44.57% Reborn After A Death March / Chapter 37: Chapter 37

章 37: Chapter 37

"You wait here, Sara. I'll take care of His Highness,"

"No, I'll go with you,"

Lady Ringrande tried to protect Sara, but her sister was too stubborn to hide away and let someone else take care of it. She had no apparent intention of letting go of my hand, either. Sara led me towards the door to the temple with her. I don't want to go, but I can't leave Sara to face the prince alone. Satou came with us, and we told Mia and Arisa to rejoin the others.

Unfortunately, we ran into the prince and his attendants on the way to the temple's drawing room. This time, the only people with the prince were the boy knight and one of the chamberlains. There was no sign of the shield-bearing knight who had kept him in line before.

"How unusual to see you set foot inside a temple, Your Highness,"

"Rin! So it was you riding that wooden Pegasus!"

The prince was all smiles, contrasting with Ringrande's displeased expression. I don't see any hints of the glares he has been shooting me all day.

"Please do not call me by a nickname, Your Highness,"

"Why not? What's wrong with using a nickname for my fiancée?"

"Your former fiancée. I obtained permission from His Majesty before leaving the kingdom,"

I can't believe Lady Ringrande would even agree to marry someone like that, but I am glad to hear that is a thing of the past. If someone told me I would have to marry him, I would have fled the kingdom. But despite Lady Ringrande's statement, the prince didn't know when to give up.

"Those are your words, not mine. I don't recall approving of any such thing. I've dealt with all my illegitimate children, and Yureen and Demetina have agreed to welcome you. What's the problem?"

I don't like how he phrased that. I'm amazed the prince could make me hate him more than I already do. This jerk is nothing but a scumbag.

"Have you forgotten what you did to a bride the night before her marriage into another family? It nearly caused a county to defect from the kingdom,"

"Razena? That's already taken care of. And that churlish duke has been replaced,"

And just when I thought I couldn't hate him more. The prince's smile couldn't have been scarier if he had tried. For lack of a better word, it made him look soulless.

"So, what business might you have at the temple today?" Glowering at the prince, Sara stepped in to interrupt.

"Why, you insolent," The back of the prince's hand flew toward Sara's face.


A heavy thud overlapped with Sara's scream. There was no way I would stand by when he was going to hurt her. The prince's hand, clad in a metal gauntlet, was stopped dead by just my index finger. But I wasn't showing off. I was proving a point.

Judging from the force of his strike, he had planned to backhand her with all his strength. If he hit an ordinary girl like that, her neck would probably snap, killing her instantly. Even Sara, who was level thirty, would not have gotten away without some serious injuries. But even with all his might, he can't even make my finger move an inch.

"Your Highness!"

Lady Ringrande stepped toward the prince menacingly, but he held her off with one arm and glared at me. Is that the only type of look he can give me? With little effort, I push the prince's hand back, nearly knocking him over.

"You…" The prince growls. "Why didn't you wait for me like I commanded?"

"I had other things to do," I simply tell him.

"Disobey a direct order from royalty is bad enough, but making physical contact with royalty? That's a guaranteed death sentence. Even for a hero," The prince's eyes never leave mine. "Do it."

"Yes, sir! It's okay if I take both of them out, right?"

The young knight drew his sword. How could anyone want to cause bloodshed at a temple in a world where gods were real, tangible beings?

"Stop!" Lady Ringrande shouted.

"Sorry! Prince's orders, I'm afraid,"

Ignoring her, the boy swung his sword toward me. It would be too easy for me to defeat him in combat, but I must clarify one thing. Stepping in front of Sara to protect her, I caught the boy's blade with my bare hands. His eyes widen, and he tries to free his sword, but no matter how hard he tries, it doesn't come free.

"What in the world are you? Release my sword at once!"

He kicks me, but I don't even feel it. He pulls out a small knife, but I swiftly disarm him with my free hand. Even the prince looks nervous. Seeing that my point has been made, I snape the boy's sword in my fist.

"Wh… wha… how?" The boy jumps back, looking terrified.

"That's just the difference in our strength,"

<Title Acquired: Sword Breaker.>

"I thought I told you to stop," Lady Ringrande comes between us before anything else can happen.

"What is the meaning of this?!" The prince demanded.

"I'd like to ask you the same question. First, you tried to kill my little sister, then a hero who was protecting her? Are you perhaps trying to get the Ougoch Duchy to withdraw from the Shiga Kingdom this time?"

Lady Ringrande's tone was dripping with sarcasm.

"This brat is your younger sister? What a terribly plain child. To think that I should have to marry such a girl...."

"Excuse me? Are you out of your mind?"

I could understand Lady Ringrande's anger, but she should be more careful. I can easily live as an enemy of this kingdom with my overwhelming power, but I doubt she could. Sara clung to my sleeve and listened nervously, unable to process the sudden turn of events.

"I'm quite sane, thank you. I must wed the daughters of three dukes to attain the rank of emperor,"

"Are you trying to usurp the throne? Everyone knows that Prince Sortorik is an excellent heir, skilled with both the pen and the sword,"

"Usurp, you say? Hmph, so you support that so-called prodigy, too..." The prince scoffed at Lady Ringrande's anger. "Don't you know why the 'Oracle' was split between temples?"

"Because there were seven demon lords set to appear," I answer in her place. "But as of a few nights ago, only six are left."

"Quiet! I will deal with you in a minute!" The prince snaps at me before turning back to Lady Ringrande.

"So it really is true…." Lady Ringrande mutters. "And Hayato wants to…."

"The time of great upheaval is upon us. An era of drastic change will come, just as when the ancestral king and the first hero of the Saga Empire founded the kingdom," Is the prince delivering a monologue? He is starting to act like some cartoonish villain. "And it is I, Sharorik Shiga, who will defeat the demon lord, overcome the trials of the era, and create a new kingdom… no, a new empire of all humanfolk! Rin! Abandon the hero of the Saga Empire and return to me! If you do so now, I shall forgive the past and welcome you with open arms!"

The prince had decided to shelve their former issues as he tried to win back Lady Ringrande. Lady Ringrande's eyes, on the other hand, were so cold they could've frozen a bonfire. But just as she opened her mouth to respond sharply, the prince turned to me.

"And you," And there's that glare again. "If you become my mistress and serve me, I will forgive your crimes and grant you a place in my empire."

He has to be joking. He can't possibly be so arrogant to think that Lady Ringrande and I would throw ourselves at him after the way he acted. Not to mention he just tried to have me killed. But the prince wasn't joking. How can this jerk think so highly of himself? But the doors fling open before I can shoot down his ridiculous request.

"Lady Sara! There is danger afoot! You!"

Charging in, a temple knight calls out to Sara as behind him, a battle rages. Outside, temple knights were fighting the Wings of Freedom group. I find it hard to believe that so many remain, but I don't know any other groups that wear robes like that. It looked like the rest of our group was heading our way instead of joining the battle. Given the high levels of Lady Ringrande and the prince, Satou and I decided to leave fending off the enemies to them and take Sara with us to meet up with the others.

"Lady Ringrande! I'll take care of Lady Sara. Please defeat the attackers!"

"All right, I suppose,"

Lady Ringrande filled an amulet-like object under her cloak with magic power, and it activated Anti-Arrow Defense and Body Strengthening buffs. I'll have to ask her where she got it. I hope it is something that can be brought at an magical item store so I can buy some for everyone. Just then, the temple knight standing near the temple entrance flew as if he'd been hit by a dump truck.


With a bizarre roar, a giant monster appeared at the entrance with dark-grey tentacles sprouting from his head. It was a lesser hell demon, only level thirty. Still, he had three unusual race-specific abilities: Stretch, Steel Body, and Regeneration. It would be tough to defeat him, but the prince's Holy Sword or Miss Ringrande's magic should be enough. Several mechanical-looking silver flying insects were zipping into the temple from behind the demon.

Behind them, I saw another lesser hell demon outside spewing insects from his nest-like head. He seemed to have the race abilities Production and Defense Wall and Lightning Magic and Direction skills.

"There she is! That's the girl, Sara! If we capture her, we can still rescue our brethren and resurrect His Majesty, the demon lord! Our comrade will take care of the fools around her now that he's a demon!"

A young in a purple robe appeared behind the demon and kindly explained their entire plan. Despite how smart the man's glasses made him appear, he wasn't very smart. What genius would ever think it was a good idea to shout out their plans like that?

"Master! Instructions, please!"

Liza poked her head out from the door to the storehouse. They all made the intelligent decision not to immediately jump into battle.

"Help protect Lady Sara," Satou orders.

"I'm sorry, please bare with me, Lady Sara," I lifted her up bridal-style and followed Satou to the storehouse.

"They're getting away! After them!"

"Do you really think I'll let you do that?"

"Out of the way!"

One of the remnants of the cult tried to chase after us and was immediately cut down by a slash of Lady Ringrande's sword.

"A lightning broadsword? Is that the Heavenly Witch of Destruction?! What is one of the hero's followers doing here?!"

The cult's brilliant leader turned pale when he saw the purple lightning crackling along Lady Ringrande's sword. A streak of lightning shot toward the man, but a gorilla-like lug jumped out to take the hit instead. The prince seems to be doing fine as well. The men who charged him and his young knight were already lying in a pool of blood. The people of this world really are too violent.

I felt sick but pushed it down and rushed into the storehouse with Sara in my arms. The bugs chasing us are only level fifteen, so the others should be able to take them down.

"Liza! Pearl! Defeat those bugs, please," Satou orders as we approach.


"Right away!"

In the blink of an eye, the closest bugs to catching us are no more. Between the two of them, the scene behind us quickly turns into a massacre.

"Tama and Pochi, you two take on one of the insects together. Nana, protect the others,"


"Of course, sir!"

"Yes, master Satou,"

Under Satou's leadership, our defence is formed. The beastfolk girls rushed toward the insects with their weapons at the ready.

"I...I can fight, too!"

"Then please take care of one, too, Lady Karina,"

Satou quickly gave Karina an assignment. She probably wouldn't be able to beat it, but with Raka's support, she should at least hold her own. As I lowered Sara to the floor, I set up a barrier around her as Satou took out two insects with a couple of stones.

"Lady Sara, please stay here until the situation has been dealt with,"

"Y… yes… of course,"

"Arisa, take this!"


Karina produced the demon-sealing bell from her chest and tossed it to Arisa. Arisa filled it with magic until it glowed blue when she caught it, then rang it to slow the silver pests.


"Master, more insects!"

Hearing Mia and Lulu call out, I looked back to the entrance to see a man guarded by two of the bugs. It was the beefy guy who took the lightning strike for the academic one earlier.

"What?! It's not working!" Arisa suddenly cried out in surprise. She must have tried using magic against him.

"Arisa, Mia, get back," I stepped in front of them as I spoke, my eyes on the muscular man. "He's a demon."

As if on cue, the man's body swelled up immensely. As it grew, it smashed through the wall between the temple and the storehouse, scattering stones and dust. He was a level forty-five intermediate hell demon and looked like a bipedal bull with purple skin. I stepped toward him, removing the Holy Sword Gjallarhorn from my storage. Trying to intimidate me, the demon snorted and breathed red flames from his half-open mouth.


As he roared, a multitude of fireballs formed around him. As if I would let him do something like that. I fire off my Ice Storm spell, destroying each fireball and causing them to explode. The demon is battered and bruised but is still standing. Then, with a casual swipe, I sliced the demon's head off and the arm he raised to defend himself. Almost too easily, the demon turned to black dust and scattered into nothingness. All that was left was the used long horn and a large, low-grade core.

"Huh? How did you defeat a demon so easily?"

"That one wasn't too strong," I tell her putting the core and horn into my storage. "That bell, Arisa, was a magical item that weakens demons."

Sara nodded, seemingly convinced.

"Master, we're finished over here," Liza reported. The group had already defeated the silver insects.

"My dress got a bit torn, I'm afraid,"

"My apologies, Lady Karina. I must have made the barrier a bit too small,"

There was a two- or three-inch cut on the end of Miss Karina's skirt. It was barely noticeable, but Satou still stared long enough for Arisa to scold him.

"I shall sew it for you when we return to the mansion," Pina consoled the disappointed Karina.

"Pochi, you okay?"

"This is nothing, sir,"


Satou quickly turned his attention to Pochi as Mia healed Pochi's injured arm. Walking over, I peered into her face.

"Are you all right, Pochi?"

"Yes, sir. It's my fault for letting my guard down, sir. When we return to the house, I'll train more, sir!"

"Tama too!"

"Very good, you two,"

Satou patted Pochi and Tama on their heads before turning to face the continuing battle. We hadn't expected anyone to get injured by the silver fliers. We should take care of the rest before anyone else is hurt.

"Master, are we going to assist the others?"

"No, stay here. The fight is nearly over, and we will only get in the way,"

Despite Satou and I lowering our weapons, we had no intention of sitting this out. Satou takes out a short bow and some cheap arrows he primarily uses for hunting small birds. Instructing the others to watch the entrance, Satou and I move to take part in the unfolding battle. Lady Ringrande and the prince were still fighting the lesser hell demons, while the temple knights were nearly victorious in their battle outside against the cult.

They had trouble fighting the demons because the silver creatures buzzing near the ceiling kept swooping down to attack. On top of that, since Lady Ringrande wasn't wearing armour, she had to fend off attacks from the demon's tentacles with her sword while quickly chanting spells to defeat the bugs.

Two assassins were hidden in the corner of the ceiling aiming their crossbows at the prince, so I quickly fired at them with my short bow. The arrows sent them tumbling to the floor, where they vanished in a cloud of dust. My Keen Hearing skill picked up two dry cracks of breaking bones, making me wince. That sounds like it hurt.

When one of them reappeared and stubbornly pulled out a blowgun to aim at the prince, I knocked them down with a piece of scrap wood I found on the floor. I didn't particularly care to protect the prince. Still, if he was killed inside the Tenion Temple, it might cause trouble for Sara and the other priestesses. But he still glares at me when he notices I saved him. There probably isn't any way to please him.

Satou and I started to take down the flying bugs with arrows and spells. It wasn't my fault if one fell and nearly hit the prince. None of them was strong, and in a matter of minutes, we started killing them faster than they could spawn. The young male knight started hacking away at wriggling insects Satou left alive with the remains of his mithril sword. The pests occasionally slashed back at him with the ends of their bladelike wings, so he started getting a little bloody.

"So you are useful!" The prince called out. "Without these small fry to hinder us, we'll win in no time. Prepare to witness the power I hold!"

He needs to learn to talk less. With this last shout, Sharorik began to fill his Holy sword, Claidheamh Soluis, with magic power. Emitting a pale blue light, the sword destroyed the nest-head demon's magic barrier in a single blow.

"I'm impressed, demon! Few can withstand a strike from a Holy Sword!"

With more unnecessary shouting, the prince swung his sword back the other way. The demon crossed his branch-like arms to catch the Holy Sword. The sword shredded the demon's limbs but couldn't cut through them entirely and got tangled up instead. Lady Ringrande, on the other hand, created small magic explosions to blow away the tentacles that shot toward her. She then slipped through the opening to cut the demon's head off with her Spellbladed Magic Sword.

"Rin! Don't let your guard down! It's not over yet!"

Satou warned Miss Ringrande as she turned to assist the prince. With his short bow, he shot down the severed grey tentacle that was reaching to cut off her leg. Lady Ringrande hurriedly sliced up the headless demon as he lurched toward her, then slashed his head in half on the floor, finally turning him to black dust.

"Thank you, Satou," Lady Ringrande glanced toward the prince. "Looks like he's done, too."

"Yes, so it would seem,"

As Satou responded, he fired one last shot. The arrow grazed the prince's cheek as it flew past him. I'm jealous I didn't get to do that.

"How dare you, you…."

The prince's insult was cut short when the assassin behind him shrieked in pain. So there was a third assassin. A nearby temple knight hastily ran to arrest him.

"My apologies, Your Highness. I'm afraid there wasn't a moment to spare to call out first,"

"Hmph. The reward for your assistance shall cancel out the punishment you would have earned for this scratch,"

"I appreciate your generosity," Satou responded blandly.

"Here, I'll give you this, too,"

The prince picked up the core that had fallen at his feet and tossed it right in Satou's face. But Satou being Satou easily caught it.

"Rin, we'll continue our conversation in the duke's castle. Come to my room when you get back," The prince commented toward Lady Ringrande before glaring at me. "I expect you to come as well."

"What an idiot. Why would I ever do that?"

Lady Ringrande glowered at the door after the prince left, muttering under her breath. I can't help but think the same thing. The feast tonight is going to be a nightmare. Satou and I picked up the short horns scattered on the floor, added the one I already had on hand, and gave them to Lady Ringrande.

"Lady Ringrande, please give these to His Grace the duke,"

"Oh? You're not going to keep calling me Rin, then?"

Lady Ringrande winked and lightly touched a finger to Satou's chin. Looks like Satou has done it again and got himself into another situation.

"I'm terribly sorry about that. It was an emergency. I felt I had no choice,"

"Yes, I appreciate that. And I suppose I shouldn't tease someone who saved my life. But you really can call me Rin..." She grinned mischievously. "Once you're strong enough to beat Hayato the Hero, of course."

"Then it may be a long time yet," I responded.

Turning toward the storehouse entrance, I leave Satou to deal with Lady Ringrande and go to free Sara from the barrier. I let the other girls know everything was safe as I freed her. Helping Sara to her feet, I notice Mia staring at our joint hands, but I am not doing anything to feel guilty about.

"Have the attackers been defeated?"

"Yes, it's safe now,"

The temple was safe, and that dodgy prince was gone, so I figured we should leave before we got in the way too much. Sara thanked us and saw us off as we left the downtown Tenion Temple behind. We were planning on getting our group baptised by the Tenion Temple so they'd meet the conditions of the Treasure of Resurrection; now didn't seem like the moment to bring it up.


The vendors on the main street had closed early because of the battle with the demons, so we decided to go elsewhere. But first, I had to persuade a reluctant Nana to let the sealfolk kids go home. I gave her some treats to give the kids. Then we took the carriage past the large wall to the museum between the nobles' and the trade districts.

The music hall across from the museum was an option, too, but the latter won in the vote. This area was technically part of the nobles' quarter. Still, commoners could enter as long as they were reasonably well-dressed. There were no rules against demi-humans, either. Still, it was probably better to play it safe so nobody would bother us on our sightseeing trip.


"King, sir,"

Tama and Pochi, clad in hooded coats that covered their ears and tails, read the sign above the museum entrance. The museum consisted of three areas connected by a central hall. The largest area was currently home to a limited-time exhibition called the "Ancestral King Yamato" exhibit.

"Looks pretty crowded over there," Arisa remarked with some surprise.

The limited-time exhibit was popular, with a long line to get in.

"You're right. It doesn't seem like we can get a fast pass or anything. Let's check out the other areas first,"


"Yes, sir,"

There was a recommended viewing order anyway, so we followed that route. The first area was mainly taxidermy specimens and skeletons. A glass wall protected the more valuable ones. At the same time, a sign stated that the open displays were mostly local specimens and could be freely touched.

"Watch out, sirs! Go on without me! I'll hold them off, sirs!"

"It's all cup to you,"

"Pochi, we'll defeat the demon lord! Come find us!"

Pochi and Tama seem to be enjoying themselves. They even put on a little performance for us.

"Hero Kura, can it not move? I inquire,"

Nana pointed at a taxidermic animal that resembled a cross between a kingfisher and a squirrel. It might be able to move with the correct spell, but I should mess around with something in a museum.

"No, because it's stuffed like a plushie,"

"Oh, master, look at this! It's so cute," Lulu comments, but from his gaze, it is clear that Satou finds Lulu to be cuter.

"An unusual animal, is it not? It has very small wings for a bird,"


Lulu, Liza, and Mia were all examining a stuffed penguin. Interesting. They are among the few animals I have seen that look the same as their counterparts back in Japan. But this is a fantasy world. I wouldn't be surprised if those penguins could breathe ice beams or cause the blizzards to form.

Why weren't there any other people around but us? This area was strangely unpopular. The atmosphere was pretty similar to the museums back in Japan, but with monster specimens among the exhibits, it definitely packed an extra punch.

"It looks like it could jump out and bite you at any second,"


"I'm not scared. It's just a taxidermy, sir,"

Abandoning their little drama, the beastfolk girls gathered around a giant stuffed creature called a fortress tiger.

"Pochi, come here for a second,"

"Coming, sir,"

Pochi tottered over, and Satou picked her up, moving her hand toward a ferocious-looking beast.

"That doesn't scare me, sir," Pochi rolled her eyes at him.


Satou used his Ventriloquism skill to tease her in a weird voice. Her unimpressed expression vanished immediately, and she flailed around in his arms.

"D… d… don't eat me, sir. I… I wouldn't taste good, sir,"


"Meat is yummy, but I'm not meat, sir! So you can't eat me, sir!"

Pochi started looking genuinely scared, so Satou put her down and showed her how he'd done my little trick.

"Sorry, Pochi,"

"That was mean, master, sir. I was scared, sir,"

Satou did take it a little too far. Poor Pochi is even crying. Arisa came over and whispered into Pochi's ear, giving her some suggestions.

"I demand a 'pology and reparations, sir,"

"Will having meat for dinner do as reparations, then?"

At that, Pochi's eyes sparkled, all traces of tears gone. Naturally, Tama and Liza quickly swivelled their heads to listen intently.

"Hooray, sir! I want hamburg steaks, sir!"

"Are you sure? We just had the same thing yesterday,"

"I have a separate stomach for hamburg steaks, sir,"

Because no one else seemed to mind, we decided to have hamburg steaks for dinner. With that settled, we proceeded to a traditional costume display in the next room. Among the clothing from various regions, I spotted what looked like nurse costumes and ao dai. There was even a bunny suit for some reason. Pearl's eyes end up narrowing on that particular costume.

"Does my kind really wear stuff like that in Nippon…?"

Out of everyone in our group Pearl, Nana, and Karina were the only ones who could pull the look off. I had to wear one once. For some reason, my school allowed our class to do a bunny café for our cultural festival with cute little rabbits to pet and the girls in our class bunny suits. They were as risque as the one on display, but wearing them was still embarrassing.

"It looks like something ladies of the night would wear,"

"I'm sure it's just a costume used for plays," I assure her.

Still, Pearl isn't wrong. I have seen multiple young ladies wearing those costumes at clubs. Whatever person popularised certain fashions here must have had a personal bias.

"Master! Over here!"

While we stood musing in front of the ao dai and other dress designs, Arisa called us over from farther down the hall. We found our friends dressed in traditional Japanese clothing or something like it.

"Sa… Sir Pendragon. H… how do I look?"

"It's quite lovely on you,"

Karina was striking an awkward pose in a Shinsengumi-style haori, so Satou paid her some obligatory compliments. Even if his eyes are drawn to fabric threatening to tear open over Karina's chest. He's lucky no one caught him this time.

"Have at the,"

"Have at thee, sir!"

Tama and Pochi wore similar outfits to Karina's, brandishing wooden swords resembling katana. They even put on Japanese-style kerchiefs to cover their ears. But Arisa isn't happy with the display.

"You sound more like Arthurian knights than Shinsengumi to me," Arisa says, shaking her head.

"Aren't those items for display only, though?"

"No, not these ones. We bought them over there in the souvenir corner,"

When I checked it out, I found all kinds of things for sale. Clothing, wooden weapons resembling spears and katana and naginata. They even sell some fans and wooden carved statues. Everything is reasonably priced apart from the pictures and a few handwritten books. I buy a few spears and swords for training and one of the books about the foundation of the Shiga Kingdom.

"Look, look! There are hairpins, too! Maybe I'll buy one...."

"Arisa, it isn't wise to squander away money,"

Liza rebuked Arisa as she gazed at the hairpins.

"Don't worry, I still have plenty left from the wages I got from Miss Nina!"

"A slave's possessions belong to her master. You mustn't spend it without permission,"

This idea that a slave's possessions belong to the slave's master was the general consensus in the Shiga Kingdom, but one I disagree with. It took me a long time to convince Pearl to spend money on herself, but even now, she will only purchase things the group can enjoy together.

"Liza, all of you can use your spending money however you like,"

"Very well. If that is your wish, master...."

Past the souvenir shop was an exhibit of weapons resembling Japanese swords. Still, they were simply referred to as ancient weapons.

"They're beautiful,"

A voice made me turn my head, and I saw a familiar-looking man and woman gazing at the swords. It was the samurai pair from the Saga Empire we'd seen in the martial arts competition. Kajiro and the woman who used the polearm.

"Ah! The samurai, sir!"

The two turned to look when they heard Pochi's inadvertent exclamation.

"Oh? What do we have here but two little samurai,"

"You both look very heroic,"

Seeing Pochi and Tama in their cosplay, Kajiro and the woman smiled.

"I apologise if my companions bothered you," I said as he ran over.

"No, not at all. But I'm surprised you recognised us as samurai without our swords," Kajiro gave a grin that didn't match his gruff features.

"We saw you fight?"

"You were very strong, sir,"

"Ah, I see,"

The samurai seemed fond of children. His smile lit up at Pochi's and Tama's praise.

"I want to be that strong, too, sir!"

"Me too!"

Tama jumped up and down so eagerly that her kerchief slipped off her head. She quickly caught it and held it in place, but Kajiro, standing directly in front of her, got a clear glimpse of her ears.

"Cat ears? Are you, by chance, one of the catfolk?"

"Uh-huh," Tama looked, ready to cry.

"Oh dear, forgive me. I did not mean any harm. I was simply surprised, as I've never seen any outside the beastfolk sanctuary in the Saga Empire...."

Beastfolk sanctuary? I want to go there at some point if I can. It sounds like it will be a fun place to visit. I hope I am not too busy when I have finished my business in the old capital.

"Incidentally, young nobleman, I have a proposal for you...."

After Satou introduced himself, he listened to the man's proposal.

"Martial arts instruction?"

"Yes, that's right. Judging from how they swung around those heavy wooden swords with one hand, these kids must be at the right level. From the look of their footwork, they haven't had any formal training. The animal-eared folk are known as a warrior race, so I'd happily teach them our style. And we have to pay for travel somehow," He chuckled.

The samurai pair explained that they were on a journey to Labyrinth City to increase their combat skills. Since their weapons were being repaired from the damage they took in the tournament, they could not earn money. Apparently, the couple's primary source of income was exterminating monsters or taking escort missions.

Well, it couldn't hurt for them to take some lessons. Pearl and I have been trying to teach them, but we weren't the right ones for the job. Since I use a lot of magic, and Pearl's fighting style wasn't well suited for them, we could only teach Pochi and Tama the basics. Unsurprisingly, Satou accepted Kajiro's proposal and drew up a contract of employment for our stay in the old capital. He would come to the mansion each day, but Satou planned to get permission from the former count, to let him stay in an empty room of the guest mansion.

"The main battles of the tournament are today, so we must take our leave,"

When the bells rang to sound the time in the museum, Kajiro excused himself and the woman. Unfortunately, this is where I also parted ways with Satou and the others. Pearl had her fight in the tournament today, and I went to support her. Seemingly having had their fill of violence, Nana and Mia decided to stay with Satou. I can't blame them, but that is the reason why I want to go. If Pearl gets hurt, I will be there to treat her.


Wow, the arena is even more packed than the last time I was here. I wished Pearl luck as she left to go into the waiting room for competitors while I went to the noble's seating area. I planned to use Count Worgoch's booth but unexpectedly ran into a friend.

"Kura. If you are here for the tournament, then come watch it with us,"

Henry grabbed my arm as I made my way through the crowd. I don't see her mother anyway, but her brother is here and doesn't look pleased with the idea of me joining them. I exchange greeting with the knight guarding them. He gave me some good pointers on my swordsmanship back in Seiryuu City.

I followed them to the seats Seiryuu booked. It isn't as private as Count Worgoch's booth, with a few noble families joining us, but it is still just as comfortable with a good view of the action. But the most significant change was the food on offer. We probably only had to buy our own because we didn't make arrangements in advance for catering. Each family has a table filled with food and servants ready to serve us this time.

"It looks like we made it just in time,"

Henry excitedly mentions as we take our seats. Looking towards the arena, a man with long ears who looks more like an elf than Mia takes his place. He must be from the Long Ear Tribe that Mia called Fake Elfs. Drawing a pair of elegant-looking shorts that look like works of art. Still, this guy doesn't look very threatening. With a thin body and short stature, a strong breeze could knock him over. But surprisingly, this weak-looking person was level forty-five.

His opponent, now he doesn't look out of place here. A big muscular man who has got to be close to seven feet tall and topless. With countless scars across his body and armed with a hammer that was bigger than me, he looked like he was born to compete in the arena. But somehow, he was only level forty. I expected him to be twice as strong as the weak-looking long, eared guy.

"I hear Long Ear Tribesmen. Lord Johorn is the favourite to win this year," Henry tells me. "He is sad to travel the world in search of worthy opponents."

"Sounds like an interesting guy,"

I bet I could learn a thing or two from him.

"What are you talking about?" Henry's brother scuffed. "Pon is clearly stronger. He can crush a man's skull with his bare hands."

"Strength isn't everything, dear brother,"

As the match begins, it quickly becomes apparent that Henry is right. Pon swings his hammer around with great strength, but Lord Johorn is too fast for him. It's like Lord Johorn is dancing. He spins and steps elegantly around Pon briefly before attacking when the opportunity appears. I winch when Lord Johorn steps forward, stabbing Pon through the shoulder. But Pon doesn't go down swinging his hammer with one hand until Lord Johorn stabs him through the other shoulder.

Dropping his weapon, I thought Pon would surrender, but he charged. Like some battle-crazed barbarian, Pon attempts to bite and kick Lord Johorn. It still didn't do him any good. Lord Johorn dodged everything until he ended up behind Pon. With a swift strike, Lord Johorn cuts the backs of Pon's knees, bringing him down and forcing the referee to end the match.

"See, brother," Henry smiles. "Pon's strength didn't stand a chance against Lord Johorn's speed."

"So it seems," Henry's brother grumbles before turning to me. "I think your little pet is fighting next."

"She isn't a pet,"

"Please don't be mean, brother,"

Pearl is entering the arena now, but he didn't have to phrase it like that. Facing her is an elderly man covered head to toe in armour wielding a massive shield in one hand and a long sword in the other. Pearl might be in trouble. The man may only be level thirty-six, but he can use wind and earth magic. To make things worse, his armour is enchanted with Body Strengthing abilities. But that doesn't mean she is going to lose.

"While she is going to get crushed by the living fortress, Sir Nick," Henry's brother chuckles. "Very few people have ever gotten past his defence."

"Pearl will,"

The match begins, and Pearl attacks only for her sword to bounce off Sir Nick's shield before she is thrown back by a gust of wind. Sir Nick quickly fires off some earth magic shooting small bullets like stones at Pearl, but Pearl is too fast, and every shot misses.

"It won't be long now before you have to find another pet,"


"Pearl will win,"

But it is looking like it will be a struggle. Stone bullets continue to fly at her, and that shield blocks her whenever Pearl attacks. But even without magic, I'm confident Pearl can still win.

"W… what is going on…?"

He can finally see Pearl's victory. Even if he doesn't believe it, Henry's brother finally realises Pearl will win. Since the fight began, Pearl has been testing him, attacking from every angle to find a weak point. Now with the help of the blink skill, Pearl is attacking too fast for Sir Nick to keep up. He may block one attack here and there with his shield, but more and more of Pearl's attacks are hitting his armour.

Slowly piece by piece, Sir Nick's armour is peeled away. Soon his arms are bare, then his back, and finally, his helmet has been knocked off. There are some blood and minor cuts, but it looks like Pearl is trying not to hurt him. But despite everything, Sir Nick is smiling. He lets out a loud battle cry swinging his sword, but Pearl knocks his weapon from his hands. He tries to hit her with his shield, but Pearl kicks it away, stretching the straps holding it to Sir Nick's wrist. With a single slash, the straps are cut, and the shield falls to the ground. Now defenceless, Sir Nick surrenders.

"See," I say, standing up and clapping for Pearl's victory. "Pearl won."

"She was so fast I could barely see her,"

Henry joins me, applauding Pearl while her brother huffs and sulks. Hopefully, he will come around and see beastfolk are not lessers. We return to our seats, and Henry asks one of the servants to bring us drinks and snacks. The food isn't as good as Satou's cooking, but still tasty.

"It's a shame we couldn't have had Lady Pearl represent our city in your place," Henry says as she slowly eats her way through a salad. "I'm sure Chevalier Marienteil will do us proud, but your companion is clearly stronger."

"I think he will make it far," I reply, as his name reminds me of another friend from Seiryuu City. "I met his sister, and she gave her brother high praise."

"Yes," Henry nods. "Chevalier Marienteil and Miss Zena are valued magic soldiers for the Earldom. I wouldn't be surprised if they become leaders in our army."

"As if a mere slave would represent us,"

Henry's brother rose to his feet before storming out. What is his problem? If only he could be more like Henry, who could see past Pearl's race and slave status, he would see her worth too. I fear for the future of the Seiryuu Earldom with someone like him as its heir.

"I'm sorry about him," Henry says as we watch him leave. "He's not normally this unfriendly. He was so happy to watch the tournament with me this morning. He kept saying he couldn't remember the last time we got to go out together."

Oh, I think I get it.

"I'm sorry, I think this is my fault," I never considered him this kind of person. "I think he wanted you to himself today, and I got in the way."


After a few hours, we part ways, and I am waiting for Pearl at the stadium's entrance. Pearl fought well today, winning three more fights and becoming a crowd favourite. I felt so proud of her as the crowd cheered her name. Even the nobles around me had nothing but praise for her. After watching Pearl today, I wouldn't be surprised if she won this tournament.

"Master," Pearl comes running over to me. "I'm sorry if I kept you waiting."

"It's fine. I don't mind," I tell Pearl as I hand her a small package. "Here. You earned it after your performance today."

"Master," Pearl's smile makes me glad I visited the store. "Thank you."

It wasn't anything flashy or expensive, just some simple tea leaves imported from the Saga Empire. According to Henry, the Rabbitfolk used to grow these leaves before the Weasel Empire invaded their land. It was Henry who suggested I buy her this tea as a reward. I'm glad I listened to her, seeing how happy Pearl is.

"The store has plenty of the tea in stock, so if you want some more, let me know,"

"Master… I'm sorry I couldn't ask that of you…."

Despite her denial, I make a note to purchase some more anyway. "A slave's possessions belong to her master. You mustn't spend it without permission," It's that stupid rule again. I can tell Pearl wants the tea, but she won't admit it. I'll just tell her I brought it for myself if she still refuses, and I'll share it with her. Riding the carriage back to Count Worgoch's estate, Pearl does nothing but smile.

"You're back!"

"Welcome back, sirs!"


Pochi, Tama and Mia rush over to us when we return.

"Welcome back," Liza appears with Lulu to help get the younger kids under control as Pochi and Tama run circles around us. "I hope the tournament went well."

"I made it to the quarter-finals,"

Pearl answers with a proud look. The quarter-finals won't be held for another two days, but it should be no problem for pearl.


"Well done, sir!"

"Good job,"

Pochi and Tama quickly cheer, jumping up and down and nearly drowning out Mia's voice as she gives Pearl a thumbs up.

"Congratulations," Lulu softly smiles.

"With your strength, I have no doubt you will be making it to the finals," I agree entirely with Liza.

We all enter the sitting room, and I let Pearl tell them about the tournament. Lulu tells me Arisa and Lulu left with Satou to visit Tolma's brother's workshop. I wanted to go, but Pearl is more important, and Satou can fill me in on the details. The butler Sebaf prepared the tea that Pearl shared with Lulu, Liza and me. Pochi and Tama tried a small sample, but it wasn't to their tastes.

After half an hour, we spread out. I finally took off my torturous dress and decided to make that apple pie. Learning that a similar dress was waiting for me to wear for tonight's feast wasn't welcome news. I'm glad I have a few hours of freedom before the torture begins.

Lulu, interested in learning the recipe, guided me to the kitchen and offered to help. It wasn't complicated, but we had fun together and accidentally made a small mess. But once the pie was in the oven and the scent reached the younger kids, a problem raised its head.


"Is it something tasty, sir?"

Pochi and Tama sat in front of the oven sniffing the air.

"It doesn't smell like meat,"

"No meat? Is it still tasty, sir?"

"It's something for after dinner," I tell them, rubbing their head. "But you can't touch it till it's ready, no matter how tasty it smells."

"We will guard it till it's ready!"

"Privert Pochi and Tama will ensure no one touches it, sir!"

Well, as long as they don't eat it early, I don't mind them playing guard, but I ask everyone else to keep an eye on them. Unfortunately, I have to be tortured… I mean, dressed for the feast tonight. I tell Lulu when to get it out before I head to my room. I know the maids are just being polite and friendly when they smile, but their smile sends a chill down my spine when I think about what they will do to me. I need to get Satou to start a fashion revolution in the kingdom soon.


Unlike this morning, I meet the Seiryuu at their estate before we head to the feast together. Somehow the hall was even more crowded than it was this morning. There are many more lesser noble families here this time, and the high-ranked nobles have brought their family members with them tonight.

I walk with Seiryuu to greet the king and duke before they introduce me to noble families they have ties with. There were too many names, and I was surprised I could remember them all. Still, everyone was friendly. A little too friendly, but Lady Seiryuu was there to shoot down anyone requesting something from me. There were plenty of requests, but it came down to two things primarily. The high-ranked noble families proposed marriage between either Henry or me. A few even requested Nana too. But Lady Seiryuu politely declined as for the lower-ranked nobles. They mostly wanted loans or me to exterminate monsters in their territory.

When I thought I had time to myself, as Lady Seiryuu talked with some of her friends and Henry danced with her brother, something else came up. I just wish it was a pleasant surprise. The third Prince, Sharorik, appears in front of me. At least he isn't glaring at me this time, but his smile seems fake.

"So you finally appear before me,"

His friendly tone is so fake. I don't know why several women are looking jealously at me. If they want him, they can have him. All I ask in return is they keep him as far away from me as possible.

"You certainly know how to keep me waiting,"

"I'm a busy girl,"

I put on my best smile. Now isn't the time to fight back. The prince may be an idiot, but even he can understand it too. With so many powerful nobles around us, I can't cause a scene like we had at the temple. Prince Sharorik looks so smug, realising the position I'm in.

"Yes, you certainly have been so busy that we have barely seen each other," I hate his smile. "May I have the honour of this dance?"


I hate him. But there is nothing I can do about it now. I just need to grit my teeth and bear with it until the song ends. The woman around me shouldn't be glaring at me like that when I hate this situation as much as they do. I can see Henry and Lady Ringrande looking like they want to help, but they can do nothing. It's just one dance. I can make up some excuse to ditch him once we are done.

And the song just had to be a slow one. The prince pulls me close to him as we dance, causing his fan girls to squeal. If they want to take my place, they are free to. I try not to let my displeasure so as we continue to dance.

"You really should join my side," The prince tells me as his hands slowly lower down my back. "Despite your flatness and plain face, you have the chance to be a member of the future emperor's harem."

It is so hard not to punch him as I put up a small barrier under my dress before he can touch anything. The prince looks confused when he touches me but can do nothing about it here. Besides, why should I let someone who insults me get to touch me in such a way? I will grow one day and make him eat those words.

"I am not worthy of such an honour," I polity smile. "Besides, I have no intention of marriage any time soon."

"You fool," The prince growls, but his displeasure doesn't appear on his face. "You will only regret defying me."

The dance ends, and we exchange our fake pleasantries before going our separate ways. At least he didn't glare at me this time. I walk back to the sidelines and don't even look back at the prince as I feel several eyes watching me.

"Are you okay, Kura?" Henry is quick to appear at my side.

"I'm fine," I assure her. "It was just one dance."

"Good evening, Hero Kura,"

But before Henry can say anything, Tolma appears with a hooked nose, a furrowed brow, a carefully groomed moustache, and swept-back golden-blond hair. His eyes were intense, full of strength and determination. He looked older than I expected and could pass for Tolma's father.

"I'm Tolma's older brother, Hosarris Siemmen. I thank you for saving Tolma's life,"

Despite his words, it felt like I was being scolded. When he shakes my hand, he uses enough strength. It could have broken something if I wasn't so strong myself.

"Sorry, Hero Kura. My brother always talks like this,"

"How rude, Tolma. What's wrong with the way I talk, pray tell?"

Thankfully the scolding… thanking didn't last for long as Tolma was called over by his friends, and his brother needed to talk business with the duke. Still, I got the promise to see some rare scrolls Hosarris had whenever I was free. But with Tolma and his brother gone, it didn't mean I was free. I barely had the chance to breathe before Lady Ringrande said the king wished to see me.

I was expecting to go over to his table, but the king was nowhere to be seen. Instead, I was led by Lady Ringrande into a back room and left alone with the king. He must be trusting since only one knight is at the door, and another is holding a small wooden box behind him. Henry and her mother enter shortly after. While Henry looks confused about what is happening, her mother seems to already know.

"Hero Kura,"

The king smiles and sounds more like a gentle caring grandfather than the man I met earlier. Thankfully he is the complete opposite of the prince. I don't know what I would have done if every royal was like that pervy jerk.

"Mr Nanashi the Hero, as the ruler of the Shiga Kingdom, I thank you for saving our land from destruction,"

The man bowed his head deeply. Even in an unofficial setting like this, it seemed improper for a king to lower his head to anyone. I didn't know how to respond.

"I would like to reward you and grant you peerage in a public ceremony. But I understand you are currently escorting an elf back home, so I shall grant you rewards and host the ceremony at the end-of-year meeting,"

The king stands up, and the knight behind him opens up the small wooden box in his hands.

"Hero Kura, you are hereby promoted from the rank of knight to viscount," He smiles as he hands me a letter in an elegant-looking envelope. "Your rank isn't official yet, but until then, use this, and you will be treated as a viscount."

"Thank you,"

<Title Acquired: Shiga Kingdom Viscount>

I didn't think an envelope could look so beautiful. It was like a work of art. I take the letter and put it in my storage.

"Now it has come to my attention that you have recovered the Holy Sword Gjallarhorn,"

"Yes, I have,"

"May I see it?" I nod and quickly take the sword out of storage. "The sword forged by our great ancestral king Yamato stolen by the evil lord seventeen years ago, has returned to the Shiga Kingdom at last!"

The king was more excited than I was expecting. Most people have ever smiled or cried when they saw my sword. But the king is touching and looking at the holy weapon as if it were a long-lost friend. Part of me is worried I might not be able to get it back. After a few more minutes, the king returns the sword to me, and after a pleasant conversation, I return to the feast.


I felt tired when I returned, but I was in a better mood than I thought I would be, considering the prince was there. But the food was good, and apart from the prince, the company was pleasant. When I entered the building, I was in for a surprise. It looks like Nana tried her hand at sewing only to stitch whatever she was making to her dress. Lulu was already helping her, and it didn't look like she had hurt herself.

"I'm back,"

I smile as I enter the room. Everything was here apart from Arisa and Satou. Lulu and Nana were on one sofa while Pearl and Liza took the other. Pochi and Tama looked like they were having fun on the rug, making up their own story for a picture book again. While Mia put down the lute gifted to her from Cyriltoa and ran over to greet me.


"Welcome back, master,"

"Welcome back,"

Everyone greeted me as Mia hugged me. It looks like everyone had a pleasant evening.

"We're back!"

Just then, Satou and Arisa walked in. If Arisa's cheerful announcement was anything to go by, those two must have enjoyed their evening too.

"So you managed to escape the prince," Arisa says as she jumps down on one of the sofas, getting scolded by Liza for her actions. "Since you're not in jail, I take it nothing back happened."

"He couldn't do much when he needed the people there to support him," I shrug. I don't bring up the dance with him. "But I did become an unofficial viscount."

"Unofficial viscount?"

"Congratulations, master,"

"Hero Kura, good job on your promotion. I commend,"


Arisa looks confused while everyone else congratulates me.

"Wait. What do you mean by unofficial?" Arisa finally asks the question on her mind.

"The king said I won't be promoted until the end-of-year meeting," I tell her. "Until then, he gave me some documents that would give me the power of a viscount."

"…" Arisa pauses before staring at Satou. "Master, why don't you become a viscount too? If you do, you can have multiple wives with me as the first mmmm…."

"Arisa," Satou quickly covers her mouth. "Congratulations on your promotion."

"Sa… Sir Pendragon, have you been promoted?" It looks like Karina missed everything as she entered the room. Nervously looking at Satou, she asks. "And are you already taking wives?"

"Oh no, Kura became a viscount," Satou quickly corrects her.

"I see," She says before looking down and quietly muttering. "So your not taking wives…."

So that's what she took from that. Karina should just tell Satou how she feels if it's like that.

"Hero Kura, allow me to congratulate you on your promotion,"

Raka glows as he speaks up from Karina's… Karina's mountains… I'm still shocked that those are real.

"Yes!" Karina quickly looks back up. "Congratulations on your promotion Hero Kura."

With that over with, we sat down for tea, and Lulu cut us a slice of the apple pie we had baked earlier. It's still not as good as what my grandmother would bake back in Japan, but it is still a good-tasting treat. Most of the group seems to agree.

"This is good!"

Arisa cheerfully says with a mouth full of pie, getting another scolding from Liza. Everyone else replied similarly, but Pochi and Tama weren't apple pie fans.

"No meat,"

"Meat is tastier, sir,"

"Pochi, Tama, slaves can't be picky with their foods,"

"It's fine," I quickly assure them. "I can make a meat pie in a few days."


"Meat is the best, sir!"

They smile at my offer and quickly start eating. I haven't made a meat pie before but I have read the recipe once. Maybe Satou could help me out. The rest of the meal went by in a flash. Everyone was discussing the day and their plans for tomorrow.

Later that night, Satou and I finally have some time alone, where he shows me the scrolls he brought. Most are still being made at the scroll workshop, but he got a few already. Ice Storm, Thunder Storm, and Implosion were all intermediate attack spells. The lesser attack spells, Toss Stone and Air Cannon.

The scrolls he brought also included the defensive spells, Flexible Shield and Canopy. The magic interference spell, Mana Drain. Operation spells Magic Hand, Magic String, and Float Walk. The healing spells are Water Heal and Aqua Heal. An anti-espionage spell, Secret Field. He also managed to get four support spells that seem pretty handy. Enchant: Magic Protection, Enchant: Physical Protection, Enchant: Sparking Blade, and Enchant: Shield.

But the scrolls I am most happy about are Remove Poison, Cure Disease, Light Stun and Remote Stun. Being able to use those spells will be a big help. The last two spells, Fireworks and Fireworks Illusion, I just learned those two because I thought they would be fun to mess around with.

And those were just a tiny sample of what Satou ordered today. I wonder what other spells he asked for are.


Lady Ringrande's POV

"And that concludes my report,"

Just my luck that Hayato had to be busy when I reported in. I swear he is more trouble than a hero should be. At least I can count on the information reaching him, but I wanted to speak with Hayato. It has been nearly a week since I left to come here, and all this time, we haven't gotten to speak once. If it isn't training, it's a visit to the orphanage. He has found some lost child needing help if it isn't an investigation. I have no idea what to do with him. I just hope he gets here soon.

"So, is this new hero a threat to Hayato?"

"Yes," I sigh. "Unfortunately, she is."

Kura is strong and intelligent, and, from what my father told me, she would be impossible to harm. I saw her with my own eyes catching a mithral blade with her bare hands before snapping it like a twig. The only thing Hayato has in common with her is his title and that he deeply cares about his companions. If he doesn't do something, Hayato will fail to defeat a demon lord and be unable to return home. But would that be so bad?

"Just tell Hayato to get here as soon as he can," I smile, hoping it will be soon. "You won't believe what I tell you about this hero if you don't see it yourself."

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C37
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


