at the altar. They almost embraced and kissed right away but managed to hold themselves back. The bride and groom look like they really are deeply in love with each other. I wish I could find someone like that someday. Mia and Henry must have similar feelings as they look so happy staring at the bride as they size my hands. Nana and Pearl are equally entranced. Despite all her protests about coming here, Pearl looks like she is enjoying herself.


Later that night, after the wedding ended, the reception began. Held in the duke's castle with plenty of entertainment and food cooked by Satou, it looks like it will be an enjoyable night. I greet Satou at his stand and say hello to Lulu and Arisa, who come to assist him and use the opportunity to take some food before I am dragged away. Satou did a good job tonight. The tempura is to die for.

I spent the evening drifting between gossiping noble wives and groups of men while occasionally helping one of my friends out if they looked like someone was giving them trouble. Unsurprisingly, Nana got much attention from single men, but her straight rejections sent most of them away. Pearl got along well with the military nobles but had a few problems with pedigree nobles who looked down on beastfolk.

Mia, meanwhile, became the star of the evening. Ciya was hired to entertain the guests tonight, but she invited Mia to join her, and together, they made the most beautiful music I have ever heard. It brought several people to tears, and many more wanted to know who that young girl was that could play alongside the songstress at such a young age.

It was already an enjoyable night, and it had only just begun. I shared plenty of stories and had a chance to talk with Hayato and his party. Now I am sitting with Henry and a group of her friends. A youthful noble girl a year younger than Henry with bright red eyes, a noble boy who dreams of being a knight and a book-loving young lady who sounds really smart. Henry has some interesting friends.

"Is it true you defeated a greater hell demon? Did you really defeat the demon lord?!"

The girl with bright red eyes is just as energetic as Pochi and Tama. She can't seem to sit still and keeps getting too close for comfort as she asks question after question, barely giving me any time to answer.

"Nora," Henry stops her after a few rounds of rapid-fire questioning. "You have to give people a chance to answer you when you ask a question."

"Okay, okay," Nora smiles, retaking her seat. "So, is it true? Did you defeat those demons and the demon lord?"

"Yes, and yes," I answer before she has a chance to start talking again.

"Hmph, you don't look very tough," The future knight boy comments. "Are you telling the truth?"

"Isaac," Henry snaps at him. "Weren't you present when Prince Sharorik ordered her to be checked. I believe she had the "True Hero" title, which can only be obtained when a demon lord has been defeated."

"She could have faked it," Isaac counters.

"Please, as if anyone could fool a Yamato Stone," The book lady speaks up. "That's impossible."

"Right," Henry nods. "If Stella said it's impossible, it's impossible."

"K… Hero Kura…."

Karina appeared nearby. Her impeccable makeup and dress made her an impressive beauty even among all the attractive nobles at the reception. Behind her were her brother and the next Baron Muno, Orion, and two young girls.

"It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Orion Muno, the first son of Baron Muno and next in line to lead the territory," The boy bows his head. "Allow me to introduce you. This is my fiancée, Muse, the daughter of Baron Lagoch."

Orion gestured to the plainer of the two girls. She looked around middle school age, with light-blond hair and a timid expression. Her features reminded me a bit of Sara of the Tenion Temple.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Muse. I am Kura Suou, a knight and hero,"

"Th… the pleasure's all mine... I've heard much about you from La… Lady Karina,"

She must be the shy type. Muse can barely put a sentence together.

"Hero Kura, do you know how amazing Mistress Karina is? She received invitations to dance from dozens of nobles before we even arrived,"

This was not Muse but the girl behind her, the pink-haired Princess Menea herself. She was dressed in a way that accented her beauty well.

"B-but I refused them all, of course," Karina was quick to deflect Menea's flattery.

"But you were quite popular yourself, weren't you, Miss Menea?"

Orion's cheeks were red as he complimented Princess Menea. The stiff smile on Muse's face behind them was painful to witness.

"Thank you, Lord Orion. However, my heart is already set on someone else," Princess Menea's gaze was fixed on Satou as she spoke these words. "But Mistress Karina is ahead of me in line," She giggled. "So perhaps I shall aim to be a viceroy's second wife."

"Why, you little minx... If my master marries Karina to become a viceroy, you better believe his second wife will be yours truly,"

Arisa appears out of nowhere carrying a tray of food. Satou came over to retrieve her, and both Karina and Princess Menea quickly checked their reflections in the window.

"Sir Satou, it would be a shame to spend such a lovely reception cooking. Why not leave such silly work to your servants and share a dance with me, if you please?"

Princess Menea eagerly took Satou's hand. Her attitude toward him sure has changed after the whole black dragon encounter. I didn't remember him doing anything to curry her favour, but I know he is the type not to have done anything he couldn't get himself out of.

"Silly work, you say."

"Princess though you may be, I cannot abide such words,"

Marquis Lloyd and Count Hohen were the two men who responded to Princess Menea's words.

"Huh? I-I beg your pardon,"

"Satou's cooking is like unto an art!"

"If you do not understand such an art...you are unworthy of the Lumork royal family's rose-coloured hair, which the ancestral king Yamato once called an untold tressure,"

"Marquis Lloyd, Count Hohen, please. There is no need to be so harsh on my behalf,"

"Harrumph. If you say so, Sir Satou,"

"Yes, very well. We would hate to trouble our favourite chef,"

Princess Menea seemed unnerved, looking to escape, but Satou gently stopped their raging, giving her a chance to make amends.

"My apologies. I chose my words unwisely in my eagerness to invite Sir Satou to dance,"

When Princess Menea sincerely apologised, Marquis Lloyd and Count Hohen nodded and returned to their discussion about food.

"Allow me to repeat my request. Sir Satou, please dance with me,"

Princess Menea retook Satou's hand and batted her eyes. Of course, Arisa looked unhappy about this. Still, Karina seemed to be glaring at her almost as furiously as Arisa. Just then, a new intruder entered the fray.

"Satou! What're you doing cooking here?"

The Hayato noticed us from a distance and came over. Behind him was the rest of his party, dressed up for the occasion. Each was beautiful, with significant figures, so it was a sight.

"S… Sir Hayato Masaki the Hero?"

"Sister, is Sir Pendragon a friend of Sir Hero as well?"

Baron Muno must have also brought up his children to be hero fans. But Hayato has eyes only for Arisa and pays Orion little attention. But for once, it isn't her that has his attention. Instead, Hayato gaze at the tray of food Arisa is carrying.

"Wow, is that tempura? Can I get some?"

"Good evening, Sir Hayato. Would you like some freshly cooked white rice as well?"

"For real? That would be awesome! Load me up, please!"

The women behind him also gave us friendly greetings. Returning their greetings, Satou complimented each of them in turn. I already gave my compliments when we met earlier. Satou introduces Karina and company Hayato as our group makes its way back to the cooking station Satou has set up.

"You're not getting too friendly, are you?" Arisa quietly asks.

"Of course not,"

"H… hang on. The hero of the Saga Empire came over to greet Sir Pendragon?"

"And Sir Pendragon called him by his first name, too...."

"So he's friends with both heroes,"

"Haven't you heard? Sir Pendragon accompanied both the heroes to deal with a dragon,"

"I… is that true? We must get him to marry into our family, then...."

While chatting with the Hayato, I overheard some nobles gossiping about us. That last line was a bit of an issue, a repeat issue for Satou and me. At least I had someone else handling it for me. But since they are nothing w could do about it now, we ignored the gossipers and enjoyed a pleasant chat with Hayato and the others. Arisa brought the food over to us.

"Thank you for waiting, Sir Hero,"

"P… Princess Arisa?! Why are you doing the work of a servant?"

The hero's loud shouting sent a ripple of chatter through the nearby nobles and servants.

"I am a former princess, remember. And I could hardly mess about while Lord Satou was hard at work. At any rate, isn't this maid outfit wonderful?"

Arisa did a little twirl, and I had to stealthily use wind magic to stop the skirt from flying up.

"Of course! It looks amazing on you!"

Princess Meriest and Rin frowned at the fawning Hayato, each tugging one of his arms in protest in a pretty cute gesture of jealousy.

"Would you like some of this as well?"

Satou offered them food to distract them from Hayato's foolishness.

"Oh, you brought this, too?"

"It looks like water, but it certainly smells remarkable,"

This was Satou's consommé soup, a secret menu item for tonight's reception. He wasn't planning on making it, but a few nobles insisted on having it tonight. Mia didn't like mass-producing it, so Satou only made a single pot to give to special requesters.

"...Delicious... Truly, this is a miracle dish worthy of the gods' dining table,"

Princess Meriest reacted with exaggerated excitement when she tasted the soup. Her bright smile made it clear that she wasn't just being polite.

"Did you hear that?"

"Wow, consommé soup really is amazing...."

"So even Her Highness of the Saga Empire is enchanted by the miracle chef?"

It looks like Satou will be famous after tonight, but he doesn't look happy about it. Well, he only has himself to blame for this.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Your attention, please! The bride and groom are about to enter,"

After we chatted with Hayato and his party, Karina, Henry and the others for a while, a voice rang out from the back of the reception hall. The lighting in the room dimmed, and Light Magic shone a gentle spotlight on the bride and groom. The two proceeded toward an enormous eight-layer wedding cake hidden under a cloth shroud. The cake alone couldn't support the total weight, so all but the top three layers were strengthened with a firm bread core on the inside.

"Today, we will participate in the famous cake-cutting ceremony outlined in the tales of the ancestral king. The legends say that this ceremony will ensure a healthy heir for the new bride and groom,"

A gentleman who seemed to be the moderator used the Wind Magic spell Amplification to announce the procedures. Cutting the cake was seemingly a celebrated ritual in this world. When the wedding cake was uncovered, gasps of admiration arose from a group of noble young ladies in the audience. Satou made a masterpiece. It looks great, and I doubt it will taste as good as it looks. The bride and groom are taken aback by the sight and seem hesitant to cut into it. Satou held up Arisa so she could see the cake cutting over the crowd.

"How lovely! I'd love to cut a cake with you like that someday, master,"

"I would like to wear a lovely dress like that, myself,"

"Sure, why not?"


"You mean it?"

"Sure. I'll make a dress for you, Lulu, and a cake-cutter for Arisa,"

Satou really should be more careful with his jokes because both Arisa and Lulu look like they didn't enjoy that one. Arisa even ended up lightly smacking Satou on the top of his head.

"Don't play with a maiden's heart!" Arisa huffed and bopped him repeatedly on the head. As I attempted to calm her, a bright light from outside the window suddenly lit up her profile. "Whoa! Are those fireworks?"

Forgetting her attack on me, Arisa looked up at the fireworks appearing in the night sky through the window. The overtime from the workers at Viscount Siemmen's scroll workshop really paid off.

"How beautiful...." Lulu murmured as she gazed at the colourful fireworks.

Glancing around, I saw that everyone seemed enraptured by the fireworks, regardless of their age or gender. Throughout the room, lovestruck young nobles cuddled up together as they watched the show. I caught sight of Hayato in the crowd. Despite the girls clinging to his arms, tears are linking down his face. He must be missing home. I feel the same sense of homesickness when I watch the display outside the window.

When the fireworks display was over, single young nobles crawled out of the woodwork to invite any free young ladies to dance. Still in high spirits from the cake cutting and the fireworks, the girls seemed quite willing to indulge them. On the edges of the lively dance hall, maids began to push around small wagons. They were bringing slices of the wedding cake to all the visitors.


"Yes, it really is. What is this fruit?"

"This is the lulu fruit cultivated in Viscount Emerin's orchard,"

The ladies' eyes sparkled as they ate the sweets. It really is good. I was wrong before. It didn't taste as good as it looked but a million times better. I hope Satou has a plan for this, or he will be trapped in the old capital making cakes for the rest of his life. I can already hear the people around me wonder who made such a fantastic cake.

"Here you are, Sir Satou,"

A maid handed Satou a plate of cake, which he gave to Arisa. Because Arisa and Lulu were attending as Satou's staff rather than as wedding guests, they had not been accounted for when the cake was cut, so we shared our piece with them.

"Sir Pendragon! So this is where you've been hiding,"

"Hello, Sir Kirk,"

Viscount Kirk Emerin, the owner of the Lulu fruit orchard, approached with his daughter Rina.

"We're receiving all kinds of requests for the lulu fruit, thanks to you,"

"I'm happy to hear that."

So some of the more active nobles had already made their moves. I have to hand it to them when there's something good to be had. The nobles of this kingdom are fast to act.

"E… erm, Sir Satou? If you wouldn't mind, I…."

At the gentle prompting of one of her attendants, Rina set down her cake and approached me.

"Mistress Karina, Sir Satou's going to be stolen away if you don't act fast,"

"Wh… what?"

Just then, Princess Menea cut in, bringing Karina by the hand.

"I'm sorry, but Sir Satou has already promised to dance with us first,"

I let Satou deal with this mess as another person approached.

"Hello, Hero Kura,"

"It's been a long time, Lady Sara,"

It was Priestess Sara of the Tenion Temple. She'd been hiding out in the Tenion Temple sanctuary to escape from the third prince's marriage proposal, but now that he'd been sent back to the royal capital, it was probably safe for her to venture out again. Behind her were two more priestesses from Parion Temple and Garleon Temple, respectively. I had rescued them alongside Sara when I defeated the demon lord.

"Miss hero," Both of the priestesses behind Sara suddenly came forward and bowed their heads. "Thank you for saving us."

"It's shameful we didn't thank you sooner. Please forgive us,"

"It's fine," I quickly assure them. "You all went through a lot that night."

There were some important-looking figures behind them. The heads of the Parion Temple and Garleon Temple. I'm not surprised the head priestess of the Tenion Temple couldn't appear since her health was a problem.


"Sister Rin…."

Rin didn't take long to approach the sister she held dearly, but Sara didn't look happy again. I'm still curious about what happened between them, but it isn't right to pry into people's private life. I'll just have to wait until one of the two feels comfortable enough around me to talk about it.

"You're pretty popular, eh, Satou?"

"I wouldn't say that,"

Satou may deny it, but he is constantly surrounded by women and even has some young ladies fighting over him tonight. In the end, with Princess Meriest's mediation, I agreed to dance with each of them. Karina, Princess Menea and Rina were just the beginning. Somehow he danced with Rin, the two priestesses who accompanied Sara and Princess Meriest. That was just to name a few. There were a lot of young noble ladies whose names I didn't know who joined the line as well. It became Lulu's full-time job to keep Arisa under control from that point forward.

"Is Satou always this popular?"

Sara asked me. Somehow I ended up with her as a dance partner. She kept glancing at Satou as he showed up with a new partner every time the song changed. She is too shy to ask him for a dance, but I will happily ask in her place. Satou is a nice guy. However nervous Sara feels, she will soon forget about it with him as a partner.

"From time to time," I reply as we spin around. "He is just too nice to say no to something like this. I feel sorry for some of those young ladies. Satou is too dense to realise what they are feeling."

"Yes, Satou doesn't seem to notice a thing,"

Sara was worried when she asked me to dance, saying that it had been a while and she wanted someone to practice with, but she had nothing to worry about. Sara is a natural. She might be the best partner I have had the pleasure of dancing with. At least it didn't take her long to relax once we started to dance, and a smile grew on her lips.

"Are you not bothered or worried about someone dancing with Satou?"

"No," I shake my head. "Satou is just a friend. The only problem I have with him dancing with others is from the jealousy of his dance partners."

I have received more discreet warnings than I can count since my stay in the old capital began. There was nothing serious or threatening, just a polite request to stay far away from Satou during whatever event we were next to attend.

"Thank you for the dance,"

When the next song ended, I led us off the dance floor as I saw Rin approaching. She had been watching us for the last few minutes.

"The pleasure was mine,"

"Sara," Rin didn't take long to take her sister's hand. "If you wanted someone to practice dancing with, I would have been happy to be your partner."

"But sister Rin, you were dancing with Sir Pendragon at the time,"

"But I…" Rin started to blush, looking flustered as she glanced at Hayato. "That doesn't mean I like him. If I had known you wanted someone to practice dancing with, I would have picked you."

Taking Sara with her, a flustered Rin leads them both out onto the dance floor. It wasn't long before I was back out there too. Nana, Mia and Henry asked me to dance with them, and I even shared a dance with Satou and Henry's future knight friend Isaac. It really was a pleasant evening.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C42
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


