66.27% A Magical Feeling / Chapter 336: [66.2] It Was a Monster Bash!

章 336: [66.2] It Was a Monster Bash!

With sandy brown hair flashing in the light, he stomped towards me. Felix's gentle and kind demeanor was buried by Moni's murderous and fierce aura. He looked just like a soldier ready for battle.

His booming voice echoed around the mountain, "How dare you trespass into my family's home!"

"Hmm?" I smirked as I stepped down the stairs and toward him, "So this was the Great Fairy's beloved house? I expected something more ostentatious."

"Are you trying to insult my master!?!"

"Not at all! In fact, this place really suits my tastes." I laughed, "I think I will move in."

His eyes flashed brighter, "It will be the last thing you do!"

I felt a fire ignite in my chest, "Are you threatening me!?"

He smiled mockingly, "And what if I am? Are you going to hurt your dear friend Felix?"

My fists trembled with rage, "When did you steal his body!?"

He sneered, "Why would I ever tell you that?"

"Fine. Be a little a**hole." 

Mana circled around me as snow was drawn towards me from the mountain. Under my feet, a giant ice dragon materialized, raising me higher and higher up into the air. Smoke poured off of it, making it appear as if the ice itself was on fire. Blue flames were lit where its eyes were supposed to be.

I stood on top of the dragon's head and looked down at him in contempt, "Since you won't tell me, I will just level your precious home into dust."


Veins surfaced on his forehead as his hair whipped around madly. His hands trembled into fists as rocks formed at his feet.

A giant rock monster was creating, suspending him into the air.

As he stood on the monster's shoulders, he stared at me at eye level and shouted, "Just who do you think you are!?"

I stuck out my tongue, "Well I'm certainly not your mother."


The rock monster suddenly charged at me and I used the ice dragon to fly into the air to avoid its arms.

The rock monster was surprisingly nimble as it didn't fall over, but jumped up into the air instead.

It swung its first down, striking the tail of the dragon.

I spiraled midair and clung to the scales of the dragon, forcing it to twist and turn until it reoriented itself.

The ice dragon lunged at the rock monster, pushing it over and into the snowy mountain.

The rock monster rose again as the snow fell down the side in an avalanche.

But I paid it no attention as the rock monster threw a fist, hitting the dragon in the face.

I was knocked off the dragon, but muscle memory took over and just like in all the shows, the dragon was there to catch me.

I landed upright and forced the dragon to fly up higher into the clouds where it suddenly turned down and opened its mouth.

A blast of ice as hot as fire shot forward with smoke pouring off into it.

Through the blinding black smoke, I saw Moni was able to get the rock monster to dodge it just in time for the blast to cause a huge crater in the mountain.

The rock monster didn't wait for me to attack again and jumped up into the air, grabbing my dragon by the tail and swinging it into the mountain.

I forced the dragon to quickly brace against the attack and protect me aboard its head.

Smacking into the side, more snow poured down as I forced my dragon to crawl out of the new dent.

My dragon lunged at him, ready to rip the head off that stupid rock monster. However, the rock monster was quick and grabbed its jaw before it could bite down and rip it off.

The dragon and the rock monster were in a stalemate.

As my dragon's fangs were held by the rock monster's hands, I screamed at Moni, "Give me back my friend!!" 

My dragon pushed forward, but his rock monster pushed back.

He scoffed, "You idiot human. I've been in this body before you even met me. All along, it's been me. Your precious 'friend' Felix has always been me!" 

I felt my hold weaken as my eyes widened, "Y-You're my friend!?" 

There's… There's no way!

I've known Felix for years!

He- He even saved my life!

It can't have been Moni this entire time!

His mouth curled in disgust, "Friend!? I would never be friends with a human." 

My lips snarled, "Oh. So this is the whole 'us versus them' again. Since I'm not a demon, you feel justified to hate me!?" 

His eyes trembled like a madman, "HAH! I hate demons just as much as humans! I don't just want HUMANS to die. I want ALL humans and demons to die!"

My expression hardened, "Why?!"

"Why would I ever tell you that?"

"I don't care about that!!!" My face trembled as I tried to steady my thoughts, "I want to know why!!! Why did you save my life? Why were you always there to cheer me up? Why were you always helping me if you were going to do… To do this!?! WHY!?!"

His voice lowered as his own hold weakened, "I was simply using you for your power. I couldn't let you die before my plan came to fruition… I needed you. I needed you to lose control so that you could-"


Both Moni and I looked over at the voice in shock. Aboard one pure white sword were two people.

Hazel, the one who was creating the sword, and Cyrus, the one who was waving at me frantically.

It was only then that I realized what was happening outside our fight. As the dragon and the rock monster fought for the advantage over the other, waves of energy burst through the continent, causing tsunamis in the sea and earthquakes on land.

I looked around at all the devastation.

Our fight…

It's going to sink this entire continent…


Why am I always ruining things?

I wanted to escape to avoid this!

I wanted to live in solitude so I wouldn't harm anyone ever again!!!

So why!?!

Why is it still happening?

If Cyrus gets any closer, he's going to get hurt!

I'm going to be the one who hurts him!

I slowly turned back to face Moni.

His face was so fierce, I could feel his relentlessness.

He's never going to stop.

And I…

I won't let another man take away everything I love.

I sprinted toward the nose of the dragon, jumping off the nose at the very tip.

I soared through the air towards the shocked Moni.

He didn't even have time to prepare until my body smacked into his.

As we fell down to earth, I clung to him with all my strength.


While he tried to push me off, I held onto him tighter. 

I clenched my teeth as I shouted back, "IF I HAVE TO DIE TO STOP YOU, THEN SO BE IT!"


As we fell, I felt something crawling up through my head, surfacing on the skin of my forehead. 

A blinding light burst out, the power behind it so severe I was forced to close my eyes. I screamed in pain as I felt something getting sucked into my forehead.

The person in my arms disappeared, along with the strength in my limbs. At that moment, I felt a strange disconnect from my body.

I stopped falling in the air, almost as if gravity stopped working on me.

I forced my weak eyes to open. The world was so blurry, I couldn't make out what was happening.

Another string appeared at my chest, trailing down towards a limp body in freefall.

I stared down at it in a daze.


Isn't that…

My body?

Why is it falling and I'm-


I let out an inaudible scream and held my chest as pain scorched and ripped through it, seemingly trying to cut out my own heart.

No, no no!

Something's going wrong!

It feels-

It is too much!!

I can't!

I can't-

I felt a burst of energy rip out of my chest, sending shockwaves to pour out from around me.

The world suddenly slowed down to a halt and I glanced around in confusion.


Nothing happened?


My body…

My body feels weird…

My gaze slowly lowered to see a giant, black, gaping hole beneath my feet.


Nekoru Nekoru

Who really was Felix? Who really was Moni? Only time will tell~


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C336
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


