82.6% Alastor in the Multiverse *Restart* / Chapter 16: Is this the start of a Misunderstanding Story?

章 16: Is this the start of a Misunderstanding Story?

After that hectic event. Where two dudes tried to steal fish from two other dudes who bought it an expensive price

Masaru POV

"Yo Nichi-kun. Wake up. It's time for breakfast." Masaru tried to wake up the still sleeping Nichimura

"*Groans* Fuck! It's not school time gimme five more minutes!" Nichimura said while he was asleep. Thinking he is still in his old world

"Wake up."

"Big siiiis! I'm still tired!" Nichimura whined while asleep

"*Sigh* It's hopeless." Masaru gave up on waking up Nichimura

Masaru, Dong Ai, and Xie Ju ate breakfast without Nichimura

After he ate his breakfast he of course took a bath then put on the civilian clothing of Gojo. But the blindfold still remains

Now that he mentioned the Blindfold. Nobody actually told me to remove it to see what my eyes look like

Actually he never saw any cultivator remove their blindfolds so maybe that's the reason

But there is a slight chance he would here the people around him, calling him blind or a crippled man without "Qi"

'Qi huh? How do I show just 1% of it?' he thought

He didn't train himself to use Qi. He is just focus on using cursed techniques that he didn't even use in any other fights in this world. So focus on what the power of Gojo Satoru is

He already knows that Yan Sen is stronger than any other people here in this world. Nichi just checked. Maz and Nichi are the strongest beings to ever exist here. Living in secrecy

He stands up because he wanted to do something alone

"Where are you going?" Xie Ju asked

"I want to buy an instrument. Mainly a Guqin. I love listening music. May as well practice it." Masaru replied back

"Umu. I agree." Dong Ai said

"I have no problems here." Xie Ju said

"Ohh wait! If Nichi-kun wakes up. Don't try to anger him much. Just give him a simple meal and he will be satisfied." They both nodded and Masaru left

Time skip

Masaru is strolling around the big City trying to find a store that sells instruments

Why is he buying instruments?

Well fighting is not only his profession. He likes playing a guitar or piano for fun. He even made a song and was made an Anime Opening because it was a gold tier music

He never tried to play a Guqin before. But he had listened some songs where the instruments is a Guqin. So maybe letting it a bit of a try

Also he didn't wish for a system so it's good because he might accidentally became an MC from a good Misunderstanding Wuxia story. Where they think he is emitting Dao Rhyme or Whatever that is called.

Qi Energy? Pure Qi Energy? Dao energy? Dao Rhyme? Music that can make one's breakthrough to the next stage easily?

Well his stupid idea he had thought first is to play modern music


"Shake and Shake" By Sumika

"Kyouran Hey Kids!!" By The Oral Cigarettes

Or maybe some Modern Chinese Music because he can speak Chinese now

Well he just needed to listen music for once because it sooths his stress and feel at inner piece

Nichimura being the only one that brought his phone while Masaru didn't. Nichimura don't like people borrowing his phone. Reasons is because he was somehow "traumatized" when his first phone broke because of some "bullies"

Yeah they are brave enough to piss off Nichimura since 2nd year Senior High School. Nichimura didn't even have ounce of mercy on them and beaten them up senselessly

Somehow he was satisfied after he robed their money and bought a new one two months later with their money

Lucky enough that they didn't report it to the headmaster about that fight. Because of fear being hunted again by Nichimura

Even the teachers wouldn't even give a damn because they are not paid enough to do this crap

Well he can't listen to Spotify anymore so he's gonna make his own music

No problems because he can think of a rhythm and lyrics by just two days. Another upside is that he has photographic memory so he can sing some songs he liked

'If I were an Instrument store. Where would I be?' he looked around and see many stores. But no instrument store that has been found

'Really? How fucking hard to find a Instrument store?' he is almost getting irritated

Now he regretted not wishing the Touya wish. It would've been helpful because the GPS can automatically find the instrument store

Several Districts, streets, and turns later

'I am totally lost!' he is going in circles at some point. This city is huge!

'I am not gonna ask a person directions again! I learned that mistake and I will not gonna do it again!' he silently cursed

Many many many turns later

Meanwhile Nichimura

Nichimura finally woke up

"*Yawn* Ohh God! That was a good sleep." He then stretched and got out of bed

He then got out of his room and saw Xie Ju and Dong Ai chatting

"Yo, mornin'. Where Maz at?" Nichimura asked

"He went out to buy a Guqin he said." Xie Ju said

Nichimura raised his eyebrows "Did you give him directions? Like where the I instrument store is located?" Xie Ju and Dong Ai shook their heads. They didn't tell him directions

"*Sigh* Well he's fucked. I'ma gonna head out and get him back quick." He just go straight to the door

"Why? He said he will be fine? What's the worrying?" Dong Ai asked

Nichimura looked at Dong Ai "Dong Ai, dear. Your Master has a special trait of getting lost easily. And somehow will have a panic attack when he is totally lost. Well the last one is not true but I am sure of it. Also please clean my room for me please :D. OK BYEEEEEE! *SLAM!*" he quickly slammed the door

"Special trait of getting lost easily?" Both Dong Ai and Xie Ju was confused by what he meant

Meanwhile Nichimura

'Goddamit Maz! If we are still in our old world your dad and your mum will gonna be pissed at me! Piece of shit Zoro cunt!' he silently rushed outside of the Inn and uses his phone

Search: Masaru Ito



Then the map in his phone showed him a red dot. It's Masaru Ito! And somehow

Why is he moving fast? And skipping many houses? Is he parkouring?

Goddammit not this again!



'I am totally TOTALLY lost. How come I get lost easily?!' *sigh* 'Sorry for those who repair roofs. I'mma gonna use it for a sec so I can navigate easily.' he then jumped very high and landed to a nearby tall building

"Wow. How beautiful." He was amazed by the view

Then somehow he can see a.....

A phoenix?

How in the world there is a phoenix that appeared here? Did someone's pet got let loose

He couldn't tell. He has no appraisal to observe it easily. And but for some reason it noticed me

It's diving!

Shit run away!

He then jumped to a nearby rooftop and is parkourin' his way to escape the chasing phoenix

"Why am I being targeted! What did I fucking do!?" Though he has super human speed, the phoenix can catch up with him. Just barely

'Why am I running away? I have Gojo's powers!' he then faces the charging Phoenix "Come at me you overgrown chicken!" He shouted

The phoenix then uses it's claws to try to atrack Masaru

Having amazing reflexes and adding Gojo's reflexes. He then swiftly dodges it's attack and grabbed it's legs

He then did a spin and throws the phoenix to a nearby unused building

It chrashes and some debris fly through the air

Somehow the phoenix is unscathed

Masaru tried to drop kick the down phoenix.

And as his feet is inches from the phoenix. The phoenix suddenly went into ashes making a slight smoke

*Cough!* *Cough!* *Cough!* "Shit! Of course it had that move!" He cursed himself as he coughs more

Then suddenly the phoenix rematerializes itself and slaps it claws to Masaru. Making him use his hands and scratches his long sleeve black jacket

It hurts a bit and the wound suddenly healed itself

"Your a tough and smart one ain't yah! How does fried Phoenix taste like?" He then gestures his hand to the phoenix to come at him

The phoenix charges up to him

Somehow the spectators are watching this scene unfold

"Holy shit! That's a legendary-class Phoenix! And it's attacking a person!" A spectator said

"Look that man is going toe to toe with that Phoenix! Is he an Expert?" A low-level cultivator said

Many words sprung out?

Toe to toe with a legendary-class phoenix?

But Phoenixes are above [Saint Venerate]! And they have the potential to become a [God King] in the Gods realm stage! They have a reputation to destroy large mountains in one flap of it's wings!

It's even huge!

Did we just see a Legendary Phoenix fighting a Peerless expert? But nobody in this realm have gotten through the Gods Realm!

The only person that has the highest potential in this world is none other than Princess Fairy Fang Liuxian. Potential being a [Saint Venerate]. And that's even a major achievement!

Only 1 in 10 thousand years in this world where one will ascend through the Gods Realm

We literally seeing a rare moment!

Meanwhile Masaru fighting the phoenix

Everytime he hits the Phoenix it will turn into ash again and will rematerialize again and again and hitting him. But the wounds will heal up bery quick

There at a stalemate. Both of them are immortal and impossible to kill

But wait? He read something in the internet saying that a phoenix can be killed by "The Colt"

Somehow he doesn't have that sort of weapon

Well he has a m1911 "COLT" pistol in his spacial storage that he somehow shared with Nichimura

25% of the stuff in Nichimura's spacial storage inventory is shared only to Masaru. He doesn't know why there is a M1911 colt pistol in his share

It's also packed with ammo too

He then used his spacial storage and whip out the colt pistol

"A russian affiliated badger once said; "9mm can kill a person but 45. ACP can kill a person's soul, just to make sure they don't come back as a lich or they are perfectly dead". This is for you, you piece of shit chicken!" Masaru shouted as he aimed his pistol




Because bullets are fast the phoenix doesn't dodge it in time

The three bullets and where it hit:

One in the right leg. Severely making it not walk properly when walking or standing

Another pierced through its left wing. (That one radio chatter in Warthunder: "You got a hole in your left wing!")

And finally the last bullet hit it's underbelly but for some reason it's feathers are like Tiger 1 fucking armor and it didn't even scratch it

Now the phoenix has a severely injured left wing, and a severely injured right leg

When it's wing got shot it somehow fell to the ground

And now the phoenix is grounded on the ground. Struggling to fly away

But it's no use. It is next to Masaru and is approaching the phoenix

"Not so tough ain't yah? Really attacking a random guy that is on a roof is really not worth attacking. But no. You stupid bird brain of yours got into your system. I thought phoenixes are smart and wise! But no. You fucked up!" He then aims his pistol on the phoenix's head


The phoenix very outsmartingly turn into ashes as Masaru touch the trigger

Masaru isn't disappointed because it's not even cliche when the enemy somehow escaped rather than wait for their deaths

"Smart fucking bird." He then puts back the m1911 piatol in his spacial storage inventory

He then looks back and saw many people watching him

"How long have you people been watching me?" (Masaru)

"Th-the whole thing." The bystanders all said

"*Sigh* Can I ask where is the nearest musical instrument store is? I am in a hurry." Masaru asked for directions

"I-it's, just go south and find [Insert District and Street name]. There is a store called Xianxu National Instrument store. It's very popular with a wide variety of Musical instruments. S-senior this is the best musical store that is in Xianxu right now." The bystanders doesn't want to anger Masaru

Most likely because they thought he is a peerless expert that can go toe to toe with a Phoenix


The Mortals with very low amount of Qi see Masary as very strong

"Thank you." He then jumps to the nearest roof and head's south

The bystanders are.... Utterly shocked

Meanwhile Nichimura

"Huh? He's moving again? Goddammit! Why can you not stay still?!" He cursed in rage and goes south

Back to Masaru

He finally arrived at the, said Music store

He enters

"Ohh? A customer! How can I assist you today?" A assistant said

"I am looking for a fine quality and finely made Guqin. Do you have those in stock?" (Masaru)

"Yes, Customer! We hove those on display. Follow me please. I will ahow you where it is." The assistant said and Masaru followed

At the second floor of the store

There is a wide range of Guqin

Different colors

Different design

And especially different sizes? TF?

"Please take a look of these instruments. If you have finally picked one please go to the registration area." The Assistant said and left Masaru alone

About 10 minutes of searching

*Looking Around*

*Looking Around*

*Looking Around*

'Damn these guqins are not very fine quality. This is somehow an insult to Chinese people who make Guqins for a living!' he thought to himself. Trying to muster up these not so fine quality Guqins

'If i sell these qualities in my old word it wouldn't even reach 1000 dollars!' (Masaru)

For not waisting his time and not be picky. He chose a Guqin that has a finer quality than the rest of the other Guqins that are displayed

He then tested it

It has a beautiful sound so to speak

*Sigh* 'Well there's nothing here so why not pick this? May as well modify this a bit and some improvements.' He then chose this Guqin. Or gonna name it Tenghui so Nichimura will not use the "Be Fucking Specific" move

He then goes to the cash register (Man calling that area the cash register in an ancient Chinese world doesn't really fit in.)

"Ohh have you already picked one?" The cashier said

"Yup! I choose this because it looks fine and sounds great." (Masaru)

"OK. That would be 1 Medium-grade Spirit stone, Dear Customer" the cashier said amd Masaru handed 1 middle-geade Spirit stone

"Thank you for coming by to our lovely store! I hope you will visit next time!" The Cashier thanked Masaru

Masaru then left the store and goes to a nearby park where he can play the Guqin in piece

Meanwhile Nichimura

Location in an unkown alleyway

Around Nichimura is a bunch dead dudes that got their limbs dismembered by Nichimura

All of them are dead. Not even an ounce of mercy

"God dammit you lots! I am looking for a friend not a fight!" He then quickly escapes the scene

Hours later guards came because they have been reported to check into a specific Alleyway because the people hear screaming

Once they got there they have their lunch spat out because of the scene

Back at Masaru

He finally found a perfect spot in the park. He is also near a Pavilion so if the air around him is hot then he might go there to have shade to cool off. Another upside he had several cold soft drinks in his 25% share :D

He then inspects the Guqin

"Wood very polished. Strings firmly tightened, Strings very durable. No scratches, no damages. I can tell this is newly made. Not used." He then tries to play every string to hear how it sounds

All seven strings are perfectly OK and they sound great!

Now I had to think of a bettwr song to make it sound good

Music Playing: Witch Doctor by Cartoons (The instrument doesn't even fit with the song and my guy just chose this because he has no idea of any cool modern Chinese music that uses a fucking Guqin!)

He started playing

'Ahh.... Inner Peace.' this is the only song he could think of that sooths his mind

Meanwhile inside the nearby pavilion

There are six people that are present

Unexpectedly there is the Princess of the Empire Fang Liuxian.

And the other two are two old men. These two are the fathers of the young nobles

Yi Chen, father of Yi Jianhong

Li Qiao, fatherof Li Zan

Both of them are discussing about the "marriage" thing

Li clan and the Yi clan have some. Majestic rivalry between them

Heres a nutshell:

They fight savagely but they like to trade stuff and be nice and whatnot

They cheat but they are honest when they disrespected some of the rules that shouldn't be broken

These two fathers are "sort of" rivals

Well these two duded are just chill. Their wives are just maniacs when they see each other. Just a second they would have thought they would just rip each others throats

Well the reason is that they would just settle this wuicker so no more bloodshed. Poor guys

"I am telling you. I will not marrying both Li Zan and Yi Jianhong. The two are just so idiotic that I deemed them unworth to marry." Fang Liuxian said andthe two guys sighed. Expecting she would actually say that

"But can you reconsider?" Li Qiao said. Somehow almost pleading

"Yes. So we could end this unnecessary bloodshed between the Yi clan and the Li clan." Yi Chen also said

"It will also benefit you Fairy Fang Liuxian!" (Li Qiao)

"It's still a no." Fang Liuxian denied their offers

"Do you even remember what happened to the both of them? The part they are severely injured?" (Fang Liuxian)

Both Li Qiao and Yi Chen raised their eyes

"Yes. I know. I don't know what happened to the both if them but somehow their injuries are almost life threating. Do you know what happened to them? I know you are with them that day." Yi Chen said

"I was hoping you would say that. Somehow that day is always the usual. We were at the Market that time."

"Both Yi Jianhong and Li Zan was trying to impress me. So whenthey said they will buy me a Red Dragon Scale Fish I let them be so I agreed to them. Only to find they are sold out because two people bought all of them." (Fang Liuxian)

"Ohh? Can you ask us how did they defeat Li Zan and Yi Jianhong? Is it evenly matched? Is it a close call?" Li Qiao is asking many possibilities

"Ohh please. Even I cannot even describe how they fight. Well only the other person fought bith of them." (Fang Liuxian)

"What! One person fight both of them? How? Are they a higher cultivation that Yi Jianhong and Li Zan?" (Yi Chen)

"Well if I observe correctly. I didn't sense any spiritual roots on both of them. No Qi energy. Nothing. But there is no way he is a Immortal or an expeet without Spiritual Roots because he easily beaten the two idiots easily without using Qi energy. But I'm sure. The strength gap is very large and I don't know if I can go toe to toe with that person." (Fang Liuxian)

"Do you know their names?" (Li Qiao)

"Yes I asked their names and they told me their names. Once I introduced my name and introduced myself as the Princess of the Empire. They seem unfazed or didn't panic as if they are not scared of me. Many people sometimes are scared of me so this is the first time I was looked down uppon. The person that beaten up the two even hive me a "tsk"! But are you gonna punish these two if I told you their names?" (Fang Liuxian)

"Heavens no! I'm old now. So i am not gonna shout "Courting Death" up top of my lungs. Besides those two words are old now and it's really boring when I shout it out loud." Li Qiao said and Yi Chen nodded in agreement

"Well you ask it. These two names are never before heard so I suspect these two are just foreigners from a faraway land. The person who defeated Li Zan and Yo Jianhong is named Nichimura Nichina, his surname is Nichimura and his first name is Nichina so they have the same naming pronunciation than us. But in short his friend calls him "Nichi" because both of his names has the word "Nichi"." (Fang Liuxian) (Nichi means "Sunday" in Japanese when I searched it in google)(AN: Maz say "Ni-shi" while them say "Ni-chi")

"He has quite a scary figure. Very tall, taller than any other person I see or met. He has brown hair and has beautiful red ruby eyes. He wore this outfit that I don't know the design is. He has a very interesting accent. And finally his language is unkown and the other person that might be his friend spoke the same language as him." Fang Liuxian said in detail. Not knowing she had described his Human form. Not his Demon form

(AN:To anybody who is confused by the height of Nichimura when he is in his Human form. I set his Human form height to 199cm or Six foot six inches tall. Sorry I didn't add this part because I am somehow is in a rush.)

"And how he fights is somewhat similar to begginer level martial Arts but I never knew powerful they be. That person just kicked and punched them both like it was nothing!" (Fang Liuxian)

"And then the other person?" Li Qiao asked

"Ohh I forgot about him! That person didn't fight but just watched his friend beating up Li Zan and Yi Jianhong. His name is Masaru Ito. Surname Ito and his first name is Masaru. This person, Nichimura call "him Maz" for short."

"His figure is quite normal. Well at the same time weird. He wore all black, has a black blindfold that covers his eyes though he can walk perfectly when I saw him walk away. He is also tall but not taller than the person, Nichimura. His skin is pale white and his hair is cloud white. And when I asked their names. He is quite kinder than Nichimura."

"Though I asked myself "Who are they?". But I am sure, those two, I think. Should not be trifled with. Even you two cannot defeat them both head on. Also that person Nichimura gave me 5 of his Red Dragon Scale fish in compensation for some unkown reason. But the Nichimura was happy that someone liked eating Red Dragon Scale Fish. And here I am, I thought, I am the only one that likes to eat Red Dragon Scale Fish." Fang Liuxian finishes

"Ohh. These two might be hidden peerless experts or maybe Immortals that ascended to this realm! You have to find them! For your own strength of course and maybe have another reason to not marry my idiotic son." Yi Chen said and Li Qiao nodded in agreement

"But how can I find them? Li Zan and Yi Jianhong already angered the two. And if they hide their spiritual roots I am sure they are a hundred percent, Peerless Experts. So i need something for compensation." Fang Liuxian said

Li Qiao and Yi Chen grabbed their chins and think what is a good compensation

If an Peerless Expert really appeared this would be great for Fang Liuxian!

Though what about Li Zan and Yi Jianhong?

Well they would just go lie down on the mud and not cultivate. They did not raise those two. Their mother raise them to be arrogant and like this

We, two are just happy ordinary old men who wanted a "peaceful" Life

"Well I don't have any ideas, sorry" (Yi Chen)

"Me too." (Li Qiao)

Fang Liuxian frowned

And then the three of them hear music. Beautiful and Peaceful music (AN:My British friend listen to this and told me I have some poor music choices XD)

"What was that?" Fang Liuxian said

The three are all engulfed with Dao Rhyme and Pure fucking Qi

"Wh-what is this? I feel at inner peace. Where does this coming from?"

The three closed their eyes

They never felt so peaceful in their entire lives

Yi Chen being the most stressful father. His stress has been removed

Li Qiao having severe bwck pain. Gone in an instant

Fang Liuxian somehow is having a breakthrough

Both fathers noticed this

"You are having a breakthrough Fairy Princess Fang Liuxian!" Yi Chen exclaimed

Yi Chen and Li Qiao had to cover their faces with their hands because of the wind rhat is forming around Fang Liuxian

*Congratulations Fang Liuxian!

You have become a [Saint Monarch]! ([Saint] -> [Saint Immortal] -> [Saint Monarch] -> [Saint Venerate]. Then after that she will go through the Gods Realm)

"T-two breakthroughs?! Impossible!" Li Qiao exclaimed. He just saw the unbelievable. It will take only many years to eank up to the next Rank! Fang Liuxian just broke through two ranks by just listening to music!

"The music is still playing." Fang Liuxian

The three stands up

"Are we going to find the source?" Fang Liuxian asked

"Of course!" Li Qiao and Yi Chen said

The source of the song is coming from the north of their position so they go north of the Pavilion

Yi Chen asked Fang Liuxian "I forgot. When the two people fought Li Zan and Yi Jianhong did they emit Qi energy?"

"Well no. But the absurd jump he did and the power of that punch I am a hundred percent sure. He hid his Qi energy and strength." Fang Liuxian answered

They are near to the source of the music. It's just behind this big boulder

They then go up top of the boulder and peeked

The two old men saw a pale skinned man that wore all black and wore a black blindfold around his eyes. Has white hair. He is playing the Guqin. HE IS ALSO EMITTING PURE QI ENERGY AND A HINT OF DAO RHYME! (I don't know what's Dao Rhyme but when I search it in google it just showed me words that rhyme with Dao. Fucking, do I really need to be specific? But I am sure it is a "Holier than thou" type of thing when I read "Am I Invincible" Manhua)

'A peerless Expert! No a very VERY Peerless Expert! Why is he here in Xianxu City?' the two old men thought

Fang Liuxian already noticed who this person is

Masaru Ito

"Th-thats the person! The person name Masaru Ito!" She silently shouted

"What?! It's this person" (Li Qiao and Yi Chen)

"Yes! That's the person I've been talking about! I knew he is a hidden expert! Look! He is emmiting Pure Qi Energy and a hint of Dao Rhyme! He even helped me breakthrough two ranks! ([Saint Monarch])" Fang Liuxian said

The three are in shock and in awe

Why is there such a peerless expert living in this city? Is the other one a hidden peerless expert as well?

If so then they sighed in relief that the other one didn't kill their sons. God have mercy on those idiots

And for some reason masaru stopped

He then stands up

'What is he doing?' the three thought


"What are you looking at?" For some reason Masaru was behind the three

"Kyaaaaaa!" The three panicked and for some reason they tripped and fallen

"Goodness gracious you lots are troublesome." He then quickly catches the three mid air and then lands next to his guqin

He then puts them down

Masaru crosses his arms. He already knows who this girl is

"Well if it isn't the girl from before. I forgot your name. Actually you didn't stated your name before. Who are you?" (Masaru)

"Ohh right. I didn't, didn't I? M-my name is Fang Liuxian. Princess of the empire of Myanjing." She introduced herself. What will the peerless expert react when she is a princess of the strongest empire in the world

"Princess of the empire? Well greetings Princess Fang Liuxian." He bowed

'The Peerless Expert is bowing! Such disrespect! I should think fast!' Fang Liuxian quickly thinks of a solution

"R-raise you head! No need for sincerity." Fang Liuxian said

Masaru raises his head

He then asked "Say. What are you three doing up top of the boulder? Firstly who is these two?" He asked who is the two old men

"My name is Li Qiao, Senior." Liq Qiao said

"My name is Yi Chen." Yi Chen said

The two old men bowed to Masaru

"Say. Why your surnames are very similar?" He asked

'Oh Crap!' the two old men thought

They both nervously chuckle

"I, Li Qiao is the father of Li Zan of the Li clan." (Li Qiao)

"I, Yi Chen is the father of Yi Jianhong of the yi Clan." (Yi Chen)

Then Masaru's expression changed

'Crap! Did we say something wrong that the peerless Expert's expression change? Is the fight with Li Zan and Yi Jianhong still fresh from his mind?' the two old men are sweating bullets because they realized that their sons provoked two Peerless Experts

But for Masaru's case

"Oh-" Masaru just said the word Oh. Just like that 'Shit! These two guys are the dads of those two?! Fucking hell Nichi! Good thing you didn't kill them!' Masaru thought

"Uhh yes. Uhhm.... sheesh." He thought that Fang Liuxian told the two fathers about that incident 'Will they attack me? Even if they could, the attacks would be futile aganst me. Well... just one attack is already a punishment. I'm already used to getting beaten up as punishment.' he now remembered that time where he broke his father's antic vase when he was still a child

This enraged Masaru's father, who punished him severely (AN: You all know what will gonna happen)

"Yeah sorry for thise two." 'Shit.' "It's because they started it first so we have to defend ourselves. But I know you will not gonna accept my apology so I am willing to get any punishment from you." He then did a 90 degree bow

'Why is a Peerless Expert bowing to us!? It is very embarrassing!' "Ah- ahhh, it's OK, Senior. We don't usually mind our children to be punished. We didn't raised them properly so we ARE sorry for the troubles you have been through, Senior. It's just they follow their mother that us." Yi Chen said

"Well except my daughter, she follows the same path as me so i am proud because she is humble and polite." Li Qiao said

"So you're not gonna punish me?" (Masaru)

"Heavens No! We don't usually do that. If we did, it would be stressful because we are old men now so we wanted to have a little peace time." (Yi Chen)

"Does your wives know that you guys are meeting?" (Masaru)

"Well sometimes we secretly escape our manors and meet here in the park to have some tea. There some instances where there is a understandable reason that we should meet. For example this today." (Li Qiao)

"Ohh OK."

Masaru, Li Qiao, and Yi Chen started to become acquaintances

"*Ahem!* Are you guys forgetting someone." Fang Liuxian said

"Ohh sorry." Masaru apologized "But I have one question. Why are you guys up top of the big Boulder?" Masaru asked

'Did he already noticed us when peeked up top?' the three thought. Suck miraculous senses. He could sense activity by just a second!

"Ehh. Well we heard beautiful music that is coming from here. Are you the one who made this music?" Fang Liuxian nervously said

"Well I am not the one who created the song but i am the who played the song hours ago. The one who made it is a musical artist name "Cartoon"." Masaru said

"Ooohhh!" The three somehow has their eyes sparkle

'I feel like, they didn't get the memo.' (Masaru)

"Can you play for us, One more time? I was getting the good part of the song." Yi Chen said bu t somehow Li Qiao nudges his elbow to Yi Chen

"What are you doing? Ahy are you asking this question to the peerless Expert?" Li Qiao whispered

Masaru actually didn't mind "It's ok I can play you another song. Just sit there and I will play it for you." He said

The three quickly seated on the ground

'Just like children who wanted to listen to a story. Though I'm bad at making one.' Masaru thought to himself

He then also seated and readied his Guqin

Music playing: Flower of Youth by Cynthia Alexander (Image here. This is the only music i can find that fits with his instrument)

Once again Yi Chen, Li Qiao, and Fang Liuxian is engulfed by Pure qi energy and a hint of Dao Rhyme

'This... Is miraculous!' the three are at peace once again

Time skip

When Masaru finished

"So hiw do you guys like it?" Masaru asked

"It was very beautiful, Senior Masaru." Fang Liuxian said

"Us too." Li Qiao and Yi Chen also said

"Well I have to get going. Nichi-kun might get angry if I am taking too long. You can come at the [Insert Inn Name] at [Insert District and Street name] to have some tea with me and Nichi.... Well he usually drinks coffee and not tea but still you can visit me anytime. To have a little chat. If you're free of course. I am available anytime."

He then walks back

"If you need anything you can come visit me and say what you want. I might as well help you." Masaru said as he waved goodbye as he walks away. Going home

'Visit anytime? This must be the greatest opportunity we have been in our entire life time!' the three thought to themselves. They now know where the two peerless expert lives now

When Masaru came back home

"I am home!" Masaru announced as he entered his room

"Hello master!" Xie Ju and Dong Ai greeted

"Say where is Nichi-sama?" Masaru asked

Both of them didn't say a word but pointed something behind Masaru

Masaru looked behind and saw Nichimura looking down on him. Drench in sweat

"What happen to you?" Masaru was clueless

Nichimura holds his right shoulder

"Ow! Nichi why are you gripping my shoulder tight? It hurts!" (Masaru)

"Maz. Did I ever tell you that I really hate finding you when you get lost?" Nichimura said


"Really? If we were back in our old place. Your mum will gonna get angry, firstly me because I AM the one at fault, then you for getting lost. If i am not satisfied I will kill myself." Nichimura then emits a small amiunt of Scary Aura

'Shit.' Masaru fucked up. He realizes that he can still get lost even in another world

'Master is dead.' Xie ju and Dong Ai thought to themselves. Silently praying condolence to Masaru

To be continued

Daoistmaster Daoistmaster

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C16
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


